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Sins of Sevin

Page 14

by Penelope Ward

  “I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I don’t have parents. I don’t have anyone.”

  “You do now.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I know it seems impossible, but don’t give up on her.”

  “I need to see her.”

  “Go on. She’s in the garage.”

  She hadn’t noticed me standing there for the longest time. Looking almost exactly like the day we first met, Evangeline had grease on her face, and her wild black hair was all over the place. A beautiful mess.

  She’d been worried about going to hell for our kiss. Hell to me was life on Earth without her. Time was running out fast, but I had a lot of fight left in me. The one area where I’d been holding back was also her biggest area of weakness. I knew she couldn’t resist me sexually. She would literally run from me to avoid giving into the strong physical pull between us. Needing to try everything to get her to stay, I knew that holding back wasn’t an option anymore. I wasn’t going to let her run straight into the arms of another man just because she was afraid of the consequences of loving me. Over my dead body. She was mine.

  I needed to claim what was mine.

  I called out, “Evangeline.”

  She jumped and placed her hand over her chest. “What are you doing here, Sevin?”

  “It’s raining. I came to pick you up.”



  Hiding out at Adelaide’s, I’d been crying inside most of the day. When I saw him standing there, as much as I’d prayed he’d stay away, my heart leapt for joy. I should have known better than to think Sevin was going to take that letter as closure. I didn’t even try to ask him to leave because the look in his eyes told me he wasn’t going anywhere. It also told me I was screwed.

  I cleared my throat. “I’m almost done.”

  Sevin crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “I’ll wait.” The heat of his stare was overpowering as he watched every moment of my hands as I tightened the distributor.

  When I finished, I said, “I’m just gonna go wash up.”

  He was standing in the same spot when I returned from the wash room. He looked amazing in a black hoodie that hugged his chest snugly. His hair was still damp from the rain. But it was the self-assured look on his face that really made my knees weak.

  “Let me just get my coat.”

  “Do you need to say goodbye to Addy?”

  I shook my head. “I’m stopping by tomorrow before…I leave.”

  His jaw clenched at the mention of my impending departure, his eyes telling me that I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Let me help you with that.” Sevin pulled the coat from my grasp and opened it up for me. His palms lingered on my shoulders, igniting a warm current of energy down my spine.

  I turned around to meet his eyes, his face too close for comfort.

  “Let’s get going then,” he said as he stared into me.

  It was dark outside, and the earlier rain had turned into a drizzle. Sevin opened the passenger side door to his truck and waited until I was seated before shutting it.

  His smell saturated the inside. It was enough to make me drunk off of him. His eyes darted to the side, and he looked at me briefly before starting the car.

  Neither of us was saying anything as he kept driving fast down the long dark road in the opposite direction from our ranch.

  I was looking out the window which was covered in raindrops when his warm hand landed on mine, prompting me to look at him. The intensity in his eyes made my heart beat faster.

  After several minutes of driving in silence, he pulled over into a desolate open field. My stomach dropped. Sevin turned off the ignition and leaned his head back before looking over at me.

  “If you’re leaving, so am I.”


  Panic set in. “No.”

  “You were just gonna leave without saying goodbye, leave me with a fucking ‘dear John’ letter?”

  “You know why I couldn’t see you.”

  His face was turning red. “Because you’re weak? Because you can’t trust yourself not to let me fuck you?”

  “No,” I lied.

  “Yes. You’re weak. So am I. So fucking weak.” Gently brushing the side of my cheek, he said, “Let go, Evangeline. Let…the fuck…go.” Sevin wrapped his hand gently around my neck as he rubbed over my throat with his thumb. “I promise it will feel so good to let go.”

  My breathing was ragged. I tried to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out. All I wanted was for him to keep touching me. It was all I could think about.

  His mouth curved into a wry smile. “Look how you react to me. Just a simple touch. You think we can stop this? Neither one of us can resist each other.”

  No. We can’t.

  Unleashing an unintelligible sound, I closed my eyes as his calloused thumb continued to stroke my neck. The simple movement was causing my entire body to buzz with arousal.

  He lightly squeezed my neck. “If you’re gonna say goodbye to me, say it when I’m touching you,” he said gruffly. “Say it to my face. You can’t. You can’t even fucking speak. I love this, how you react to me. I’m so fucking hard right now.”

  Tears began to fall down my cheeks. He was right. I couldn’t say goodbye to his face, and it was impossible to resist him. I was afraid to even look at him.

  Still, I made one last attempt to run from the powerful feelings that had overtaken me. Opening the door, I slammed it behind me.

  Struggling to breathe, I sucked in the misty air. Walking to the back of the truck, I crossed my arms over my chest. Light rain was starting to fall again. It was pitch dark except for the illumination of the moon and the light from his pickup. Sevin’s door slammed shut.

  I couldn’t let this happen.

  I couldn’t let this happen.

  I couldn’t let this happen.

  As I closed my eyes, I felt him pull me into his arms. I knew in that moment that I’d lost the race. I was done. I was his. People were going to get hurt.

  “We’ll figure it out,” he whispered over my face as if he could read the racing thoughts in my head. He touched his forehead to mine. “Together. As long as we have each other, we’ll figure out how to deal with this.”

  When I opened my eyes, they were met with his intense stare. I could feel his love for me pouring out of those eyes, his body and his soul. I wanted nothing more than to spend my life loving this beautiful broken boy, to prove to him that the way he came into the world wasn’t in vain. Sometimes, words weren’t necessary. Sometimes, all it took was a certain look. He must have seen that same look in my eyes, the look that told him my body was all in. I was giving in.

  He released a breath that sounded like he’d been holding it in forever before pulling me in tighter. Allowing myself to release the pent up tension, my body relaxed into him. He kissed my head while he traced his fingers along my back. I could feel his erection against my stomach. I’d never felt a man hard before. It stunned me how big and warm it felt against me. Wetness and weakness developed between my legs.

  Sevin pulled back and held my face in his hands. “I have so much love inside of me that’s all yours, and it’s been trapped inside. I need to give it to you, because holding it in is killing me. I know your heart belongs to me. But I’m selfish. I want all of you. I want your body before you run away from me again. Because I promise you, once we’re connected, you’re gonna know that we were meant for each other. Unless you tell me not to, I’m gonna take you. Right here. Right now, Evangeline.”

  His words alone made my body quiver.

  I’m gonna take you.

  Trying to bury my guilt in him, I drew his body into me.

  Take me.

  Bending my head back, I closed my eyes and silently willed him to do what he pleased. I’d dreamt for so long about what it would feel like to fully surrender to him.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “I’ll show you ev
erything. I’ll tell you what to do.”

  He started to kiss my neck, and with each movement of his mouth, the pressure was progressively harder. He started sucking on the base of my neck and on my chest to the point of pain. My back was pressed against the cold metal of the truck. I often wondered what Sevin would be like sexually. He had experience, and I had none. It didn’t take long for me to realize that there was nothing gentle about him. But it didn’t scare me; I wanted more.

  His strong hands gripped the material of my shirt as he kissed over my breasts. Fumbling with the buttons, he grew impatient and ripped my blouse open. He unclasped my bra then threw it into the back of the truck behind me.

  Sevin spoke over my skin, in between licking and sucking my breasts. “You have no idea how hard it was not to touch you that night in my room. I don’t have any resistance left in me.” Pushing my breasts together, he squeezed them and licked slowly down the middle before nipping on my nipple.

  No man had ever touched me like that before. To have my first experience be so rough and primal was unexpected. He worked my body like he owned me. I didn’t want it to cease for even a second. Any guilt became completely overshadowed by need. My conscience was no longer powerful enough to stop this from happening.

  Sevin kissed me harder before kneeling down on the wet grass to pull down my skirt. More wetness trickled down my inner thighs. He slipped his fingers into the sides of my underwear and took his time sliding them down my legs. A deep breath released from me when I felt him slip two of his fingers inside of me.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked as he finger fucked me.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  Moving his hand in and out, he looked into my eyes.

  “You want me to do it harder?”


  His fingers were deep inside of me while his thumb circled my clit.

  He stood up. “Touch me, Evangeline.”


  “Wherever you want.”

  Rubbing my palm along his jeans, I felt his hot erection bursting through the seams.

  “You feel that?”


  “I’ve never been this hard in my life.”

  I rubbed my hand up and down over his crotch while he fingered me. I could feel him throbbing through the material. When he pulled his fingers out, he licked them slowly, never taking his eyes off me. The muscles in between my legs clenched at the sight of that.

  “I’ve been waiting so long to taste you. I dreamt about this on the very first day we met.”

  “What do I taste like?”

  Instead of answering me, he pulled me into a kiss, thrashing his tongue against mine and allowing me to taste myself. I couldn’t get enough as I pulled his hair. While he was still fully clothed, we continued to kiss as I stood completely bare against him in the middle of the field.

  When he stopped the kiss, he slid his hand down the length of my body and began to slowly run it over my mound.

  “I can’t believe you shave it. I nearly died when I was drawing you. So amazingly hot. I could eat you up.”

  “You could, or you will?”

  “I’m about to.”

  He suddenly knelt down. I gasped when I felt Sevin’s wet mouth between my legs. It was a feeling so unbelievably foreign in an amazing way. Grabbing the back of his head, I pushed him into my swollen clit, guiding his movements.

  “That’s it. Move my face however you want. Show me how you want me to fuck you with my mouth.”

  With every dirty word that escaped him, the muscles between my legs pulsated against him. His moaning vibrated through me. My own sounds seemed to egg him on as he devoured me faster and harder. I’d given myself orgasms before, but I never imagined that the build up to one could feel this good. Nothing had ever felt as good as his wet tongue pressing against my folds.

  He couldn’t seem to get enough of me. He abruptly stopped and crawled up onto the back of the truck with the finesse of a tiger, pulling me up with him. He lay down on his back and positioned my body over his mouth. “Ride my face.”

  My sex throbbed at his words. Hesitant to take control, I didn’t move.

  He grabbed my hips and guided them over his mouth as he devoured me. With my weight on top of him, the sensations were even more powerful. It didn’t take long before my muscles began to contract. He felt it.

  “Let go. Come against my mouth, Evangeline. I want to taste it.”

  I was so wet. He massaged his tongue into my throbbing clit harder. My orgasm came on suddenly and fierce. My hips were bucking, my body writhing over his mouth. His tongue lapped harder. He kept his lips on me until he knew I’d completely calmed down from it. Then, he softly twirled his tongue over my sex and kissed it until the quivering stopped. “I want to do that to you again,” he said, his soft voice vibrating between my legs. Even though I’d just come, it felt like I needed to come again.

  He slid me off of him and scooted up, pulling my mouth into his. His lips were covered in my come, and it turned me on to no end.

  “I want to taste you, too.”

  “You will, but I need to be inside of you before I explode.”

  He flipped me around, pinning me down under him with one arm on each side of me. He looked into my eyes before lowering himself to kiss me again. My tongue searched desperately for his as I pulled on his wet hair. Licking, tasting, needing more, never enough. He suddenly stopped. “Look at me. Tell me you want this for real. Because once I’m inside you, I don’t know if I could stop.”

  “I’m scared, but I want it so badly.”

  “It’s gonna hurt at first.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m gonna go slow. You’re gonna guide me in. Alright?”


  “Tell me if it gets to be too much.”

  “I will.”

  “Don’t be nervous. I love you, Evangeline. I won’t do anything to hurt you. I promise. I just want to show you with my body how much I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “We could go somewhere else if you want.”

  “No. I want it to be right here.”

  Letting out a slight laugh, he said, “Thank God.”

  He slowly unzipped his damp hoodie, throwing it aside. After he lifted his shirt off his head, I rubbed my hands across his broad chest and could feel his heart pounding just as hard as mine. It was hard to believe that I was touching him freely, feeling all of the ripples and muscles that I’d only been able to admire from afar.

  “I’ve always wanted to touch you,” I whispered.

  He grabbed one of my hands and placed it on the bulge straining through his pants. “You’re gonna be doing a lot more than touching me.”

  He was even harder than before as I massaged him through his jeans.

  “Take it out,” he demanded.

  I slowly unzipped his jeans and stuck my hand inside his pants. His erection sprung forward as I lowered his boxer briefs. The skin of his cock was like warm silk wrapped around a thick bone. I couldn’t help marveling at how phenomenal it felt. His tip was beautiful, like a sprouted mushroom covered in his wet arousal. Going down on a man was never something I’d ever fantasized about, but there was nothing more I wanted than to take him into my mouth and run my tongue along the line that ran across his crown, sucking every ounce of the cum off of it. I didn’t have the guts to do it yet, but my urges definitely surprised me.

  As he jerked himself off slowly, I let him direct me. He repositioned my hand over his cock as he spread my legs open wide. His voice sounded different, thick with desire. “Touch me to you. Put me where it feels good.”

  So incredibly wet, I gripped his shaft and slid the head slowly up and down over my opening. He hissed, letting out a shaky breath and for the first time, seemed to exhibit a slight loss of control as he looked down at his cock rubbing against me. “God, that feels…so good. So fucking good. It’s taking everything in me not to come all over you righ
t now. I can’t imagine what it will feel like inside you.”

  Sevin took back control and rubbed the length of his cock across my slit over and over. Slow. Back and forth. Back and forth. The rhythm of his breathing matched each stroke. It was hypnotic. I looked up at the starry night sky for a moment, thinking that this all felt like a dream. It was surreal being out in the middle of nowhere with no sounds except our breathing.

  “I love just feeling you like this,” he said.

  The extent of my need was surprising. I shocked myself when I said, “I want you inside of me.”

  “Not yet. I need you to be ready for me.”

  He continued rubbing his cock against me for several minutes. My legs were quivering with need, and I was soaking wet.

  “Slide back.”

  He placed his hoodie underneath my ass and positioned himself over me, holding his body up with both arms at each side of me. His pants were still halfway down his legs, so he pushed them off.

  “Put me inside of you.”

  Wrapping my hand around his cock, I led him into my opening. He barely made it halfway in when I gasped. It was definitely more painful than I anticipated.

  “Are you okay?”


  “No, you’re not. We need to take it slow.”


  He hovered over my body while we kissed as he pushed slowly into me. His mouth never left mine as he kissed me deeply with each movement. Inch by inch, I felt the slow burn of him entering me.

  Sevin let out a loud moan of pleasure once inside me, his voice echoing in the night. No one was within earshot. Hearing him lose control made all of the pain worth it. With each slow and steady thrust, he entered me more easily until eventually he was balls deep.

  Grabbing his ass, I pushed him into me harder. “It’s okay. Give me more.”

  “You’re sure?”

  When I nodded, Sevin wrapped my legs around his back and fucked me harder. His hips were moving in a swift circular motion as he filled me over and over. Our bodies rocked together rhythmically, shaking the truck. The harder he pumped into me, the more turned on I was. I never imagined I would want it rough, but I loved him hard, and so it only made sense that our lovemaking reflect that intensity.


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