Cnut, king of England and Denmark, 106
Colchis, 145
Cologne, 7
coloniae, in Britain, 85
Columba, St. (Columcille), 94–6
Columbanus, St., 97
comitatus (field army), 68, 136
Commodus, Emperor, xiii, 8, 10–12, 14–15, 18, 59, 67
Conan Meriadawc, legendary king of Armorica, 83
Constans I, Emperor, 40
Constans II, Emperor, 47, 99, 145–6
Constantine ‘the Great’, Emperor, xiii, 23, 30, 32, 35–40, 63–5, 68, 72–3, 82, 122, 126–8, 131, 139, 142, 155; ‘Donation’ of, 130
Constantine II, Emperor, 40, 63
Constantine III, Emperor (East), 146
Constantine III, rebel Emperor (West), 31, 50–1, 81–3
Constantine IV, Emperor, 149
Constantine V, Emperor, 99, 131, 149
Constantine VII, Emperor, 125
Constantine IX, Emperor, 131
Constantine XI, Emperor, 47
Constantine XII/II (Greece), 47
Constantine, legendary ruler of Britain (see also: Custennin), 83–4
Constantine, king of Dumnonia, 88
Constantinople, 16, 25–6, 28, 41, 43, 99, 104, 120–2, 124, 129, 140–2, 150, 155; chariotracing at, 121–2; Hippodrome at, 121; Patriarchate of, 127; sack of (AD 1204), 133; siege of (AD 626), 144; siege of (AD 674–8), 107
Constantius I, Emperor, xiii, 23, 38, 40, 72
Constantius II, Emperor, 30, 35–7, 40, 51, 65, 73, 99, 128, 132, 142
Constantius III, Emperor, xiv, 28–39, 47, 49, 51–2, 74, 82, 103, 136, 138
Cormac mac Airt, legendary Irish ruler, 95
Cormac Corc, king of Munster, 95
Cornwall, 85, 87, 94
‘Count of Britain’ (office), 83–4
Counter-Reformation, 132
Courts, Imperial, rising cost of, 42
Crassus, Marcus, 143, 152
Crete, 150
Crispus, 63–4
Crusaders, the, 152
Ctesiphon 19, 144
Cuba, 112
Cults, traditional Roman ‘pagan’, 37
Cumans (Polovtsians), 125
Cunedda, ?founder of Gwynedd, 88, 96
‘curial’ classes, 42
Custennin ‘Fendigaid’, legendary British king, 83
Cynegius, Theodosian minister, as iconoclast, 114, 121
Cynglas, king of Powys, 88
Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, 121–2
Cyprus, 150
Cyrus ‘the Great’ (Persia), x
Czars, the, 114
Czech lands, 58, 135, 137
Dacia, Dacians, 58–9, 135–8, 149
Dalmatius, 40
Dalriada, 93, 96, 100, 109
Damascus, 143, 149
Daniel ‘the Stylite’, St., 133
Danube, River 4, 7–8, 10–11, 17–19, 21–3, 25, 28–31, 36, 40–1, 44, 52, 55, 57–60, 69, 103, 135–6, 138–40, 145, 149–50
Dara, 141–2
Darial Pass (Caucasus), 145
Darius ‘the Great’ (Persia), x, 56, 139
De Administrando Imperio (book), 125
De Civitate Dei (book), 32
Decius, Emperor, 17–18, 21, 23, 37, 55,
130, 135; sons of (i.e. Herennius and Hostilianus qv.) 18, 23
demes (chariot-racing factions), 121–2
Denmark, Danes, 90–2, 96–7, 100, 105–6, 111, 124
Devon, 85
Diarmait mc Cerbhall, ‘High King’ of Ireland, 94–5
Diocletian, Emperor, xiii, xv, 23, 35, 37–8, 40, 42, 62–3, 65, 68–70, 127, 133
Doge of Venice, 61
Domitian, Emperor, 7, 12, 15, 18, 34–5, 63
Don, River, 125
Donatists, ‘heretic’ sect, 132
Dnieper, River, 111, 125
Drake, Sir Francis, 118
Dream of Macsen Wledig (tale), 82
Drusus (son of Tiberius), 3, 64, 66
duces (military commanders), 104
Dumnonia, 85, 88
Dyfed, 88, 94
East Anglia, kingdom of, 105–6
Easter, controversy over date of, 93, 95
Edessa (Mesopotamia), 22, 142
Edward I (England), 83
Egypt, 129, 149–50; canals in, 118; Church in, 35; Hellenistic, xii; Mameluke, 65, 153; Ptolemaic, 62, 118
Elagabalus, Emperor, 16–17, 19, 57, 68
Elbe, River, 4, 6–8, 57–60, 89, 104
Eleusis, 31, 120
Emesa, 57
England, 33, 96, 104, 115; medieval monarchy of, 64–5
English Channel, 87, 91
Ephesus, 120; Church Council of, 35;
Temple of Artemis at, 22
Epidaurus, 120
Epirus, 50
Erminsul, sacred Saxon tree, 97
Erik ‘the Red’, 109
Ethelred (or Aethelred) II, king of England, 105
Ethiopia, 114
Eudocia, daughter of Valentinian III, 32
Euphrates, River 22, 47
Europe, 110, 115, 118, 123, 153–4
Eusebius, Bishop, 35
Eutropius, minister of Arcadius, 52
Eutychianus, Praetorian Praefect, 19
exarchs, office of (Italy), 93; (N. Africa), 142 Exeter, 105
famine, in AD 530s, 119
Faroe Islands, 111
Fausta, Empress, 40, 64
Faustina, Empress, 9
Feddersen Wierde, 45
federates (dependant allies of Rome) 84, 86, 89
Ferdinand I, king of Aragon/Spain, 112
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 132
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 132
Flavian dynasty, 67
France, 115–16, 123; Capetian, 123; medieval monarchy of, 65; Revolutionary era, 119
Franks, 7, 36, 44, 46, 72, 86, 89–91, 100, 103–4, 109; fleet of the, 110; Ripuarian 45, 103; Salian 90
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, 130
Fritigern the Goth, 26
Gaetulicus, rebel (AD 39), 68
Gainas (Goth), 26, 34, 50
Gaiseric (Vandal), 27–8, 32, 48, 71, 74–5, 103
Galba, Emperor, 9, 59
Galerius, Emperor, xiii, 23, 40, 72
Galla Placidia, Empress, 27–8, 136
Gallienus, Emperor, 22, 37, 56, 69
Gallipoli, 137
Gallus (I), Emperor, 18
Gaul, xiv, 4, 6, 26–8, 31, 33, 35–6, 40, 43, 46, 48, 50–2, 56, 58–60, 68–9, 71–2, 74–7, 81–2, 85–7, 89–90, 92, 97, 101, 103–4, 115, 136
Gauls, 3, 154
Geats, Geatland, 91
Geneva, Calvinist, 131
Gepids, 138
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 83
Georgia, 114, 144, 153
Germanicus, 3, 5, 58, 64, 66
Germans, xiii–xv, 4, 11, 18, 21–3, 26–9, 31, 41–6, 49, 51–2, 56–9, 69–72, 74, 76, 81–2, 84, 86, 89, 92, 94, 101–3, 110, 124, 132, 135–8
‘Germania Ulterior’, 5
Germanus, St., 82, 99
Germanus, cousin of Justinian, 77, 141
Germanus Postumus (son of G.) 76, 141
Germany, 3, 5, 6, 45, 58–9, 91, 107, 123
Gerontius, general of Constantine III, 31, 51
Geta, Emperor, 14, 17–19, 57
Ghassanid Arabs, 143
Ghaznavid emirs, 148
Gibraltar, Straits of, 76
Gibbon, Edward, 38, 67
Gildas, historian, 83–4, 88
Glamorgan (Morgannwg), 83
Gloucester, 89
Gododdin, 96
Golden Horde (Mongol), 154
Gordian I, Emperor, 20–1
Gordian II, Emperor, 20–1
Gordian III, Emperor, 17, 21, 65
Goths, xiv, 21, 23, 25–34, 36, 41–2, 44–6, 48–53, 55, 60, 65, 70, 73, 75–6, 89, 92, 94, 96, 101–2, 120, 123, 136, 149, 153–4;
Geuthungi Goths, 26, 29, 30, 45; Terving
i, 26, 29–30, 36
Gratian, Emperor, 41, 53
Great Army, Viking, 105–6
Great Lakes (Canada), 111
Great Plains (U.S.), 117
Greece, Greeks, x– xi, 23, 31, 33, 47, 50, 68, 92, 115, 150
Greek colonies, 118
‘Greek Fire’, 107, 125
Greenland, 109–111, 117
Gregory ‘the Great’, Pope, 33, 92–3, 97–8, 100, 102
Gregory VII, Pope, 130
Gregory of Tours, 27, 33, 102
Gundobad, 48, 71
Gwynedd, 82–3, 88, 96
Habsburg Empire, 132
Hadrian, Emperor, 9, 67
Hadrian’s Wall, 81, 94, 96
Haemus Mountains, 149
Hamburg, 92
Hamdanid dynasty (Syria), 151
Hannibal, xi, 12
Hannibalianus, 40, 155
Harald ‘Finehair’, king of Norway, 105
Harald ‘Hardradi’, king of Norway, 106
Harun al-Raschid, Caliph, 151
Hebrides, 105–6, 109
Helena, legendary wife of Emperor Maximus, 81
Hellenistic kingdoms, 118; libraries, 133
Hellespont, the, 25
Hengest, 88
Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 130
Henry VIII, king of England, 35, 131
Heraclius, Emperor, 99, 124, 142–7
Heraclius, adviser of Valentinian III, 39
Hercules, 35, 112; Pillars of, 112
Herennius Etruscus, Emperor, 21
Hero of Alexandria, 133
Heruls, 46
Hesperides, Isles of, 112
High Kings of Ireland, 94–6
Hippo, 32, 129
Hippolytus, 64
Holy Roman Empire, 114, 130
Honoria, daughter of Valentinian III, 28
Honorius, Emperor, 27, 39, 44, 49, 51–2, 65
Hostilianus, Emperor, 21, 55
Hrothgar, legendary Danish king, 91
Hulagu, ‘Ilkhan’, 153
Hungarians/Hungary, 25, 77, 125
Hunneric (Vandal), 32
Huns, xiv, 25–6, 28–9, 46, 48, 52, 70–2, 76, 136–8, 153
Hurons, 111
Hussein, Saddam, 144
Hypatia (philosopher), 121
Hypatius, nephew of Anastasius, 73
Iazyges tribe, 58
Iberia (Caucasus), 144–5
Icelingas, dynasty (Mercia), 97
Iceni tribe, 59, 116
Iconoclasm, 99, 131, 133
Ilkhanate (Persia), 126, 153–4
Illyria, 50, 63, 138, 149
India, x, 148
Indus Valley, x, 148–9
Inuits, 110
Iran, 56, 146–7
Iraq, 56, 77, 143–8, 151–2, 154
Ireland, the Irish, 84, 86–7, 92–6, 105, 107, 109–11; missionaries 96–7
Irene, Empress, 150
Iron Gates (Danube), 60
Iroqouis, ‘Five Nations’ of, 111
Isabella, Queen of Castile/Spain, 112
Italy, 3, 22–3, 25–6, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 46–8, 50–1, 55, 73, 75–6, 92–3, 98, 101–2, 118, 123, 137–8, 146–7
Italus, John, 124
Jackson, President Andrew, 116
Jagatai Khanate, 126
Jalayrid dynasty (Persia), 155
James II, king of England, 115
Japan, monarchy of, 65
Java, 119
Jerome, St., 32, 37
Jerusalem, 13, 151; Patriarchate of, 127
Jesus Christ, 129
Jews, 19, 146
Jin (Ch’in) dynasty (China), 62
Jin Shi Huangdi, Emperor (China), 62
John I Tzimisces, Emperor, 151
John, Patriarch of Constantinople (AD 565), 140
John Lydus, 38
Jordanes, 45
Jovian, Emperor, 40–1, 52
Judaea, 5
Julia Domna, Empress (wife of Severus), 16
Julian, Emperor, xiii, 36–7, 40, 51–3, 65, 73, 128, 142, 147
Julianus, Didius, Emperor, 10
Julio-Claudian dynasty, xiv, 8, 9, 62
Julius Nepos, Emperor, 75
Justin, Emperor, 73
Justin II, Emperor, 138, 140–1
Justin, son of Germanus, 140–1
Justina, Empress, 98, 100
Justinian, Emperor, 25, 32, 47, 72–3, 75–7, 97, 101, 121–4, 129, 138, 140–2, 145
Justinian II, Emperor, 100, 141, 150
Jutes, 89–90
Jutland, 90, 92, 107, 109
Karakorum, 126
Kart dynasty (Persia), 155
Kent, kingdom of, 86 , 88
Khazars, 144–5
Khwarezm/Khiva, Sultanate of, 125, 153
Kniva, king of Goths, 136
Krum, Bulgar ‘Khagan’, 149
Kubilai Khan, 128, 154
Labrador, 110
Laeta, Empress, 37
Laetus, Praetorian Praefect, 10
Lake Champlain, 117
Lakhimid Arabs, 143
L’Anse aux Meadeaux, 111
latifundia (large estates), 116
Lazica, 144
Leif Erikson, 110
Leinster, 94–5
Leipzig, 60
Leo I, Emperor, 46–7, 75
Leo V, Emperor, 99
Leo ‘the Great’, Pope, 33
Lepidus, Marcus, triumvir, 68
Lerins, monastery at, 102
Levant, the, 56, 142, 145, 147, 150, 152–153
Libanius, 38
Libius Severus, Emperor, 46
Licinius, Emperor, 73, 142
limitanei (frontier troops), 41, 90
Livy, x, 118
Lleyn peninsula, 87, 94
Loeghaire, High King of Ireland, 94
Lombards, 76–7, 92, 100, 102, 123, 138, 139
London, 16, 85
Lothian, 88, 96
Louis ‘the Pious’ (Francia), 110
Lucilla (daughter of Marcus Aurelius), 10
Lucius Verus, Emperor, 9–11, 147
Lupicinus (fl. AD 376), 30, 52
Luther, Martin, 131
Lyons, battle of, 13
Mabinogion (book), 83
Macedon, xi
Macrianus, elder and junior, rebel Emperors, 23
Macrinus, Praetorian Praefect/Emperor, 15–18, 57
Macro, Praetorian Praefect, 13
Maelgwyn (‘Mailcunus’), king of Gwynedd, 88
(Julia) Maesa, ‘Augusta’, 19 magister utriusque militiae (commander-inchief, infantry/ cavalry), office of, 34
Magyars, 152
Mahmud, emir of Ghazni, 148
Mainz/Moguntiacum, 20
Majorian, Emperor, 48–9, 51, 74–5, 103
(Julia) Mammea, mother of Emp. Alexander, 19–20
Manitoba, 117
Manzikert, battle of, 138
Mao Zedong, Chairman, 35, 121, 123
Marcellinus, Count, 75
Marcellus, heir of Augustus, 64
Marcianopolis, 30
Marcomanni/Marcomannia, 7
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor, xv, 7–11, 13, 56, 58–60, 67–8, 135–6; younger sons of 10, 67
Marius, Caius, xii, 5, 68
Maroboduus, 45
Marsi, xi
Martin of Tours, St., 37, 129
Martin I, Pope, 100
Massachusetts, 111
Mauretania, 17, 20
Maurice, Emperor, 76, 122, 139–40, 142, 145
Maxentius, Emperor, xiii
Maximian, Emperor, xiii, 23, 35, 38, 40, 72
Maximin (I), Emperor, 16–17, 20–1, 57
Maximin (II) Diaia, Emperor, 127
Maximus, Magnus, Emperor, 68, 81–3, 129
Maya civilization, 112–15
Mediterranean, xi– xii, xv, 43, 47–8, 62, 75, 94, 126, 132, 149–50
Melania, St., 37
Melkite Church (Egypt), 129
Melitene, 143
rcia, kingdom of, 90, 105
Merfyn ‘Frych’ (Gwynedd), 83
Merovingian dynasty (Franks), 46, 103
Mesoamerica, 112–13
Mesopotamia, 18–19, 34, 41, 141
Messalina, Empress, 67
Mexico, 112–15, 118
Mexico City, 113
Middle East, 151
Midhe, 94–5
Milan/Mediolanum, 31, 37, 41–2, 93, 98, 100, 122, 128
military coups, effects of, 18–19
Mississippi, River, 117–18
Mistra, 124
Mithridates VI, king of Pontus, 116
Mohammed, the Prophet, 146
Mohammed, Shah of Khwarezm, 153
Moldavia/Ukraine region, 44
monasticism, 37; potential future of 101–2, destruction of 131
Mongols, 46, 125–6 , 152–5
Monophysitism, 35, 73, 99, 129, 132
Monothelete doctrine, 99, 129
Moravia, 8, 11
Moslems, C7th empire of, 147
Mosul, emirs of, 151
Mu’ awiya, Caliph, 148
Munster, 95
Naptha, 107
Narbonne, 27
Narses, Eastern general (AD 602), 141
Native Americans, 115–17
Nennius, Bishop, historian, 82, 84
Nero, Emperor, xiii, 8–9, 12, 38, 63–4, 66–7
Nero Caesar (son of Germanicus), 3–4, 66
Nerva, Emperor, 9, 68
Nestorianism, 35, 99, 128, 132
Nestorius, Patriarch, 35, 128
Netherlands, 45
New England, 116–117
Newfoundland, 110
New Orleans, 117
‘New Rome’ (Constantinople), 63
Niall, C5th Irish ‘High King’, 94–5
Nicaea, 120; Church Council of, 35, 126, 131; doctrine formulated at, 147
Nicephorus I, Emperor, 149–50
Nicephorus II Phocas, Emperor, 151
Nicomachus Flavianus, 98
Nicomedia, 63
Niger, Pescennius, 10
Nika Rebellion (AD 532), 73, 121
Nile, River, 76, 148, 150
Nisibis, 40, 144
Nogai Khanate, 126
Nola, 37, 102
Nomus, ‘Master of Offices’, 28
Norfolk, 86
North Africa, 26–8, 32, 36, 42, 47, 52, 74–5, 77, 101, 142, 148–9
North Sea, 3, 90, 92, 105, 109
Northumbria, kingdom of, 93, 105–6, 109
Norway, 91, 106–7, 109, 111
Norwegians, 105
Notitia Dignitatum, 41, 51, 83, 119
Nottingham, 105
Nova Scotia, 110
Obolensky, Dmitri, 114
Odenathus, ruler of Palmyra, 23, 56, 69
Oder, River, 103
Odovacar, 46–8, 73, 101
Offa (Angles), 90, 97
Ogodai, Great Khan, 154
Olaf Tryggvason, king of Norway, 105
Olybrius, Emperor, 75
Olympia, 31
Olympic Games, banning of, 120
Omar/Umar, Caliph, 132
Ontario, 117
Orestes, Count, 29
Orosius, 27
Orkney Islands, 106, 109
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