Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3) Page 20

by T. S. Hill

  “After, he pays the hotel for the holes that he’s knocked in the room walls.”, I quipped.

  “You have known Mr. Longworth for quite a while, haven’t you Tagg?”, Annette said smiling.

  “I was the wall, once, many years ago. I don’t ever plan on experiencing that again!”, I adamantly stated. She giggled, and I continued. “Here’s the plan. We’ve got possibly the world’s greatest researcher and organizer pulling out everything that can be known about this company on short notice, and probably a little more. If we have to work all night, I want us to have this in a presentable printed form, and be able at least for me to give him a quick verbal summary. Since this is her thing, I’m just going to let Sash do her thing, and then point, and click, for what she needs the rest of us to do or contribute.”

  “I sure picked a bitch of a day to have a hangover.”, Lori commented. “Thankfully, it’s about past.

  “The day or the hangover?”, Annette asked.

  “Both!”, Lori replied. “But now, we’re facing an all-nighter. Well, fuck. It is what it is. If we live, we’ll live through it.”

  “Sí.”, Rosita spoke up. “At least we sleep some already, eh Lori?”

  “Well, let’s get with it.”, Lori said, sliding off the bed and heading toward the bedroom door.

  “I’m going over the main house and let Mrs. Baker know that we’ll be eating our dinner here this evening.”, I told them as we all moved down the hall toward the great room and kitchen. “Any, special requests?”

  “Just something easy on the tummy.”, Lori answered. “Mine and Rosita’s have been roughed up a bit.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”, I responded. After filling Sasha in on how we planned to proceed, and roughly, when we thought that Al would return, I left out on foot, toward the main house. Sasha was already assigning different tasks to each of the other women as I passed through the front door. I felt confident that we would have what Al wanted by the time that he returned, and be a strong step closer to closing our assignments, both for Al, and the one for the federal OCTF.

  This would, however, be a test of how the women react to each other, when I put one of them in charge. Each of them was accustomed to managing their own show, so I wasn’t sure. But, I was hopeful, because each of them was a pro at what they did best.

  Back at the main house, I found Mrs. Baker and Tony both in the kitchen. Tony seemed to be chipper and civil, despite our earlier conversation. I explained that we were working through most of the night and would like to eat while we worked in the guest house, and given last night, needed something light on the stomach. Toney was cheerful and mentioned several soups and light dishes and sandwiches. He also offered to prepare some light snacks, and finger foods for any late-night appetites that might develop. I took him up on his offer, and after exchanging pleasantries with Mrs. Baker returned to the guest house.

  I stopped and listened at the door, hoping to get an early warning if things weren’t going well between the four women, each of which was accustomed to running their own show. It was quiet. Opening the door, I stepped into a bee hive of activity. Each of the women was busy carrying out their assigned tasks, with Sasha frequently, pulling a stack of paper from the printer and carrying it to whoever was handling that particular area.

  When I asked Sasha what I needed to do, she quickly responded, “We’ve got it moving nicely, Babe. If you really want to work, you could process some more evidence with data sheets.” So, that’s exactly what I did. I wanted to get all of this cleared as soon as possible. No more half of a day breaks, no more champagne detours. Even if Al tried to start another one, I was determined that I would step in, and keep our work on track, until it was finished.

  Everyone, myself included, worked solidly and steadily from the time I returned to the guest house, until the doorbell rang. We all froze and looked at each other, since it was the first time that it had rang since we had been staying there. Quickly, I jumped from my chair and went to the door. Peeping through the door viewer, I called out to everyone, as I unlocked the door, “It’s Tony with our dinner! Clear the kitchen bar!” Once I opened the door, Tony wheeled in a giant ice chest with a cart handle and wheels.

  “Would you prefer that I set this up and serve? Or, if you rather eat later, this should stay hot for another good hour.”

  “Since we’re already moving things to make ready, we might as well eat now Tony.”, I replied.

  Sasha let out a loud, “Whew!”, and slouched in her chair. Everyone else, finished arranging what they had in their hands, and then began stretching, sighing, or rubbing their forehead.

  “Thanks for giving us a reason to break, Babe!”, Sasha piped up, yawning. “I didn’t know when, or where, it was appropriate to just stop.”

  “When we get finished.”, I shot back. “But we will eat, and go to the bathroom.”

  “Well, we’re maybe, close to halfway through on this report.”, she said, “so, we may, just get a little sleep tonight!”

  “We, can always hope!”, I quipped back. “Right now, let’s eat.” Tony went about setting table on the kitchen bar, for the five of us, and then bid us good evening, leaving us to enjoy the meal. He left us with two types of soup, various crackers and spreads, and a variety of light sandwiches. And, for those of us without touchy stomachs, he included a selection of relishes and pickles. I was glad that he didn’t make any more remarks about the girl’s yoga pants and tops, such as set off the tiff between Sasha and him the previous night. In fact, he kept his head down and eyes diverted the entire time that he was in the house. That was a bit unusual for a man that wasn’t gay, but perhaps not so for a man pretending to be gay.

  “There’s something strange about that bird.”, Sasha said, as Tony closed the door behind him. I looked at her, and nodding my head, winked. She carried on normally afterwards, and so did I. After everyone finished eating, I cleared the bar, and began putting things away, while everyone else took turns with the bathrooms, and began setting their work back out, to resume.

  After everyone had settled back into their work, and the room was abuzz with activity, instead of getting back to filling out data sheets, I decided to do a little background checking on my own. I didn’t have Tony’s birthdate, nor his social security number, but I wasn’t without resources, and started by rounding up all of the Tony Marceaus on social media, then narrowing them down by presumed age, or actual age for the ones that actually gave that info. When, I caught Annette’s eye, I motioned for her to come over to me. As she bent down to hear what I had to say to her, I pointed to the computer screen, where I had his name displayed.

  “How difficult would it be for you to get me his date of birth and social security number?”, I asked quietly, almost whispering.

  “Very difficult now. Two days ago, it would have been no problem. But, I’ve been fired from Longworth Enterprises, remember?”

  “Has Tony already assigned you a room upstairs, in the main house?”, I queried.

  “Yes.”, she answered, quickly nodding.

  “How close is it to Tony’s and Mrs. Baker’s rooms?”, I questioned.

  “I haven’t been up there yet.”, Annette answered. Tony said at the top of the stairs for me to turn right, and it would be the last room on the left.”

  “I was hoping that you would be in close enough proximity to keep your eyes and ears especially open, and let me know what you see, hear and overhear, if you know what I mean?”

  “You want me to spy on them?”, she asked.

  “Don’t risk getting caught, but yes. I want you to spy on them. If there’s anything going on between the two of them, I want to know it. And if not, I want to know that too. Like I said, don’t risk getting caught, but find out what you can.”

  “I’ll start tonight when I go to my room, sir. And report what I find.”, she responded, sincerely.

  “Thanks, Annette.”, I said dismissing her, “Oh, and Annette, it’s Tagg, not sir.”

sir.”, she responded, then immediately drew up. “Oops! Yes, Tagg, sir, um, Tagg.” I chuckled and waved her on.

  An hour later, Sasha pushed her chair back from the table and whistled a long low whistle. She stretched back in her chair and began first massaging her huge boobs, then stretching her arms, and tilting her head back and forth.

  “Well that’s it for me, until everyone gets finished putting together their parts, then we can assemble the final report.”, She said.

  “How long is the summary?”, I inquired.

  “Twelve full typed pages, in twelve-point type, singe spaced.”, She said sighing.”

  Wow!”, I reacted with a wide-eyed look at her. “And, the executive summary?”, I queried further.

  “Four. I couldn’t get it any shorter. This is an exhaustive report.”, she said, looking bleary eyed at me.

  “What’s next?”, I asked.

  “I finish assembling the binder with all of the parts that everybody’s assembling now. You, Annette, and Lori read it, while the rest of us continue to process evidence sheets, photographs, and data sheets. If either of you see anything familiar in that report or anything that throws up a red flag, then we start looking in that direction, if not, then when we finish our data sheets, and get it all entered, we’ll cross reference it.”

  “Let me read the executive summary and general summary now,”, I told her, “and while you’re waiting for the girls to finish their parts, have a look at what I’ve been tinkering with here on my computer.”

  She took one quick glance, then turned and asked me, “You’re suspicious of something! What is it?”

  “I’m suspicious alright. But I haven’t a clue of what just yet.”, I told her.

  “I fully get that!”, Sasha stated.

  “What we talked about? Well he readily admitted to that. But’ I’m not satisfied that our suspicion is actually what’s not normal about him. Still keep this between us, Sash.”

  “Sure, Babe.”, she said. Then looking at me puzzled, she asked, “Really, they’re?” then she made a circle with her index finger and thumb of her left hand, and poked her right index finger through it.”

  “So, he says.”, I said shrugging. “But, for some reason, I don’t believe him, and think that maybe he’s bull shitting me, in a weird way, because he knows that I wouldn’t say anything to embarrass the other party, if you know who, and what, I mean.”

  “Gotcha, Babe. So, what do we do next?”

  “Damn if I know. I’ve got Annette keeping an eye on them from her guest room, upstairs where their rooms are, but beyond that. I dunno. I guess Al will fill me in on his point of view, when he gets back. I don’t like it though. Something just smells Sash.”

  “Hey Shug! We’re finished!”, Lori called out.

  “Finally! A bathroom break!”, Rosita called out, walking fast toward the hallway.

  “What have we got to drink?”, Annette asked.

  “Water, and several fruit juices in the fridge, Annette.”, I answered her.

  “I could use a snack.”, I said aloud, to no one in particular. As I walked up behind Annette at the fridge, where she stood holding the door open, looking inside, she took a step back and bending forward to look into the lower shelves, she pushed her firm, tight, yoga pant wrapped ass, right back against my business end.

  She let out a little yelp, and turning to see me, and where she had just pushed her ass, her face blushed. Then covering her mouth with her hand, she said, “Oh, I’m so sorry Tagg! I didn’t realize that you were behind me.” While her face was red with embarrassment, her hand was hiding whatever actual expression was on her mouth, and her eyes were doing that sparkling thing at me. Since this wasn’t the first time that I had seen the convenient timing of her eye sparkles, I was pretty sure by now, that she turned the sparkles on and off at will.

  “No harm!”, I quickly responded. “No need to swap insurance cards, or call the police!”, I joked. But, both my cock, and my brain, were telling me how nice her firm, warm ass had felt against my groin. “Set out those snack trays, while you’re in there, if you don’t mind.”, I continued talking to Annette, and turned to the cabinet where the drinking glasses were kept. Retrieving a glass, I turned back to find Lori eyeing Annette, with a mixed look on her face. I think that she saw the accidental bump up, but wasn’t one hundred percent convinced, that it was entirely accidental. Then she cut her eyes to me, and smiling, winked. I winked back, but was pretty sure, that I was clueless as to what I was winking about.

  I sauntered over to Lori, and asked, “How’s your head and tummy feeling, gorgeous?”

  “Good.”, she said nodding her head in a slightly exaggerated way. “How are you doing Cowboy? We’ve hardly talked today.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a different sort of day, but I’m good. We’re getting this report completed way quicker than I thought we would, and that’s a good thing. I really appreciate how you, and the other women, have jumped in, to work together like this. It makes me think that we’re really a team.”

  “Of course, we are!”, she replied, smiling pleasantly.

  “I was just concerned that since each of you was accustomed to running their own show, that there was a possibility that heads would start bumping, if you know what I mean.”

  “Actually, I think that’s exactly why, or at least one of the reasons, that we haven’t. We all respect each other’s abilities and expertise. And, each of us having managed teams, knows what a good team member is, and what a fucking pain, that a bad team member is. Or worse yet, having to work with someone who isn’t a team player at all. So, there you go! Plus, we all love each other, except Annette, of course, but she’s easy to breath around, and eager enough to please, without being obnoxious.”

  “So, was it an accident or just her taking advantage of the circumstance?”, I asked.

  “Why, Cowboy, you were paying attention! See, you’re not totally clueless about women after all. What do you think it was?”

  “Now, you’ve got me.”, I replied. “I am clueless about that. Which was it?”

  “Oh, fuck if I know either!”, she said giggling. If it keeps happening, though, well, nobody’s consistently clumsy.”

  “So how many accidents does it take for it to stop counting as an accident?”, I asked.

  “Cowboy, if I keep telling you all of the female secrets, you’ll be dangerous.”

  “How dangerous do you think I am now?”, I asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. You may have to refresh my memory?”

  “How about tonight in the spare bedroom? Just you, and me?”, I proposed.

  “Is that a new concept?”, she asked. “One on one, with one of us, instead of all of us piled up in one bed?”

  “Sometimes a little of one, and sometimes a little of the other.”, I told her. “I think we can keep it mixed up a little bit. Variety is the spice of life.”

  “And sex is too!”, she quipped grinning.

  “Indeed, it is.”, I commented. “Sash and I enjoyed it last night, so I thought, if you’re feeling up to it, and getting past the champagne, you, and I, would have a little alone time tonight.”

  “I’d like that Cowboy.”, she said sweetly, kissing me on the cheek. “Any particular antics, or positions that you’d like to focus on tonight?”

  “Hmm, how about a little doggie?”, I suggested.

  “Oh, she did get her message across, didn’t she?”, Lori, said.

  “Not an accident then?”, I asked her.

  “I’m seriously doubting it.”, Lori said in a unfazed tone. “But, let’s give her the benefit of a doubt. We need her work right now, and we don’t know what her motives are. That’s for sure. Meanwhile, sure, Cowboy, I’ll be your little bitch tonight.”, she said, giving my cock a squeeze through my pants, as she crossed in front of me headed back toward Sasha. Her hand squeezing my cock, caused it to respond, by swelling significantly against the fabric of my pants. When I looked across the room, I caught Annette, holdin
g a glass of orange juice just below her face, and directing a drinking straw, with two fingers, to a place in between her pretty lips. Her eyes were fixed on my groin. I cut my eyes to the right, and Rosita was shifting her eyes between my groin and Annette’s face. When she caught me looking at her, she giggled, waved me off, and then joined Lori at Sasha’s chair.

  Chapter Nine

  Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

  When things go south, there’s always a reason.

  Sasha sat with documents in each hand, talking and waiving them, at first Lori, and then at Rosita. I moved from the counter top, on which I had been leaning, and opened the refrigerator door, playing that age old male game of, what did I open the refrigerator to get?, but only until, I saw through the corner of my eye, Annette joining the other women around Sasha. They all seemed to be listening intently, as Sasha gave instructions.

  Sasha would point to one of them, read something from her place at the table, and they would take a bundle of paper to the huge binder on the kitchen bar, and feed it onto the fasteners. Finally, Sasha slid back her chair, and attached the last bundle of paper, popping the binder fasteners closed. Then, flipping the covers shut, she whirled to face me, while pointing at the binder, and announced. “Your Report on High Star Incorporated! She grinned and winked at me, and I made a kiss pucker at her, which she also did back at me.

  “Yes!”, Lori shouted, thrusting a fist into the air. “That’s one small step for the good guys, and one giant leap, toward prison for the bad guys!”

  “Woohoo!”, I yelled.

  “Woohoo! Woohoo!”, all the women yelled with me.

  “Apple juice for everyone!”, Sasha called out, laughing hard.

  “Just as long as it’s not champagne!”, I added.

  “Not as likely that I will wake up naked in the Rose Garden tonight, I reckon.”, Sasha quipped.

  “Nor me with my head in the toilet!”, Rosita lamented.

  “Tonight, would be a good night for fucking though,”, Lori, said decidedly, winking at me.


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