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Resistance Page 4

by K E Osborn

  Keep that smile on your face, and that sass in your tone…

  It’s sexy as hell.


  I can’t help it as a slow smile creeps across my face, and Ari looks over my shoulder as Xav throws his hands in the air.

  “Well? The anticipation is killing me,” Xav almost yells as he lurches forward looking at the note while Ari giggles over my shoulder.

  “Biker’s got a boner for you, Heels,” Ari gushes.

  With that, I groan while rolling my eyes, and throw the note onto the counter and shake my head. “He does not. He’s just paying the damn damage he caused, that’s all.”

  “Pffft… whatevs. And from the way you’ve been moping about, I’m guessing you’ve got him on your mind, too. Not that I blame you. Guy’s a total hottie…” Her eyes glimmer as she smiles. “He needs to work on his game, though,” Ari chimes.

  “His game?” My eyebrows snap together.

  Xav snatches the note from my hand and scans it over. I choose to ignore the giant grin as he reads.

  “Yes. See if he was good at his game… the bearded, broody, badass would have come in here himself to impress you. But instead, he sent…” she looks up at the ceiling like she’s trying to recall his name and then she nods her head when the thought pops into her mind, “…Tremor. And I can tell you that prospect made my lady parts more than tremor, but that’s beside the point. That mad biker made Tremor come in here and give you a note rather than spend more time with you, and that’s a strike in my book, Heels,” Ari says, and I tilt my head.

  “But, Tremor said Torque had important business to attend to. So what if the Andrettis are like attacking or something… and he needs to defend his people. Wouldn’t you rather him be a brave protector than let everyone die…” Xav pauses his bullshit story with a wink and then continues, “… just so he can pay us for some froyo he didn’t even eat? I mean lives are at risk here, Ari. People are dying. They’re dying, girls…” Xav almost yells the part and does some dramatic effect by covering his heart and forehead with his hands which makes me giggle.

  Ari shakes her head letting out a yawn and moves over to the register, opening the drawer and places the fifties inside. “The way you said defend his people makes it sound like some kind of Sci-Fi movie. He’s the President of the USA, and he’s going to save us from an intergalactic battle with aliens from Uranus,” Ari quips making Xav let out a loud laugh.

  “And then the bikers come to the rescue. Badass bikers who save Uranus from the clutches of doom,” Xav says bringing his fists into the air for dramatic effect.

  “Wow,” I murmur as they giggle to themselves. “You guys seriously need to lay off the tequila before work.”

  “Oooh… tequila, I’m in. And it’s Saturday night. When we close, we should go celebrate Heeley’s new lover boy, and my need to get laid,” Xav says.

  “No… I don’t want to go out—”

  Ari rushes to my side gripping my arms tight and looks into my eyes like a lost puppy dog. “Pleeease. C’mon. I have to go out with your crazy ass brother all the time. We need our trio back. You’re so swamped, you need to let yourself have some fun occasionally.”

  Groaning as they both look at me pleading with their eyes, I guess a night off wouldn’t hurt. And I do feel like I’m in need of something a little stronger than coffee tonight. So fuck it. Drinks it is. “Fine! But I go begrudgingly. And I am not, I repeat not, getting wasted. Get it?”

  “Yes! Okay. We get it. We’ll all meet at my place to get ready. I will dress you in something amazing, and we will drink and dance and party like it’s nineteen ninety-nine,” Ari says, and Xav chuckles.

  “I wonder how they actually partied in nineteen ninety-nine? Like was it as fun as it is now? Or was it even worse? It feels like that’s a whole other world. They really should update that song,” Xav says, and I snort.

  “I don’t think party like it’s two-thousand and ninety-nine, has the same ring to it. Anyway, it’s nearly time for us to close, so let’s clean up, and then we can all head back to Ari’s to get dressed.”

  “Awesome, I want to try this new club I’ve heard about. It’s downtown and looks amazing. I hear they have cages for dancing,” Xav says.

  I crease my brows and wince. “Oh, Lord, sounds like a real decent place. Is it a gay bar?” I ask, and he chuckles.

  “No, definitely not. But it seems really lit. I’ve wanted to go for weeks. We have to go. Come on, please?”

  “Okay, fine. Let’s finish up so we can get out of here.”


  Our Uber pulls up at the front of the club, and the line outside is already a mile long. Okay, maybe not a mile, but it’s deep in people, and I take a steadying breath wondering why I agreed to wear this. I know it’s a lukewarm May night in the heart of Chicago, but the slight breeze is making my skin prickle in goosebumps as we step out of the car and onto the curb.

  The heavy bass from the music inside rattles my very core as it pummels through me, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s this loud out here, how on earth we’ll be able to hear each other inside?

  “Yes. I can’t believe I’m finally here. I’ve been waiting for this for weeks,” Xav beams straightening his shirt and adjusting the glasses on his face. His hair is pushed up in all directions looking completely messy, but somehow it works on him.

  Ari steps up next to me, wearing a pair of barely-there torn-to-shreds short shorts and a strapless crop top with ruffles. It shows off her perfectly toned and tanned skin, not to mention the tribe of tattoos she sports going up and down both her arms. She’s a real canvas of artwork and looks tough. She even acts tough most of the time. Hell, if the bikers were to pick a girl, I’m sure it should be her. She seems way more their type than me. On the inside, Ari’s a big softie, and I love every inch of her. Her ombré hair is up in a high pony, and her nose ring shifts slightly as she twitches her nose from side to side as she says, “Can you smell that?”

  I shake my head. “Smell what?”

  Ari smiles. “Tequila,” she beams looking me up and down. “Let’s go!” Grabbing my hand, she rushes forward and into line. I giggle and grab Xav as we head for the back. I hate waiting in line, but I guess when a club is this exclusive, you have to bide your time. “So, Heels. You look fantastic, doesn’t she, Xav?”

  I look down at Ari’s dress which she insisted I wear in ode to a biker crushing on me. She said I needed to dress like a bad girl, and I thought, fuck it. My wardrobe changes constantly. Some days I’m in all white looking like a virginal saint, then the next I’ll be wearing a death metal rock and roll T-shirt. I honestly have no sense of style. I take in the short, black leather dress. I think it’s half cute, half sexy. The top connects around my neck and then below the neckline on the chest it opens up into a heart shape showing my cleavage, but not in a distasteful way, just enough for it to showcase my girls. The bodice is leather clinging to me tightly, and then the skirt flows out to just above my knees with enough fabric so if I did a twirl, it would fan out. It’s adorable but has that hard rocker vibe, or I suppose biker vibe that I’m sure Ari was going for. Either way, I think I look hot as my blonde hair falls down in soft curls on both sides of my made-up face.

  Xav nods and links his arm with mine. “Well, if you weren’t my sister, and if you weren’t a woman, I’d totally find you hot.” He chuckles.

  “You’re an idiot,” I murmur.

  Walking toward us down the line I notice what looks like a security guard. That’s weird. Usually, security stay at the front of the line? He keeps walking toward us, and I glance at Ari and raise my brow wondering what the hell is going on. Maybe it’s a private function tonight, and we’re going to be asked to leave?

  The security guard steps up to us, and everyone around us turns to watch whatever’s going to unfold, and it makes me tense up slightly. “Excuse me, miss. If you and your two companions could please come with me?”

  We all look at each other wonderin
g what the hell this is about.

  “Umm… have we done something wrong?” I ask.

  “You’re being put through as priority. If you’d step this way?” He sways his hand through the air gesturing for us to follow.

  Xav’s eyes light up, and he nods racing forward, while I shake my head at Ari. She shrugs and grabs my hand as we move off with the security dude and take off down toward the entry of the club.

  I glance up at the sign above the door to see the logo, Club Modesty, then the tagline, Leave yours at the door. Swallowing hard, I begin to wonder where the hell Xav has brought us. Quickly, I step up to his side and lean in next to his ear and whisper, “Xav, what is this place?”

  He chuckles as we walk straight through the front entrance without having to pay a surcharge. “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s just a club, sis. A normal, run of the mill, everyday…” he pauses as we walk into the main room. The bassline is thumping, the pink lights are strobing, and I open my eyes wide noticing this is most definitely not the typical dive bar we’re used to. This place looks like a palace in comparison.

  A very sparkly palace.

  The walls are accented in silver, which has an almost glittering effect with the strobing lights. There are plush couch benches lining the length of the walls. Out from them small tables are placed strategically, and then square stools line the tables around the edge of the dancefloor, but each table is sectioned off with a row of crystal beads hanging from the ceiling. The shards of light from the crystals send a mirror effect around the room, and it’s incredible to watch.

  This place has to have been designed by a woman. It has that flair of sophistication and elegance only a woman could bring. It’s fabulous. As I look further, I see small stage areas, and they’re surrounded by thin layers of tubing lit up with neon lights making it look like a cage, and the floor is illuminated as well. I squint slightly trying to see past the people where I notice there’s a pole pierced through the floor of the small cages and it’s attached to the ceiling.

  Spinning quickly, I glare at Xav. “You brought us to a strip club?” I yell in his ear.

  He laughs shaking his head. “No. It’s a normal club. But sometimes they get dancers in the cages to work up the crowd. And then sometimes they let the public in them to dance. It’s just for show, Heels.”

  I give him a curt nod as the security guard leads us to the back where there’s a sectioned-off area. A private bar stands over in the corner, and there are fewer people. In this part of the bar, it appears like there’s a private party going on. I have no idea why we’ve been invited, but hell, I’m not going to complain either.

  “Okay… so your drinks are free for the night thanks to the host. He told me to tell you he’ll be with you shortly. But for now, you’re not to leave the VIP zone. Got it?” the guard demands.

  With a quick look to Xav, I scrunch up my face. Xav nods emphatically like he knows what’s going on as the guard walks away.

  I turn to him and cross my arms over my chest in annoyance. “Xav, who the hell invited us here?”

  He shrugs then shakes his head. “I have no fucking clue. But fucked if I’m going to be turning down free alcohol. Ari, my little lamb, let’s get fucked up on someone else’s cash.” He points to the bar, and they rush off. I begin looking around for any signs, any clues, but all I can see is what appears to be a birthday party happening in the VIP area. And I can assure you it’s not with anyone I know.

  So, I figure I’ll go with the flow and get my drink on. Pushing off, I make it to the bar to see they’ve already ordered three rounds of tequila, and I giggle as Xav slides the shot glass over to me. I wince preparing myself, and I raise my glass clinking it with theirs and then down the hatch. The liquid burns, and I scrunch up my eyes. The hot, fiery liquor ignites my throat, but it’s a welcomed burn as my insides instantly warm.

  Shaking my head from the buzz, I close and open my eyes loving the feeling. The loud music thumps in my ears, and I find myself swaying my hips to the beat of the song. Slowly and rhythmically, my ass moves on its own as I let the music flow through me.

  A shudder runs up and down my spine. Goosebumps litter my skin. I bite down on my bottom lip as I take a deep breath from the feeling currently overwhelming me. I’m not sure what it is, but suddenly a hand slides in around my waist from behind. I’m shocked to the spot. Usually, unwanted attention would have me spinning and slapping the guy for making a move, but my body isn’t reacting in its normal way. Instead, I lean back against the hard chest. His other hand slides in and wraps around, moving to press against my lower stomach, and I take a deep breath smelling leather and aftershave. It’s a toxic combination. My chest heaves as I realize I’m melting into the arms of a man I hardly know, so I try to snap out of my haze.

  He leans in, the stubble of his beard scratching against my cheek as he presses next to my ear, and it sends a shudder down my spine. “I knew you couldn’t keep away from me.” Torque’s deep, sexual voice enunciates in my ear, loudly over the music. But it’s only loud enough so I can hear him, and it’s enough to snap me back into reality. I stiffen my stance and pull away. Spinning, I glare just as Ari and Xav turn from the bar to notice me looking right at him. My eyes are first met with his broad chest. I swear the guy is the size of a barge. My insides squeeze as I inadvertently chew on my bottom lip, my eyes glancing to his arms to take in the tattoos covering his bulging biceps. My eyes slowly work upward to his chiseled jaw. It’s so masculine covered in just enough beard to make a statement, but not enough to be tatty. Swallowing hard, my eyes dart up further and, of course, he’s sporting that gorgeous smirk he’s too fucking good at. My knees buckle slightly as my eyes lock onto his intense ice-blues which sparkle with playful mischief. Surely, it’s illegal to be that good looking.

  He’s not playing fair.

  Huffing, I screw up my face and tilt my hip to the side making him grin even wider, which only aggravates me more. “You! You were meant to be ‘attending to business.’” I use air quotes. “That’s why you couldn’t come and deliver the money personally. So what? You’re lying to me now?” I ask.

  Torque’s smile falters as he takes a step closer, and I tense up slightly hating that the closer he gets, the less in control my body feels around him. He raises his brow. “I don’t lie… that’s one thing you need to know about me. I did have business to attend to… still kinda am. What I never expected was for you to show up here, though. Have to say when I saw you outside standing in that line, I was surprised and thought I’d give you priority access.”

  Jolting my head back, my brows squeeze together in confusion. “Your guys? The security here work for you?”

  He chuckles with a nod. “Ahh, yeah… everyone here works for us. Club Modesty is owned by The Chicago Defiance MC. Vibe, my brother over there…” He points to a biker who’s sitting down with a woman either side of him. He’s a well-built man, with a blond set of locks that sweep down his face but not in an overly long way. And his blond beard makes me think he would be perfect for a role in the television show Vikings. “He runs this joint. That’s how he got his road name. He lives for the music, for the vibes. He wears earbuds under his helmet when riding, says it helps him see the road better, whatever the fucking hell that means.”

  “Sounds like gibberish to me. But you’re deflecting the situation here, Torque,” I blurt out.

  He raises a brow and smirks. “We have a situation?”

  “Yes. You avoided seeing me? Why?”

  He smiles salaciously. “Oh, did it make you sad I didn’t come and see you myself?” He steps into my space, and he’s so close the friction of his leather cut rubs against the leather of my dress.

  Flaring my nose, I grunt. “No... I just thought you might have had the decency to pay your debts in person, not send a lackey and blame it on ‘business’ when clearly that ‘business’ is partying it up in a club.”

  He lets out a deep belly laugh, and I scowl at him as Ari and Xav stand b
ack sipping on another drink they’ve somehow managed to get. “Oh, Heeley, you’re so fucking feisty when you’re turned on—”


  “But don’t worry…” His hand swoops out grabbing my hip and pulling me to him. Our bodies press against each other, and I can feel everything. Swallowing hard as I look into his eyes, he shakes his head. “I know how to handle feisty. And, foxy, am I gonna have a good time handling you.”

  I gasp, but my body won’t make any kind of effort to move from his grasp. “You can’t talk like that, and why are you calling me foxy?”

  He chuckles. “Fox is your last name, is it not? Plus, woman…” he looks me up and down, “… you are foxy.”

  I scoff and fold my arms over my chest, half in annoyance half in delight that he thinks I’m foxy, but then I wonder how the hell he figured out my surname. I open my mouth to ask, but he interrupts. “If it makes you feel better, the business I’m attending to is over there.” He looks over his shoulder to a girl in the corner, who’s standing with a bunch of people including Trax and Lift and also Tremor, the prospect we met earlier. It seems a lot of his crew are here as I take in a few more guys with the same cut Torque and the others are wearing. Then I look back to the girl and wonder what he means by she’s the business he’s attending to.

  Shaking my head, I stiffen my shoulders. “What do you mean she’s your ‘business?’” I use air quotes to accentuate the word.

  He chuckles. “Jealous? Already? Shit! I have gotten under your skin.”

  I groan and push away from him. Then turn to walk off when he reaches out grabbing my elbow and pulls me back to him with a much weaker smile. His stance is softer, but his eyes are intense. “Heeley, that’s Neala,” he says so matter-of-factly like I’m supposed to know what that means.

  “Okay, great, thanks for filling me in. She looks like a lovely girl.”

  He stifles a laugh. “She’s actually a bit of a shithead when she doesn’t get her way. It’s her birthday. She turned twenty-one. So she’s all legal and technically a woman and all that. It’s doing my head in, but little sisters have to grow up some time. Right?”


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