Viper (Second Wave Book 1)

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Viper (Second Wave Book 1) Page 28

by Mikayla Lane

  “Don’t look at me like that! It’s not a joke. It will be only temporary with Maggie and David, until their Primes are awakened. Then as we find the others, they will have to be assisted next.” Lara said, peeking out from under her lashes at Viper who looked at her as if she’d grown an extra body part.

  “So we are never going to be alone. Ever. Are you kidding me? How are we supposed to have a relationship if we’re never alone?" Viper yelled, getting up to stalk around the room like an angry predator.

  “We’re alone right now and all you want to do is talk and bitch so what difference does it make? We can do this through the Shengari’ in front of the world, and no one would care! We don’t need to be alone for this!” Lara yelled back at him, standing on her knees on the bed and facing him. Her own anger getting the best of her as past and present memories collided in her mind.

  “You think that because I’ve barely held my desire and need in check that I don’t want to rip your damn clothes off and take what is mine? Have you gone stupid?” Viper growled, his breathing becoming ragged as he stalked toward the bed and leaned down on his hands until he was nose to nose with Lara.

  “The only thing that has saved your modesty, and pride are the fact that I refuse to stand in your way this time, or I would have thrown you over my shoulder days ago, and we wouldn’t be seen for weeks.” Viper said, his voice softening only a little as her scent and being so near to her, drove him crazy.

  “Isn’t that how we ended up here? Yet, there you are breathing in my face and… talking.” Lara teased in a whisper as, she gently caressed his cheek with her own.

  Viper released a frightening roar as he lunged forward and threw Lara onto her back. Instead of being scared, she just giggled and looked up at him as if daring him to continue.

  “This is the only warning I will give you before I do something we can never take back. If you have any doubts, then run, while you can.” Viper warned in a low growl as, he leaned in closer and breathed in her scent from her waist to her neck.

  “I’ve waited hundreds of years and two lifetimes for this, don’t you dare chicken out now.” Lara said, challenging him just enough to instigate his beast as well.

  Viper didn’t say another word, he just leaned down and took her lips in a possessive, soul searing kiss. It was everything she had ever dreamed it would be, his lips and tongue finally staking his claim on her with every swipe of his warm tongue and touch of his soft lips.

  Lara heard, more than felt, Viper rip her shirt as his hands moved everywhere at once while his lips kept her mind reeling from the emotions and energy he allowed to flow freely from him.

  Her own hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they wandered over the hard planes of his stomach and up to his shoulders to hold him tightly to her.

  By the time he lifted his lips from her own, her clothing lay scattered in tatters around the bed and floor along with his shirt that she hadn’t even realized she’d torn from him in her urgency to touch him.

  Both of them panted slightly from the passion raging through them as Viper’s green eyes glittered like emeralds as he stared down at her. The dark swirls that designated his bond with his beast, swirled like angry storm clouds among the green.

  Lara allowed her love and acceptance of their bond to flow through her energy to him, telling him she was more than ready for this. She adored him even more for giving her another chance to change her mind, but she wouldn’t change it. Ever.

  It had taken every bit of Viper’s self-restraint to pause long enough to give her a chance to run; her love and need for him wiped it away in seconds.

  Lara undid the velcro closure on Viper’s tact pants and groaned along with him as her hands slid inside, along his lean hips to his upper thighs. She couldn’t stifle another groan as she squeezed him tightly to her and ground her hips upward.

  Viper let out croak of near pain at his need for her; his hands fisting the comforter as he fought the blinding pleasure of her touch, her naked body finally beneath him. He was quickly losing all control and thought. Everything but his need to make her his.

  Viper’s response to her touch only emboldened Lara. She pushed his pants further down and almost gasped as the heat of his hard length on her stomach ignited her body.

  “Lara…” Viper whispered raggedly in her ear, before taking her lips again.

  Urgency and need flooded Lara as Viper’s emotions crashed into hers like a wave. Her own emotions mixed with his and flowed back to him, creating a pendulum of energy and emotional transfer that heightened their pleasure and senses.

  Past and present need and desire collided for Lara, and it quickly overwhelmed her, causing her to wiggle and adjust her hips until his thick head was teasing at her slick entrance.

  They both groaned in need and pleasure as he slid just inside, as he tried desperately to hold himself still so she could adjust to his size. However, Lara was having none of that and thrust upward enough to seat him fully inside of her. Lara gasped and clung tightly to Viper as she held him still by tightly gripping his hips with her hands and thighs.

  Viper barely heard the sheets rip as he fought the need to complete his claim on her, to leave no doubt in her mind that she belonged to him. With him. Her first tentative movement was all he needed to lose it.

  Lara thought she was ready for more, but she had no idea how heightened the feelings and sensations would be, and she gasped and panted helplessly as he pulled out slowly and drove himself back in as deep as he could go.

  The strong and intense pace he set left Lara barely able to keep up as her body reeled from the mix of pleasure and need consuming her. Her body hung, almost paused on the edge, until Viper took her over the edge and the world exploded around her.

  Lara couldn’t help but smile as Viper roared above her, his arms coming around her tightly, possessively as the bonds between them grew stronger. The claiming complete.

  Viper sagged above her, trying not to crush her with his weight as his energy levels plummeted. He moved to the side and pulled Lara into his arms, his legs wrapping around hers, so he could be as close as possible to her.

  They lay in comfortable silence, each allowing their body to calm down from the intensity of the moment. Lara watched in fascination as their energy strands melded, their bond deepening.

  “I love you. More than anything on any world.” Viper said, his throat tightening with the strength of his emotion for his mate.

  Lara smiled against his hard chest, her own eyes tearing from his heartfelt admission. “I love you too. More than anything in any lifetime.”

  “I’m starving again.” Viper said, his hands roaming Lara’s body told Lara it wasn’t food he was thinking about.

  “So soon?” Lara asked with a surprised giggle.

  “We have a very long time to make up for, don’t you think?” Viper asked, nuzzling her neck.

  “That is true.” Lara said with a sigh before remembering where they were. “Don’t we have to go back soon?” She asked, hoping they could have a few more hours here at least.

  Lara forgot what she’d been thinking when Viper took her mouth in a hot kiss that left her breathless before trailing his lips back down to her neck.

  “I thought the human idea of a date was far too short. Grai agreed, so we have this place until we are ready to go back. We could stay a year, and I’d never be bored learning about you.” Viper said, leaving goose bumps in the wake of his hand that was caressing her thigh.

  Lara’s heart constricted from the honesty and love in his voice. “I don’t think we have that long, but I think we can do a week at least.”

  “Hmmm… that means I have a week to change your mind into staying another week. I’ll take that.” Viper said, grinning as he slid down her body.


  Three Weeks Later

  Viper didn’t give a damn what anyone thought about Lara sitting on his lap in the conference room. After everything they had been through, spanning hund
reds of years, he wasn’t letting her out of his sight ever again. Luckily, Lara didn’t mind in the least and snuggled closer against his chest as they waited for Grai and Ivint to come in.

  Jax and Reven sat on separate sides of the table, trying really hard to ignore that the other was in the same room. Lara shook her head at them. She really liked Jax and Reven was a good man; she hoped they resolved their issues soon. For their own sakes.

  Traze sat at the computer station in the room just staring at her. The fact that he hadn’t spoken since she walked into the room was a little unnerving while being a welcome change from him at the same time.

  Dog’ee on the other hand, would not leave her side from the moment they arrived back the night before. Even now he was sitting so close in the chair beside her and Viper that his front paws rested on their seat. Lara didn’t mind at all either; she'd missed Dog’ee, Dread and Drago while they had been gone.

  David stood to the side and slightly behind Traze. His light-blue eyes were now faintly dotted with silver, denoting his blossoming bond with his awakening Prime.

  Everyone looked up as Grai and Ivint came into the room and sat down on the opposite side of the table from them, followed by Dread, Drago and Ratoka. The latter seating themselves beside Viper and Lara.

  Grai looked at Lara and Viper, giving them no clue as to what he was going to say or what he was thinking. The man’s strength was something that Abexis was very impressed with and Lara respected. He didn’t leave them waiting long.

  “I and Ivint appreciate the effort you made to show us the Prime so that we could understand how important your presence is among us. The One God truly knew what he was doing when he brought all of us together.” Grai looked around the room encompassing all of their different races and hybrids before continuing.

  “Our goals, our mission, is the same. One cannot succeed without the other, as it was obviously meant to be. Our Tezarian brethren have offered up any and all of their people to the Prime to assist you in locating and retrieving your people.”

  “The Valendran’s and I will volunteer our own personnel and all resources you need as well. We welcome you, the Prime and the ancient ones to our Alliance.”

  “On a personal note, Tricia would like to speak to you privately regarding the awakening of her Prime, and Maggie would as well. If you could find the time to visit with them, I would greatly appreciate it.” Grai said the last with more emotion than anything else he’d spoken.

  Lara could tell he was concerned about his mate and the awakening of her Prime, and she wanted to ease his mind.

  “I will go see her as soon as I leave here, then Maggie. The Prime and the ancient are grateful for your help and inclusion in your Alliance.” Lara/Abexis began.

  “When our numbers are increased, our laustio will prove to be quite an asset on your own missions, and we look forward to working with your people to attain our mutual success. If we are needed in any way, we will be there for you. As brethren and friend.” Lara/Abexis finished. Standing, Lara bowed respectfully to the others before leaving the room.

  Viper, his brothers and Dog’ee were close on her heels as she went into the parking lot and waited at the SUV for the others to catch up.

  “What’s the rush?” Drago asked with a grin when he got to the vehicle.

  Lara turned to them with beaming golden eyes. “We need to complete the Death Rite for Jacordan, so his soul can reunite with ours later. I won’t lose him again. Then we’re going to Tricia. My brethren are coming closer; it's time to begin.”

  Drago looked to Dread as Viper helped Lara into the vehicle. “It seems as if we are in for a seriously wild ride, my brother. I have a feeling we had better learn how to roll with it all. Fast.” Dread said with a grin as he clapped Drago on the back.

  Drago stood there for a moment, looking at Lara and Viper in the back seat of the SUV. Somehow he knew things were going to change quickly for them. It was the strange energy and emotions he had begun feeling recently, since he came to the planet with Lara, that had left him nervous… and expectant at the same time.

  Dread slid into the driver’s seat and honked the horn at him, pulling Drago out of his thoughts. Pasting a fake grin on his face, Drago slid his large frame into the passenger seat.

  The confusing energy only increased the more he was around Lara, and he steeled himself to hide his feelings when he was near her. A part of him knew that would soon change. The knowing look that Viper gave him verified it for him. It gave him the shivers, and he turned around in his seat and looked out the window.

  “What’s with Drago?” Lara asked Viper telepathically through their personal bond.

  “Nothing much. He’s just feeling a little of what I felt when I first met you. I think our brother won’t be alone much longer.” Viper told Lara with a grin.

  Lara laughed out loud and leaned forward to give Drago a kiss on the back of his head. She was going to love watching that happen.

  Coming in December 2014

  First Wave Returns!

  Taming Jax

  Jaxson Adronatof had vowed as a child that she would spend her life hunting the evil that had slaughtered her parents and help those like her, who were different. For 15 years, she’d been the leader of a resistance force and one stubborn, arrogant and frustratingly gorgeous alien claiming she’s his mate isn’t going to deter her from that vow.

  Especially when being a mate to these guys meant being kept pregnant and out of danger. No matter how much she’s drawn to him; Jax is determined to fight her feelings and stay as far away from the mate business as possible.

  For 1400 years, Reven Debreskii had resigned himself to a life of loneliness. As a hardened Valendran military commander, second only to Ivint Torenson, Reven was used to his commands being followed without question. So when he tells Jax that she’s his mate, he’s perplexed and frustrated when she not only doesn’t listen to him, she does her best to ignore him at every turn.

  However, fate did not bring Reven to Earth solely so he could be tortured by a mate he couldn’t claim. With neither one prepared to give an inch to the other in their battle of wills, they will be thrown together for a fight neither expected, but neither is willing to lose.

  As two young lives rest in the hands of the stubborn, seasoned warriors, they will all have to learn to trust and compromise or none of them will make it out alive.

  Coming in 2015

  Book 2 in the Second Wave Series


  Authors Note:

  The Schumann Resonance is a very real phenomena. There is a documentary out there called Resonance: Beings of Frequency that gives a great explanation of it and it can be found here.

  You can listen to the resonance in real time here:

  A more technical explanation of the resonance and health effects of it can be found here.

  The following is the resonance I have begun playing in my home 24/7. Very low and in the background of course! I have to admit though, it really does help with stress and sleeping. It could also be a placebo effect, but I’ll take what I can get. J

  The above is not an endorsement for anything and is intended only as additional information for those interested in learning more about it.



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