Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3) Page 39

by T. S. Hill

  No one could see what Big Clyde was seeing, but we could imagine, because his cock began to grow and rise. Antonique Jubeaulet held her legs in this pose and continued to writhe, and grasp at her breasts, weaving from side to side, seemingly seducing Big Clyde. It seemed to be working too. Within a minute, his cock had grown into a full erection. “Damn, Tagg!”, Al whispered to me. “That’s the biggest dick, that I’ve ever seen on a human being!” How damn big is that thing?”

  “I’ve heard thirteen inches. But, who the hell wants to measure it to find out?”, I whispered back to Al.

  “I will certainly take your word for it.”, he whispered back. “Do you think Annette’s in place now?” Suddenly, Antonique Jubeaulet appeared to rip open her tunic baring her chest and torso, to Big Clyde, and the look on his face, turned from one of a trance like state, to one of immense horror.

  The drums grew louder, as the two sycophants pounded them with a frenzied energy, and Antonique Jubeaulet began bouncing on her toes, maintaining her limbo like pose, and with each bounce, she moved her arched pelvis toward Big Clyde’s giant, bouncing cock. There was pure, horror filled fear etched across his face.

  “I hope she’s in place, Al, because it’s time!”, I spoke up, above the whisper we had been using,

  “You take the right side of that crowd, and I’ll take the left.”, he said. Then, I unleashed the first round into the knee of the biker to the farthest right of the group. Immediately, Al squeezed off a round, and I saw a biker reeling toward the ground. After that, I emptied my thirty round magazine pretty fast, and inserted a replacement. As soon as I had started firing again, Al reloaded. Once Al began firing again, I noticed that Antonique Jubeaulet and her two servant girls, had jumped up from where they had squatted when the gunfire started, and were running for the shanty. I fired a few rounds around their feet, and then turned my AR back on the Grave Robbers.

  The cycle gang, went into total chaos when we began firing into them. A couple of them drew handguns and began firing randomly into the wood, nowhere near our location. However, I didn’t want them to get around to firing in our direction, so I took out both of them rather quickly. I tried to make most of my shots hit below the waist. If there had been fewer of them, I would have fired all my rounds at their legs, meaning to take them out of the fight and any subsequent pursuit of us. But, there were too many to disable in too short of a time, for me to take the time to be that precise in my aiming. At this point, I think Al was so riled at the gang, that he was just choosing a target and hitting it wherever the sight fell. They were dropping like flies, and the ones still standing were running into each other in their haste to get out of the hailstorm of bullets.

  One really giant, monster of a biker, with a huge red beard and long wavy red hair, pulled a pistol from his belt and calmly looking around, seemed to have spotted where we were firing from. He let out a loud growl, like an enraged grizzly bear, and charged straight at us, then began firing his pistol. Bullets whizzed over our heads and I could hear a few slicing through the underbrush, closely around us. I aimed for his left hip join and fired two rounds. Simultaneously, Al fired and our rounds slammed into him, with a hard, one-two punch. My rounds found their mark kicking his hips into a twist, and Al’s found its spot, just above, and right between, his eyes. He hit the ground like a huge tree falling, sending dust flying up around him. Most of the gang began scattering into the undergrowth just behind them.

  While Al and I were focused on disabling the gang members, we had totally missed the fact that Annette had already freed Big Clyde, and he had moved into the underbrush with her. Suddenly, another of the Grave Robbers rushed out of the Shanty, where Antonique Jubeaulet and her servant girls had disappeared. The big man with a long jet black beard and hair, leveled a shotgun at us and fired. Al and I were both face down when the pellets tore through the brush above us. Then immediately, gunfire erupted from the tree where Big Clyde had been chained. The black bearded Grave Robber, literally danced a spastic dance, as Annette riddled him with her AR. Before he had hit the ground, her gunfire had turned on what remained of the Grave Robbers, who were wildly charging off into the dark underbrush.

  “That’s our cue, Al. Let’s go!”, I yelled in his ear.

  “I didn’t have to tell him a second time. He was on his feet and pulling me up, before I could rise fully to my knees. We jogged as fast as we dared, back to the creek bed, and then followed its curved edge toward the sound of Annette’s staccato firing. Just before we arrived at our boat, the gunfire stopped. I could hear the scattered gang yelling, along with the cries and moans of the wounded. Annette and Big Clyde arrived at the boat as we did. In the moonlight, I could see that she was without her camo shirt, only wearing her black bra and camo fatigues. With her AR raised in one hand, she led Big Clyde by the arm with the other. Her shirt was tied around his waist. It wasn’t the time or place to even think it, but there in the moonlight, that was a really hot look for her.

  As he climbed into the boat, Al unbuttoned and removed his shirt, then handed it to Sasha who was wrapped in the blanket that Annette had given her.

  “It might be a little big, and the hemline may not be as short as you’re used to, but this should make you a decent enough dress, until we get home.”, he said to her.

  “Thanks, Al.”, Sasha said, extending a hand from the blanket and taking the shirt. Then dropping the blanket, without any modesty, she stood and put on the shirt. When she had finished buttoning it up, she sat back down, and wrapped the blanket over her shoulders. I removed my shirt and handed it to Annette.

  “I’ve got my tee shirt. I’ll be warm enough.”, I told her. Thanks, she said taking it, and kissed me on the cheek.

  I was the last climbing on board, and pushed us away from the bank. As we began moving down the creek, a loud echoing screech emanated from up the back, behind the shanty.

  “What in the hell was that?”, Al blurted out.

  Then a female voice screamed out after us, “Vous, le cow-boy, seront dévoilés ! Je me rendrai dans vos rêves. Et, une femme sera votre mort. Fils de pute ! Le reste d'entre vous est maudits pour être ses compagnons jusqu'à la mort !”

  Then another bloodcurdling screech echoed across the bayou.

  “Holy fuck!”, Annette snapped.

  “Was that screech Antonique Jubeaulet?”, I asked.

  “We’re all doomed!”, Big Clyde cried out.

  “I don’t even know what the fuck she said.”, I blurted out loud.

  “Let’s just calm down, and get the hell out of here.”, Al said. “Annette, what do we do now?”, Al asked.

  “Use the paddles and keep us in the middle of the creek.”, she replied. We follow the current, until this creek empties back into the big water. We just need to get back into the open water before the tide changes, because this flow stops first, and then goes back the other way.”

  “Crank the engine and let’s go then.”, I snapped.

  “No!”, Annette popped back. “Mose told me, whatever I do, to not run the engine in the tidal creek, but to keep the motor tilted up.”

  “You’re still in charge, until you get us out of here Annette.”, I told her.

  “Can we at least paddle to hurry this process up?”, Al asked.

  “I don’t see why not.”, Annette answered. Al and I grabbed the paddles and started assisting our progress along the creek.” Annette stood near the bow looking forward down the dimly, moonlit creek. Big Clyde moved to the console and sat down with a sigh, adjusting Annette’s shirt around his waist. Gradually, the noise and shouts from the bonfire clearing we had left, drifted away, and the only sounds remaining, were the swamp bugs’, and creatures’, mating calls, along with the rippling water sounds made by our paddles.

  In that relative silence, Sasha spoke up loudly and clearly, “You, the cowboy, will be revealed! I will visit in your dreams.”, she said, loudly. “And, a woman will be your death, you son of a bitch! The remainder of you will be cursed, to
be his companions, until death!” When she finished, there was a few seconds of silence, then she spoke again, “That’s what she said. High school French; two years, then advanced studies. I made A’s, but it took me a minute to figure all that shit out.”

  “What was it again, Sasha?”, Al asked.

  Sasha repeated, “You, the cowboy, will be revealed! I will visit in your dreams. And, a woman will be your death, you son of a bitch! The remainder of you will be cursed, to be his companions, until death!”

  “Woah!”, Annette spoke up. “She actually said cowboy?”

  “I said what she said!”, Sasha said crossly.

  “Okay, I’m sorry, Shug.”, Annette apologized. Sasha stood up and made her way to Annette, wrapping her arms around her. She hugged her and then gave her a little smack of a kiss on the lips.

  “Thanks for coming to get me girl!”, she told her.

  “What else did I have to do on a Saturday night?”, Annette joked to her.

  “Is it Saturday?”, Al asked.

  “Fuck if I know what day it is!”, Annette said. Sasha actually giggled, then turning loose of Annette, she leaned over to her right, and hugged Al, as he dipped his paddle into the black creek water.

  “Thanks for coming to get me Al!”, she told him. Looks like I owe you a big one.”

  “Little girl, you don’t owe me a thing!”, He told her. “You just get back to being that happy, optimistic Sasha, that makes the sunshine on a cloudy day!”

  “I’ll do that Al, but it may take a while.”

  “Take as long as you need, little girl.”, Al told her. Next, she made her way to Big Clyde.

  “I don’t know who you are, or why you came. I heard Big Clyde.”

  “That’s what they call me.”, Big Clyde answered.

  “Thank you, Big Clyde!”, she said hugging him, and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You’ve got to be a really good guy!”

  “Ah, no big shit missy!”, Clyde, said sheepishly back to her.

  “We’ve got to find you some pants, Clyde!”, Sasha told him.”

  “I’m just glad to be alive, and here in this boat, missy!”, Clyde replied. Holding on to the side of the boat, Sasha carefully climbed over the gear bags and rifles and arrived at my side.

  “I really need your hug Babe!”, she said, with her voice choking. I dropped the paddle into the bottom of the boat, and we lunged at each other. She clung to me like there was no tomorrow, as did I to her. I had been afraid that she was lost forever, or even worse. “They didn’t rape me yet, Babe.”, she sobbed into my chest. “They whipped me with a cat of nine tails, and bamboo cane tips, and called me all kinds of names, but they didn’t rape me yet.”

  “They’re not going to Sash! Ever!”, I told her. Then something inside of me broke.

  “We need to go back and finish this!”, I yelled out. “Turn the boat around! We’ve got to finish them!” Afterwards, there was only silence, except for the night noises of the swamp creatures.

  Finally, it was Sasha that spoke up. “No, Babe.”, she said softly. “We’re finished here. It’s time to go home, back to our treehouse. You’ve done everything that needed to be done.” Nobody else said a thing.

  After a few more seconds, Al spoke up. “You could help paddle, just long enough to get us out of this creek.”

  “You got it!”, I replied. Sasha released me, and I picked up the paddle again, and dipped it into the black water on the left side of the boat, giving it a strong pull, which sent the boat surging forward. Within just a few more minutes, Al took his paddle out of the water, and Annette announced, “We made it! We’re in the big water!”

  “Big Clyde!”, Annette called out. “Can you get us home from here?”

  “As soon as I can figure out where I am, Missy!”, he called back to her, sounding optimistic. “I know this bayou, I only got to figure out where I am.” The full moon now, lit up the wide waters, like an eerie picture negative.

  “Let’s ease over to the opposite bank and find some markers”, Big Clyde said.

  “Wait! Babe, give Big Clyde your pants, and I’ll share the blanket with you.”, Sasha said.

  “Fair enough!”, I replied. “I’ve got my boxers.” I pulled off my pants and handed them to Big Clyde.

  “I’ll have to roll the legs up to the knees.”, Clyde said laughing. “But, I’m just glad to have them!”

  “How tall are you Clyde?”, Al asked.

  “Five foot three.”, Big Clyde popped back, sitting down in the cockpit seat, and pulling the pants up over this legs.

  “That’s a helluva price to pay.”, Al mused.

  “But what a fucking payoff!”, Annette blurted.

  “It’s a curse both ways!”, Big Clyde shouted back. I am too little, for the women who are big enough for me, and too big, for the women who are little enough for me.”

  “I never thought about that Clyde.”, I mused. “That kinda sucks.”

  “No shit!”, Clyde mumbled, struggling with my pants. I settled into the back of the boat in front of the engine, and Sasha came with me. Clyde at the three quarters to the right rear position, finally had his pants on and leg cuffs rolled up sufficiently for him to function. He lowered the remote engine lift, to lower the foot back into the water, and then turned the starter. The engine roared to life, then settled to an idle. Big Clyde shifted the drive into forward, and the prop slowly churned the water behind us. Al stepped forward to the bow and turned on the bow lights.

  “Big Clyde, there’s a spot light under the console.” I told him.

  “Okay, thanks.”, Clyde answered, opening the console base door. Within a minute or so we had reached the opposite bank from Voodoo Island, and Clyde flicked on the spot light and began playing it up and down the tree lined edges of the water. Once the spot light fell on a huge white plastic jug, Big Clyde kept the spot light on it and moved the boat along in that direction.

  “Catch the jug!”, he called out, as we approached it, and Al reached over the side of the boat and snatched it up. Big Clyde quickly reversed the engine to stop the forward motion of the boat, then shifted the drive to neutral. As Al lifted the jug, Big Clyde pointed the spotlight on it, and we all could read the letters “X+4”.

  “X+4!”, That’s crazy Calvin’s marker!”, Big Clyde exclaimed. “We got a long way, and a slow ride ahead!”, he said. “There’s a lot of stick ups, logs and shallow water down this side. But I know where I am, and how to get back to Old Mose’s from here! Pitch it back, Mr. Al!”, he called out, sounding almost happy.

  “You got it from here, Big Clyde?”, Annette asked.

  “Missy, I got it from here. It’s just going to take a while for us to get back from here; maybe a couple of hours in the dark, like this.”

  “Just get us there safe, Big Clyde!”, Annette said, actually sounding relieved.

  “I’ll do you right, Missy.”, Big Clyde replied.

  “I’ll keep a watch over your bow, Clyde.”, Al said, settling down on the bow bench. Annette made her way back to me and Sasha.

  “Is there room for one more in that blanket?”, she asked.

  “C’mon in girl.”, Sasha replied, pulling the blanket open. Annette settled in beside me on my left, with Sasha on my right. We sat on the floor of the boat, with my back was against the rearmost bench, which served as the bulkhead to the engine well. Each of the women snuggled in close to me with their heads on my chest, and my arms around their shoulders. Even in the chilly night air, we were warm, cozy, and snuggly comfortable, down in the hull of the boat, under the blanket. Big Clyde, after some trial and error, finally settled to a speed that he felt comfortable with and the drone of the engine lulled us all into a relaxed state.

  As both of the women’s heads were laying on my chest, with their faces turned to each other, they couldn’t help but look at each other under the bright moon light. Sasha’s hand came out from under the blanket, and she caressed Annette’s cheek in a gentle and loving way. I didn’t expect to se
e it, but Annette’s left hand also came from under the blanket and caressing Sasha’s cheek, it slid behind her head, and pulled Sasha to her face, moving forward herself, until their lips met in the middle of my chest. They kissed tenderly and lovingly, first with just a light lip kiss, and then with open mouths. Their affection for each other was clearly illuminated, just inches before my eyes, by the white moonlight.

  I pulled the blanket up over their heads, for their privacy, but strangely enough, as I did, their affections seemed to turn to my body. I glanced up at Al and Big Clyde. Both of them were intently peering off into the darkness ahead. I slid down a little further into the bottom of the boat, and the women snuggled in closer, increasing the intensity of their caresses of my stomach and thighs. I could tell that their heads had met aging in the center of my chest, and as their kiss broke, the blanket pulled downward, revealing their heads. Sasha looked up at me.

  “Just go with the flow, Babe. It’ll all be alright.”, she had to yell at me over the din of the boat’s outboard engine. I knew that neither Al nor Big Clyde could hear us, being ahead of us, with the forward movement of the boat, and with the cover of the engine noise.

  “Nothing on her face!”, I yelled at Sash. “Lori and Rosita get to have a say in that.”

  “That’s gonna be tough.”, Sasha spoke loudly into my face.

  “That’s the rule!”, I told her. She gave me a thumbs up and grinned, then pulled the blanket back over their heads. I could feel the two girls fondling over each other and see their heads together as they kissed and caressed each other over my torso. When their kissing broke, they both turned their mouths to my stomach and chest. Both of them were tugging at my shirt and boxers, eventually pushing my tee shirt above my pecs and my boxers almost to my knees. Sasha popped her head from under the blanket once more and grinned at me.


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