Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Page 25

by Corinne Balfour

  “Not yet.” He quickly stood up and said, “I need to examine your breasts.”

  Kiera looked at him in shock. “What possible reason could you have for that request?” She held her arms protectively over her chest. “You want to look at me to stir your lusts.” She knew that was what they did to the palace harlots before engaging them in sex.

  “It’s nothing I haven’t already seen. I need to check for staining. Some males are known to fuck females there. Between the breasts.”

  “You’re a pig.” His crude language shocked her so it took a while for his meaning to penetrate her sluggish brain. “You said you’ve seen me before. When?”

  “That night you passed out on the floor. I undressed you. Seamus was so moved by the sight of your naked flesh that he bit you.” His eyes momentarily veered to the floor. “At least I never lost my control.”

  “Of course you didn’t.” Kiera rolled her eyes. “But Seamus. I can hardly believe it of him.”

  His visage hardened. “Don’t get any ideas. The bite didn’t take and in the end, he was glad for it.”

  Seamus would not have enjoyed being saddled with a mongrel. It would have been a horrible mismatch. She didn’t need Modez to point that out to her. “And you are such a perfect male.” Sarcasm laced her tone. “Why are you not breeding an equally perfect female? Why are you unmated? Is something wrong with you?”

  “No. I simply have better things to do than beget progeny.” His hands went to the ties at the front of her tunic. “You’re still wearing that wretched binding material. Get rid of it before I cleave it in half like I did last time.”

  Kiera put up a hand to stop him. She sensed he was going for his knife. “I’ll remove it. Turn around. I don’t want you watching me.”

  “I’m not sure what difference it makes since I’ve seen pretty much all of you by now.” He turned his back to her anyway and Kiera swiftly removed the shift. He turned around as she was pulling the tunic past her hips. His fingers went to the ties, unlacing her tunic and spreading the material apart to reveal her breasts. She felt self-conscious as his eyes focused on the area he had revealed. She knew she didn’t look like other female hybrids and some males would not appreciate her differences.

  His eyes dilated. “You’re beautiful, like that painting in the prince’s room.”

  She knew the one. It contained a bunch of naked human females fawning over a creature that was half man and half horse.

  He cupped one of her round globes with his hand and her nipple tightened in response. “This feels familiar. You feel familiar.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” Kiera felt trapped. He knew. She wondered what he intended to do about it.

  “I think you have some idea.” His hands cupped both breasts while he closed his eyes. She knew he was analyzing the feel of her and making comparisons. “I had an interesting talk with Cabrian. He shared some theories regarding the identity of the woman who fed from me. Shocking theories.” He opened his eyes to stare into hers. “I told him how ridiculous I thought his notions. But now I wonder if he didn’t have it right.”

  Both hands fondled her breasts while Kiera tried to think of a way to extricate herself from this situation. She knew exactly where he was going with this but she wasn’t going to confess. Suddenly, he picked her up and positioned her on his lap. She was forced to straddle him. His hands slid over her breasts and down her back, finally reaching the curve of her hips.

  “This certainly feels familiar. It is a strange coincidence that the invisible woman has your exact shape.” He leaned forward and put his head between her breasts. He inhaled deeply. “Your scent is familiar. So sweet.”

  She knew what he implied. There were few hybrid females who possessed her likeness and fewer still who possessed her unique scent. “It’s naught but a coincidence. Stranger things have happened.” She would deny her involvement. He suspected her of the crime, but he could do little to her without proof.

  His hands rocked her hips and Kiera felt the hard ridge of male flesh and she could not resist grinding against it. She really needed it right now. Needed to feel him inside her. They were separated only by his thin linen trousers and she wanted to rip them straight off his body. She needed to put an end to this, but how?

  “This examination has gone on too long,” she said weakly. Her heart was pounding and she was short of breath. Her clit was tingling and she needed to come. Her hips moved wildly upon him and she couldn’t stop.

  He was aware of the changes within her and it made him grin. “Missing your wormwort?”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  His hands tightened on her hips, trapping her in place. “Lord Ross found a bag of it in your satchel. Don’t bother to deny it. It’s quite obvious you’re going into heat.”

  “No.” If she said it often enough, maybe they would both believe it.

  He ground himself against her. “Yes, Kiera. Fuck yes.”

  She moaned as the sensations built within her. She needed to convince him to end this because she doubted her ability to do so. She curled her fingers around his arms while his hands locked on her waist. “Surely we are done here.”

  “I’m not done and I think you know it.” His voice was low and husky. He continued to press her against his clothed cock. “You remind me of the invisible woman. Would you like to know what I would do to her if I caught her?”

  “No. It’s not my concern.”

  His laugh was low and sensuous. “I think you’re more interested than you claim.” He fingered the pulse at her throat and said, “I would encircle her with a slave collar similar to the one she forced on me. Then I’d do what one does to a blood slave.” He bared his fangs at her and pushed her hips roughly against his loins. “Her punishment would serve as a warning to others of what happens to those who steal blood.”

  She was certain his trousers were damp from her juices. What must he think of her?

  His eyes lowered to her bared breasts and his fangs elongated. He was aroused and would demand sex from her. Let him have it. It’ll feel incredible.

  That kind of thinking would get her in trouble. He’d use her and turn her over to the prince. “I say we are done with this,” she said as she placed her hands upon his shoulders and lifted herself a few inches from his lap. “I need to get back to work and I’m sure you have places you need to be.”

  “It can wait.” He grabbed her hand and pushed it inside his trousers to cover his cock. “Touch it. Like you did before.” His voice was practically a growl.

  Her hand encircled him loosely but she refused to apply any pressure to her hold. “I’ve never pleasured you, my lord. You are mistaken.”

  He laughed. “You aren’t very convincing with your innocent act. Very well. Continue to deny what you did to me. Soon I will have the means to prove your guilt.”

  He flipped her over and suddenly he was on top of her. He pushed the hem of her tunic to her waist and his hard length of flesh rubbed against her entrance. He must have released his cock from the confines of his trousers because she felt his bare, velvety flesh. She opened her mouth to protest but his tongue slipped inside, enveloping her mouth and effectively silencing her. She tentatively touched his tongue with hers. His taste was fresh and enticing. Her breasts flattened against his chest and her hips arched toward him involuntarily, seeking that male part of him that could provide her body with release. She ached between her legs and the need was so painful that she wanted to scream in frustration. She wanted him. Needed him. But she couldn’t let him inside or he would have one more piece of evidence to use against her. Already he had noticed the similarities she shared with the invisible woman. The sex would feel the same as well. She couldn’t risk it.

  She broke the kiss. “We cannot do this. You don’t have permission to lay with me.”

  “Fuck Diermont’s permission,” he growled. “You owe me.” He lowered his head and licked one of her nipples until it reddened from the attention. She felt the
scrape of fangs against the underside of her soft globe, yet he didn’t feed from her. He lifted his head to gaze into her eyes. “I want you.” He pressed his head against her chest and inhaled deeply. “You’re receptive. I scent it.”

  Of course she was receptive. She was nearing her heat cycle.

  He positioned himself over her again and pressed his hard ridge of male flesh against her. “I’m not going to let you take any more wormwort. Imagine how you will be in a few days. You are already dying for it, needy little mongrel. Your pussy is wet, hot, and all mine.”

  He was right. She was becoming desperate in an embarrassing way. “We mustn’t.” Her words lacked conviction and he knew it.

  “I plan to give you pleasure,” he said to tempt her into conceding.

  The feel of him made Kiera moan. “I will complain to the prince if you take me.”

  “Then I would have to report your poor conduct to Diermont. I have enough evidence to bring forth against you, but I am willing to overlook your transgressions in exchange for your compliance.” His tongue circled her nipple. “I want to be inside you.”

  “I don’t lay with males unless it is during a mating test.”

  He lifted his head and met her violet orbs with his silver ones. “We both know that’s not true. You’ve done it at other times. Inappropriate times.”

  He knew everything. “No. I haven’t.”

  “You like to play games but this time I’m in control. Give in.”

  “No, Modez.” She tried to back away from him even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. His weight pushed her into the mattress and his erection communicated his need to her.

  “Still the resistant female even when you’re entering a heat cycle,” he said with exasperation in his voice. “I told you what I would do to you when I caught you. Surrender to me and I’ll go gently.”

  “So convenient to decide I’m the one who took your blood.” She had to throw him off somehow, but he was definitely onto her. He has no proof, so relax. “Real convenient when it gives you justification to have your way with me.”

  He nipped her on the shoulder. “The odds of two hybrid females going into a heat cycle prematurely are rather astronomical.”

  She could deny she was going into heat, but he wouldn’t believe her because her body was showing obvious signs. It would only get worse from here on out. “Not true, my lord. For all we know, dozens of females could be cycling early. Maybe something in the environment is triggering it. I don’t know. But I assure you I’m not the only one.” Kiera would say anything to dissuade him from the truth.

  With one brow cocked, he asked, “Really? Is that your best defense?”

  Time to step this up. “Has anyone ever seen me turn invisible? I think not. It’s rather embarrassing just how little I can do compared to other hybrids. You’ve said so yourself on numerous occasions. I believe you said I was pathetic.”

  Keeping her pinned beneath his big body invigorated him. “Lord Ross believes you are dangerous. He thinks you are more capable than you initially appear. He’s searching your things right now. If he finds the key that unlocks the slave collar around my neck, nobody will believe you innocent.”

  Kiera forced her expression to remain calm despite the panic she felt inside. The key was hidden among her possessions. She should have disposed of that key. If Lord Ross managed to find it before she could get to it, she’d be in a shit storm of trouble. “It wasn’t me.” She thought briefly of confessing but couldn’t bring herself to say the words. She knew he wanted sex but she didn’t think it would be enough to appease him or prevent him from punishing her. Blood hybrids were ruthless when dealing out vengeance. Torture and imprisonment came to mind.

  “So you say.” He was humoring her now. The evidence was damning. “Regardless of the identity of my assailant, you are still entering into a heat cycle. That gives me certain rights.” His smile was playful. “I intend to claim them. We can do this privately or publically.”

  She was screwed either way. He meant to have her and it would be so much easier to submit. But then she remembered the prince and what he tended to do with ruined females. “I’m not yet fertile so you cannot take me.” Her hips wouldn’t stay still so she tried to maintain some control over them. Wriggling around underneath him was sending mixed signals.

  He shifted her hips over his and said, “You think not?”

  Oh, yes—that hit the spot. It feels so good. Shit, was she in heat? “This conversation is premature. I’ll not lay with you unless Diermont himself orders it. I’m not fool enough to refuse a royal decree but you are just a lord. ”

  “I already have his permission, but of course he wants to watch. Do you want an audience when I take you?”

  “No. Please don’t.” Diermont sometimes graded the performances in the dungeon. That was the rumor, anyway.

  “I thought to spare you that. I’m the only eligible Halloran to breed you since the prince is mated, so you will lay with me. I could inform the prince of your condition. He will make a spectacle of it. Is that what you want?”

  “No. I don’t want to do this publically.” It was bad enough what Diermont did during mating tests. Having the prince overseeing every aspect of her breeding during her heat cycle would be a hundred times worse. “I’ll lay with you when I’m in heat. I give you my word. But we don’t start this until I’m in heat.”

  Some of his tension eased when she relented, although he remained impatient. “Why not now? I’ve a mind to try you out and the delay aggravates me.” He pressed against her opening, teasing her with the tip of his member and eliciting a moan from Kiera. “You’re receptive. It’s senseless to wait when you are ready.”

  She was tempted to let him. She didn’t doubt he would give her pleasure, but what would come afterwards? There were too many unknowns and it made her reluctant. “The rights that you speak of concern reproduction. You can only assert those rights when I’m fertile.”

  “I’m not sure you’re capable of reproducing. I just want to fuck you.” He trailed kisses down her neck and his hand covered her breast. “I want to sink into a sheath that can envelop my entire cock and clamp down hard on it. I want to feel the kind of sensation that one feels with a human sheath. I want to see if it’s the same with a mongrel.”

  “Not all mongrels are alike. Some are essentially the same as other hybrids.”

  “But you are different. I already know this because I’ve felt you with my hand.” He bit into the side of her neck with his fangs, causing her to gasp. “I want inside you. It would be better for you to accept me now so you can accustom yourself to me. I cannot promise to be gentle during the heat. You know what it does to the male. And the female.”

  She had heard accounts of the violence associated with the heat cycle. It should have frightened her, but instead she felt something akin to eager anticipation. “I know. I’m sure the great Lord Halloran will exercise control when the time comes. I’ll try to do the same, but I’ll not lay with you until the law says I must.” She kissed him quickly on the jaw. Her fangs lengthened in response to his proximity. She wanted to bite him. Wanted to feed. “This thing between us is a distraction. I don’t have the time to entertain you.”

  He touched his lips to hers briefly before lifting his body from hers. “Soon you’ll beg for my touch.”

  Kiera could tell he was frustrated that she had refused him, but at least he wasn’t angry. The spoiled lord wasn’t used to being denied. He had been so persuasive. She couldn’t believe she had promised to give herself to him during the heat.

  “We’re done here. For now.” He laced her tunic. “Stop binding your breasts. It cannot be good for them.” He collected her shift, rolled it up, and stuck it in his pocket. “You’re more endowed than most hybrids but Diermont will not suspect your human heritage as long as your mound is shaven. You may want to take care of it.” He licked his lips and said, “I prefer it natural but you never know when Diermont may insist on examini
ng you himself.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” He tied the laces at the top of her tunic and ran his hands down her covered breasts. Her nipples hardened against the fabric. Without her shift, she felt naked.

  “Let me escort you to your room.” He took her arm and led her to the room she shared with Cabrian.

  When he was gone, Kiera didn’t return to her chamber. Snotti had summoned her. She knew better than to think anything good would come from the summons.

  When she got to Snotti’s chamber, she was pleased to see Druscilla. She hadn’t seen her friend in days. They greeted each other warmly. Druscilla wasn’t snubbing her this time. She noticed her friend looked despondent and she assumed it had to do with her failed mating test. She hadn’t been attached to Adonis but a failed mating was a disappointing blow to a female who needed a mate.

  “I need your assistance, Kiera.” Snotti pointed to a chair and gestured for her to sit there. “You no longer serve me but you are a member of APS. Cassia Maximus is a problem that must be dealt with. I must find a way to get rid of that female. It is imperative that we find a way to save Lord Ross.”

  “Lord Ross will kill me if anything happens to his slave, so I’m afraid my hands are tied.” Such a pity. Snotti made her want to puke. “I cannot do anything to help you.”

  “Assist me or I’ll give you to Modez. I’ve been donating blood to him but nobody has seen to his other needs.” Snotti examined her painted blood red fingernails. “And let me tell you, they are pressing. His shaft grows hard every time he drinks from me.” Snotti popped a juicy red berry into her mouth and chewed. “It cannot be good for him to walk around with such a stiff organ.”

  Kiera had never encountered a stiffer male piece. He had made it clear that she would be the one to relieve him of his condition. “Has Lord Halloran asked for me?”

  “No. But when I mention your name, he doesn’t say much in response.” She bit into another piece of fruit, this one tubular and mustard in color, before she resumed talking. “I don’t think he’s disgusted by you any longer. He may find you acceptable. Especially as there are no good substitutes. There is Druscilla, of course, but the poor thing is frightened of Modez. I cannot say I blame her.”


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