Rescuing Harley: Delta Force Heroes, Book 3

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Rescuing Harley: Delta Force Heroes, Book 3 Page 16

by Susan Stoker

  Harley squirmed against him and Coach felt himself slip inside her another millimeter. He held still for several beats, trying to memorize the moment.

  “Is that it?” she asked in a strained voice.

  “Is what it?”

  “Sex. I thought there was thrusting involved.”

  Coach barked out a laugh. “I’m waiting until you’ve adjusted.”

  She squirmed under him again. “I’ve adjusted. Please. I need you to move or something.”

  Coach did as Harley asked. He pulled out until only the tip of his cock was still inside her, waiting until her hips tilted up a fraction of an inch, then he pushed all the way back inside. Seeing her flinch as he bottomed out made Coach rethink his approach. Earlier he’d told her he would start slow, then end up with fast thrusts, but she was too tight, not ready for making love that intensely this time.

  * * *

  He sat up, keeping them connected and pulling her onto his lap. She ended up with her upper back lying on the mattress and her lower half propped up on his bent knees. The position didn’t give him much room, if any, to thrust into her, but it gave her better access to her own body.

  “Give me your hand.”


  “Just do it.”

  She did as he asked, and laid her hand trustingly in his. Coach brought it down to where they were joined. “Feel us.”

  She didn’t hesitate. As soon as Coach let go, Harley’s fingers roamed over their bodies, feeling where his cock was buried inside her, and brushing against her clit as she explored. She inhaled. “You can’t move in this position,” she semi-complained.

  “I know. But you can reach yourself better,” he countered, meeting her wide eyes. “I will not hurt you, and you’re too new to this for me to take you like we both need. So this time, you’ll have to do all the work. Rub yourself. Show me what you like.”


  Reading the concern in her eyes, Coach reassured her. “Trust me. I like this. You are so tight, and you’re squeezing me so hard. Every time you flex, it’s like a thousand fingers are caressing my cock. I really want us both to come with me inside you. But me banging in and out isn’t going to work this first time for you, it’ll only cause you pain. I guarantee though, if you come like this, I will too. Come on, Harley. Don’t be shy. Get yourself there.”

  She didn’t respond verbally, but Coach saw her pupils dilate and felt her fingers tentatively caress the small bundle of nerves. He put one of his large hands over her belly, feeling her little outtie belly button on his palm. The other hand he put next to their hips to prop himself up. He had a feeling that he was going to have one of the most intense orgasms he’d ever had…even without moving an inch in and out of her body.

  The first time her channel clenched around his, Coach bucked, then ruthlessly held himself still again. “Fuck, yeah. Do that again, Harley.”

  She did. The more aroused she got, the less inhibited she got. She went from using one finger to tentatively flick against her clit, to using three, rubbing roughly as she shifted and bucked in his lap.

  It was the most beautiful thing Coach had ever seen. Harley was lost in her own world, and he could feel every twitch of her muscles, each time she bucked up against him, trying to take him deeper. It was amazing, and something he’d never experienced with any other woman. Trying to make sure Harley was satisfied had, in return, given him the most erotic experience in bed he’d ever had.

  Sensing she was close, Coach moved the hand on her belly up to one of her tits. He pinched her nipple, just this side of painful, and ordered, “Come, Harley. Let go.”

  She did.

  She thrashed in his lap, her head arching backward, her fingers falling away from her body. Coach moved the hand that had been propping himself up to her clit and mimicked her own actions, rubbing roughly over her clit, prolonging her orgasm.

  Feeling her channel loosen around his cock, Coach finally allowed himself his own release. He groaned, keeping his hand over Harley’s clit, feeling his come surge up from his balls and exploding out of the tip of his dick deep inside her. The warmth of his seed filling the condom, as little aftershocks continued to caress him, made Coach tremble as he came down.

  Not realizing he’d closed his eyes, he opened them several moments later and looked down at Harley. She was lying still under him, a small smile on her face. She didn’t try to pull away or avoid his eyes.

  “Wow. I had no idea it was that intense for guys.”

  Coach smiled at her. “With the right person, it is.”

  “What now?”

  “What now what?”

  “Well, you came. I came, what now?”

  Coach shifted until he was hovering over Harley once more, careful to keep her pelvis up tight against his so he didn’t slip out of her. “I have to get rid of the condom. Then we’ll both nap for a bit. I’ll wake up with a hard-on and want to get inside you again.”



  “Yeah. Sounds like a good plan to me. Although this time, I want you to move inside me.”

  Coach closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Harley’s. “I’ve created a monster.”

  “Hey, it’s all for the sake of education, right? I’m thinking I need to add some sex to my next video game.”

  “You are not putting our sex life into a video game.” His voice was harsher than he intended it to be. But the thought of her putting what they’d just shared on a game for everyone to see was appalling.

  “I was kidding, Coach. There’s no way I’d want to share one second of what we just did with anyone else, even if they do rate the games for adults only.”

  “Good. I don’t share well.”

  “Me neither.”

  They smiled at each other for a moment.

  “Okay, go on, remove the condom then we’ll sleep. The sooner we nap, the sooner we can do that again.”

  Coach pulled out slowly, earning a groan from Harley. “Sore?”

  “No. That felt good. I’m so sensitive down there.”

  Coach kissed her again. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He was back in seconds with a warm washcloth. “Here, I thought you might like this.”

  Harley took it from him and he watched as she rested it on herself for a moment. “God, that feels so good. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Need any help?”

  She smiled up at him, blushing. “No, but thank you.” After a second, she observed, “You’re staring.”

  “Can’t help it,” Coach returned.

  Harley wiped herself once with the fast-cooling cloth, and handed it to him. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to you staring at me.”

  “I’ll give you lots of practice.” Coach put the wet washcloth on the table next to the bed and turned back to her. “Thank you, Harley. That was amazing. I feel honored to have been your first.”

  “I’m too old to have been a virgin,” she complained.

  “Nope. You’re perfect.”

  “Stop saying that. I’m not perfect.”

  “Perfect for me then.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  Coach pulled Harley into his arms and tugged the comforter up and over them both.

  “Is it normal to feel this tired after sex?” she inquired sleepily.


  “Okay. Coach?”


  “That was awesome. I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Me neither. Good night.”


  Harley fell asleep almost immediately, but Coach didn’t sleep a wink. He was too wired. Too happy. He wanted Harley in his life forever. There were things they hadn’t talked about, things about his past, but there’d be time for that later. It was enough, for now, that she slept peacefully and safely in his arms.


  Coach lay
in bed next to Harley, listening to her breathing, and thanked God that he and all his teammates had made it back from another mission in one piece.

  This one had been a doozy. They were sent to the Middle East to gather intel and hopefully rescue a service member who’d been taken captive by the Taliban. Most of the time incidents like this one didn’t even make the news anymore, not when ISIS was blowing up malls and nightclubs around the world.

  They’d joined up with another Delta squad, one they’d worked with before. The men on the other team were funny as hell and damn good soldiers. But something had gone wrong. They’d all been caught with their pants down and five of the six men on the other team had been wiped off the face of the earth in the blink of an eye.

  One minute they’d been driving down the road and the next, their Humvees were nothing but burning hunks of metal. Thank God they’d been able to rescue one of the Deltas. Dane “Fish” Munroe had been missing part of his arm, but Truck had been able to clamp off the artery and they’d hotfooted it out of the volatile area.

  Coach closed his eyes and shook his head in despair. The men Fish had worked with had been good men. Brothers, sons, and in two cases, husbands. It could’ve easily been him and his friends who’d been blown up.

  Fish was struggling with what had happened. Not only losing part of his arm, but his teammates as well. Truck was keeping an ear to the ground to find out when he was out of the hospital and where he would end up. Word was that he had several months of physical therapy to go through and that he’d most likely be chaptered out of the Army.

  It wasn’t the way any of the Deltas would choose to go out. Fish might not know it yet, but wherever he ended up, Coach, Truck, and the rest of the team would have his back. He was now an unofficial member of their close-knit group…whether he wanted to be or not.

  Coach ran his hand up and down Harley’s back and smiled as she arched into him, snuggling into his side at his touch. He closed his eyes and sighed, happy to be home, happy to have Harley by his side, and happy to be back in Texas. He slept.

  Harley got out of the car and smiled as Coach scowled at her. She always refused to wait for him to come over to her side and open the door. She’d told him over and over that she was a competent woman who could open her own door, but he never stopped trying. It was the fact that he wanted to pamper her, treat her like a lady, that made her smile. He should know by now, especially after last night, that she was no lady.

  Coach growled under his breath as he shut the door behind her. “Seriously, Harl, I wish you’d let me be a gentleman at least once.”

  Harley leaned against her man and whispered into his ear, “I let you pull my chair out for me and open doors into buildings, but my favorite is how you always let me come first. Every time. That is all the gentleman I need.”

  “Jesus, Harl,” Coach grumbled, looking around the parking lot to see if anyone was nearby. “That was a low blow. Now I’m replaying last night in my mind and remembering how hot and wet you were when I pushed into your tight body.”

  “It’s your own fault,” Harley teased. “You made me come twice this morning before you got inside me.”

  “Fuck, woman. Whose idea was it to meet the gang for lunch today?”


  “Well, next time, talk me out of it, okay?”

  The last couple of months had been like a dream for her. Coach was an attentive boyfriend, but not smothering. When she got into her weird moods when her code wasn’t working, Coach hadn’t pushed her. He’d left her alone and waited for her to text to let him know it was safe to come back to her place.

  They hadn’t talked much about his job, it was enough for Harley to know that what he did was top secret, and that he had the rest of his teammates at his back. She knew his missions weren’t safe, and that point had been driven home when he’d told her the last time he’d come home from being deployed about his friend, Fish, who had been wounded, and how Truck had saved his life. It made Harley appreciate every minute she got to be with Coach. She knew the next time it could be him who was wounded.

  And while they didn’t spend every night together, they were moving toward that more and more. Coach would come over after work and hang out with her, until they couldn’t keep their hands off each other anymore. They’d had shower sex, bathtub sex, living room sofa sex, wall sex, table sex, and even hallway floor sex. They’d not only done it doggy, cowgirl, and spooning styles, but he’d introduced her to some kinkier positions, such as the waterfall, the hot seat, reverse cowgirl, pole position, the pretzel, and the spider. He’d taught her how to give him a blowjob, and she’d gotten a thorough education on the difference between having sex and making love…loving both.

  All in all, things were going great. Harley knew she’d fallen hard and fast for Coach, and it seemed as if he felt the same, even if neither of them had said the words yet. There was no rush though; they had plenty of time to get there.

  Harley smiled up at Coach when he tucked his hand into the back pocket of her jeans as they walked. She snaked her arm around his waist and grabbed hold of the belt loop on his cargo pants as they headed toward the entrance to the fast food burrito restaurant. It was a popular place to eat, especially this time of day.

  The high school, a block away, allowed its seniors to have lunch off campus and the place was filled with teenagers when they walked in. Coach gave a chin lift to Rayne and Ghost who were standing off to the side, obviously waiting for them to arrive. Truck was there, as was Blade and Hollywood. Rayne’s friend, Mary, had also tagged along, making it a lively group.

  Something was still up with Truck and Mary, but Harley didn’t really know either of them well enough to comment on it. She saw Rayne giving her friend a side-eyed, what-the-hell-is-going-on glance, but Mary turned her back on the group and studied the menu as if her life depended on it.

  Truck didn’t look happy, but got in line behind everyone else, and in front of Harley and Coach. He crossed his arms in front of him and glared at the back of Mary’s head.

  Harley looked up at Coach and raised her eyebrows in question, but Coach merely shook his head. It was a weird situation, but at the moment Harley was too happy with her own life to butt into anyone else’s. Looking one more time at Truck, she was glad she wasn’t on the other end of the scowl on his face. Truck was a large, intimidating man, and if he looked at her like that, she’d be spilling her pin number for her ATM card, her bank account info, and anything else the man wanted to know.

  Harley snuggled into Coach’s side and sighed in contentment as she felt his hand move from the back pocket of her pants to rest at the small of her back, under her shirt. His long fingers covered most of her back, but his pinky was pushed down into the top of her undies, teasing her with a back and forth movement along her bare butt.

  “I can’t believe the nerds decided to tear themselves away from their computers long enough to eat.”

  “They should’ve known better than to have come here though. They know this is our hangout.”

  “Dumb bitches won’t know what’s coming when they leave.”

  Harley felt Coach stiffen next to her. It was as if every muscle in his body had readied itself for attack. She wondered if this was how he was in battle.

  Harley turned her head casually to the side, just enough to see a group of three teenagers standing behind them. They were obviously in high school, and reminded her a lot of herself when she was that age.

  Two wore glasses, not unlike her own, and the other was overweight. All three wore jeans and oversize T-shirts, one with the Army logo on it, one with a picture of Pokémon, and the third was red with the Star Trek logo on the upper left chest. They were carrying backpacks, which looked like they were full of books or other school paraphernalia. They wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, but kept their gazes focused forward on the menu board, as if that would make the other girls standing behind them disappear.

  The girls who had spoken were in line behind t
he awkward trio. There were four of them, and they were young and beautiful. Two had blonde hair, one was Asian and had long, straight black hair, and the fourth was African-American with very short, curly hair. They were wearing short skirts and heels. They were dressed as if they were going out to a club on Saturday night and carried nothing but small purses. All four had condescending sneers on their faces, aimed at the three teenagers who now looked panicked.

  “Look, how cute, they think if they ignore us, we won’t know they’re here. You’re gonna regret coming to our lunch spot,” one of the blondes threatened.

  Her words made Coach stiffen even further, if that was possible. Harley wasn’t any happier with the situation than Coach was, but confronting the mean girls was a sure way to make the situation worse. She knew. She’d been right where the trio had been. The taunting and threats brought back way too many bad memories of high school for Harley.

  “What do you want to eat, Harl?” Coach asked, nudging her to the counter. Harley hadn’t even realized they’d shuffled forward and were now at the front of the line. She turned and ordered her extra-large chicken burrito—she’d burned a lot of calories the night before—and waited for Coach by the cash register.

  He paid, and indicated the large table that Ghost and the others had commandeered. “Will you get me a water?” When she nodded, he thanked her. “Appreciate it. Don’t wait for me, go and sit, I’ll be there in a sec.”

  Harley nodded and grabbed the cups from the cashier and headed to the soda fountain to get their drinks. She turned when she heard Coach talking to someone.

  “Hey, ladies, there aren’t too many seats…we’ve got some extras at our table, want to sit with us?”

  Harley saw Coach talking to the three girls who’d been picked on while in the line. They were standing at the cash register with their mouths open, obviously confused about why Coach was asking them to sit with him.


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