Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3) Page 37

by T. S. Hill

“Still, all that stuff about a female good and evil, having to have one to… what? Offset the other? Is that some kind of spirit mumbo jumbo?”

  “Tagg, there’s things in this world that we don’t understand, but they still function, and have influence, great influence. Do you understand the psychic of a woman, Tagg?”

  “Maybe better than most, but that’s just a tiny piece of it that I understand.”, I replied.

  “Would you argue that the female psychic doesn’t have great and profound influence on our society?”

  “Hell no! It practically controls our society, or better than half of it.”

  “And the male sex drive controls the other half!”, Al said. “And we don’t understand it either. Just take for granted that Old Mose knows what he’s talking about. Just because we don’t understand it, doesn’t make it any less real, or meaningful, or influential. It may be life or death, Tagg. The way he put it, it certainly sounded that way. So, decide right here and now, to just go with this flow.”

  “I really don’t have any other choice, except to go home.”

  “Yeah.”, Big Clyde said. “Go big, or go home.”

  “So, what else happened while I was away?”, I asked Al.

  “Lots!”, he said, with his eyes getting wide. The girls finished the data sheets and Sasha with Annette’s help did all the cross-match stuff. We ID’d everyone that I need to get rid of, to get those criminals out of my operation. Also, Sasha and Lori got all of your stuff off to Steve with the go ahead to let the feds start moving. I was about to pull the trigger on having the new security company come in and escort all of the bad eggs out, when this crap happened at Sal and Aug’s house. So here we are. You know it was amazing. Sasha had software that read those data sheets when they were scanned in, and converted them into data files. That’s totally amazing! Then she and Annette did this cross matching stuff and relational data base, some thing or other. I don’t get it. But I got a hot list of people to put in the can as soon as we get Sasha back into safety.”

  “Sounds like my work for you is almost done.”, I said.

  “Woah! Don’t get down off your horse just yet!”, he said smiling. “You promised that Lori would get my operation streamlined and re-staffed. Plus, Sasha would keep my IT department running smooth until something else was set up. Plus, it looks like the whole HR and accounting departments are going to be gone with the wind, if you know what I mean. So, those companies that step in and do that are going to need to be implemented and supervised. I’m guessing that Lori will handle all of that? How much time are you going to have to spend with the feds on this evidence that you have on these gangsters? Oh, and Tagg! Allie called trying to contact you and Rosita. She’s all excited about the sales you all generated, and was having a fit about a couple of other things, Sasha lingerie modeling, and something about her and Steve’s relationship she needed to talk with the women some more on. Anyway, you’ll need to call her at some point, Tagg.”

  “Yeah, and there’s that nonprofit for abused orphans, we’ll be asking you for help with fund raising too Al, not just your donation.”, I told him.

  “And, I’ll gladly help with some of my contacts. I’ll help with that all that I can Tagg.”, Al replied. “We’re almost over the hump, but with a ton of stuff to do.”, he said. “Well, first things first. We get Sasha back, then we start thinking about all of that stuff.

  “Did you make arrangements for Naomi to get back to Houston?”, I asked.

  “You know Tagg, that girl is real nice and all. Real sweet too. But, she’s got a wild streak, as wide as a football field is long.”

  “Really?”, queried.

  “I’m afraid so. To start with, Rosita caught her having sex with three of the construction workers, and pitched a fit at her. Then, after we got Rosita calmed down, and off of her back, she decided that she wanted to try to find a job in New Orleans. She borrowed Lori’s truck, which they had just picked up from that dirt airfield, and she came back late at night. Lori went out and found her screwing two guys, back in the bed of the truck! That girl turned out to be wild as a mustang! When we get back, you’ll have to get the women to tell you about it all. Evidently, there’s even more to it.”

  “Where is she now?”, I asked.

  “She was supposed to catch a bus back to Houston this morning. I hope that happened. You know Tagg, I thought that you were wild. But, you and your women all seem to be very committed to each other. That Naomi, seemed to just want to screw whatever came along. That’s not exactly the kind of woman I would want to be involved with. Well, not on a regular basis anyway.”

  “So, was she coming on to you Al?”, I asked.

  “Thanks again Mose!”, Annette yelled out, as she stepped out onto the deck, blinking her eyes at the bright light. “Are you guys ready?”

  ‘I suppose.”, Al said.

  “Big Clyde, do you have a gun?”, I asked.

  “Not here.”, he replied. Old Mose won’t let you have guns around here. He can smell’em.

  “Then he better not get close to our boat.”, Al said chuckling.

  “Oh, he already knows.” Big Clyde said. “He told me to be sure you didn’t bring them in there, when he sent me out here to greet you.”

  “We’ve got a spare nine mil you can carry when we get there.”, Al replied. “I brought more forty-five ammo for you and me too, Tagg. Then we have the three AR’s.”

  “If things go well, we might not have to use them.”, Annette said.

  “Do you know something that we don’t?”, I asked Annette.

  “Now I do!”, she said, nodding her head dramatically, with her eyes wide.

  “Are you going to share?”, I asked. She didn’t answer, just shook her head no.

  “Women, will be my total, and final, undoing!”, I said. “Let’s move out.”

  “Not until it gets a little closer to sundown.”, Annette said, placing her hand on my arm. Taking a deep breath, I sighed.

  “Okay.”, I replied. “You’re calling the shots.”

  “Not all of them.”, she shot back, and squeezed my arm. “But a girl can wish.” I turned my head to look at her, and she did that sparkly eyes thing at me.

  “Well there’ll be plenty of stars tonight.”, I said. “Maybe you can wish on one of’em.”

  “I fully intend to.”, she said, staring into my eyes. Al was busy fiddling with the boat tether, and didn’t see her look, but Big Clyde did.

  “Hmph! I hope I come back from this alive, or at least in one piece my momma can bury!”, he said. I chuckled and started walking around the outer deck. Annette followed me. Approximately, opposite of the spot where our boat was tied up, I stopped and leaned on the rail, looking up the creek bed to where it disappeared into the thick swamp growth. She leaned on the rail beside me.

  “Do you remember that night that you stuck that errant finger in my mouth?”, I asked her. She giggled and looked down at the water.

  “Yeah.”, she answered meekly.

  “Well, despite the ruckus and confusion at the time, and everyone being a little freaked, I want you to know, that I enjoyed that.”, I told her. Annette began nervously twisting back and forth against the deck rail. “And that’s not all. The show you put on, was a real turn on for me.”, I told her with an even tone. Her nervous squirming abruptly stopped, and she stood straight, still looking down at the water. She pulled her hair behind her ear, then turned and looked at me.

  “I meant for it to be.”, she spoke adamantly.

  “Then you succeeded.”, I said smiling.

  “Sasha and I have been talking, and Rosita a little too.” She said in a quiet voice. “I’m just not sure quite yet, how to take Lori, though.”, she said, sounding as though she was leading around to something. “You know I experimented with the lesbian thing once. I mean, I’m not a lesbian. I like men. I like men a lot. But once, at a sleepover thing, I did a girl on girl thing. It didn’t gross me out or anything, but it didn’t make me want to give up m
en either.”

  “So, you guys, all kind of, just do the boy-girl, and girl-girl thing, all together, and back and forth, and sometimes just two of you, and sometimes three, and sometimes, all four of you? But, you’re all committed to each other? Is that kinda how it works?”

  “More or less.”, I replied. “That’s the simple version. We’re still working it all out. I like to also try to spend some one on one time, with each of the women. But, yeah, sometimes just mixing it up is, well, hot! And, yes we do all care about each other very much.”

  “It’s an odd version of a family then?”, she asked

  “I suppose you could say that. We call it a household, but family’s okay too. Lori really likes to call us family.”

  “You know, if it was just me and you, one on one, I’d be all over it. But Tagg, I don’t know.”, she said, sounding truly unsure. “I really like the girls, and they seem to like me, but I have no idea if the arrangement would work for me, or if having me in it would work for them. And, what about you, Tagg? How would you feel about it?”

  “I’m still working it all out myself, but honestly Annette, so far, I’m really cool with it. And, I like you a lot. You’re hot as hell; a real turn on. What I think I hear you saying though, is you would like to take it slow, and maybe dip your toes in the water, to see how it feels. But not plunge fully in, head first, with a full commitment. Am I right?”

  “Yeah, but how do we go about that? And, I’m still not all that sure if Lori would welcome me.”, Annette said with a serious look of concern on her face.

  “We take it slow. That part is simple. Lori? Maybe you need to spend a little alone time with her, like you have with Sasha and Rosita. Ask her how she feels, tell her how you feel. Sometimes bluntness is the best path to take. Meanwhile, maybe things can relax, at least a little, between you and me.”

  “I had that conversation with Lori the other night in the Hummer on the way from Houston.”, Annette replied. “But, is she really as open and accepting as she comes across?”,

  “She has been for me, and Sasha, and Rosita. Ever what she told you, I feel sure that you can take it at face value. I’ve learned with my women, that if I have questions or confusion about things, to just ask. Do you think that things can relax a little between us?”, I asked.

  “I think this conversation took care of that for me. Thanks, Tagg.”, she said, turning to look at me with a smile. I put my arm around her and hugged her close. It’s all good, girl. Come on, let’s see what else we need to get ready before sundown. When she stood straight and turned around, I gave her a friendly swat to her ass.

  “Oooh!”, she cooed. “Was that a new relaxed thing between us.” Yep, Sargent Devoe, that’s exactly what it was.”, I quipped back to her.

  “You know what?”, she asked rhetorically. “I’m actually looking forward to taking it slow. Yep. Slow and easy.”

  “And, I’m glad you are.”, I responded. When we arrived back at our tied-up boat, Al was going over the intricate operations of the nine mil pistol that he was lending Big Clyde.

  “Al, you mentioned construction workers a bit ago. Where were they working?”, I asked him.

  “Huh? Oh!”, he replied. “You mean where were they working before… Yeah, well, Aug had hired them to build on to his treehouse. Sally hadn’t decided to call off the work yet, so. In fact, she still hasn’t called it off yet, but she plans to.”

  “I see.”, I replied.

  “Oh, shit! You told him about Naomi?”, Annette asked Al.

  “Well he needs to know.”, Al retorted. “What goes on around his house is his business. And actually, I didn’t go into all the details, just the main facts.”

  “Oh, I agree.”, Annette replied to him.

  “Somebody else can fill in the sordid details.”, Al groused, handing a spare magazine for the nine mil to Big Clyde. “Why do they call you Big Clyde, anyway?”, Al asked him. “What are you, like five two or three or...”

  “You can just call me Clyde, sir.”, Clyde responded, interrupting him.

  “Very well, as long as you don’t call me sir.”, Al replied.

  “That sounds like a good deal eh, Clyde?”, I asked.

  “That works for me!”, Clyde responded. I walked around the other corner of the deck, and again Annette followed me.

  “Why do they call him Big Clyde?”, she whispered in my ear.

  “Will you tell me all the sordid details of Naomi’s trysts?”

  “Yes!”, she whispered to me, while giggling.

  “In living color?”, I asked joking at her.

  “Yes!”, she replied starting to laugh.

  “They call him Big Clyde, because of this.”, I whispered and grabbed my crotch.

  “They call him Big Clyde, because of your cock?”, she toyed at me.

  “Yeah.”, because if it was laid out beside mine, they would call him Big Clyde.”

  “Oh shit!”, she whispered, covering her mouth and giggling. “It’s that big?

  “He’s the reason that rumor about black men started.”, I whispered to her.

  “Holy shit!”, she groaned, trying to not laugh but almost bursting out.

  “What’s so funny about it?”, I asked, her, getting a little tickled at her.

  “Can you imagine Al?”, she replied. “So, why do they call you Big Clyde? You’re only what, five feet tall?”, she said still giggling and whispering, but at the same time, trying to mimic Al. “Then Clyde just whips it out!” She burst out laughing. “Imagine his face!”, she whispered.

  “Jeepers Annette!”, I said chuckling, get a grip. I turned and walked back around the deck to Al and Clyde.

  “What’s so funny?”, Al asked.

  “Private joke.”, I said.

  “You ever laugh, when what you want to do is cry?”, Annette asked from behind me.

  “Yeah, I guess.”, Al groused. Annette climbed back down into our boat, and began busying herself with the supplies.

  “Annette, how’s Lori’s jaw coming along?”, I asked.

  “Good. No pain hardly, she’s eating soft foods; easy to chew stuff. She talks almost all normally, although she winces when she laughs hard, which none of us had much to laugh about for a while now, except the Naomi stuff. Tagg, does Old Mose, like cookies?”, she asked, changing the subject.

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” I responded. She tossed a pack of wafer cookies up to me, and I caught them.

  “None of us needs to be eating those. Why don’t you give them to him, and say goodbye? It’s about time for us to leave.”

  “I’ll be right back.”, I replied.

  “I’ll go with you.”, Big Clyde added. When I stepped through the door, I heard Annette giggling again in the boat.

  After saying our goodbyes to Old Mose, Big Clyde and I returned to the boat, where Al and Annette were already untied and ready to launch.

  “Big Clyde, you take the tiller, and get us to where we’re going.”, Annette directed.

  “Okay, Miss. But, when we get to the island. Like Old Mose done told you, it’s up to you, to get us in, and out, of that island. And, that’s a damn, mean and scary place!

  “Who’s this voodoo queen, or whatever, that Old Mose talked about ruling over that island?”, Al asked.

  “Antonique Jubeaulet. But, please do not make me say that name again!”, Big Clyde replied. “She is pure evil in a human form.” I could see chill bumps on Big Clyde’s arms. “When you confront her, you are dancing with the devil. When she breathes, his fiery spirit goes, and comes, through her mouth and nostrils. When she makes love with a man, she consumes his soul, and it keeps her face, arms and hands, and legs and feet young, but the remainder of her body is old, and decrepit and rotten. Her spells reach thousands of miles. It’s said that she has made kings and presidents beg at the foot of her thorny throne, and that she possesses the souls of four thousand men which she keeps in a goat skin.”

  “Why the hell would any man want to make love with her to begi
n with?”, Al asked.

  “Because, all of the men’s souls that she has consumed, have made her face one of the most beautiful, and the same with her arms and hands, and her legs and feet.” Clyde explained, with a voice filled with awe. “No man can resist her beauty, and charms, and of course, the spells. By the time that they realize what they’re tangled up with, then it’s too late! And their soul is lost forever. If a man should shut his eyes and resist her. Her zombie slaves tie him up, and she seduces him anyway. The outcome is the same. His soul is lost to her, forever.

  “Why would anyone even go there?”, Annette asked.

  “Curiosity. Misplaced dreams of sex, or wealth, or overpowering her. Why are we going there?”, Clyde asked.

  “We are going to get Sasha.”, I piped up. “And for some reason, I know that we can’t succeed, if we go there for vengeance. It was something in what Old Mose said, and I can’t explain it, but I know that to be true.”

  “Can you do that Tagg?”, Al asked.

  “I have too!”, I responded. “For Sasha.”

  “Is it time Miss?”, Big Clyde asked Annette.

  “It’s time Big Clyde.”, Annette calmly answered. Al let go of the edge of the dock, and we drifted into the current of the creek, and gradually toward the opening into the bayou. Big Clyde hit the engine switch, and it came alive with a roar. At first, he idled us along and out of the creek mouth, then pointing the boat straight into the western sun, he throttled it up. Within seconds, we were skimming across some of the most beautiful, and most imposing, waters in the world. The miles started to slide by, as the sun slid slowly below the horizon.

  As darkness fell on us, Big Clyde eased back on the throttle, and Al turned on the bow lights. I felt Lori’s grandfather’s Colt forty-five under my arm, and the bump of the boat bottom against the water surface. I looked at the last of the orange sky disappearing, and spotted the first star. I saw that Annette had spotted it too, and remembered our comments about wishing on a star.

  With Clyde at the tiller, and Annette, who had never been in the bayou or swamp before in her life, going to guide us into the interior of Voodoo Island, from the directions of a hundred and three year old, blind man, I felt that my world was completely out of my control. But, I also felt totally at peace in taking on what I was about to for Sasha. However, that might turn out, I was committed.


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