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The Sparrowhawk Companion

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by Edward Cline

  Kammen, Michael (ed.) The Origins of the American Constitution

  Kant, Immanuel The Political Writings, Hans Reiss, ed.

  Kehoe, Vincent J-R The British Story of Lexington & Concord

  Keller, Kate If the Company Can Do It: 18th Century American Social Dance

  King, Dean A Sea of Words: A Lexicon for Patrick O’Brian’s Seafaring Tales

  King, Horace Maybray Before Hansard

  Kitto, H.D.F. The Greeks

  Kulikoff, Allan Tobacco and Slaves

  Landon, H.C.R. Handel and His World

  Laver, James English Costume in the 18th Century

  Leach, Douglas E. The Roots of Conflict

  Lederer, Richard M., Jr. Colonial American English

  Lenman, Bruce Jacobite Risings in Britain: 1689-1746

  Leveque, Pierre The Birth of Greece

  Lewis, Thomas For King & Country: The Maturing of George Washington

  Library of America The Debate on the Constitution (2 vols.)

  Library of Congress Arts & Sciences in Colonial America Commemoration Ceremony in Honor of the 200th Anniversary of the 1st Continental Congress Daily Life in Colonial America English Defenders of American Freedom: 1774-1778

  Linebaugh, Peter The London Hanged: Crime & Civil Society in the 18th Century

  Locke, John An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Two Treatises of Government

  Maier, Pauline From Resistance to Revolution The Old Revolutionaries

  Maples, Mary William Penn, Classical Republican

  Mapp, Alf J., Jr. The Golden Dragon: Alfred the Great and His Times

  Marples, Morris Poor Fred & The Butcher: The Sons of George II

  Marshall, P.J. The 18th Century: Oxford History of the British Empire

  Martin, Kingsley French Liberal Thought in the 18th Century

  Mason, Frances John Norton & Sons, Merchants of London & Virginia (letter book)

  May, Henry The Enlightenment in America

  Mayer, Peter Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry & the American Republic

  Mays, David J. Edmund Pendleton: 1721-1803

  McCants, David A. Patrick Henry, The Orator

  McDowell, Bart The Revolutionary War

  Middlekauff, Robert The Glorious Cause

  Miller, Elizabeth The American Revolution as Described by British Writers and London Newspapers

  Miller, John C. Origins of the American Revolution

  Miller, Perry Religion & Society in the Early Literature of Virginia

  Milton, John Complete Works

  Mingay, G.E. Georgian London

  Moffit, Louis W. England on the Eve of the Industrial Revolution

  Montaigne Complete Essays, M.A. Screech, trans.

  Morgan, Edmund S. Birth of the Republic: 1763-1789 The Stamp Act Crisis Virginians at Home: Family Life in the 18th Century

  Morgan, George The True Patrick Henry

  Morison, S.E. The American Revolution: 1764-1788

  Myers, Robin Development of the English Book Trade

  Namier, Lewis & John Brooke The House of Commons, 1754-1790

  Nelson, William H. American Tory

  Nettel, Reginald Seven Centuries of Popular Song

  Nicholls, F.F. Honest Thieves: The Violent Heyday of English Smuggling

  Norkus, Nellie Francis Fauquier: Lt. Governor of Virginia: 1758-1768 (Ph.D. thesis)

  Oliver, Peter Origin & Progress of the American Rebellion: A Tory View

  Perrett, Bryan At All Costs! Stories of Impossible Victories

  Phillips, Hugh The Thames About 1750

  Picard, Liza Dr. Johnson’s London

  Plumb, J.H. England in the 18th Century The First Four Georges Georgian Delights

  Plutarch Lives, A.H. Clough, trans.

  Potter, Harold An Introduction to the History of English Law

  Quennell, Peter Four Portraits of the 18th Century

  Ragsdale, Bruce A. A Planters’ Republic

  Rakove, Jack N. Original Meanings (Constitution)

  Reference The Book of Common Prayer

  Reference Handbook of Kings and Queens

  Reference Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates (1888)

  Reference Whittaker’s Peerage to 1905

  Reference Pears Cyclopedia (1970)

  Richard, Carl J. The Founders and the Classics

  Robbins, Caroline The Eighteenth-Century Commonwealthman

  Robertson, C.G. England Under the Hanoverians

  Rudé, George Wilkes and Liberty: 1763-1774

  Schouler, James Americans of 1776: Daily Life

  Schwartz, Richard Daily Life in Johnson’s London

  Selby, John E. The Revolution in Virginia, 1775-1783

  Selley, W.T. England in the 18th Century

  Sergeant, Philip W. Rogues and Scoundrels

  Suetonius The Twelve Cæsars

  Shields, David S. Civil Tongues: Polite Letters in British America

  Silver, George The Paradoxes of Defence

  Simmons, R.C. The American Colonies: From Settlement to Independence

  Smith, Abbot Emerson Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America: 1607-1776

  Smith, Daniel Blake Inside the Great House

  Smith, Graham The King’s Cutters: The Revenue Service and the War Against Smuggling

  Sobel, Dava Longitude

  St. John, Jeffrey Constitutional Journal (3 vols.)

  Stanard, William G. Colonial Virginia Register

  Storing, Henry J. What the Anti-Federalists Were For

  Stubbs, William On the English Constitution

  Suetonius Lives of the 12 Caesars, trans. P. Holland (1606)

  Sidney, Algernon Discourses Concerning Government, Thomas G. West, ed.

  Sydnor, Charles American Revolutionaries in the Making

  Szechi, Daniel Jacobites: Britain and Europe, 1688-1788

  Tate, Thad The Negro in 18th Century Williamsburg

  Taylor, Christopher Dorset

  Taylor, John Arator

  Tepper, Michael New World Immigrants

  Thomas, P.D.G. The House of Commons in the 18th Century British Politics and the Stamp Act Crisis

  Thompson, C. Bradley John Adams: The Spirit of Liberty

  Trevelyan, G.M. The English Revolution: 1688-1689

  Trudell, Clyde Colonial Yorktown

  Tunis, Edwin Colonial Living

  Turberville, A.S. The House of Lords in the XVIIIth Century

  Valentine, Alan The British Establishment: 1760-1784 (2 vols.)

  Van Schreeven, William J. Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence (2 vols., ed. Robert J. Scribner)

  Van Tyne, Claude H. The Causes of the War of Independence (Vol. 1)

  Vassa, Gustavus The Life of Olaudah Equiano (1792)

  Wareing, John Emigrants to America: Indentured Servants Recruited in London: 1718-1733

  Washington, George Journal (Report to Gov. Dinwiddie, 1754) Rules of Civility & Behavior

  Webking, Robert H. The American Revolution and the Politics of Liberty

  West, Thomas G. Vindicating the Founders

  Whiffen, T. The Eighteenth Century House of Williamsburg

  Wickwire, Franklin B. British Subministers and Colonial America: 1763-1783

  William & Mary Quarterly Various Numbers on Colonial Subjects

  Williams, Basil The Whig Supremacy: 1714-1760

  Williamson, Gene Guns on the Chesapeake (Lord Dunmore’s War)

  Woodhouse, A.S.P. Puritanism and Liberty: Being the Army Debates (1647-49)

  Wright, Louis The Cultural Life of the American Colonies

  Wurts, John S. Magna Charta

  Yardwood, Doreen English Costume: 2nd Century B.C. to 1950


  Robert B. Hill lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, and is the manager of Williamsburg Booksellers in the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center.

  Nicholas Provenzo is founder and chairman of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism. His writing has appeared in the Wall S
treet Journal and the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and he was once a guest on ABC’s Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.

  Dina Schein has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Texas and is a visiting assistant professor of philosophy at Auburn University.

  Jena Trammell earned her Ph.D. in literature from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She has written scholarly articles for a variety of publications and is currently writing her first book on issues in academia.

  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 - Selling Sparrowhawk, or Sundays with Ed

  Chapter 2 - The Appeal of Sparrowhawk Book One: Jack Frake

  Chapter 3 - Sparrowhawk’s Heroic Vision of Man

  Chapter 4 - “He Was There”: The Tragedy of Roger Tallmadge

  Chapter 5 - The Ways, Means, and Ends of Sparrowhawk

  Chapter 6 - The Revolutionaries

  Chapter 7 - LacunÆ and Artistic License

  Chapter 8 - Sparrowhawk Character, Ship, and Plantation Staff Lists

  Chapter 9 - The Political Speeches of Sparrowhawk

  Chapter 10 - Chronology of Acts of Parliament and Royal Decrees Concerning the American Colonies, 1650-1775

  Chapter 11 - Eighteenth–Century British Currency

  A Sparrowhawk Glossary

  Sparrowhawk: A Selective Bibliography






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