Naughty Holidays 2016

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Naughty Holidays 2016 Page 2

by Nicole Edwards

  Ethan’s blue-gray eyes lifted, meeting Beau’s across the room. A sinful grin tipped the corner of his luscious mouth, morphing into a mischievous smirk.

  “You don’t usually cook when you’re naked,” Beau stated bluntly, hoping like hell Ethan was naked. The guy looked damn good in clothes, but without… Holy fuck.

  Ethan stepped out from behind the island. “Not naked.”

  Beau laughed. Nope, technically, his husband was dressed, if a pair of silky black boxers qualified as clothing—which they didn’t. Considering Beau had every intention of pulling those off in the next two and a half seconds, Ethan was as good as naked.

  Good thing it was warm in the house.

  “What’re you doin’?” Ethan laughed, dropping the knife to the counter with a clatter before dancing around the island, trying to get away from Beau.

  “You can’t tease a man like that.” Jesus Christ. Ethan looked good enough to eat. All that sleek skin covering solid muscle… Screw the food.

  Ethan’s eyes darkened, but his smile didn’t disappear when Beau pressed him up against the refrigerator. “Tease you?” Ethan snorted. “I wasn’t teasing you. This was a test.”

  Beau leaned in for a kiss, sliding his hands up the smooth skin of Ethan’s stomach and chest. He wasn’t sure which part of him grew bigger, his dick or his heart. Both had it bad for this dark-haired, smoky-eyed, sexy-as-fuck man. “Did I pass?”

  Ethan shook his head slightly, pressing his lips to Beau’s.

  “No?” Beau took a step back and stared at the delicious man crowded between him and the stainless steel refrigerator.

  “Nope. I thought for sure your attention would go right to the food when you walked in the door.”

  “Baby”—Beau pressed up against him again, sliding his mouth to Ethan’s ear—“there ain’t nothin’ in this world that’ll pull my attention off you when you’re half-dressed. Doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doin’. Food doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

  “Says the man who eats five meals a day,” Ethan teased.

  Ethan tilted his head to the side, granting Beau better access to that sensitive spot at the top of his shoulder. He sucked Ethan’s skin into his mouth, his dick pulsing when Ethan let out a rumbling growl.

  “Why don’t we press pause on the foreplay,” Ethan suggested, though there wasn’t much conviction behind those words. “You go take a shower and dinner’ll be ready in about ten minutes. Afterwards, we’ll pick up where we left off.”

  Beau slid his hand down inside those silky boxers and fisted Ethan’s dick. “You sure you can wait that long?”

  Ethan sucked in a breath and went up on his toes.

  God, he loved this man. Loved all the little things that Ethan did. The random tests, the sexy underwear, the food… Somehow, Beau had gotten damn lucky landing this one.

  “Beau…” Ethan’s rough whisper was sexy as hell.

  “What’s that?” he inquired, continuing to stroke Ethan’s dick while he simultaneously kissed and licked his neck. He kept his motions gentle and steady but firm.

  “Keep that up and I’m gonna come in your hand.”

  “Mmm…” Beau trailed his lips over Ethan’s smooth jaw. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  Ethan started thrusting into Beau’s hand and he knew he had to stop or finish. Those were his only options.

  The thought of spending a couple of hours ravishing Ethan’s body later was the only reason he pulled his hand back. Knowing Ethan could potentially have a violent reaction to his ceasefire, Beau also took a couple of steps back, admiring the view.

  “Fuck… You’re such a fucking tease.” Ethan reached down and grabbed his own dick, squeezing it.

  Beau chuckled to himself. “I promise to make it up to you later.”

  “You’re damn right you will.” Although Ethan kept his tone firm, Beau noticed the smile that pushed in the dimples in his cheeks. Nope, no matter how hard he tried, Ethan couldn’t convince Beau that he wasn’t already looking forward to later.

  Continuing to laugh, Beau left Ethan in the kitchen so he could get a shower. He’d spent the better part of the afternoon under the hood of one of Walker Demolition’s work trucks, and he smelled like grease and oil. Not the ideal aroma when trying to seduce your husband, that was for sure.

  Not that Ethan had seemed to mind. Then again, since they both were usually reeking of automobile fumes, it was possible that Ethan had become immune to it.

  The thought made him smile as he headed upstairs to their bedroom. It’d been a long damn week and he was ready for a couple of days off. Although they had no plans for the weekend other than the usual Christmas festivities, Beau was sure Ethan would come up with something else. Something that would require them both to be naked.

  He always did.

  ETHAN SNUCK A peek as Beau sauntered out of the kitchen toward the stairs that led up to their bedroom. He fought the urge to stroke the hard ridge of his dick while he admired the way the man’s legs flexed with every step he took.


  So, once again, he’d only thought he could handle teasing Beau. The man had a way of turning the tables on him, which he’d done one more time.

  Ethan exhaled, forcing his attention back to the task at hand. He knew he had about fifteen minutes to finish dinner before Beau returned. And he wanted to have it all laid out by then because this wasn’t just any dinner. It was tonight’s gift for Beau.

  Well, the beginning of the gift. He intended for the rest of it to play out while they were naked and Ethan was moving inside the man. Or, you know, maybe after that. Yes, definitely after.

  Still, he wanted the night to be perfect.

  He gripped his dick, wishing for a minute that he’d bothered to put on pants after he took a shower. The silk boxers did little to restrain him, and the last thing he wanted was for the damn thing to try to peek out while he was messing with the grill. That wouldn’t be cool at all.

  The thought of what was in that envelope sitting right there on the island made his heart hammer in his chest. No, it wasn’t the ultimate surprise, but it was something he didn’t think Beau would be able to pass up.

  He hoped.

  Being that they were gearing up for Christmas dinner with the family on Sunday, they had tonight and tomorrow… No, scratch that. Tonight he had naked plans, so they had tomorrow to get the last of the presents wrapped, to cook the food Ethan had signed up to bring to his parents’, and to pack. The last part was the surprise for Beau. Since they spent so much time focused on work, Ethan had splurged on a nice Colorado vacation for the week after Christmas, something to get them away from Coyote Ridge for a little while.

  It had taken some time to come up with the plans. The idea had first been planted in his head during the Walker family reunion they’d had back in October. Someone had mentioned the mountains and he’d been sold. Spending a week in a log cabin in the Rocky Mountains seemed like the most appropriate way for them to get some time alone. For one, it was isolated. Not to mention private. Plus, they could spend all their time by the fire. Naked. The fact that there would be snow—something they didn’t get much of here in Texas—was simply icing on the cake.

  And there, when they were alone in the secluded mountain cabin, would be when Ethan would spring the ultimate Christmas gift on the man he loved. At least that was the plan. He hadn’t completely worked out that part yet, but he hoped he’d come up with something. He was relatively decent at thinking on the fly.

  Ethan stepped out onto the back patio and pulled the cedar plank that held the salmon off the grill, then returned to the kitchen. Good news, no dick burns. Bad news, thanks to the bitter cold, his nuts were trying to do their best imitation of a pair of raisins.

  Beau was still upstairs, so he hurried to get everything else. Broccoli with soy sauce, maple-glazed salmon, homemade crescent rolls, and macaroni and cheese (from a box)—one of Beau’s favorites, go figure—had taken little time to p
repare. It was one of those meals on the go. Easy to make, quick to eat, leaving plenty of time for some naked activities after.

  Five minutes later, he had the table set, the food plated, and two beers waiting when Beau came back downstairs. Ethan’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he caught a glimpse of his near-naked husband.

  He couldn’t help but laugh. Not because Beau looked ridiculous—although the Santa boxers were a bit ostentatious—but because the man had opted to dress up the same as Ethan. Nothing but the boxers.

  “Nice,” Ethan said when Beau pulled out his chair.

  Beau glanced down momentarily. “You like?”

  “I definitely like.”

  “Well, then you’ll really like what Santa has hidden under here.”

  Ethan chuckled, pointing at the table. “Sit down and eat.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Without another word, the two of them made quick work of devouring the food. Since his husband insisted he was still a growing boy, Ethan was always sure to make enough for the big guy. Beau was massive, and he could definitely put away some food. The fact that he was solid muscle made his appetite that much stronger. Good thing Ethan loved to cook.

  When he was finished, Beau leaned back in his chair and took a swig of his beer. “That was fantastic. I still don’t know how you do it. I somehow manage to screw up frozen fish sticks and you can make this.”

  “First of all, fish shouldn’t be frozen. Second … that’s why I’m responsible for cooking,” Ethan told him as he took another bite. While he finished eating, he continued to watch Beau, enjoying the fact that he was shirtless. He loved admiring the man.

  “What time is dinner at your folks’ on Sunday?”

  Ethan wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Mom said three. I figure we’ll show up around noon. Maybe one. Help her get it all finished up. They wanna open presents around five; that way the festivities don’t impede on any early bedtimes.”

  Since there were so many kids these days, they had to plan these events to coincide with the sleep habits of munchkins. This year had been a busy one for pumping out babies. The Walker family had welcomed Rhett, Braydon and Jessie’s little boy, into the world on September ninth. Then ten days later, Kade, Travis’s son, came screaming out. They’d all had barely enough time to catch their breath when Sawyer and Kennedy’s son, Matthew, was born on October seventh. Add Kaleb and Zoey’s boys, Mason, who was almost three, and Kellan, now one, along with Kate, Travis’s two-year-old, and it was a full-on daycare center. Oh, and they couldn’t forget Derrick, Ethan’s cousin Jared’s four-year-old boy.

  Christmas was going to be a wild party, that was for sure.

  Ethan and his brother Brendon were the only two who had yet to provide Curtis and Lorrie with grandchildren, and if all went well, that would soon change. Since Brendon hadn’t yet popped the question to his longtime girlfriend, Ethan didn’t figure his brother was going to beat him to the punch. Then again, he’d been wrong before.

  “I’ll take care of the dishes,” Beau said when Ethan was finished eating. “Why don’t you get comfortable on the couch. You know, lose those pesky boxers.”

  Ethan smirked. “I was thinking we could watch TV in the bedroom tonight. More room and all.”

  Beau’s smile was wicked. “Great idea.”

  So, while Beau took care of the few remaining dishes, Ethan grabbed their beers, along with the envelope, and made a beeline for their room.

  Chapter Three

  THANKS TO ETHAN’S efforts to keep an impeccably clean kitchen, it took Beau all of five minutes to put the rest of the dishes into the dishwasher and turn it on. He damn sure wasn’t about to waste any additional time, so he took the stairs up to their bedroom two at a time, coming to an abrupt stop at the very top when he saw the candles burning and his husband sprawled out on the bed … naked.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, remaining rooted to the floor as his eyes swept over six foot five inches of prime, beautiful man laid out on their soft gray sheets.

  “Hi,” Ethan said with an innocent grin.

  Beau wasn’t even sure Ethan knew what innocent really meant. Which, as Beau had learned, wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  Leaning his shoulder against the wall, Beau continued to stare at Ethan. He was propped up against the pillows, remote in one hand, dick in the other. The boxers weren’t anywhere in sight. He was pretending to be watching television, which would probably be more convincing if the thing was on. Nope, Ethan wasn’t fooling Beau. His man was waiting for him.

  Ethan’s hand paused mid-stroke.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” Beau told him, standing tall again, then taking a couple of steps into the room. “You know I like to watch.”

  “You do, don’t you?”

  “I definitely do.” And to prove it, Beau didn’t take his eyes off Ethan’s long, thick cock as it tunneled in and out of his fist. This was a leisurely stroke up and down, up and down, the swollen head glistening with precum.

  Ethan’s eyes followed Beau as he moved closer. “I just realized I didn’t make you anything for dessert.”

  Beau chuckled. Ethan was such a tease. “I noticed that.”

  “Well, I’ve got something you can have.”

  “Do you now?” Beau crawled up on the bed, lying alongside Ethan. “Don’t stop doing that. I’m still watching.”

  Ethan sucked in a breath when Beau placed his hand on Ethan’s stomach. He traced the dips of Ethan’s abs as he let his fingers move closer to Ethan’s dick. Beau brushed his lips along Ethan’s shoulder, then rested his head there, still admiring the seductive hand job taking place between Ethan’s legs.

  Ethan’s lips brushed the top of Beau’s head, and Beau’s heart clenched tightly in his chest. God, he loved this man. He loved everything about him. He loved his sexy, devious side. He loved the sweet, albeit rare, side of the man. He loved Ethan’s ornery, grumpy side, because, yes, he had one of those in spades. All in all, Beau loved every single part of him.

  “Beau?” Ethan’s voice was a near-silent rasp.

  “Hmm?” Beau let his fingers trail down between Ethan’s legs, gliding over his balls while Ethan continued to stroke himself.

  Neither of them spoke while Beau gently squeezed and tugged Ethan’s balls, letting his fingers roam down Ethan’s thigh, back up, down the other. He kneaded Ethan’s heavy sac some more, enjoying himself immensely.

  “Beau?” Ethan repeated. This time he sounded strangled.


  “Suck me,” Ethan said. “Put those sexy fucking lips on my dick.”

  That was another side of Ethan that Beau loved. The demanding side.

  Beau kissed his way down Ethan’s stomach, sliding his tongue over the rippling muscle, dipping briefly into his navel, then stopping to lick over the engorged head of his dick when Ethan directed it at his mouth. Of course, Ethan was going to help the situation along, because his other hand slid into Beau’s hair, guiding him lower.

  “Your mouth…” Ethan groaned. “I fucking love your mouth… God, yes… Suck me.”

  Beau did as Ethan wanted, sucking him deep into his mouth, sliding his tongue along the smooth, warm skin while he continued to graze Ethan’s balls with his fingers. He could do this for hours. Beau loved teasing and tormenting Ethan, bringing him right to the edge, then backing off. The hotter he made the man burn, the rougher Ethan got. Beau craved that from Ethan. Loved when Ethan impaled him hard and deep, taking what he so desperately needed.

  Ethan’s fingers tightened in Beau’s hair. “All the way. Take me all the way to your throat.”

  Beau did, fighting his gag reflex, and Ethan moaned long and loud. When he pulled back, Ethan pushed Beau’s head down again. Beau obliged him, allowing Ethan to fuck his mouth in a slow, methodical rhythm. Beau worked Ethan’s nuts, kneading them, tickling them.

  “Don’t make me come,” Ethan ordered. “I’m going to nail you to the mattress first.”


  Beau didn’t slow down or speed up; he continued to suck Ethan’s cock at Ethan’s pace. Only when Ethan pulled out of his mouth did Beau move, climbing over Ethan and claiming his lips. For long seconds, their bodies melded together, their tongues dueling as Ethan held him, hands roaming over his back, then down into his boxers, where he squeezed Beau’s ass cheeks.

  “You want me inside you, don’t you?” Ethan whispered as the kiss lingered, their breaths mingling as they fought for air.

  “Deep,” Beau confirmed.

  “You want me to fuck you hard?” Ethan pushed the boxers over Beau’s hips.

  “Oh, yeah,” Beau answered.

  Ethan pulled back, meeting Beau’s eyes. Beau saw the hunger swirling in the blue-gray depths.

  “I want to suck you first.”

  Beau didn’t hesitate. He managed to lose the boxers by awkwardly bouncing around until they were off, then crawled up Ethan’s body while Ethan shifted so that he was on his back. Beau straddled Ethan’s chest, then fed the head of his dick into that warm, welcoming mouth. He had to grab the headboard as he was assaulted by sensations. Ethan moaned, sending electrical pulses straight to Beau’s balls.

  Staring down his body, Beau took in the sight of Ethan swallowing him. Their eyes connected and held while Ethan did insanely delicious things to him with his lips, teeth, and tongue. The guy knew how to give good head, no doubt about it.

  “Fuck, baby,” Beau breathed, white-knuckling the headboard as he tried to hold his hips still. Ethan sucked him harder, and Beau’s head fell back on his shoulders as he groaned, pleasure making him dizzy.

  Without a word, Ethan continued to blow him, somehow remaining in control although Beau was above him, outweighing the man by a good thirty pounds at least. No matter when or where, Ethan was always the one in control. Well, maybe not always. There had been a few times…


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