It's A Vampire Thing

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It's A Vampire Thing Page 9

by Dakota Cassidy

  "Claire, Claire, Claire. You are as unbelievably stupid in this life as you were in all the rest. You can't really think you're any match for me, can you? I've killed you over and over, what would make you think this time was any different?" Desi laughed.

  Claire fought the black hole tugging her deeper into its depths. Her limbs were growing numb and lay almost useless by her sides. Desi twisted Claire's neck roughly. Claire was faintly aware of Desi's fangs gleaming in the moonlight, razor sharp and ready. This was it, she thought wildly. Sweat trickled down the side of her face as she scrambled desperately in her pocket for the hard nail file. Her grip was loose, but enough to feel the cool metal in her fingers. She jabbed upward at Desi, with enough force to make Desi gasp and let go of her neck. Claire slid to the ground, gasping for much needed air, her body slow from lack of oxygen.

  "You bitch, you fucking bitch!" She heard Desi scream in rage, "This was my favorite Armani silk shirt. Look what you've done; I'll never get the blood out!"

  Claire felt Desi's hands on her again as she roughly yanked Claire upward and grabbed a handful of her hair. Pulling her head backward roughly so she could stare down at her. The roar of engines and squeal of tires made Desi turn toward the street, her profile rife with fury. Heavy footsteps pounded the pavement, approaching them rapidly.

  "Desdemona Smitrovitch!" Zach roared, his face a mask of fury as he pulled her off of Claire, slamming her hard up against the wall. Desi dropped Claire like a sack of potatoes.

  Zach stormed over to where Claire lay as Jarrod's footsteps thundered behind Zach's. Jarrod grabbed Desi, pulling her arms tightly behind her back.

  "Claire, baby, are you okay?" Zach hauled her into his arms, holding her limp body to his. Claire's head bobbed, then righted itself as she fought to speak, her throat swollen and cracked.

  "Kill the bitch, Zach" she said hoarsely, croaking through clenched teeth. Vampires by the dozen began to appear out of nowhere. Zach gently handed Claire's limp form to one and turned to where Jarrod held Desi. With lightening speed he covered the ground between them and towered over Desi. If Claire could have spoken she would have told Zach how impressive she thought the Speedy Gonzales thing was.

  He ran his hand over Desi's neck and settled his wide grip at the base of her throat. "It was you all this time, Desi?" he said in disbelief. Desi squirmed in Jarrod's hold, her long hair matted to her face with tears.

  "I love you, Zach" she cried desperately. "I'm your Life Mate, not that bitch." Desi sobbed, as she struggled uselessly in Jarrod's iron grip.

  Zach held her throat for a long moment, raking his nail along the smooth column. His eyes were dark and cold as his lips curled into a thin sneer. "I'm not your Life Mate, Desi, I'd rather burn in hell," Zach responded, showing Desi his fangs with a hiss. Desi cringed as tears rolled down her smooth cheeks.

  "I don't know Jarrod, what do you think we should do with Desi?"

  Jarrod's laughter rang in the cold night air, echoing all around them.

  "It's up to you, buddy," he replied with cold indifference.

  "By all rights I could kill you, Desi, and not a soul, not even your father, would deny me that right. By clan laws you should die, you've killed over and over again, Desi. You're a danger to the clan's reputation and the new alliances we're trying to form."

  Zach tugged on a long lock of Desi's hair, his eyes leveling on her.

  "You really are some bitch, huh?"

  Desi's head shot up, her face streaked with tears, her voice filled with yearning. "It should have been me, Zach. Me, another vampire. Not some mortal whore. You were just too stupid to figure it out," she half sobbed, half screamed into Zach's face.

  Zach looked at her with disgust. "I dunno Jarrod, you think I should leave her tied to a tree in the sun, or maybe I should just drain the bitch dry? Decisions, decisions." Zach crossed his arms over his massive chest, mocking deep thought. Desi blanched; her perfect skin literally glowing in the moonlight.

  "No, Zach," Claire cut in with a croak as she wobbled toward Zach. "Enough death, please. As much as I'd like to see Desi pay for keeping us apart, I think it will hurt more if she's banished from the clan..." Claire trailed off, her throat too raw for more.

  Zach held her firmly to his side. "Well, Jarrod, I guess it's what the lady wants. Claire is, after all, the one she tried to kill. So, Desi, I guess this is it." Zach said stiffly and turned, without so much as a backward glance.

  "Take her Jarrod, she's all yours."

  Desi screamed into the night, a bloodcurdling wail that rang in Claire's ears as Zach helped her to his car.

  She fell back against the seat and closed her eyes, her body racked with pain. Damn, that broad was tough. Zach's hands roamed her sore body. Claire began to feel the blood slowly return to her hands and feet. Zach laid his hands gently on her bruised and swollen throat; a soothing balm wound its way over her battered skin. Claire felt the burning in her throat disappear and the pounding in her head ebb away. Zach's voice whispered softly to her, words of love and something in Polish? It didn't matter. She was with Zach and now she would be with him forever.

  When she opened her eyes again, he was smiling at her, his eyes filled with concern. Claire cupped his jaw and gently kissed his lips.

  "C'mon vampire, don't we have some nookie to make?" Zach dragged her close to him and whispered into her neck.

  "I love you, Claire, I don't know what the hell I would have done this time if something had happened to you." His deep voice was gruff and hoarse.

  Tears stung Claire's eyes.

  "I love you too, Count Dracula, now take me home and I'll show you a good time," she said, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him. Zach didn't wait to be asked again, he jumped into the driver's side. As they sped off into the night, Claire caught a glimpse of Desi's pert ass high in the air as Jarrod carried her off over his shoulder.

  * * * *

  Claire rinsed off the remainder of the night in the shower and smiled at the things to come. Eternity with Zach and, well ... making love with Zach. Her nipples tightened as she dried off briskly. What did one wear when they were about to become a vampire? The very thought made her pause. Holy shit. She would soon join the ranks of the undead, and live with Zach as his Life Mate for lord only knew how long.

  It occurred to her how odd that might seem to anyone else, but to Claire Treemont, it felt more than right. She grabbed Zach's t-shirt, intending to get a piece of vampire ass.

  She sauntered out of the bathroom to find Zach sitting quietly on the bed. "Okay, vampire, let's do this so we can get to the good part." Claire said saucily, with a wink. Zach's eyes were dark as he looked at her, and it wasn't desire she saw in them. Well hell, she was in trouble for sure. She watched hesitantly as he rose, his thickly muscled body oozed tension. Yup, she was going to get a good talking to.

  Zach towered over her and gripped Claire's shoulders tightly, shaking her. "What the hell were you thinking? Do you have ANY idea what could have happened to you." He slapped his forehead. "What the hell made you go off and find Desi on your own? Why didn't you call me?"

  He spewed some Polish at her; he was using foul language, she just knew it. She stared up at him, ready for battle, her mouth pressed into a thin line.

  "You know, as I recall, I mentioned Desi was hot for you and you blew me off. If anyone's to blame, I'd say it was you. How could you not have known she was in love with you? I mean, of all the stupid things in the whole world to miss? You idiot vampire! Don't go blaming me for what was right under your nose. I didn't call you because I didn't think you would believe me, you did seem rather fond of the witch," she accused, poking his chest.

  "Why didn't you call me and tell me you had it figured out? I mean that is what happened isn't it?" She huffed at him.

  "I had people everywhere looking out for you since I told you about your past lives, just so happens somebody else did too," he said smugly, daring her to pull the information out of him.
r />   "Yeah? Well who is that somebody, Zach? Might have been nice if you'd shared that information, I could have saved myself an ass whooping!" She yelled at him, her exasperation clear.

  "It was Jarrod," he said, like he was dangling a carrot in her face.

  "Jarrod? How the hell did Jarrod know who it was?"

  "Well, it seems our Jarrod is hot for Desi, and since he took an interest in her and she is from a different breed of vampire, he decided to have her checked out. He hired the two guys who've been following her around, and they fed him information. He was light years ahead of us. This century Desi didn't stand a chance, not against Jarrod anyway."

  "Jarrod? Sweet, kind, considerate Jarrod is hot for Desi? I think I'm going to yark," Claire said, holding her stomach.

  "Yup, and if you would just have let well enough alone, none of this," he pointed at her neck, "would have happened."

  Claire narrowed her eyes. Of all the damn nerve this side of the millennium.

  "So why didn't you just tell me that? I mean, you know, pick up the phone and call me, you jerk." Claire jabbed at his stomach with her elbow.

  "Because I didn't know who it was until Jarrod called to tell me you had disappeared. He knew what Desi was up to, and he had his two goons looking after her every move. He never expected you to take off like that; last he knew you were going off to bed. As far as he was concerned, everything was under control." Zach shot back at her defensively.

  Okay, she'd done something stupid and impulsive. Claire squirmed, shifting from foot to foot. Jeez.

  "Well, what made you think I'd just sit around and let someone try to kill me? I put two and two together, which is more than I can say for you, Columbo. If you'd have figured it out, and not been so blind to that woman's charms, we would have been together a long time ago!" So there. "What makes you think I can't handle a crisis, big boy? I've been doing it without your help for a long time!" She was gathering steam here.

  "A crisis, Claire? Desi is more than a crisis, and I had no idea you'd be stupid enough to think you could take her on alone. I had it all under control, until you showed up!" He exploded.

  Claire's eyes flew open wide. Whoa, whoa, there.

  "Stupid?" She squeaked. "Wait one minute, blood sucker, who's the stupid one? I mean helllooo, the damn woman nearly peels your clothes off telepathically and you didn't know she was chasing you? For centuries, mind you?" Claire cocked her eyebrow at him, hands planted firmly on her hips.

  "Now, I don't know about you, but that wins first prize in the 'I am completely clueless' department! How could you have not seen the way that woman looked at you? I mean really, Zach, for all of your superhero abilities you'd think you could figure out something as easy as a little lust. Sheesh, it was as plain as the nose on your face..." Claire began a poor imitation of Desi, whipping her hair around and thrusting her breasts outward at him.

  "Ooooh, Zach," she cooed and twisted a strand of hair around her fingers. "How are you darling? Here let me rub my big, pert boobs all over you. Oh, and while I'm at it, lemme see the monster, why don't you?" Claire mocked, wiggling her hips from side to side seductively.

  Zach's broad shoulders began to shake, his deep laugh sending a rush of anger through her, making Claire's cheeks flush.

  Jerk... And then she couldn't help it, she began to laugh too.

  "Hey, where'd you learn to do that Speedy Gonzales routine?" Claire choked out between giggles, referring to his amazing ability to make haste.

  "I think I like that almost as much as I like your fangs, vampire."

  Zach pulled her newly healed body flush to his and grazed her lips.

  "I'm a vampire Claire; I can do all sorts of things." He followed that up with the grin that made her knees weak and her heart beat double time. Claire wound her arms around his waist, and buried her nose in his chest. Zach's broad shoulders shook with laughter. "Look here, wild woman, from now on I want you to tell me everything, okay? Don't go off half-cocked ever again. I don't think I could have stood losing you one more time." Claire gave up defending herself when she heard the crack in his voice. She stood on tippy-toe and kissed his lips.

  "You win, vampire, I'll be less impulsive from now on. Now don't we have some business to take care of?"

  Zach ground his hips into Claire's, the rigid line of his thick cock rubbed against her enticingly. She fondled the thick bulge and purred in his ear, "Can we fuck now and talk later?"

  Zach groaned, "I have to suck your blood first, baby, then we can fuck till the cows come home if you want. Are you sure this is what you want, Claire? You don't have to turn. I want that, don't get me wrong, but I don't want it unless you do."

  Claire kissed him long and hard, caressing his velvet tongue with hers. When she broke away she smiled, "There's your answer." She took his big hand in hers and led him to the bed. Lying down on the fluffy pillows; she swept her long hair aside.

  "Okay, let's do this, big guy" she urged. Zach sat beside her on the bed, pushing her t-shirt upward and running his hands over her flushed skin. Claire's thighs spread without thought and Zach leaned over her, running his tongue lightly over the smooth outer lips of her cunt.

  Claire moaned. "Can't we fit a quickie in, Zach? It's been so long." She clutched his thick hair and angled her hips upward, spreading her thighs wide. Zach laid his open mouth over her pussy and lightly swiped her clit. Claire sobbed, thrusting toward his hot mouth, but Zach pulled away and licked a trail over her belly. He stopped momentarily to lave each nipple then found her mouth. Claire suckled his lower lip, pulling him tightly to her.

  Zach covered her body with his as he kissed her jaw. "Are you ready, baby? It won't hurt, I promise. It's not like you read about in those damn novels. You'll fall into a deep sleep and when we wake up I'll be right here next to you, and then," he wiggled his eyebrows, "I will fuck your vampire brains out." Claire giggled, and rubbed her breasts against his chest.

  "I'm ready, Zach. I love you."

  "I love you, Claire, so damn much," he whispered just before she felt the smooth glide of his fangs graze her neck. Claire's heart raced as she wrapped her thighs around his waist and pressed Zach's head into her neck. She held him close until her eyes became heavy and she heard Zach's deep snore.

  * * * *

  Claire woke slowly, every nerve in her body tingling. She felt more alive than she ever had in her life. Zach snored soundly beside her, still dressed. His arms lay by his side. Claire didn't know what vampire protocol was, so she didn't disturb him; instead she padded softly to the bathroom. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she stopped short.

  Whoa, deep! She ran a finger over her newly acquired fangs, yanking her hand away when she nicked it. Damn, they were sharp.

  She inspected her neck. Nothing, no bite marks. Wow ... she felt incredible and horny. Her nerve endings were raw with anticipation. She felt a surge of adrenalin at the thought of their mating. Her hand flew to her eyes ... it was pitch black in this damn bathroom, yet she could see everything clearly. Holy shit.

  Claire Treemont grinned from ear to ear. She was a vampire. Woo Hoo! She stifled a cheer.

  Suddenly she couldn't wait for Zach's hands to be on her, and his cock to fill her; she needed him with an ache in her gut unmatched by any other. Claire heard Zach call her name from behind the door; she stripped off her t-shirt, leaving it on the floor. He stood by the bed, tentative and so fabulously handsome she thought her heart might burst.

  Claire flew at him from across the room, throwing her body at him full force; tears flooded her eyes as she clung to his neck. She wanted everything all at once, fierce and wild. His hands were everywhere as she pressed herself tightly to him. Her breathing was labored and harsh as she wound her body around his.

  Zach's arms were around her, his hands roaming her body as he began to stroke her thighs, reaching between them to fondle her. His hard chest heaved as he carried her to the bed and laid her down. Claire ran her hands lovingly over his face, tears of
relief fell over her cheeks.

  "Damn Zach, I've missed you so much it aches," she grabbed his hand and placed it over her heart, "right here." Zach splayed his hand over her heart, and sought her lips, stabbing his tongue at hers. Claire consumed his lips, licking them and nipping his tongue as her hands dug desperately at his flesh.

  "I've missed you, Claire, I ache for you too ... everywhere. I need to fuck you." Anxious hands cupped her breasts as he licked and sucked her nipples. Claire jammed her hands into his tight jeans, not bothering to unzip them as she found his hard cock, hot and throbbing. Her back arched upward, filling his mouth with the swollen globes of her flesh, pressing his face tightly to her as he swirled her nipples with that magic tongue.

  His fingers were quick as they dove into her slick cunt, her hips bucking upward when he spread her folds and his thumb rubbed her swollen clit. She managed to unzip his jeans and free his cock, circling it with two hands, sliding over the silken flesh, savoring every rigid inch.

  A tangle of desperate, shaking hands clashed as Zach entered her with two fingers, and she stroked his cock. Leaving her breasts, he kissed a moist path along the smooth plane of her belly. He lay his head down on her stomach, rubbing his cheek along her skin as Claire tunneled her hands though his hair, lifting her hips, and offering him her wet flesh. Zach's fingers slid in and out of her with ease. She was slick and ready as she felt the walls of her cunt contract around him.

  He nipped at her clit with his teeth as hot spears of pleasure shot throughout her body. Claire heard herself beg him. "Please, Zach..." She sobbed, "it's been so long, I need you..." she gasped as his tongue wedged into her dripping flesh, licking and sucking voraciously. She struggled to spread her legs wider, rolling her hips at him, so that he might lick her more deeply. His fingers thrust rapidly into her. She heard the faint seductive suction of her body as he pressed deeper and ran his tongue up and down the length of her aching flesh with rapid-fire strokes.


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