Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story

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Beauty to His Beast: An Urban Werewolf Story Page 10

by Natavia

  He was dreaming about me when I entered his mind. His thoughts were sick! His hand slid down on his dick, touching himself. Thoughts of me bending him over and taking him in the same way I took Kanya is making him aroused. My growled echoed throughout his room. When he woke up, I disappeared and was on the other side of the door in the hallway. I hurriedly went into my room then threw up everything that was in my stomach.

  “My pack brother was in lust over me! Kanya was right!” I thought to myself.


  I have been gone for a month because my wounds were healing slowly! Very slowly! Aki and I are back to normal and now I’m ready to strike back! Goon’s pack brother had done a lot of damage to us. Aki almost died twice because he lost a lot of blood. Usually we heal in a few days but not that time. I was at my father’s house, pacing back and forth trying to come up with a plan to get rid of Goon and his pack, and then take Kanya away from him! She doesn’t belong with him! She belongs to me and I do not care what no one else says!

  “You are just getting back and you are already thinking?” my father asked me.

  “Those wolves are dangerous!” I shouted at him.

  “Those wolves are built to protect the son of Ammon! That’s why you healed slowly! Ammon is not pleased that you are trying to mess with his son!” my father said to me.

  “Are you scared of him? Isn’t he just a spirit trapped in some kind of immortal ancient Egypt world?” I laughed. My father shook his head.

  “You are going to ruin this pack! It is not supposed to be like this! If you and Goon fight and he wins; he will take over your pack! You will have to bow down to him! Just walk away Xavier and let it go! You should not have gone to his home! You never step foot on another’s pack homeland! Have I not taught you anything. I taught you how to become an Alpha male and you are upsetting me and the immortal gods!” my father said.

  My phone rang and it was Aki, “Talk to me!” I said walking out of the room as my father ranted on.

  “Sasha is meeting us and she has Kanya with her!” Aki said. A smile spread across my face as I thought of myself entering Kanya’s body with her welcoming alluring scent.

  “Okay! Great!” I said hanging up.

  “She is not yours to mate with, Xavier! Goon’s father stamped her just for him and only him! I wouldn’t get too close to her if I was you!” he said to me.

  “I don’t want to mate with her! She can give him as many pups as she wants! I just have to have her once!” I told him before I walked out of his house.

  Amilia called my phone, I answered. “WHAT!” I spat.

  “What time are you coming home? I’m waiting!” she purred.

  “Continue to wait because I have things to do, Amilia!” I said hanging up on her.

  I arrived at the address Aki gave me and it was a lounge and bar on the outskirts of the city. This area is perfect! I got out of my car and Aki was waiting for me by the door. He still had a long scratch on his neck that I think will never go away; he is scarred for life. When we walked into the lounge, Sasha and Kanya were sitting down at the table laughing and chatting. Kanya’s sexiness has gone up a notch, her breasts are rounder and fuller and she has a glow to her. It was that son-of-a-bitch fucking her, making her look that way.

  “There you are!” Sasha got up then hugged Aki. Kanya looked uncomfortable when she saw me. I smirked because I know her mate told her to stay away from me.

  “Kanya, this is Aki! Well, I know you met him before since he and Xavier are friends, but he and I have been dating!” Sasha told Kanya. Kanya spit her drink out then wiped her mouth.

  “You set this up? A double date?” Kanya yelled at Sasha.

  “What is the matter with you? I can’t help that Xavier came with him!” Sasha lied.

  “I’m out of here! You can have fun by your damn self! You are lucky I have on my cute pumps or else I would beat your ass!” Kanya threatened Sasha.

  Sasha covered her mouth shocked by Kanya’s threat. Kanya got up then bumped into Sasha sending her flying into a table across the lounge. Aki looked at me with a confused look on his face. That wasn’t just human strength! It would take more than one person to send someone across the room like that! I followed Kanya out of the lounge. Her hips swayed side to side and her ass bounced with each stride she took in her high-heels.

  The men were looking at her lustfully; she held a lot of sex appeal and it was intoxicating. I could not smell her scent because she wasn’t aroused and because I’m not her soul mate. Only Goon can smell Kanya’s scent during anytime. She tried getting into a truck, but I slightly pulled her away from the door, her eyes flashed gold then a growl slipped from her throat. Her canines grew out and her nails grew long and pointy turning gold. They sparkled underneath the parking lot lights.

  “Don’t touch me! I know what you want from me and you are not getting it! Now, move out of my way!” she said pushing me aside. I looked around to make sure no one saw me. I picked her up and then ran to the woods as she clawed and bit me.

  “Stop fighting me!” I told her as I slammed her against a tree.

  She howled out in pain and that is when I ripped her pants and panties off. She clawed at my face opening my skin up; she bit my neck. Kanya is not as strong as me and if she is a new shifter, she will not shift as quickly. I threw her down on the ground, her head slammed against a rock. I was not going to rape her; I just wanted to taste her! I forced her legs opened then stuck my tongue inside of her. She tried to fight me off but she was weak from hitting her head.

  “Please stop!” Kanya screamed.

  She was getting aroused, even when she didn’t want to. Her scent filled my nostrils then I gently bit down on her bud sending my saliva into her body. My scent is going to be inside of her, letting Goon know I was with her. I forced her legs up then growled licking between her swollen lips. I could feel her pussy clench as she was about to release. She was going to come inside of my mouth. She tasted so sweet! My hard on pressed against my pants as semen dripped from the tip of my shaft. I sucked her clit harder, sinking my teeth into her. She let out a piercing scream as she clawed at me scratching my face and neck. Her legs shook as she came again. She stopped fighting me then moaned when I slid my finger into her. Her wetness splashed onto the mushy ground in the woods. She is in heat and she cannot resist the pleasure.


  I tried to shift to fight him off, but I couldn’t! Goon said it would take time for me to shift when I wanted to. I laid in the grass in the woods as Xavier brought me multiple orgasms. My body burned and my nipples ached to be sucked. All of sudden Xavier was lifted off me then tossed into the air. I hurriedly sat up then hid behind a tree. Goon’s wolf leaped into the air then caught Xavier by the throat slamming him into a tree. Xavier shifted then bit Goon on his shoulder. They started rolling around biting and clawing each other. The loud growls echoed throughout the woods. Goon sank his teeth into Xavier’s neck then slung him into a tree again; the tree fell down as the two big wolves attacked each other. Xavier’s wolf was almost as big as Goon’s. I heard more growls then I turned around. Two more wolves appeared out of the bushes then jumped on Goon. Xavier set him up! All of this was a setup to ambush Goon.

  My body fell over as I screamed out in pain, my clothes shredded away from my body. A growl escaped my throat, my nails felt like knives piercing through my skin. I turned into my beast. While Goon tried fighting the three wolves off him, I charged into the brawl biting and clawing at the other wolves. One of them slammed me into a tree; Goon shook the other two off him then charged into the one that slammed me. Goon’s eyes started glowing and the tribal markings on him glowed throughout his fur. His teeth sank into the wolf’s neck so deeply he cracked its spine killing him instantly. Blood dripped from Goon’s mouth as he growled at the other two who were circling him.

  Three wolves came leaping from out of the trees. There was more of them! We are outnumbered! Goon stood his ground as he stood in front of me; he was go
ing to die from protecting me. I heard howling then bushes started shaking and leaves fell from the trees. Three wolves appeared from out of the bushes with the same tribal markings in their fur like Goon’s. Those had to be Kofi, Amadi, and Elle.

  “Run to the house Kanya and don’t look back! Go now!” Goon’s deep voice boomed inside of my head. I could not leave him. His blue eyes bored into mine and I could tell that he was angry with me. I should’ve listened to him! Sasha put me in this position!

  Goon’s pack charged into the other wolves and it was horrific! The smell of blood filled my nostrils as Goon was ripping some wolves almost apart. I was screaming in my head because Goon appeared to be the beast that I first saw him as in the beginning. Xavier took off running leaving his pack behind to get brutally attacked. Goon’s pack is bigger and stronger!

  Goon ran after Xavier and then another wolf leaped out of the tree that I did not know was there! I could tell by the face structure that it was a female. She sneakily trotted behind Goon and I followed her; she took off running behind Goon. I leaped up in a tree then jumped tree from tree until I had her in my view. I leaped onto her back then we rolled down a ditch into a pond. She got up then shook herself off. Her wolf is beautiful; she is all white with green eyes. She is around my size in height and in length. She growled at me then I charged into her. She slashed my face then I slashed hers. We rolled around in the dirty water, biting and clawing each other. I went for her neck then slammed her into the water; she kicked me off with her hind legs sending me into a tree.

  I charged into her again digging my nails into her face; she whimpered in pain. I clamped down onto her neck, the taste of blood made my beast more aggressive! She was trying to kick me off, but I bit her face. She was bloody and she was getting weak. I stepped back away from her then took off running. I did not have it in me to kill!

  When I got to the mansion, I burst through the window. I know Amadi is going to shit a brick because he always has to repair the windows and the doors. I ran up the stairs then burst through Goon’s bedroom door. I howled out in pain as my body shifted back. I was naked and bloody with deep scratches in my skin and bite marks that my blood seeped out of. I collapsed onto the floor as my human body felt the pain from being attacked by a large animal. “I’m going to die! I felt my life slipping away,” I thought. Dayo stood in the doorway watching me bleed out onto the floor.

  “Help me!” I said to him. He walked out of the room then went into his room slamming his door.

  Goon barged into his room shifting back to his human form. Dayo must have connected to his mind to tell him I was hurt.

  “It hurts!” I said as he held me.

  “What I’m about to do is going to hurt even more! But it’s the only way you will heal! I don’t have time to give you my blood!” he said cradling me. His teeth extended out, he twisted my head to the side then clamped down on my neck. It was so much pressure my teeth sharpened as I howled out in pain. My nails scratched at his arm as he crushed my windpipe. I coughed up blood then I stopped breathing. I closed my eyes then drifted off…

  I woke up with a headache. I hurriedly sat up and looked around. I was in a different room, but I could tell I was still at the mansion. Kofi is sitting in the chair next to my bed. He rushed to me with a glass of water and I guzzled it down until I started choking.

  “Where is Goon?” I asked Kofi then he let out a deep breath.

  “Goon is upstairs! He refuses to come into this room! He has been watching you from the doorway! Xavier’s scent is still on you!” Kofi said. I felt my neck and the rest of my body. My wounds are gone! The last thing I remember was Goon sinking his sharp teeth into my neck.

  “He healed you, Kanya! I know it was a very painful feeling! But he had to act quickly because you was going to bleed out and die!” Kofi said to me.

  “I thought shifters don’t die!” I said to him.

  “Oh, yes they do! They can live for decades, but if you bleed out before the healing process, you can die!” he said to me helping me sit up. Goon came down the small staircase that led to my room. Kofi excused himself; Goon stood in the doorway with angry filled eyes.

  “I’m sorry!” I said to him then he chuckled.

  “For what? Are you sorry that you got pleasure from him or are you sorry that you had to find out that Sasha isn’t your friend? You are very hardheaded! If I hadn’t entered your head when I did, you would have fucked him! I felt your desire for him when he pleasured you! I heard your moans! I saw the vision of you letting him stick his fingers inside of you!” Goon said with his voice raising.

  Tears fell from my eyes. “I couldn’t control it!” I said to him.

  “I know and that’s why I don’t think this mating shit is going to work! If another wolf can have you after I have marked you, then you aren’t for me! You have this room smelling just like him! His scent is in my damn house, reminding me that he was intimate with you!” Goon said punching a hole in the wall. I could see that he wanted to shift because his eyes changed blue every time he raised his voice.

  I got out of bed on wobbly legs; I wanted him to hold me while I breathed in his scent. I wanted everything to go away! I wanted a normal life! I wanted the closeness he and I always shared. I stood up on my tiptoes wrapping my arms around his neck. I cried into his chest and he let me, after a few seconds, he pushed me off him sending me sliding across the floor on my ass and into my bed.

  “You fucking stink!” he yelled at me then walked up the stairs.

  I heard a door slam and pictures falling on the floor shattering. Kofi ran downstairs with Elle, and Amadi. They helped me up off the floor.

  “Let him cool off; he has been in a funk for days! You have been sleep for three days!” Elle said to me then I cried.

  A week had passed and I was still at the mansion. Kofi and the rest of the pack moved my items out of my apartment into the basement. They sat it up just like my studio apartment. Kofi said I could not go back home because that territory did not belong to neither pack; Xavier would be able to get to me. Adika had been calling me but I have not been answering. Goon not dealing with me was making me sick! He walks past me like he doesn’t see me, he ignores me and he haven’t been popping up in my head. He stays out all night and don’t come home till the morning. I know because I watch him out of the window from the time. He leaves and I stay in the window until he gets back. He even saw me watching him and did not say not one word to me! I asked Kofi what happened the night the wolves got into the brawl. He stated that Xavier ran off and Goon never caught him because he had to get to me. He also said that two wolves died as well. I am glad it wasn’t no one from this pack!

  Izra walked into the living room with a tray of food. They all catered to me except for Goon and Dayo. Everyone else spoiled me!

  “I’m not hungry!” I said to Izra.

  “You better eat this, Kanya! It took me two hours to hunt this bear!” he said to me.

  “Maryland don’t have bears!” I said laughing.

  “I went up in the mountains, hours away! I was in Virginia!” he said giving me the raw cut up meat with steamed broccoli.

  I ate my food as Izra watched me, “What do you want?” I asked him.

  “You and Adika talk about sex right?” Izra asked me.

  “Of course, idiot why wouldn’t we?” I asked him.

  “How many men has she been with? Be honest with me!” Izra said then my mouth dropped open. Izra never seems to amaze me but his company is always needed!

  “I will not tell you that!” I said to him.

  “Well, I won’t help you get your man back! You do know he mad at you right? I mean never talk to you again type of mad! Do you know he saw through your eyes when Xavier was eating your hotbox? That right there would make a beast go crazy!” Izra said eating off my plate.

  “Just rub it in!” I said pinching him.

  “How many men has she been with?” Izra asked me again.

  “You really like her do
n’t you?” I asked him then he smirked.

  “She aight!” Izra replied but I knew it was more than what he was letting on. Goon came into the house with a scowl on his face. I sat my tray down then walked over to him. He looked down at me then leaned against the wall crossing his arms.

  “What’s going on?” he asked me.

  “I miss you! Can you just talk to me, please?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, we can later!” he said walking away from me. I grabbed his arm then he looked at me as if I was garbage.

  “Are you sleeping with another woman?” I asked Goon.

  “I’m not dealing with this!” he said walking upstairs and away from me. A growl slipped from my throat then I leaped on him.

  “Talk to me!” I screamed shredding his hoodie sweatshirt up. Izra ran up the stairs to pull me off Goon.

  “Just talk to her, bro! You cannot let her carry on like this! It is almost pitiful! She been moping around here for a whole week!” Izra said to him.

  Goon eyes softened up then he let out a deep breath, “When she gets rid of his scent I will! A whole week has passed and it still burns my nose!” Goon said walking up the stairs and taking off his hoodie. His back muscles flexed and his tribal markings on his back have never look so strong and mannish. The spiritual bond that we have is too powerful! Goon not talking to me is making me sick and driving me crazy! I should have sniffed test him to make sure he did not smell like a woman!


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