Christ Is Within Us

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Christ Is Within Us Page 4

by Adrian Bonnington

  In Pistis Sophia Yaldabaoth has already sunk from his high estate and resides in Chaos, where, with his forty-nine demons, he tortures wicked souls in boiling rivers of pitch, and with other punishments. He is an archon with the face of a lion, half flame and half darkness.

  Under the name of Nebro (rebel), Yaldabaoth is called an angel in the apocryphal Gospel of Judas . He is first mentioned in "The Cosmos, Chaos, and the Underworld" as one of the twelve angels to come "into being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld]". He comes from heaven, his "face flashed with fire and whose appearance was defiled with blood". Nebro creates six angels in addition to the angel Saklas to be his assistants. These six in turn create another twelve angels "with each one receiving a portion in the heavens."

  The source the creator of the universe gave man our spiritual body. The false god Jehovah gave us our mud body and entrapped us in this world.

  Jesus said his name was I AM and just called God just Holy. He told the Jews that Jehovah was not the true God. How can God have a name as no one else was around to give him a name? He was the first consciousness.

  What can we learn from Magic Squares?

  If you look at my magic square on previous page it has 6 rows and 6 columns. This it has the numbers 1 to 36. If we add all the numbers 1 through to 36 we get 666.

  Let him who hath understanding calculate the number of the beast. The rows and columns and diagonals add up to 111.

  666 + a cross (row + column) gives 666 + 111 + 111. This gives 888 the number of Christ. There is more on Gematria and magic squares in my book on “ Satanists ruling over us”.

  The sum of the perimeter is 370. Noah was on the Ark for 370 days. Many say that the earth is really flat a Geo-centric idea like the Bible says it is. The water kept on the flat plane by the ice wall at Antarctica. The Germans sent many troops to investigate this region during the war. USA and Russia are still doing research.

  In the Bible - Malachi 4:2 - The Sun (Son) is a representation of Christ. A pyramid has 8 sides when viewed from above. We have 36 constellations but only 18 visible from each hemi-sphere of the planet.

  Daniel said there was 360 days in a perfect year. 3+6+0 = 9. Tesla knew that the numbers 3, 6 and 9 create the quantum universe. See my other books.

  When you follow the numbers of the rows and columns they reveal a lot about the solar cycles of the Sun. You find that the numbers 18 and 19 are mismatched on the magic square but this is because a solar cycle alters during this period.

  In my 5 x 5 magic square it uses words from Latin made up from the letters in Paternoster x 2 and leaves A+O times 2.

  The A + 0 represent the Alpha and Omega the start and end of the Greek alphabet and the fact the Paternoster (Lord’s Prayer) should be repeated over and over again.

  You will see the 5 x 5 magic square has a cross as its centre. The N in the centre represents the Sun. It has 8 planets going around it.

  Again this magic square is very similar to the Design of the British Union Flag. It is only a Union Jack when it is flying from a pole – it has been jacked up the pole.


  χξϛ chx stigma, khee xee stig'-ma; the 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter ( G4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral:—six hundred threescore and six.

  Bismillah, the Mark of the Koran, and the Chi Xi Stigma of Revelation

  “In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful” are the opening words of the Koran. The phrase is used by Muslims around the world to open many of their prayers, and is the phrase that opens many Islamic constitutions.

  The test is performed using Gematria – a numerical coding system common in the ancient world by which letters are assigned numerical values. The Bismillah converts to certain mathematical values that can be compared to gematrical values in the Koran as a whole. When this is done for the “true” version of the Koran, the values match. Otherwise they do not.

  The bismillah can therefore be thought of as the mark, or number, that unlocks or decodes the true Koran. The above named website further states that the gematrical value of the correct version of the Koran is 666, and it is that which frees mankind. The article concludes by saying that the Christian doctrine relating 666 to the antichrist is a deception designed to keep man in bondage. So the Bismillah is the mark of the Koran, and its numeric value is 666.

  The antagonism between the two religions is further unfolded by their respective views on the nature of God and of Jesus Christ. The Koran teaches that the Christian understanding of Christ is the antichrist; while Christianity teaches that the Muslim understanding of Allah is of the antichrist.

  Reading from left to right, the first Greek letter, χ (pronounced “chi”) has a numerical value of 600.

  The middle Greek letter, ξ, is pronounced “xi”, and it has a numerical value of 60.

  The third Greek letter, ς, is pronounced “stigma”. Although its numerical value has changed since the first century, back in the first century, the stigma had a numerical value of 6. We might also note that the stigma has a literal meaning of “scar, mark, or badge of service”. ( “In the name of Allah” = Bismillah = 666 )

  Mr. Walid Shoebat , a purported former PLO terrorist now Christian evangelist, says that when he saw the Greek symbols for 666 in the original manuscripts, he immediately recognized these as the Arabic character “Bismillah,” which means “in the name of Allah.”

  Here is a clip of Shoebat demonstrating what he saw, while explaining that some of the letters must be turned and mirror-imaged in order to match up.:

  John the Revelator saw the mark of the beast in a vision, and wrote the characters down. Wilkerson says that the characters were never Greek at all, but were Arabic. The fact that neither Arabic nor Islam existed at that time is not a problem if this was a prophetic vision.

  Would you Adam and Eve it?

  We must understand that the Bible is not to be meant literally as a story. It contains symbolism and hidden codes within Gematria. The priests wrote it this way so only the few in the know really understood the truth. They also kept out of the Bible many good books that hint at mans true history as they thought the people would never accept these stories. Some of these books are the Book of Enoch and The Book of John.

  Adam is a perfect name it represents the sun ascending and Descending and the Meridian. Eve his partner is just the Evening or the Night time. You have Adam and his Madam.

  Adam is also Aton

  Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn ) is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology , and originally an aspect of the god Ra . The deified Aten is the focus of the religion of Atenism established by Amenhotep IV, who later took the name Akhenaten (died ca. 1335 BCE) in worship and recognition of Aten. In his poem " Great Hymn to the Aten ", Akhenaten praises Aten as the creator, giver of life, and nurturing spirit of the world. Aten does not have a Creation Myth or family but is mentioned in the Book of the Dead

  Adam also is Andrew, Andros, and Don.

  The female form of Don is Donna or the Madonna.

  Jesus is the Sun /Son of God the bright star in the sky that gives all life on earth energy.

  The Garden of Eden was between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as this is where you can see the whole Zodiac.

  4 faced god

  As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face. The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle.

  The Lion is Leo which represents the Sun or Jesus.

  We see from above that

  Spring is man is Aquarius the water carrier.

  Summer is Taurus the bull

  Autumn is Leo the Lion

  Winter is the Eagle or the Scorpion of Scorpio. Winter is al
so the death of the year which the Scorpion and it sting represents.

  Face of an Eagle – Throughout the Bible, the eagle signifies the soaring, transcendent, powerful divine life of God.

  This fourth face, the face of an eagle, is hidden in the rear. In a sense the eagle’s face is a secret, a mystery to those around us. This was Paul’s secret of sufficiency in Philippians 4:11-12. Perhaps few people may know how we can overcome so many earthly frustrations. But the buoyancy and transcendence is not of ourselves; it is sourced in the hidden divine life within us.

  “We need to be like an eagle, not allowing anything to hold us, to suppress us, or to depress us. This means that we should be able to overcome both persecution and praise. Whether we are persecuted or praised, we need to be able to fly away on eagles’ wings. We should be buoyant and transcendent.” – Life Study of Ezekiel, pp.54-55

  The Lord was not suppressed by either persecution or praise. Although the Lord fed the great crowd in John 6, He immediately withdrew to a mountain alone when the people sought to exalt Him and make Him King. This was a manifestation of the face of an eagle, soaring above both tribulations and triumphs.

  Summary – The four living creatures in Ezekiel express Christ in four aspects: as a man, as a lion, as an ox, and as an eagle. Moreover, these four faces correspond to Christ portrayed in the Gospels: the Man-Savoir in Luke, the King-Savoir in Matthew, the Slave-Savoir in Mark, and God the Savoir in John. As the four living creatures, we can express Christ in His all-inclusiveness.

  Notice how the wheel of Fortune spells ROTA - the jobs assigned to us to do.

  Read another way it spells TORA very similar to the Jewish word Torah.

  The above image gets calculations wrong BUT shows it is just one big wheel. This is because to make a sine wave you rotate a point anti-clockwise around a circle – thus creates the spiral DNA pattern.

  The Sun (Ra) rises in the East this is Aries the (Ra) m on the Zodiac wheel. The sun sets in Libra this is what the Ω symbo l means it means sun set.

  The Zodiac moves 1 degree every 72 years. All perfect numbers add up to 9. 7+2 = 9.

  360 degrees = 3+6+0 = 9

  =25,920 years when zodiac gets back to start position. = 18 = 1+8 =9

  There are really 13 zodiac signs and there was only 10 months originally with December being the last. In the Bible a perfect year would be 360 days. 10 months of 36. Numbers 1 to 36 added up make 666.

  A 6 X 6 magic square reveals sun cycles.

  Dio is another name for God thus Radio means to radiate God and Audio to make the sounds of God. Jesus only called God the Holy after all there was no one around to name God when he around as he was the first.


  Jesus told the Jews that Jehovah was not the true God.

  Jesus told them that his name was I AM as he had been around since birth of universe. Now we see the Trans agenda using the word I am. You have the pop star. Beyonce I am.. Sacha Fierce

  We have the invIctus gAMes with I AM being used on two lines. These games are for disabled military people. The Trans idea is to make man machines thus you will be downloaded into a machine and thus live forever. The New World Order is trying to bypass God with their satanic ideas. You even see Katy Perry doing a Masonic Satanic ritual at the Super Bowl at half time using a Mason Chess board. Many of these pop stars I suspect work for the illuminati to brain wash young children’s minds. [See my book on how Satanists rule over us]



  1. Aries: The Ram

  The charging Ram is the ideal sign for Aries, a strong-willed and courageous bunch. Aries people’s lust for life allows them to out everything they’ve got when pursuing a worthy goal — charging ever forward no matter what the challenge. Bold and ambitious, Aries people’s natural surge of energy can take them very far.

  2. Taurus: The Bull

  Taurus is symbolized by the Bull, a sensual creature that feels most at home in natural atmospheres. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and life, Taurus’s nature is to produce, grow things, make art, build and enjoy simple pleasures. Known as a doer, Taurus people are always building or following a worthwhile Endeavour.

  3. Gemini: The Twins

  Gemini is symbolized by the Twins, highlighting the theme of duality inherent in this zodiac sign. The curious mind of Gemini people makes them seekers and lovers of variety and spontaneity. They are able to always look at the bright side and see what’s humorous in any situation. This makes them a pleasure to be around, always bringing fun when gracing people with their presence.

  4. Cancer: The Crab

  Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, a protector of what is held dear and close to the heart. Ambitious and tenacious, Cancerians are also homebodies, feeling a primal need for security at home. They are deeply emotional beings, and they tend to gravitate toward emotionally familiar people and places.

  5. Leo: The Lion

  Leo is symbolized by the Lion, proud and courageous. Passionate as lovers and doting as parents, Leo people create from the heart. They are naturally sociable, expressive, and ambitious.

  6. Virgo: The Virgin

  Unique from the other astrology signs, Virgo is symbolized by a person — the Virgin. Earthbound and sensitive, Virgo people have a knack for seeing how the pieces fit together to create the whole. Their high standards, for others and themselves, make them trustworthy and the go-to person of co-workers, friends, and loved ones.

  7. Libra: The Scales

  Libra is symbolized by the Scales, a man-made invention representing the highest humanistic aspirations. Finding balance is one of Libra people’s main goals, making them natural mediators. They have high ideals and an eye for life’s beautiful creations. As such, Libra people are born artists and lovers.

  8. Scorpio: The Scorpion

  Scorpio is symbolized by the Scorpion, giving Scorpio people unrivalled creative power. They walk the untraded path and are emotionally courageous. Of all the zodiac signs, Scorpio people are the ones who recognize the reality of evil and how it should never be underestimated. They also realize that, at times, the poison is the cure.

  9. Sagittarius: The Archer

  Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer, highlighting athleticism, ambition, and the struggle for excellence. Sagittarians love exploration and seek to learn through their experiences. They long to travel in an effort to meet people and make new friends, and broaden their horizons.

  10. Capricorn: The Goat

  Capricorn is symbolized by the Goat, ambitious and steadfast in the face of a seemingly impossible goal. Known to many as realists, Capricorn people tend to be materialistic and practical. They are old-fashioned and have a strong sense of duty and loyalty toward family.

  11. Aquarius: The Water-bearer

  Aquarius is symbolized by the Water-bearer, highlighting clear sight that makes them see a broader perspective. Aquarians are humanists at heart, showing great interest in causes that advance humanity. Because they are bright, they can be very eloquent conversationalists and pleasant company.

  12. Pisces: The Fish

  Pisces is symbolized by the Fish, a creature as slippery and mysterious. Pisces people sometimes find it hard to deal with reality but are very strong, especially when inspired or in pursuit of a dream. A complex zodiac sign, Pisces people can be very moody and sensitive.

  What Ancient Knowledge can teach us.

  Thoth gave Egyptians knowledge and invented language and writing. He gave Egyptians knowledge of consciousness.

  Book of Thoth only existed in the astral plain.

  It was the Babylonians who created most of the knowledge that was accredited to Thoth.

  Divining means understanding the will of the Gods.

  The movement of the planets was known to effect life on Earth. Egyptians used magic and rituals to make crops grow. All words are spells.

  The Egyptian Alphabet encoded sounds with the Zodiac.

nbsp; We can use sacred Geometry / Fibonacci sequence and knowledge in Holy books to unlock what knowledge has been lost.

  The Vatican and Free-Masons have kept this knowledge. Mason means son of Ma the mother or Mu. A free-mason is someone who has given up on the creator the eternal mother or Ma.

  The crusades were a means of destroying ancient knowledge and also looting. The Cathars were killed because they had many secrets.

  The Catholic Church preaches Heaven and Hell as a way to keep people subservient to it and as slaves. Yet Hell was a Viking word.

  We are immortal souls but still must be worthy. We need to be a good soul. The Egyptians show this with a heart being measured against a feather. The heart represents your soul the love you have given to others during your life.

  A soul that passes the judgement day is rewarded with higher consciousness and starts the life cycle again.

  Hermetic’s knows of the Law of vibration. We live in cycles within cycles. The soul exists at the zero point. Quantum mechanics shows that time is an illusion.

  A soul not passing the judgement day is simply absorbed back into the collective consciousness of the creator.

  The first cycle is known as Zep Tepi. More and more souls are born yet each is further away from the first so eventually these souls become empty as the people forget their true divinity.

  The Mayan’s knew that the cycles were to do with the Sun changing and the zodiac.


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