by David Lodge
‘But what am I going to do without you?’
She seems to be smiling, but her lips are trembling too.
‘That is up to you, Elizabeth. There are plenty of fish in the ocean, so I hear. But as for me, as for now, goodbye.’
Of course Rayment doesn’t really win the struggle for autonomy. Behind him, and behind the disconsolate Elizabeth, stands the shadowy figure of J. M. Coetzee, who we know invented both of them, perhaps a little disconsolate too at being unable to bring Rayment’s story to a conclusion that satisfied him. Instead, he has made his creative frustration the subject of the novel, and thus passed it to his readers, some of whom will not forgive him. But ensuring the comfort of readers has never been a feature of J. M. Coetzee’s writings.
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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
A. E. (George William Russell)
‘Germinal’ 218
Ackroyd, Peter
Chatterton 7
The Lambs of London 7
Milton in America 7
Alexander, Florence 88
Alexander, Sir George 34, 56, 62
Alexie, Sherman 288–9
Ali, Monica 68n
Amis, Kingsley 82n, 220
Amis, Martin 277
Yellow Dog 65–6, 68
Andersen, Hendrick 7, 16
Angelis, April de
A Laughing Matter 10
Aquinas, St Thomas 253
Poetics 267
Atwood, Margaret 68
Auchinloss, Louis
The Rector of Justin 98
Austen, Jane 187–8, 235
Pride and Prejudice 232
Bacon, Francis 255
Baines, Jocelyn 213
Bainbridge, Beryl
According to Queeney 8
Baker, Nicholson 295
Bakewell, Joan 14
Bakhtin, Mikhail 267–8
Rabelais and His World 268
Banks, Iain 277
Barker, Pat 277
Barnes, Julian 277
Arthur and George 8
Barth, John 291
Barthelme, Donald 291
Bell, Madison Smart 281
Bennett, Alan
Kafka’s Dick 10
Bentley, Ursula 277
Bergonzi, Bernard 63
Bernard of Morlay 271
The Best of Young
American Novelists, 1996 xii, 274–95
The Best of Young British Novelists 277–8
Billington, Rachel 44
Bilson, Anne 277
fiction and 30–1, 61–2
sources for novelists 7–11, 190–1
Blackwood, John 169, 173, 177, 188, 191–2, 195, 198
Blomfield, Reginald 37
Bloom, Harold 203–4, 219
Bogdanovich, Peter 131n
Booker Prize
see Man Booker Prize
Borges, Jorge Luis 12
Labyrinths 265–6
Bosanquet, Theodora 33, 126
Bowen, Marjorie
The Viper of Milan 207–9, 212
Boyd, William 277
Bradbury, Malcolm 15–16, 44, 232
To the Hermitage 8, 67
Liar’s Landscape 70n
Brautigan, Richard 291
Bray, Charles and Caroline 177–8
British Book Marketing
Council 276–7
Britten, Benjamin 26
Brooke, Gordon 26, 37
Brooke, Hilary 26, 37, 87, 88–9, 93
Brookner, Anita 85
Buchan, John 206
Buford, Bill 275, 278, 290–1, 292
Burgess, Anthony 276
Abba, Abba 7
Dead Man in Deptford 7
Nothing Like the Sun 7
Bush, George W. 99–100
Byatt, A(ntonia) S. 65, 277
Caedmon 36
Caesar, Michael 259
Callil, Carmen 43
Campion, Jane 25
Canin, Ethan 282–3
Carlyle, Jane 198
Carlyle Mansions, Chelsea 36
Carter, Angela 275
Carver, Raymond 291, 293
Chapman, John 179–80
Christie, Agatha
Murder on the Orient Express 260
Clarke, Desmond 276–7
Cloetta, Yvonne 211
Coetzee, J. M.
Disgrace 299, 304, 313
Elizabeth Costello 67, 296–319
‘Lives of Animals’
Tanner Lectures 297–8
Foe 317
Master of Petersburg 8
Nobel Prize 315–17
Slow Man 317–19
Waiting for the Barbarians 304, 310
Conrad, Joseph 209, 210, 212–16
The Arrow of Gold 212–14
The Secret Agent 214–15
Heart of Darkness 216
Nostromo 216
Victory 212
Under Western Eyes 215–16
Crace, Jim 10n, 57n, 292
Cunningham, Michael
The Hours 8
Daisy Miller (film) 131n
Davidson, Mr and Mrs James 37–8
Davies, Andrew 25
Davis, Sue 91
Davis, Tony 18, 40, 91
De Bernières, Louis 277
Dickens, Charles 151–2, 162–5, 197–8
Barnaby Rudge 152
David Copperfield 152
Great Expectations 152
Martin Chuzzlewit 25
Diment, Galya
Pniniad 229
Donald, Elsie Burch
A Rope of Sand 79, 79n
Dorkofikis, Tasja 81, 85
Drury, Tom 283
Du Maurier, George 13, 22, 28, 54
The Martian 32
Peter Ibbetson 19
Trilby 19–20, 21, 28, 32, 38, 58, 94
Dugdale, John 78–9, 80
Duncan, Robert 311
Earley, Tony 287
Ebdell, Rev. Bernard Gilpin 174
Eco, Umberto
The Name of the Rose 246–72
Reflections 252, 254, 270
A Theory of Semiotics 247
Edel, Leon 5–6, 7, 20, 28, 34, 122, 123–4
Collected Plays of James 221
Eliot, George (Mary Ann/Marian Evans) xii, 162, 173–80, 181, 196, 197–200
Adam Bede 171, 182, 198, 200
‘How I Came to Write Fiction’ 172
‘Janet’s Repentance’ 171, 174, 185, 194–7, 198–9
The Mill on the Floss 200
‘Mr Gilfil’s Love Story’ 174, 185, 191–4
review of Ruskin’s
Modern Painters 180–1
Scenes of Clerical Life 169–200
‘Silly Novels by Lady Novelists’ 184–5
‘The Natural History of German Life’ 181
‘The Sad Fortunes of Amos Barton’ 170, 172–3, 185–90
Eliot, T. S. 139, 185, 204, 218
Emecheta, Buchi 277
Ettlinger, Marion 295
Eugenides, Jeffrey
Middlesex 289–90
Evans, Mary Ann/Marian
see Eliot, George
Fenimore Woolson, Constance
see Woolson, Constance Fenimore
Feuerbach, Ludwig 196
The Essence of Christianity 170, 183
Fischer, Tibor 277
Voyage to the End of the Room 66
Fitzgerald, Penelope
The Blue Flower 8
Flaubert, Gustave 220
Bouvard et Pécuchet 165–6
Madame Bovary 122
Trois Contes 165–6
Ford, Ford Madox 210
Ford, Richard 293
Forster, E. M. 122, 219
; Franklin, Dan 65, 68, 79–80
Franzen, Jonathan 283
Freud, Sigmund 230
Fullerton, Morton 4
Galgut, Damon 68n
Garber, Marjorie 298
Gaskell, Mrs (Elizabeth) 36, 197
Gatenby, Greg 44
Gates, Henry Louis ‘Skip’ 279
Gee, Maggie 277
Girodias, Maurice 243–4
Gissing, George 149, 159
Golding, William 276
Gordon, Lyndall
A Private Life of Henry James 6
Gosse, Edmund 34, 149
Gothenburg book fair 94
Granta (magazine) 274–95
Best of Young American Novelists 274, 278–80
Best of Young British Novelists 275–8
‘Dirty Realism’ 290–1
Gray, John
Straw Dogs 305
Gray, Simon
The Smoking Diaries 45
Greene, Graham xii, 202–22
Brighton Rock 207, 216, 220
A Burnt-out Case 214
The Confidential Agent 216
The End of the Affair 216
England Made Me 211
The Heart of the Matter 216, 220, 222
It’s a Battlefield 211, 214–15
The Living Room 222
The Lost Childhood 206, 207–9, 216–18
The Man Within 213, 214, 218
The Name of Action 213
The Power and the Glory 207
Rumour at Nightfall 213–14
A Sort of Life 206, 212–14
Stamboul Train 214, 215
This Gun for Hire 207
Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta 14
Guterson, David 287–8
Gwyther, Rev. John 176–7
Haddon, Mark
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time 67
Haight, Gordon 199
Halévy, Daniel 175–6
Hardy, Barbara 186
Harrison, Sophie 97
Hastings, Michael
Calico 10
Tom and Viv 10
Haynes, David 290
Heawood, Jonathan 85
Heller, Zoë 68n
Hemingway, Ernest 130
Hennell, Charles
An Inquiry into the Origins of Christianity 178–9
Heyns, Michiel 12, 16, 38–9, 93
The Typewriter’s Tale 4, 5
Hick, Henry 149
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
‘Letter of Lord Chandos to Lord Bacon’ 313–14, 315
Hollinghurst, Alan 3, 7, 79
The Line of Beauty 3, 12
Holmes Jr, Oliver Wendell 7
Holroyd, Michael 44
Hope, Anthony 206, 207
The Prisoner of Zenda 209
Horne, Philip 124, 125, 129
Henry James: A Life in Letters 24
Howells, William Dean 107–8, 125, 127, 128–9
Hughes, Kathryn 176, 190–1
Humphrys, John 91
Huxley, Thomas 147
Isherwood, Christopher 210
Ishiguro, Kazuo 277
Jack, Ian 274, 278–80, 287
Jacobson, Emilie 73
James, Alice 6, 54, 109
James, Henry x–xii, 107–43, 149, 162–3, 165, 166–7, 209, 212, 216–22
The Ambassadors 24, 40, 41–2, 109
The American 54, 108
‘Art of Fiction’ 127
The Aspern Papers 4
Collected Plays 221
Daisy Miller x, xii, 107–41
Guy Domville 13, 21, 28, 32, 34, 54–8, 68, 94, 99, 221
The Golden Bowl 109
‘An International Episode’ 108
‘Lady Barberina’ 113
‘Madame de Mauves’ 108
Mrs Jasper 55
The Notebooks of Henry James 20
The Portrait of a Lady 107, 108–9, 218
Roderick Hudson 28–9, 108
The Spoils of Poynton 21, 28, 166, 212
‘The Question of Our Speech’ 134
The Turn of the Screw 79n
The Wings of the Dove 23, 109
James, Simon J. xii
James, William 109
Jarrell, Randall
Pictures From an Institution 231
Johnston, Wayne 45
Jones, Laura 25
Jones, Rev. John Edmund 174, 176
Joyce, James 211
Dubliners 235
Ulysses 311–12
Judd, Alan 277
Kafka, Franz
‘An Academic Address’ 301–2
Kaplan, Joel 62, 63
Kemp, Peter 3, 4
Kennedy, A. L. 277
Kermode, Sir Frank 19
Kerr, Philip 277
Kerry, John 99
Kidd, Minnie 34
Knoepflmacher, U. C. 196
Kureishi, Hanif, 277
Kurzweil, Alan 281–2
Lacey, Tony 71, 76
Laird, Nick 92
Lawrence, D. H. 210, 211
Leavitt, David 5n
Lee, Vernon
‘Lady Tal’ 4
Lewes, George Henry 170, 171–3, 180, 183, 190, 195, 198
Lewis, Maria 174, 177
Liggins, Joseph 198–9
Litt, Toby
Ghost Story 79n
Lively, Adam 277
Lodge, David
adaptation of Martin Chuzzlewit 25
Author, Author 3–103
The British Museum is Falling Down 42, 80n
Changing Places 43
Conciousness and the Novel 44
Home Truths 21, 22
Nice Work 25, 64
Paradise News 22
The Picturegoers 80
Small World 64
Therapy 22
Thinks . . . 22–5, 28, 44, 205, 306
The Writing Game 20–1
Lodge, Mary 21, 60, 62, 65, 69, 89, 93
Lowell, James Russell 36, 125
Lurie, Alison 98, 232
MacCarthy, Desmond 217
McCarthy, Mary
The Groves of Academe 231
McEwan, Ian 69, 77, 277
Mackenzie, Norman and Jean 145
McKracken, Elizabeth
The Giant’s House 282
McWilliam, Candia 277
Mailer, Norman 294
Advertisements for Myself 292–3
Man Booker Prize 3, 39, 59, 66, 67, 69, 84, 93, 94–6
Manguel, Alberto
Stevenson Under the Palm Trees 8
Mars-Jones, Adam 85, 277
Master, Simon 68
Masterman, C. F. G. 159–60
Mauriac, François 219–20
Mayes, Ian 83
Milne, A. A. 275n
Milton, John 204
Mitchell, Adrian 25
Mitchell, David 96
Mitchell, Susan 311
Mitchinson, John 277
Moore, Lorrie 280–1
‘Agnes of Iowa’ 281
Morrall, Claire 68n
Moses, Kate
Wintering 8
Motion, Andrew
The Invention of Doctor Cake 8
Moynihan, Danny 86–7, 88, 91
Moynihan, Julia 86–7
Mulligan, Geoff 49, 64, 67, 70–1, 72–3, 74, 76, 85
Nabokov, Dmitri 224
Nabokov, Véra 224
Nabokov, Vladimir
Bend Sinister 225
The Defence 237
Lolita 225–6, 229, 235, 243–4
Pale Fire 50, 241
Pnin 224–44, 319
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight 225, 237
Nagel, Thomas
‘What Is It Like To Be a Bat?’ 305–6
Naipaul, Shiva 277
Newdigate, Sir Robert 173–4
Ng, Fae Myenne
Bone 288
Noakes, Burgess 33, 35, 37–8
Norfolk, Lawrence 277, 292
Norman, Philip 277
Norton, Charles Eliot 24
Novick, Sheldon M.
Henry James: the Young Master 7
Oates, Joyce Carol 98
O’Connor, Robert 283–4, 292, 294
Offutt, Chris
‘Moscow, Idaho’ 285
Okri, Ben 277, 292, 304
O’Nan, Stewart 285–6, 291n
Ormond, Leonée 22, 28
Orwell, George 210
Pegg, Jonny 63, 70–3
Phillips, Caryl 277
Phillips, Jayne Ann 291
Pick, Daniel 19, 20
Pierre, D. B. C.
Vernon God Little 68n
Pinker, J. B. 149
Plater, Dr John 31–2n
The Portrait of a Lady (film) 25
Powell, Anthony 210
Powers, Richard 295
Priest, Christopher 277
Pynchon, Thomas 291
Queer theory 6–7
Quigley, Isabel 250
Raphael, Frederic 131n
Rathbone, Julian 67
Rider Haggard, H. 206, 207
She 209
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich von 181
Robbins, Amy Catherine (‘Jane’) 148–9
Robins, Elizabeth 88
Robinson, Sue (Schlesinger) 88, 91
Rosenthal, Tom 249–50
Rushdie, Salman 277, 292
Midnight’s Children 275, 276
St Aubin de Teran, Lisa 277
Saker, Mrs Edward (Rose) 63
Sandgate, Kent 148–9
Schlesinger, Robert 88, 91
Scott, Walter 186, 187
Seal, Elizabeth 88
Sedwick, Eve Kosofsky 7
Self, Will 277
Shakespeare, Nicholas 277
Shaw, George Bernard 158
Shaw, Mike 63
Sherry, Norman 214, 218
Shrimpton, Nicholas 252
Simpson, Helen 277
Simpson, Mona 288
Sinclair, Clive 277
Singer, Peter 298
Slovak, Paul 71, 73, 76, 97
Smith, Zadie 92
Snow, C. P. 147, 220
Sondheim, Stephen
Sunday in the Park with George 21
Stead, C. K.
Mansfield 8
Sterne, Laurence
Tristram Shandy 29, 206
Stevenson, Robert Louis 206
Stoker, Bram 96
Stone, Robert 279, 290
Stoppard, Tom
The Invention of Love 10
Travesties 10, 21
Stowell, Sheila 62, 63
Straus, Peter 69–70, 73–5, 93, 95–6
Strauss, David Friedrich 178