Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 3

by Scarlett Avery

  I know Gwyn is looking out for me and she wants me to be happy, but I’m not sure I have what it takes to be that forward with Jake.



  “I haven’t felt this rested since I left Fort Collins,” I tell myself as I peel open my eyes. I let out a big yawn before stretching out my arm to grab my iPhone.

  Wow. I slept twelve hours straight. I can’t remember the last time I went to bed at eight o’clock at night. Damn, I was surely exhausted.

  Even with my blinds still pulled down, it’s obvious it’s going to be another gloriously sunny day in LA, but that’s not motivating enough to entice me out of bed. Just as I’m toying around with the idea of flipping to my side, pulling the covers over my head and falling asleep a little while longer, I hear a few of my stepsisters’ kids fighting with each other. Man, those boys are even more rambunctious than Riley’s twins. From the hustle and bustle going on in the kitchen downstairs, it’s clear the household already has a headstart on me. It’s good to be home.

  The past three weeks have been the most stressful of my life. Although I had nightmares when my parents divorced when I was only ten years old, it pales in comparison to the idea of losing the woman I love the most on this planet. It’s funny really, because in the last ten years I’ve been in and out of la-la land. When I’m back in town, it’s usually either for business or to visit the woman who’s captured my heart since she first took me into her arms.

  I haven’t spent this much time in Los Angeles since I left my dad’s house to study at Stanford University. I would have much preferred to come back under better circumstances, but when my dad called to let me know that my grandmother Rose had had a heart attack and she had been admitted to the hospital, I dropped everything and I jumped on the next flight.

  Luckily for me Jake knows exactly how important my grandmother is in my life and he took over my responsibilities at the ranch without asking any questions. Before I was packed and ready to go, he had already lined up workers to cover for me and he was looking for backup. He only said one thing before I left, but it meant the world to me. “You better call me if you need to talk. You don’t have to go through this alone.”

  I considered renting a place while I was out here, but I decided to stay at my dad’s house so that I can be as close as possible to my grandmother and the rest of the family. I don’t think he’d ever say it aloud, but from the way we’ve been bonding, I think my dad is happy with my decision to stay in my old room. Although they’re not affected directly, my three stepsisters have also been dropping by to make sure my dad is holding up.

  It’s been a long time since we’ve all been back home at the same time. It’s funny how weddings, births or tragedy bring a family closer together. All of a sudden goals and deadlines fall by the wayside.

  “Nana is still with us and that’s all that matters,” I say, pensively scratching the early-morning stubble on my chin.

  I still remember how excruciatingly long the flight from Denver to LA was. It’s only two and a half hours, but it felt like I was flying to Hong Kong and back. I’m usually a pretty easy-going guy, but I was a ball of nerves when I arrived at the hospital where my grandmother was staying. When I walked into Nana Rose’s room and I saw her lying there pale as a ghost, it nearly brought me to my knees. In all of my life, I had never experienced such pain. My grandfather died ten years ago and I still remember crying over his loss, but it never felt like somebody was stabbing me in the heart.

  Beatrix Rose Evans and I have the type of relationship few men will ever share with their grandmothers. I believe the love we share has shaped me into the man I am today. I do love my mother, I guess, but she’s always given the impression she wasn’t very interested in me or in anything that ever happened in my life. My maternal grandmother is still alive, but like all the other family members on my mother’s side, I have a very distant relationship with her. For some reason I’ve never been able to warm up to my mom’s mom. Of course, the fact that I left Arizona at sixteen to move in with my dad and my stepmother here in Los Angeles did little to bring us closer. She never made the effort and neither did I.

  With my grandmother in hospital, we had practically lost all hope until one night I told my father to go back home for a decent night’s rest. I promised I’d stand watch over my grandmother, allowing him the luxury of sleeping in his own bed for the first time in weeks.

  Standing vigil in a hospital changes you. I’ve never seen my father look so broken or so helpless. That’s telling considering he stands six feet six inches tall. He’s always been larger than life to me. I’ve always seen him as unbreakable, but since I’ve come back home, I’ve seen a man nearly paralyzed by the fear of losing his beloved mother.

  After straining to remain awake, I drifted into a deep sleep with my head resting on Nana Rose’s lap while clutching her little hands like I had done so many times when I was a young boy. At some point in the middle of the night I felt soft fingers playing through my hair and I woke up abruptly. She had been in a coma for days and just like that she’d woken up and she was smiling down at me.

  She was so frail it broke my heart, but at least she was alive and awake. It was clear that this feisty little woman was sending a message to God letting her know she wasn’t quite ready yet. Although the doctor’s prognosis is extremely encouraging, I’m still keeping a very close eye on my nana.

  Today, for the first time since I’ve arrived in Los Angeles, I woke up with another woman consuming my thoughts.

  “I should call the ranch to find out how things are going,” I mumble to myself as I flash back to the last night Jake and I shared the sexy blonde who’s become an incredibly passionate and addicting lover in a very short period of time. I flip the covers from my naked body and run to the bathroom to cover up before any of my nephews barge into my bedroom. Back in Fort Collins, there’s always a buffer. I can hear Riley’s kids coming because little Erika is usually running to catch up after her brothers as they storm towards my house. Inevitably, her cries and her giggles are a warning sign and I always have time to get dressed, but it’s not the case here.

  After brushing my teeth, splashing my face with cold water and taking a quick shower, I jump into a pair of old track pants and I sit on my bed trying to decide if I should call Allison or Jake first. I’m just about to dial my best friend’s number when a text comes in.

  Remember me?


  How the hell can I ever forget you?


  Trying to charm my pants off?


  I think I’ve done that a few times already.


  Yes, you have. On a serious note, Jake said your grandmother’s doing better, but I wanted to drop you a quick line to find out for myself.


  It’s good to hear from you. Thanks for your concern. She’s doing better.


  Thank God. I’m so relieved. How are you holding up?


  I’m good. I have to remain strong for my dad. Is it okay if I call? We haven’t talked in a while. Texting is great, but hearing your voice would be even better.


  I didn’t want to call just in case you were at the hospital, but sure, call. I can’t wait to talk to you.

  “Hey, you.”

  “Hunter, I miss you. Things aren’t the same without you around.”

  “Of course not. Knowing my best friend, I bet you it’s all work and no play.” I chuckle.

  She giggles. “See, that’s exactly what I mean. Your sense of humor is contagious. Do you know when you’ll come back to Fort Collins?”

  “I won’t leave just yet. My grandmother’s doing much better, but I want to stick around. Is everything okay at the ranch other than the fact that Jake is working everyone like dogs?”

  “Oh, everything is running like clockwork. Jake and I are getting ready to leave for New York tomorrow.”

  “Wow. It’s approaching fast.”

  “Unfortunately it is.”

  I hear the nervousness in her voice. I don’t blame her. She’s dealing with a difficult situation.

  “I’m sure I don’t have to repeat myself. You have nothing to worry about with Aaron. He won’t let you down. He’ll fight tooth and nail to win. It’s true most attorneys are known for their tenacity, but Schatzberg is as hardass as they come.”

  “Yeah. I already have that impression from the discussions I’ve had with him. He’s pretty unimpressed with the shit Clark pulled.”

  “It never ceases to amaze me how low some people can go.”

  “I didn’t see it coming, which makes me feel stupid considering how long Clark and I lived together.”

  “Please stop blaming yourself. Jake and I dealt with our fair share of scumbags when we still owned the dotcom company, but nothing like this. Your ex-boyfriend should win a freaking medal. Just when you think you’ve seen the worst in humans, some idiot comes out of the woodwork to prove you wrong.”

  “I’m just so grateful I don’t have to go through this alone.”

  “Just like Aaron, Jake will never let you down. He takes things very seriously, too seriously sometimes, and he sees anything he takes on through until the very end. That’s one of his biggest competitive advantages and that’s also why I am so proud to call him my best friend. He’d rather die than not deliver on his promise.”

  “Although I’m extraordinarily grateful, I think maybe he’s…”

  She pauses. I expect her to continue, but after a few seconds I realize I might have to coax it out of her.

  “You didn’t finish your sentence.”

  “I don’t know if I should.”

  I frown into the phone, surprised.

  “Allison, what’s up?”

  “It’s nothing. I’m sure I’m making a big deal out of nothing.”

  I’m sure she’s genuinely concerned about my grandmother’s health and that’s why she called, but something else is troubling her. “If it were nothing you wouldn’t bring it up, right?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Come on. It’s me you’re talking to. You know you can tell me anything. Did you and Jake have a fight?”

  “I wish. Maybe then he’d be willing to talk to me.”

  “You’ve totally lost me.”

  Even though I grew up surrounded by women, sometimes they can be so freaking confusing.

  “Don’t mind me. I’m sure I’m just being nervous about the upcoming trial.”

  “I’m not a mind-reader and I can’t see your expression, but when you talk about the trial I don’t hear the same trepidation in your voice as I do when you talk about Jake. Are you going to let me in?”

  “He’s been very distant, Hunter. I don’t know if it’s something I said or something I did, but he’s not the same person he was before you left.”

  “Allison, there’s a lot going on right now. Jake and I go way back and when he’s overwhelmed he tends to shut down. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s almost as if he’s saving his energy for the bigger fight.”

  “Has he said anything to you? About us?”

  “When we talk we usually discuss matters related to the workers, new clients or existing ones. He’s definitely mentioned how concerned he was about the trial and how confident he was in your legal team, but he hasn’t shared much more. He hasn’t delved into anything personal.”

  “It figures.”

  “How so?”

  “It’s just that…”

  Why is it so hard for her to open up about what’s clearly choking her?

  She sighs. “It’s almost as if he’s treating me like a stranger. Unless we’re talking about the trial, Riley’s TV show or what’s happening on the ranch, he’s as silent as a monk.”

  I open my mouth to ask another question, but then it hits me. “Do you mean the two of you haven’t been alone together since I left?”


  “So you haven’t been together intimately?”

  I thought for sure Jake was going to take advantage of the fact that I’m away to keep our little blonde busy. I would’ve done the same thing.

  “I could be running around the ranch or riding Romeo buck naked and he wouldn’t even notice.”

  Oh, I’m sure he’d notice.

  “And it bothers you?”

  “It’s not that it bothers me.” She hesitates. “I really love what we shared together. I just thought that maybe… Never mind,” she huffs. “I can’t even form a coherent sentence. How do I expect you to be able to help me?” She laughs nervously.

  “Just because you can’t express it doesn’t means it’s not weighing on you.”


  After a few minutes of contemplative silence I speak again. “Tell you what. I may not be ready to come back to Fort Collins yet, but my grandmother is doing better and I have so much family by her side twenty-four seven, I don’t have to worry. Why don’t I take a few days to be with you guys? I’ll leave tomorrow for New York and it’ll be just the three of us. If I’m there, I’m sure it won’t take much for Jake to loosen up.”

  “I really appreciate it, but you don’t have to do that. I don’t want to cause any problems.”

  “Sharing you with my best friend is never a problem, sweetheart.” I chuckle.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t make a habit of saying things I don’t mean. I hope my presence will force the two of you to finally ’fess up about the way you feel about each other. Don’t think I didn’t notice how blissfully happy the two of you were when you came back to the ranch after those long evening rides.”

  These two are such idiots. If they just took a second to stop beating around the bush, they’d both realize how much they’re into each other. Jake hasn’t brought it up, and I’m surely not going to ask questions or he’ll accuse me of meddling, but I’ve known this guy since we were sixteen. He’s never looked at another woman the way he looks at Allison. The little blonde nearly melts every time my best friend is in the room. Seriously, they need to get their act together. Maybe a little push is all they need.

  “Well… it’s not what you think. It’s just…”

  “It’s just what, Allison?”

  “I mean I love being with both of you… you know that, don’t you?”

  I bite off a smile. It’s so adorable the way she trips all over her words trying to hide what’s blatantly obvious. “Sure. If you say so.”

  “Gosh,” she exhales, defeated.

  I ignore her hesitation. “It was really great talking to you, sweetheart. Let me get off the phone so I can book a flight. I’ll see you and Jake in a couple of days in New York. I’ll text him to let him know I’m coming. I’ll arrive later in the day so I’m not a distraction. It’s important for you to focus on the trial, but when nighttime comes we can all have a little fun.”

  “I’ll see you in a few days, then. I can’t wait for all of us to be together again.”

  Maybe this time around I should sit back and watch Jake fuck her silly. “I’m sure that’ll get the conversation flowing really nicely between the two of them.” I chuckle to myself as I cut off the call with Allison to speed-dial my travel agent.



  It’s been nearly six weeks since I left New York and I never imagined coming back under these circumstances. Jake and I arrived late last night and I was so exhausted from a hectic week, it didn’t take me long to crash. After a good night’s sleep, I’m ready to take on this day.

  As I put the finishing touches on my makeup, I can’t help but be in awe of the place I’ll call home while back in New York. God, I still can’t believe Jake has such deep pockets. He booked us into the Surrey, one of Manhattan’s most luxurious hotels. Even though I’ve been living in the city since attending the Fashion Institute of Technology, it was the first time I’ve heard of this swanky location. I g
asped in shock when we walked into the lobby last night. This is undoubtedly out of my reach and beyond my comfort zone, but there I was standing next to my blue-eyed savior as a bona fide guest.

  Everything about my surroundings spells money and class. From the warm reception we received when we arrived, it’s obvious Jake is a regular at this intimate Upper East Side address. I thought the lobby was impressive, but nothing could have prepared me for our room… or should I say massive suite.

  When we walked in, my jaw dropped. How can you describe such opulence? Our suite is furnished in a harmonious palette of grey and brown shades. It features several large bedrooms, a cozy fireplace, a private terrace and a deep soaking tub. I could seriously live here for the rest of my life. All the rooms are showstoppers, but the bathroom is the type of oasis you dream of having in your home one day, knowing unless you win the Powerball, it’s unlikely to ever happen. The oversized glass-enclosed shower almost had me crying. I had never seen anything like it. When I spotted a couple plush robes hanging on the back of the bathroom door, I ran towards them like a kid running towards an ice cream truck. They looked so decadent and luxurious, I reached out and caressed them like you would a fluffy cat.

  My reaction was so amusing to Jake, he declared he’d buy me my own robe before we went back to Fort Collins. When I peeked inside the robe, I read “by Pratesi” on the label. It’s moments like these I wish I were more of a fashionista like Gwyn because I don’t recognize the brand, but something tells me this robe cost more than my entire shoe collection.

  This morning our suite is washed by a beautiful sun and I can appreciate the décor even more. I’m wearing the robe I was gushing over while getting myself ready before I slip into a brand-new suit I bought in Denver with Riley’s help. I’m still so dazzled by our surroundings. Even though Jake is in the other room, I can’t contain my excitement.


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