The Christmas Tea Shop at Rosewood

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The Christmas Tea Shop at Rosewood Page 24

by The Christmas Tea Shop at Rosewood (retail) (epub)

  Shell filled glasses, though Holly opted for the non-alcoholic fizz, and then they got stuck into the buffet. Stories were told, there was a lot of laughter and Fran was glad that she’d persuaded Holly to have a hen night. Or hen evening, rather, but it was something. Rich had gone out with a few friends but only to the village pub and he’d promised not to drink much, and Bruce was at home with Luke and Janine. It might not be the crazy hen night that some women enjoyed before getting married but for pregnant Holly and for their social circle, it was just right. She hadn’t invited more people because Holly hadn’t wanted a big affair but Lucinda was family and Catherine had become close to Holly since her boyfriend rented a cottage on the Greenacres land. None of them were big into clubbing or those event-style hen nights that involved escaping from a prison van or being kidnapped. All of that seemed too much like hard work.

  When they’d polished off the food and Holly couldn’t stop yawning, Fran looked at the clock and found that it was only just gone eighty thirty.

  ‘I think I need to go home to bed,’ Holly said. ‘Tomorrow will be a long day. We have the caterers coming early and the band to set up and Fran and I have hair and makeup and… well, it’ll be a busy one.’

  ‘And a wonderful one,’ Lucinda said, hugging Holly. ‘I’m so happy that you and Rich will soon be married and will complete your little family.’

  ‘Thanks, Lucinda. I’m really happy too.’

  ‘Look!’ Fran pointed at the window and all heads turned. She hurried to the door and pulled it open and they all gasped.

  In the past two hours, the village of Penhallow Sands had had heavy snowfall and they hadn’t even noticed, but now everything was white and snow was still falling. They put their coats on and went out into the street and looked around. The icy air was still as big fat snowflakes fell to the ground. The road already had a good covering and if it kept snowing it would soon be deep.

  ‘I’d better get us home,’ Holly said to Glenda.

  ‘But I haven’t finished my fizz,’ Glenda said.

  ‘Bring it with you, Granny. We need to get back to Greenacres. I’ll call Rich now because he can come with us.’

  Holly pulled out her mobile and waked back inside and Fran helped Glenda to button her coat.

  ‘I think we all need to get home,’ Fran said to Shell. ‘I’ll give you a hand to tidy up first then—’

  ‘No you won’t, Fran! You get back to your dogs and cats. I can clean up here. There’s not much to do anyway.’

  ‘As long as you’re sure.’ Fran didn’t fancy walking home in her boots, which were fashionable rather than practical. If she’d only checked the weather forecast, she’d have worn her snow boots and good gloves. She had to get back for the animals, even if she did have to hike there.

  ‘Come on then, Granny.’ Holly took Glenda’s arm. ‘We need to go and collect Rich from the pub then get home. Fran, will you be okay?’

  ‘Of course. Text me later, Holly.’

  ‘Will do.’ Holly helped her granny to the car then turned to Fran. ‘What if it keeps snowing? We’ll have to cancel the wedding.’

  ‘No you won’t.’ Fran gently squeezed Holly’s arm. ‘It will be fine either way. We’ll sort something out and even if your guests and caterers and band can’t make it… we’ll sort something. I promise.’

  ‘Thank you, Fran. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’

  Fran gave her a reassuring smile. ‘Go on, get home. Drive carefully.’

  They hugged then Holly got into the car and drove slowly away.

  ‘We’d better get home too,’ Lucinda said as she took Catherine’s arm. ‘Our menfolk will be wondering where we are.’

  ‘Mark’s coming down to meet me,’ Catherine explained.

  ‘Take care,’ Fran said, then she turned back to Shell. ‘Thanks for this evening.’

  ‘My pleasure. Now… if you need me to do anything tomorrow, Fran, just call. I have some things in the freezer that I can throw in the oven and I can easily whip up some cakes. Let’s make sure that Holly and Rich have a wonderful day, snow or not!’

  ‘Thanks, Shell.’

  Fran got into her car and started the engine, but as she drove away, her heart was in her mouth. The sky looked full of snow and it was a challenge she hadn’t anticipated. However, it was one that she’d readily accept to ensure that Holly had a wonderful wedding, even if it was a white one!

  * * *

  ‘Right, have we got everything?’ Audrey asked Ethan for the tenth time that minute.

  ‘I think so.’

  He looked from one of Gary’s Land Rovers to the other. They were packed with Tupperware boxes filled with food that he and Audrey had been baking since five a.m. Thankfully, they’d had plenty of supplies at the tea shop, so when Fran had called him last night in a panic because of the snow and the forecast, he’d been able to reassure her that he would help out. Fran had called again at eight a.m. this morning to say that the caterers Holly had booked for her wedding reception couldn’t make it from Newquay because the roads were so bad, so Holly had been frantic. Luckily, Ethan had predicted it might happen and had got as much food together as he could do. It would mean that Holly and Rich would have a buffet instead of a sit-down meal, but it was better than nothing. Besides which, he’d put together some of his speciality finger food and Audrey had been so impressed that she’d already said she would add some of them to the tea shop menu.

  Now all they had to do was to get Tilly, Audrey, Harper and Scarlett into the cars and drive over to Greenacres. Looking at the sky and the way the snow was still coming down, though, Ethan was worried that not many guests would make it. His Uncle Gary had gone over to Fran’s earlier and picked her up and taken her to Holly’s, so at least Ethan knew she was already safely there. Audrey had insisted on packing extra clothes, flasks of hot chocolate and blankets just in case they got stuck in the snow, but Gary had laughed at her and reminded her that he had years of experience driving across the land in all weathers, often to rescue animals, so a bit of New Year’s Eve snow wasn’t going to stop him going anywhere.

  Soon, they were on the roads, Gary driving one vehicle and Harper the other, the four-wheel drives managing the snow no problem at all. Tilly chattered excitedly to Audrey, telling her (again) about Fran’s dogs and how she was allowed to go and visit them at any time. When they reached the sign for the vineyard, Ethan released a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. He really wanted the day to go well for Holly and Rich and felt privileged to be a part of it. Gary parked over by the barns and they started unloading everything.

  ‘Ethan, right?’ Rich emerge from the barn. ‘Thank you so much for this.’

  ‘Yes, that’s right. Good to meet you.’ They shook hands. ‘And it’s no problem at all. I’m glad I could help.’

  ‘I can’t believe we haven’t been introduced yet, but with the wedding planning and so on, it’s been a chaotic few weeks.’ Rich shook his head. ‘I can’t believe I’m actually getting married today.’

  ‘I know what you mean. It was really busy up at Rosewood too. Fran said the same about the wedding, that she couldn’t believe it was finally here.’

  ‘Right…’ Rich rubbed his hands together as if steeling himself. ‘Shell is bringing some food from her cafe but we’re so grateful that you were able to bring some too.’ Rich peered into the Land Rovers. ‘Looks like you brought enough to feed an army.’

  Ethan laughed. ‘I’m sure it won’t go to waste.’

  Rich frowned, his dark brows appearing below the rim of his hat and framing his brown eyes. ‘We’ve already had most of our guests ring to say they can’t make it.’ In his wax jacket, bobble hat and snow boots, he didn’t look as though he was getting married in two hours. ‘Holly’s so disappointed.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Rich.’ Ethan patted his arm. ‘It must be upsetting. However, and I’m not in any way dismissing how important guests are, but… at least you and Holly are here and your nearest
and dearest will be. You’ll have the most important people around you to celebrate your special day.’

  Rich nodded. ‘You’re right. Thanks so much. And I told Holly that we can always have a big party in the new year for all the people who couldn’t make it today.’

  ‘That sounds like a good idea.’

  ‘And…’ Rich smiled. ‘We’d be very happy if you… and the tea shop, of course, would do the catering.’

  ‘I’d be delighted!’ Ethan nodded. ‘I’ve already suggested something similar to Audrey about the tea shop branching out into catering for events and this would be a great start.’

  ‘Fantastic. Who knows… we often have events like weddings here so it could be a regular thing.’

  They shook hands.

  ‘Now, shall we get all the food inside and get everyone settled so we can see how many… or how few… guests we’ll have for the wedding?’

  ‘I hate to ask this, but can the registrar make it?’ Ethan asked as they walked into the barn.

  Rich nodded. ‘Friend of a friend, and she has a Land Rover too, so she said she’ll be here, no problem at all.’

  ‘Wonderful. If not, Gary already offered to go and collect her.’

  As Ethan’s family, including Tilly, started to carry the Tupperware boxes into the barn, Ethan’s tension ebbed away. Even though it might not be the day that Holly and Rich had imagined, it would still be a good one, with the support and friendship of local people.

  * * *

  The registrar had arrived and spoken to Rich and Holly separately, the guests who could make it were seated in the barn with the heaters lit and mulled cider served and Fran and Holly had just finished getting ready. The makeup artist couldn’t get through the snow, so Holly and Fran had done each other’s makeup and Fran thought they’d done a good job. It was minimalist, natural and exactly how she thought they should look.

  ‘I can’t believe it’s happening,’ Holly said as she turned around and smiled at Fran. In her beautiful silver dress, she was stunning. Jamal had arrived early with Bradley and he’d put gentle waves into Holly’s long blonde bob and pinned her veil and tiara in place. Holly was wearing a silver chain with a small heart locket that had been her mum’s and she touched it now, making a lump rise in Fran’s throat.

  ‘She’s with you, Holly. All the way.’

  Holly nodded and blinked rapidly. ‘My eye makeup.’ She fanned her face with her hands.

  ‘The mascara’s waterproof.’ Fran giggled. ‘So we’ll be fine.’

  ‘I’m so glad you’re here with me for this, Fran.’

  ‘Where else would I be? You’re my best friend and I love you.’

  They hugged then and Fran thought her heart would burst.

  * * *

  Ethan knocked on the kitchen door at Greenacres. He’d been sitting with Tilly and his family in the barn, waiting for the ceremony to begin, when Tilly had whispered to him that she needed the loo. There were toilets in the barn, but because of the cold weather, there had been a problem with the pipes, so Audrey had suggested he take Tilly over to the house instead.

  They’d trudged across the yard through the snow and Ethan had hoped that Tilly would be quick as he didn’t want her disturbing the ceremony by walking back into the barn after Holly or right before her.

  A man came to the door and opened it. ‘Hello, can I help you?’

  ‘Hi, I’m Ethan Clarke and this is my daughter, Tilly.’

  ‘Yes, of course. Audrey’s family. I’m Holly’s dad, Bruce.’

  They shook hands then Bruce stepped back. ‘Come in, please.’

  ‘I’m really sorry about this but Tilly needs to use the toilet.’

  ‘No problem at all.’ Bruce gestured behind him. ‘Downstairs cloakroom is through that door.’

  ‘Thank you!’ Tilly rushed through, clearly more desperate than she’d let on.

  ‘This is a big day for you.’ Ethan smiled at Bruce, who looked petrified.

  ‘Very big.’ Bruce nodded. ‘I can’t believe my baby girl is getting married. I wish her mum was here to see it.’

  Ethan nodded. He knew that feeling.

  ‘I’m sure she knows, somehow,’ Ethan said, offering the platitude that sometimes helped him.

  ‘I hope so.’ Bruce gazed out of the window. ‘She’d love that it’s snowing. Who knows, eh? Perhaps she sent the snow to make the day extra special.’


  ‘Right, I’d better get upstairs to finish dressing then bring my daughter over to the barn. I’ll see you shortly.’ Bruce smiled.

  Ethan stood in the kitchen and waited. Tilly was taking a while so perhaps she’d needed more than a wee.

  ‘Oh! Hello.’

  Fran entered the kitchen and his jaw dropped.

  ‘Wow!’ He crossed the kitchen to her automatically and cupped her face. ‘You look incredible.’

  In a shimmering silver silk dress with chiffon sleeves and a headband in her short hair, set with pearls and diamantes, she looked like a princess. She was wearing silver-rimmed glasses and freshwater pearls in her ears.

  ‘Really?’ She laughed.

  ‘Really. I’ve never seen anyone look more beautiful than you do right now.’

  She held his gaze and his whole body tingled as his heart expanded with love. He lowered his head and kissed her gently, then sighed as he felt her lips part beneath his. He slid his arms around her and pulled her tight against him, kissing her deeply now.

  When she pulled back gently, he sighed. ‘Sorry.’

  ‘Don’t apologise. That was gorgeous but I came downstairs to find some crackers because Holly’s feeling nauseous. I think it’s mainly nerves making the morning sickness worse, but I’ll have to get back because I don’t want her vomiting over her wedding dress.’

  ‘No you don’t!’ He shook his head. ‘Quick, get back to her.’

  ‘Can we finish this later?’ Fran asked.

  ‘I’d be very disappointed if we didn’t.’

  She grabbed a bag of crackers off the table, pecked him quickly on the lips then hurried from the room.

  ‘Daddy!’ Tilly emerged from the cloakroom. ‘Sorry about that but I had a bit of a nervous belly.’

  ‘It’s okay, Tilly. Are you all right now?’

  She nodded. ‘Let’s get back to the wedding.’

  ‘We better had.’

  He helped her put her coat back on then took her hand and they left the house and hurried back to the barn. Ethan’s head was filled with images of Fran in her bridesmaid finery and his heart was still pounding from the promise he’d felt in that kiss.

  * * *

  ‘Here.’ Fran handed Holly a cracker and she munched on it slowly.

  ‘Thanks, Fran. I think if I have a few more, it should pass.’

  ‘You’ll be fine.’ Fran rubbed Holly’s back gently.

  There was a knock at Holly’s bedroom door so Fran went and opened it.

  ‘Is there a beautiful bride in here?’ Bruce asked. In his charcoal-grey suit with white shirt and silver tie, he looked very smart.

  ‘There certainly is.’ Fran stepped aside and Bruce gasped.

  ‘Far too beautiful.’ His voice wavered and he walked to Holly and hugged her. ‘How’re you feeling?’

  ‘I’m okay, Dad. A bit nauseous – hence the crackers – and a bit emotional… missing Mum and Grandpa… but glad you’re here.’

  ‘What about those little ones?’ He nodded at her belly, which gently curved under her dress.

  ‘They’re safe and warm and can’t wait for the buffet.’

  ‘I’ve seen what Ethan, Audrey and Shell have put together over in the barn and they’ve done you proud, Holly. It’s a fabulous-looking feast.’

  ‘I’m so grateful.’ Holly’s eyes glistened.

  ‘Hey, don’t cry. Not yet anyway. Let’s get you over to the barn, shall we?’ Bruce held out his arm and Holly slid hers through it.

  ‘What about our shoes?’ Fran asked, eyein
g the delicate silver heels that sat in their open boxes on the bed.

  ‘I vote for boots.’ Holly pointed at a pair of white snow boots in the corner of her room.

  Fran nodded. ‘Mine are downstairs and I think that’s a very wise decision. No one will see them under our dresses anyway.’

  They made their way downstairs then pulled on their coats and gloves.

  ‘One moment!’

  Fran went through to the kitchen then returned with Gelert, Holly’s grey lurcher. He had a silver bow on his collar and was wearing his own coat.

  ‘Your pageboy is ready.’

  Holly leant over and rubbed the dog’s ears. ‘Come on then, boy, let’s get to a wedding.’

  ‘A white wedding indeed!’ Fran said as they left the house at Greenacres and crossed the yard, using the path that Gary and Ethan had dug through the snow.

  The air was cold and fresh, snowflakes drifted down, settling on their heads and shoulders, and the house and outbuildings looked like a scene from a Victorian Christmas card. Then the barn doors opened before them and the glow of thousands of fairy lights inside welcomed them, along with the warmth emanating from the heaters and the love of family and friends.

  * * *

  As Holly and Bruce entered the barn, Ethan found himself straining in his seat to see Fran. Next to him, Tilly was doing the same, and he smiled. They both had it bad for the beautiful artist.

  The barn doors were closed and a hush fell inside as Holly and Bruce prepared to walk down the aisle that had been cleared in the centre of the barn and led right up to the far wall where the registrar and her assistant waited behind a desk. In front of them stood Rich, in a dark grey suit with a silver and red patterned tie – a nod to the time of year, he’d told Ethan earlier. Ethan glanced at Rich’s face, and his expression said everything: Rich loved Holly with all of his heart and always would do.

  It was magical in the barn, with fairy lights wound around the beams and the wooden posts that supported the roof. The space smelt of cinnamon and vanilla from the oil burners on the tables and the heaters made everything cosy and warm.


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