Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel

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Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Don’t get too excited,” she said with a grin. “I didn’t mean anything sexy.”

  “On you a paper sack would be sexy!”

  As she giggled and disappeared into her bedroom, he pulled his phone from his jacket and called Steve.

  “I agree, they were there to take you for a ride,” Steve said gravely after hearing Marco’s report. “I did talk to Tank, and it’s obvious he knows more but he’s scared shitless.”

  “I should pay him a visit. He might open up to me. I am the new boss.”

  “That’s a good idea, but he’s under agency protection and I’m not sure how you’d be able to explain getting past the guard at his door.”

  “Leave that to me. When are our guys arriving at the tavern?”

  “Any time now. They left about twenty minutes ago, but Marco, after what just happened, are you sure you want to go forward with your plan?”

  “Absolutely. I want this insanity to be over. I’ll have Kat print out the letter before I go. When Jason shows up for the Memorial I’ll set the operation into motion.”

  “Let the games begin,” Steve muttered. “I’ll make sure everything’s ready to go, and speaking of Kat, I think you should stay at her place.”

  “I’ll think about it, but you know my house is secure,” Marco replied as Kat walked in from the bedroom. “I have to go, but I’ll get in touch when it’s time.”

  “That sounded intense,” Kat remarked, flopping down on the couch as Marco ended the call. “You really think you’ll kick this into gear today?”

  “Why not?”

  “Good question. Okay, I’ll get my laptop.”

  “First…” he murmured, walking slowly across the room and sitting down next to her, “you need to come here.”

  Pulling her into his arms, he sank his fingers into her hair and pressed his lips against hers. She melted into him, and as he broke away she let out a long sigh.

  “I wish we’d met another way. I wish you weren’t going back there. I know I don’t sound much like a tough FBI agent right now, but I’m scared for you.”

  “We’re almost at the finish line,” he said softly, “and…”

  “And what? What’s going through your head?”

  “I’ve been thinking about something for a while now. I suppose this is as good a time as any to tell you. When this is over I want to turn in my badge.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “I want to open my own business.”

  “Holy crap. What sort of business?”

  “A detective agency, and maybe offer bodyguard services. Would you have any interest in working with me?”


  “Yeah, seriously.”

  “That’s a lot to think about. I love my job, but it sounds really appealing.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, why did Johnny have you rent this place? You must have realized it would only be for a short time.”

  “I, uh, actually I didn’t rent it. This property belongs to the agency. It’s one of our safe-houses.”


  “They rarely use the upstairs rooms. I chose this one because of the view.”

  “Wait a second, what about the day I came here and the front door was unlocked?”

  “That was Johnny. He needed something downstairs and he poked his head in to say hi. I told him you’d be arriving any minute and to leave it open for you.”

  “It’s disturbing how well you lie,” Marco said with a deep frown. “I think you missed your calling. You should have been an actress.”

  “Thanks. That was a compliment, right?”

  “Why don’t they fix that railing?”

  “They will, but like I said, they rarely use these upstairs rooms.”

  “You are just full of surprises,” he murmured, shifting her body so she was straddling his lap, “and as much as I would like to ravage you right this minute, we need to get that letter done and I have to get moving, but there is one more thing. Steve suggested I stay here. No-one knows where you live.

  “Marco, I like that idea. I like that idea a lot.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled. Now let’s get to your computer before you become completely irresistible.”

  Inside his luxurious black and white bedroom, HH was pacing. Given the circumstances he should have realized the tavern would have opened early. He’d thought he could nab Marco and whisk him away before anyone arrived. As the new leader of the Kings, Marco needed to be shown how things worked. From what HH had witnessed and heard, he believed Marco was smarter and tougher than Kratos, but all men could be broken. They could be shown things that would freeze their blood, things they’d never forget, things that secured their unwavering loyalty. Still, there was Kat. It seemed the new boss had taken a shine to her. HH grinned as he recalled Marco spanking her bare ass in the office. The memorable scene sent energy through his loins. Maybe he’d have them both over for a conversation. Men were so much more pliable when there was a woman involved.


  It was almost three o’clock and the tavern was jammed. In the office Marco had moved the couch from below the oversized photograph of Kratos and set up a table in its place. On it was a book for visitors to sign, along with treasured items from the early days of the club and personal effects that belonged to the much revered leader. When the memorial service was over Leo would take up his position outside the door, and Marco would stay in the office as people were allowed in to pay their respects.

  Marco had been circulating among the many visitors, but when Kat arrived he broke away and greeted her with a hug, then led her through the throngs to a table in a corner near the bar. It had been occupied by two gang members who had been saving it for him, and as Kat sat down, Marco left to get them a beer.

  She studied the crowd, immediately spying three rough-looking men wearing black T-shirts boasting snarling wolves. She smiled. It was a reassuring sight, but a moment later she spotted Jason Dean. He was pushing his way through the crowd towards her, and she realized an opportunity was about to present itself. Should she flirt? No, he’d be accustomed to that, and being casual didn’t seem right either. She wanted to rattle him. If Marco decided to go forward with the operation, having Jason unnerved might help. Clad in leather from head-to-toe, with his long blond hair and movie-star good looks, she had to admit he made a striking presence. She could see the girls eyeing him, and one of them was brave enough to intercept him. Kat watched him mumble something in her ear. The girl laughed, then sashayed away, then oozing confidence and charisma he continued moving towards her. When he reached her table, though she paid him no attention, he slid uninvited into the empty chair.

  “Damn, that was like running the gauntlet,” he declared, then shooting her a smile he shuffled his chair closer to hers. “You’re hot. Why aren’t I sleeping with you?”

  Kat almost cringed at the corny line, and even though she knew no reaction was a reaction in itself, she completely ignored him and kept her eyes focused on the crowd.

  “You’re right, I guess we should at least know each other’s name before we tumble between the sheets,” he continued, apparently unfazed by her lack of response. “I’m Jason Dean. What’s your name, sexy lady?”

  “Cruella Deville.”

  “Nice to meet you, Cruella,” he chuckled, “and the question remains. Why aren’t I sleeping with you?”

  “I’m just lucky I guess,” she replied, slowly turning her head and fixing him with a cold steady gaze.

  Jason had used the line a thousand times. It had been met with giggles, embarrassment, and shock, but he’d never once been met with contempt. It threw him. It didn’t help that her eyes were impenetrable and her expression unreadable.

  “Ouch! Man, you’re tough. How can you be so hot and so ice-cold?”

  “It’s the company, and either way you’ll end up getting burned or frostbitten, so maybe you should take a hike.”

  “Fuck me! What’s
your problem? How about a little respect?”

  “Respect is reciprocal. Show some and you might have it returned.”

  “You know what, Cruella, you’re right. My apologies. Let’s start over,” he said, leaning forward with a remorseful expression. “You’re very beautiful, and that’s the truth. May I ask your name, and are you an actress?”

  “I am as it happens, and my name is Kat, and before you make any stupid remarks about my name, be warned. I have very sharp claws.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, and it’s good to meet you, Kat. I’m an actor and I’m pretty successful in the biz. I could introduce you to some important folks. In fact, there’s a party tomorrow night. You should come. All the movers and shakers will be there.”

  “You do look familiar,” she said, softening her voice and pretending to be impressed. “Is it for a birthday or something?”

  “It’s just a Hollywood get-together. I have a friend who holds them all the time. Come as my guest. No strings, and I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman. I’ll even send a limo to pick you up.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “I’ll tell you what. Forget the limo. Come under your own steam. If you don’t see at least ten famous faces in the first ten minutes, or if you don’t like what you see, take off.”

  “Where is this party being held?”

  “In a gated community up in the hills. There’s a password to get in. Tell it to the guard, then just follow the road to the very last house at the end of the cul-de-sac. It’s a glass palace. You can’t miss it.”

  There was going to be a party at the mansion! Would HH be there? Probably, and if Marco went ahead with his plan the timing would be perfect.

  “I’ll think about it. What’s the password?”

  “Black snow.”

  “Black snow? What kind of password is that?”

  “The guy who owns the house likes contradictions. So whatta ya say? Are we friends now at least?”

  “Don’t push your luck.”

  “Hey, Jason,” Marco declared, approaching the table carrying three beers. “I saw you from the bar and bought you a beer. Could you grab one of these?”

  “Sure,” Jason replied, taking one of the bottles and downing a gulp. “I needed that. Thanks, Marco.”

  “You bet, and I’m glad you could make it. I see you’ve met Kat.”

  “You can vacate that chair any time. Its rightful owner is here now.”

  “Did I walk in on something?” Marco asked.

  “A slight misunderstanding. Didn’t mean to step on your toes, Brooder,” Jason replied as he rose to his feet. “I thought the lady was alone and I was attempting to make small talk.”

  “Small being the operative word. Small talk, small mind, probably small everything,” Kat quipped, darting her eyes to his crotch.

  Marco saw Jason bristle. What the hell was she playing at?

  “You might want to teach your girlfriend some manners,” Jason muttered, clearly ticked off. “A smart mouth like that could get her in trouble.”

  “I need to speak to Jason privately for a minute,” Marco said, shooting her a stern look. “Don’t let the waitress take our beers away. We’ll be back in a second.”

  Marco jerked his head to the side, suggesting Jason should follow him through the swinging doors that led into the hallway. Pushing through them, Marco walked down the hall until they were far enough away that the noise of the crowd was distant enough to allow for a conversation.

  “What the hell is wrong with her?” Jason demanded. “Talk about a bitch!”

  “She gets hit on all the time. She can’t stand it.”

  “Then she should become a fucking nun. One day she’s gonna say the wrong thing to the wrong guy.”

  “I’m not interested in talking about her. There’s something more important we need to discuss.”

  “Yeah, I do know that,” Jason said brusquely, a deep scowl crossing his forehead. “You think I’m here for any other reason? You think I wanna spend any time with that smelly, unkempt crowd?”

  Suddenly Marco was seeing the real Jason Dean. The charming, funny, amenable actor, had suddenly transformed into a nasty, sneering, supercilious jerk. Had Kat’s rebuff unnerved him that much?

  “I can’t talk to you in the office,” Marco continued. “Some guys are still setting up a table in there for everyone to pay their respects, and after the memorial there’s going to be a stream of people coming and going for hours.”

  “It doesn’t matter, I’m taking you up to the mansion,” Jason declared. “You’ve heard about that place I’m sure. We’ll leave immediately after the service.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard about it, and no, Jason, I’m not going anywhere with you, besides, what I have to tell you will take about three seconds.”

  Marco watched Jason’s eyes narrow into thin slits. Kat had rudely rejected him, and now he’d just thrown Jason another curve ball. Jason was rattled, and in his peripheral vision Marco could see Leo standing near the swinging doors. He had told Leo to stay close, and Leo was doing just that. This was the moment for Marco to set his plan into motion.

  “I know about the missing delivery and I have it,” Marco proclaimed, “or rather, I had it. I don’t anymore.”

  Though Jason tried to hide it, Marco could see the shock flicker across the actor’s face.

  “What the fuck? What are you talking about?”

  “You know exactly,” Marco retorted, “and I’m not interested in playing games, but maybe I’ve made a mistake. Maybe it’s someone else I need to be speaking with. If that’s the case I’m going back into the bar.”

  He started to step away, but Jason grabbed his arm and spun him around.

  “You don’t know who the fuck you’re dealing with,” Jason snarled, shoving Marco against the wall. “We’re goin’ to the mansion, and you’re gonna tell me every last detail about that fucking package.”

  Leo flew through the swinging doors and was at Marco’s side in a heartbeat. Twice Jason’s size, Leo pulled him off Marco and hurled him to the ground.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Marco exclaimed, moving to stand next to Leo who was looming over Jason like a grizzly bear. “I’ll tell what I know right now, or you can get the hell out of here.”

  “Tell this fucking Neanderthal to back off. You’re talking to the right guy! I’m just following orders. I was told to get you up to the mansion right away.”

  “Okay, Leo, looks like we’re good. You can wait by the doors.”

  “Sure, Brooder, but you know the memorial service is gonna be startin’ in a minute.”

  “Yeah, I know, and that’s about how long this will take, a minute.”

  With a last warning scowl at Jason, Leo marched away, and Jason slowly rose to his feet.

  “Listen to me, Jason. You go back and tell your boss, and I assume that’s HH, I’m not going to the mansion, not today, not ever, and as far as his missing delivery goes, I received this letter,” Marco said, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his jacket. “Keep it.”

  As Jason leaned against the wall, still trying to catch his breath, he opened up the letter and began to read. Watching him carefully, Marco could see his face contort in fury.

  Hey Marco…and hello HH.

  Yeah. I know. You didn’t expect this. Either of you.

  Marco, in case you didn’t know this, the heavy narcotics supplier for the Kings is a guy called HH. Kratos was terrified of him. Now Kratos is dead. No surprise, and you could be next.

  As long as you have possession of that heroin you’re in danger. When I say they’ll cut off your balls and stuff them into your mouth and let you bleed to death, I’m serious, and that would be on a day they’re feeling merciful. The only way for you to stay safe is to have an insurance policy, and that’s me. Leave the package in the second garbage can just inside the east gate of the Main Street Park tomorrow at noon. I know I could be some lowlife conning you, but sometimes you
have to take a risk, and doing what I say is the only way you’ll survive this. If you want to stay in the drug business and work with HH, go ahead, but you’ll rue the day, and if Kratos didn’t tell you that, he should have.

  HH, I hope you’re sitting down. Prepare yourself.

  I know who you are. Who you really are, but you don’t have to worry. I’m not going to blow your cover, and I’m not going to tell anyone where your lab is hidden. I won’t share what I know about your torture chamber, or your second house in the hills with the girls and the goons, nope, not a word, not about any of it, not as long as Marco and the Kings are left in peace. I’m not a member, I rarely visit the tavern, but I knew Kratos. He was like a brother to me.

  If you’re reading this it probably means Marco has done what I’ve suggested and your package is in the garbage can. You’ll never find me, not in a million years, and your identity and all the shit you’re doing will stay undisclosed as long as Marco and the gang are left alone.

  “What the fuck…?” Jason breathed. “What the fuck?”

  “I found that inside my helmet and I—”

  “I don’t give a fucking shit where you found it.”

  Jason was seething, his face was turning purple, and his hands had balled into fists.

  “Noon tomorrow? When is that? When was that? What did you do with the goddamned package?”

  “What do you think I did?” Marco barked. “I did what any sane man would do. I left it in the garbage can, and that was today.”

  “You did what?”

  “Hey, whether that letter was from a drug dealer pulling a fast one, or someone who wants me out of this mess, I don’t give a shit. I don’t want to be involved in your racket, and I don’t want the Kings dealing smack or coke, or any of that heavy shit. You and your boss have nothing to fear from me. I have no idea who sells your stuff, how it gets here, nothing, zip, nada, and I don’t want to. If any of the gang want to keep peddling the powder, fine, but they can do it somewhere else.”

  “This isn’t good. This isn’t good. This really isn’t good,” Jason muttered as he began to pace up and down the hallway. “The team are gonna be crazed.”


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