Brazen Ecstasy

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Brazen Ecstasy Page 10

by Janelle Taylor

  She smiled. “This time, it will not be a girl. You will have a son to follow you after you follow Black Cloud. My dream told of a strong son riding at your side, my husband. It will be, for Napi has revealed it to me.”

  A firm believer in dreams, Brave Bear beamed with joy, joy to be short-lived when Chela was delivered of another female child in six more months. Still, the dream helped him master his longings for Shalee. “Look!” Chela excitedly shrieked.

  Following the line of her gaze, Brave Bear watched the lids of Shalee’s eyes struggle to open. Moments later, green eyes blinked several times in confusion before closing again to send her back into the land of much needed rest. Chela and Brave Bear exchanged smiles, knowing the illness was relenting to Shalee’s battle for life.

  Off and on all day, Shalee came and went many times. Her body felt so weak and heavy; she ached everywhere. She was thirsty and groggy. She drank from the strange cup placed to her lips, a white object that sometimes contained water and other times contained a soupy liquid whose flavor escaped her. She snuggled beneath some unknown furry coverlet. She wondered where her uncle and the others were. Who were these odd-looking strangers who were caring for her? What had happened to her? Where was she? This dwelling was unfamiliar, large and round with a pointed ceiling. Such mysterious words and images filled her mind. Yet she was too dazed and confused to reason them out.

  She would fight to rise above the weightiness of her eyes and body to see who was touching her head and causing such agony there, but she could not order her eyes to open or her body to respond. She strained to catch the curious words she could not understand, but to no avail. Each time she would almost grasp reality, fatigue would send her spiraling downward into some black void.

  Inevitably, longer periods of awareness and logic came to Shalee. Twice she had attempted to call to the woman near a fire encircled by large rocks, but could not bring the words from her parched throat before that dark night closed in upon her. The fact that she was and had been very ill became a frequent first thought upon awakening each time. The pain in her head was slowly receding. She was feeling better and a little stronger. But where was Uncle Thad? Why wasn’t he caring for her? Was he also ill? Did that explain why these two strangers were tending her?

  That night, for the first time in eight days, Shalee slept peacefully. When she opened her eyes the following morning, a man with reddish-brown flesh was kneeling beside her, smiling at her. Her baffled gaze scanned his unusual dress: fringed leather garments, knee-high leather shoes, and a necklace of some animal’s claws. Around his flowing mane of raven-black hair he wore a leather band that bore colorful etchings. Her gaze returned to his nice and relaxed features. She met his smiling eyes, her confusion vividly written in the green depths of hers.

  “Who are you? Where am I? What happened?” she asked one question after another, halting breathlessly from lingering weakness.

  Brave Bear stared at her. Why was Princess Shalee looking at him so strangely? Why did she speak to him in the white man’s tongue? “Shalee?” he hinted in befuddlement, worry edging into his gaze and voice. Her gaze slipped to his mouth as he asked how she felt in his language.

  “I do not understand your words,” she replied, feeling apprehensive, but not frightened. This unfamiliar man made no attempt to harm her and he had been tending her while she was ill, so why should she feel intimidated by him?

  He spoke again, the rapid words spilling from his lips like water rushing over a cascade. Her puzzlement increased, for he acted as if she should comprehend his language. She shook her head and stated once more, “I cannot understand your words. Where is my uncle?”

  The man’s brow furrowed and his eyes studied her intently. Chela came to join them. Shalee’s eyes shifted to the lovely young woman who sat down beside the strange bed upon the dirt floor. The woman smiled and spoke in the same unknown tongue. Both people seemed friendly and polite, so Shalee remained as calm as possible under these perplexing conditions. She tried to sit up, but was too weak. The man touched her shoulder, indicating she should remain down. He smiled again, then pulled the furry blanket up to her neck.

  She smiled in return and thanked him. She needed some means of communication. She touched her chest and said, “Alisha.”

  Brave Bear and Chela exchanged curious looks. When Brave Bear tested his suspicion by asking her if she could understand his words, she did not reply in Sioux or Blackfoot, but in English. He touched her arm and stated, “Shalee.”

  She waited a moment, then repeated her name. Brave Bear, knowing her English name, shook his head and stated firmly, “Shalee.” This process was repeated several times until Shalee stared at him. Was he offering her a name in his tongue? Did Alisha mean Shalee in his tongue? Or did he have her confused with another person?

  The man touched himself and stated, “Mato Waditaka,” then touched the woman’s arm and stated, “Chela,” then touched her arm again, stressing, “Shalee.”

  To prove she understood this much of his tongue, she repeated their names correctly, but with difficulty. When she touched herself, she emphasized, “Alisha. Alisha Williams.”

  Brave Bear shook his head either in disagreement or in resignation. To argue would serve no purpose except to drain her scant energy. It was clear she did not know she was Shalee, nor did she know their language! The injury upon her head and her lengthy stay in the world of blackness had driven such knowledge from her mind. Perhaps when she fully recovered, the memories would return….

  Chela and Brave Bear discussed this dreadful state. What would Gray Eagle do when he found her like this? Suddenly Brave Bear said, “Wanmdi Hota?” Only more confusion clouded her green gaze. As they debated their next move, Shalee drifted off to sleep.

  Chela stared at the ashen-faced Shalee. “What will we do, Brave Bear?” she inquired anxiously.

  “We must send another message to Gray Eagle if he does not come soon. It has been eight or nine moons since she left his camp. Why does he not come for her? Perhaps when she sees him, the cloud upon her mind will vanish. We must be careful not to frighten her,” he advised. “Once more she is white. Yet, she does not seem to fear or hate us. We must walk lightly until the Great Spirit heals her mind as well as her body.”

  Another day passed, then another. Still, Gray Eagle did not arrive. Word did arrive from Black Cloud, but only to say he would stop off in several other camps before returning. No mention was made of Shalee! Brave Bear did not think it his place to question his Chief’s strange behavior, but he deeply resented it.

  Shalee had regained some of her strength and could sit up for a short time. When she could learn nothing from these genial strangers, she was forced to accept their assistance and care. Perhaps there had been some terrible accident and she was a lone survivor who had been found injured by these friendly people. But why could she not recall such a terrible event? Perhaps the wound upon her head had driven those painful memories from her mind until she was strong enough to accept such a tragedy.

  But something alarming was taking place today. The lovely woman named Chela with dark braids and coppery skin was watching her intensely. What were the emotions that warred within her chocolate eyes? It quickly became apparent it had something to do with the excessive friendliness and assistance of the ruggedly handsome man. Were they sister and brother or husband and wife? If they were married, why did he look at her in that way that suggested attraction and affection? While she was weak and shaky, he had held the curious cup for her to drink from and the bowl while he actually fed her that reviving and unknown broth. His smiles were tender, revealing a fondness she found dismaying and puzzling. Noting Chela’s disapproval and annoyance, Shalee tried to accept his aid with politeness and to prevent too much friendliness. Yet she couldn’t help but smile radiantly at him for his kindness. Too, he was attempting to teach her some of his words.

  While he was out that afternoon, Shalee steadily grasped the bewildering resentment and feminine spite i
n Chela. Her soup was served cold and her water warm! Pains shot through Shalee’s head when Chela suddenly yanked the bandage off, for it was stuck to the dried blood and clear liquid that had dried to form a protective scab. The perplexing and intimidating woman indifferently tossed her a clean bandage to replace herself, whirling and leaving Shalee alone.

  Dread began to edge into her mind. Who were these people? Why was this young woman suddenly becoming so cold and cruel to her? Likewise, why was the man becoming more friendly? Were their changes related? What could she do? Where was she? How should she respond to these mercurial and strange people? How could she comprehend this mysterious and alarming situation when there were so many questions without answers? If only she could remember the accident or attack that had brought her here!

  Two radiant suns had crossed the sky since the drama between Gray Eagle and Leah had taken place. Enough time to make another attempt to sway the fierce resolve of Gray Eagle, Leah smugly concluded. Her second plan had failed miserably; it was time to use her first one! The day was sunny and exceptionally warm for early April. Leah timed her strategy perfectly. As Gray Eagle rounded the last large tree that stood near the spot where he normally bathed at this time of day, Leah climbed from the water to halt abruptly before his line of vision. As planned, she shrieked in surprise at being caught naked and glistening with water from her recent bath, but she made no movement to cover her body. As if hypnotized, she guilefully stood motionless and silent, her eyes locked upon Gray Eagle’s narrowed gaze.

  Taken off guard and confronting the naked beauty within a few feet of him, his gaze swiftly roamed over Leah from dripping braids to slender ankles. On his return journey, his eyes hesitated briefly at the dark triangle of hair that guarded her womanhood, then also lingered upon the breasts with their protruding nipples. When his gaze reached her face, Leah was careful to hold the innocent and tender mask in place. Yet her eyes sent out a bold invitation, or rather a desperate plea.

  “God, how I want you, Gray Eagle,” she murmured, keeping her voice soft and silky as tears sparkled in her eyes. “Why must you torture me and tempt me every day?” she deceptively accused, feigning misery.

  Torture and tempt her? his spinning mind scoffed. His respiration ragged, he turned and walked past her into the forest, needing to dispel the imitation of Shalee that reached out to him from Leah’s visage.

  Leah’s time was gone. Success called for desperate measures. She seized her garments in her hands and raced after him. When she called his name, he abruptly halted and turned to glare at her in stern warning. But she fell against him, her breasts crushing into his chest, her upturned face entrancing him with its resemblance to Shalee’s.

  The clothes dropped to the ground. Attacking his male ego, she panted wretchedly, “Aren’t you a man anymore? Did you also lose your manhood when you lost Shalee? Aren’t you still the greatest warrior alive? Who has the power to stop you from taking what you need? No one! Will you force your manhood to wither and die because she died? Doesn’t he rebel against your harsh denials? Why don’t you feed him? You are the leader; no one can stop you!”

  Five winters ago before Shalee had entered his life and drastically changed him, Gray Eagle would have reacted violently to such words and conduct! She dared to question his manhood and rank! She dared to speak to him in this disrespectful tone! His mind was plagued by a new guilt born within his mind this very day; now, she was also mocking his lagging prowess! Why hadn’t he questioned the Bluecoats about Shalee’s attackers and demanded their lives in exchange for those of the two leaders at the fort? It was surprising he had escaped at all considering the dullness of his wits that infuriating day! Now, this white female taunted him! She actually gave voice to the guilt that tormented him, accused him, denied just revenge! She dared to flaunt her body before his starving senses! His manhood was intact; his forbidden arousal proved it! He should slay her where she stood!

  Yet, he did not. He simply stared at the brazen woman before him who was boldly offering him the ecstasy he was missing. Leah cried, “I love you and want you! Please let me ease the pain within you. Does your manhood weaken before every woman except Shalee? She is dead! She cannot give him pleasure or take away his aching. I can, Gray Eagle. Please let me prove it,” she huskily entreated, her hand freeing the engorged member from his breechcloth.

  She audaciously moved her hands up the powerful arms and stroked his muscular chest. He angrily knocked one hand aside, but the other one shamelessly trailed down to touch his manhood. As Leah hurriedly seized Gray Eagle’s hand to place it over her taut breast, she daringly grasped his manhood to lovingly stroke it. Infuriated by her assault upon his warring senses and weakened emotional state, he slapped her errant hand aside as he jerked his hand from her bosom.

  Had her senses flown away like a bird? What was this mad obsession for him? Was she utterly bewitched by him? Stunned, he could not believe what he was witnessing. How dare this bold she-wolf believe she could behave in this offensive manner!

  His body ached for sweet release; his heart yearned to halt the pain and emptiness which ravaged it. But it was not just any female he needed. He could not submit to this foolish deed just to sate his animal lust.

  An unnatural rage to chastise himself consumed him. He needed to lash out in anger, to feel something besides pain and loneliness, besides guilt and lifelessness, to hurt someone as he was hurt, to make someone or something pay for his loss. Gray Eagle knew he wanted to feel something other than the endless agony and mindless grief which were steadily sapping his vitality. But release with Leah could not vanquish his emotional battle. When she tried to entice him once more, he shoved her aside in mounting rage.

  From a distance, someone shouted his name over and over. His temper about to explode, it was several moments before his mind cleared. The stark reality of how this encounter would appear staggered him. The voice called out again. Anxiety washed over him. His shame would be mountainous if viewed like this, being wantonly enticed by a white slave. He glanced at Leah’s naked frame and passion-flushed face. He was innocent of wrong, but it would not appear that way!

  Dizzy with unbridled passion, Leah resisted his second rebuff. She fondled his chest and brushed her breasts against him, knowing her last battle would be lost if he refused her. The male voice called out again, this time nearer. He had to halt her madness and prevent a humiliating scene.

  He forcefully pushed her backwards. She pleaded and reached out to him, inspiring him to knock her to the hard ground.

  “Hiya!” he declared firmly, but cautiously quiet. He quickly refastened his breechcloth and disappeared into the forest, furious with himself for even permitting a scene which could possibly stain his reputation.

  Was he so blind and sad that he could allow his keen senses to dull for even a brief moment? It was not Leah’s place to punish him, nor his own. He was relieved the Great Spirit had intervened once more. What was happening to him, to his pride? Was his mind slipping away from him? His loss of Shalee was taking a terrible toll upon him. “Shalee, my love, I need you,” he murmured.

  Leah shuddered with frustration and fury. How could he deny such fiery desires? Suddenly the voice called his name again. Rage filled her as she discovered what had broken her spell. She snatched up her own clothes and dashed into the concealing bushes. From far away, she heard the vibrant voice of Gray Eagle as he answered the call for him. The other man turned and headed in that direction. Her body flamed and ached. She swore to herself, there will be another time, my handsome warrior; I will have you yet…

  Gray Eagle’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened as he listened to the incredible words from the Blackfoot brave. He shouted in joy and gratefully slapped the brave upon his back. He hurried to ask Shining Light to care for Bright Arrow for a few moons. When she heard why he must leave, tears of relief and happiness filled her eyes.

  Before Leah could return to camp, Gray Eagle was riding hard and fast for the camp of Black Cloud to
retrieve the bird of his heart. He thanked the Great Spirit he had not been tempted to possess Leah, for he belonged only to his one love.

  Shalee had watched Chela closely for the past few days; the strange woman failed to respond to her smiles and friendly overtures. She panicked at this stark change. Was she a prisoner here? Were these the fierce and deadly savages her uncle Thad and the other settlers had spoken of so many times? All she knew was that they were most unpredictable. She tried to stand up the first moment she was alone, but her weakness was too great to support her light body. She dejectedly sank to the furry skin, tears of confusion and fatigue blurring her vision. What now? she wondered. If she could only recall what frightful episode had placed her in their hands….

  Chela and Brave Bear met the frantic rider as he galloped into the edge of camp. Brave Bear spoke first as he dismounted. “Why have you not come sooner, Gray Eagle? Shalee tempted the Bird of Death many times during these past moons.”

  Gray Eagle read the anger in the warrior’s voice and eyes. “I did not know she was still alive until Deer Stalker came to me the last moon. We searched for her many suns, but could find no trace of her. We have mourned her death. Where is she?” he impatiently demanded, annoyed at this delay.

  When Brave Bear told him of the first two messengers, Gray Eagle was dumbfounded. “No brave entered my camp before Deer Stalker. Why did you wait so long to send a second message? My heart has been heavy at her loss!”

  After a few heated words were exchanged, the problem was solved. Brave Bear hurriedly related how he had found her and cared for her. He spoke of his confusion at the ignoring of his previous message, words that had obviously, he saw now, never arrived. He then spoke of her recovery. Lastly, he hesitantly began, “I do not know how to speak such words, Gray Eagle. Shalee is not Shalee now.”

  Baffled, Gray Eagle questioned his meaning. “She calls herself Alisha Williams. She speaks only the white man’s tongue. She does not understand our tongue. She does not know Brave Bear or Chela. When I spoke the name of Gray Eagle, she did not respond to it. The wound upon her head has stolen thoughts of us,” he concluded aloud.


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