Torn: A Dark BDSM Romance Novel (Shattered Lives Book 1)

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Torn: A Dark BDSM Romance Novel (Shattered Lives Book 1) Page 8

by Lexie Syrah

  “How are you doing Robert?” Mr. Sheffield asked the big man. Robert left his post for just a moment to shake Mr. Sheffield’s hand. It was so strange to see the man’s massive paws close over Mr. Sheffield’s hand. I’d always seen Mr. Sheffield as intimidating and powerful, but seeing his hand in Roberts made him seem like a child.

  “I’m doing fantastic as always, Mr. Sheffield! It’s so good to see you again. I was beginning to wonder if you’d settled down.” I could see Mr. Sheffield’s jaw clench at the thought. I knew that he was censoring himself around me, and the knowledge cut me like a knife.

  “No, I haven’t settled down. I’ve just been enjoying a different kind of life with my young friend, Maggie. It’s her 21st birthday tonight, and I couldn’t think of a better place to let her have some irresponsible fun.”

  Robert gave a full-belly laugh at Mr. Sheffield’s comment before managing to get out, “Well, you two enjoy yourselves in there!”

  He was still laughing when Mr. Sheffield ushered me through the second set of doors. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, but this wasn’t it. The building had been larger than most clubs on the outside, but when I walked through the doors, it was massive.

  The music playing through the speakers filled my body with an unnatural vibration. It was so loud that I wondered if my heart was still beating in time, and yet it didn’t drown out the conversation. It was almost as though the music was slowly becoming a part of me, or maybe I was becoming a part of the music…

  Mr. Sheffield’s conversation with Robert had taken my mind off the fact that I was about to enter a club filled with writhing naked bodies in the throes of passion. With my first step onto the crimson and gold flecked marble floors, I was forced back into the present. This was a land of twilight. Everything was illuminated, yet drenched in shadows. The walls were clear and the furniture seemed to glow, but the faces and bodies that filled the dance floor were shrouded in darkness.

  It was as though the club was lit by a full moon, illuminating the darkness that hid within every member and giving light to their darkest fantasies. Elysium was a place of sin. A place to embrace the shadows that hid within every man and woman. A place where fantasies and fears became reality. Only by moving close enough that you were no longer an innocent bystander would you be able to pierce the midnight veil and see what moved in the darkness.

  The air felt thick here, like I was walking through a dry fog. An overwhelming scent of sex permeated everything in this ethereal world. As I stepped forward, it seemed to cling to me, sending my body into an unnatural state of arousal. I couldn’t help but suspect that the club itself seemed to be doing its very best to weave tendrils of lust into every person that walked through the door. I tried to stay focused, but nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming dream-state that Elysium would force on its patrons.

  Before me stood two women and a man wearing nothing but bow ties. My eyes flitted over the women’s bodies, quickly assessing them. They were beautiful and nearly flawless, built like porn stars with thin waists and all the right curves. Glitter adorned their bodies, and I knew that a man’s eyes would never be able to leave them without good reason.

  But my eyes took their time over the nude man. He was a beautiful man with emerald green eyes that seemed to claim anything in their gaze. His body reminded me of an Olympic swimmer. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his toned and rippling body. His bronzed chest was impressive, and his abs made my pussy wet, but more than anything, the thick cock that hung low held my attention. It was soft and already as big as Mr. Sheffield when at his largest. I couldn’t imagine how big he must have been when he was fully erect.

  I wasn’t given the chance to explore my feelings towards him, though. The two women rushed Mr. Sheffield and gave him a big hug, leaving me feeling lost and confused. Never before had I felt out of place with Mr. Sheffield, and the jealousy and contempt that I felt towards to naked women hugging him was almost too much to handle. The smile that I’d worn when meeting Robert was wiped away and replaced with a poison-filled glare.

  “Mr. Sheffield! You’re back!” one exclaimed.

  “Everyone’s missed you! Where have you been?” the other said without waiting for her slut partner to finish.

  A fire of jealousy filled me. They were beautiful, naked, and running their hands over Mr. Sheffield. I should have expected to deal with this kind of situation, and I tried to rationalize it. Just like Mr. Sheffield was a man and enjoyed watching and touching naked women, I was a woman, and I wanted to cut their hearts out for forcing me away from him even for a second.

  “I’ve been spending all of my time with my new friend. Jackie and Kaitlyn, meet Maggie. Maggie, these girls were two of my first employees and have been amazing hostesses nearly every night since the club opened five years ago.”

  I put out my hand for a handshake, but the girls rushed me and gave me big hugs. The fire inside of me raged as their bare flesh rubbed against mine, but I kept my emotions in check. Each of them gave me a peck on the cheek and Jackie said, “We don’t shake hands here. Every member of the club is as close to family as we have.”

  When they pulled away, their eyes ran over my body just as mine had appraised them. “She’s very pretty, Mr. Sheffield. Though, she could probably use a little extra on top,” Kaitlyn said. The idea that this whore would critique my body to Mr. Sheffield right in front of me was astounding, and I nearly let go of the last shreds of my control. Mr. Sheffield stepped in, though.

  “She’s the most beautiful woman in the room, and I expect you to treat her as such.” My heart melted as he stepped in to put these bitches in their place. They were whores, and Mr. Sheffield had chosen me. They’d never lived with him. They didn’t know him like I did. At least, I didn’t think they did. I solemnly hoped that neither of these were the woman that he had taken as a slave.

  That was when the man walked up to Mr. Sheffield. He’d kept his distance as the whores had excitedly attacked us. He approached Mr. Sheffield and put his hand out to him. “Hello, Brian. I’m glad that you’ve come back to see us.”

  “I’m glad to be back, Ken. I guess that business hasn’t slowed down any. I’d like to introduce Maggie, the girl that I emailed you about.”

  Ken nodded to Mr. Sheffield and turned to me. He put his hands on my cheeks and bent down to press his lips to mine. I had thought that Mr. Sheffield had sent electricity through me with his kisses. Ken was different. It was as though a pheromone filled bomb had gone off when his lips touched mine. My knees got weak, and if he hadn’t held me steady, I would have fallen. He pulled his lips away from mine slowly and looked into my eyes.

  “It’s very good to meet you, Maggie.” His voice was low, full of raw masculine energy, and felt louder than the base that was still reverberating through my body. My breath was ragged and uneven as I felt the words ripple through me, leaving arousal in their wake. I couldn’t clear the fog of lust and desire from my head until he had taken a few steps backwards.

  “It’s very nice… to meet you… Ken,” I finally managed to say. Ken smiled at me, and went back to his post, leaving the rest of us to talk amongst ourselves.

  “Girls, Maggie and I are going to get a drink. Give us a little bit of time to get situated. Maggie’s never been to Elysium before, and it’s a lot to take in the first time.”

  “Fine, we’ll stay out of your way,” Kaitlyn pouted.

  “But by the end of the night, you owe each of us at least one dance. Please?” Jackie begged.

  I wanted to reach out and slap them across their perfectly made-up faces. Couldn’t they see that I’d come with Mr. Sheffield, that he’d chosen me and not them? I guess that this wasn’t the kind of club where people respected the typical boundaries of a relationship. I tried to understand that this was a place that was part of Mr. Sheffield’s life before me. He had created a mask that they had grown accustomed to. They were only treating him as though he hadn’t changed, and that he wasn’t the m
an that had become my everything. A fear lingered though, clutching at anything that it could find. I hoped that he had changed…

  “Yes, I’ll dance with you girls at least once tonight, but it’s Maggie’s birthday, and she’s the one I’m going to be dancing with most of the time.”

  I could see the disappointment cover their faces, and I smirked. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t think that Mr. Sheffield would appreciate me stepping in and giving them a piece of my mind since he seemed to have enjoyed their company for such a long time before me.

  “I hope you have fun with Maggie tonight,” Jackie said, being sure to put more than a little attitude into her voice when she said my name.

  “He will,” I said as I reached down to rub Mr. Sheffield’s cock through his pants. I could feel it start to swell under my fingers. I may not have been able to tell the bimbos that he was mine, but I could definitely show them how good of a friend I was.

  Mr. Sheffield pulled my hand away from his pants and led me to the bar. I tried to put the conversation with Jackie and Kaitlyn in the past. As we made our way to the bar, I began to look around the club. The shadowy appearance of everyone on the dance floor paled in comparison to the shield of darkness that covered the walled booths, beds, couches, and chairs that hid along the walls. There must have been an optical illusion because I would have sworn that the entire room was brightly lit, but my eyes couldn’t seem to penetrate the darkness of these open areas.

  As we walked past tables and through crowds, I heard Mr. Sheffield’s name call out numerous times, and he just waved without ever slowing. At one point, he stopped and shook a man’s hand and hugged the woman sitting next to him before continuing to the bar. It was incredible how many people tried to get Mr. Sheffield to stop for them.

  Mr. Sheffield didn’t sit down on a barstool like I had assumed we would. Instead, the bartender came to him, and he told the burly man, “John, get Samantha to come wait on my table. And have her bring a Beefeater and tonic for myself and a Belvedere and cranberry for my guest.”

  John nodded at Mr. Sheffield and waved to someone behind the bar. I’d begun to realize that he was more than a regular. He was more than an owner. He was the star. Everyone knew Mr. Sheffield, and they wanted to be a part of his world even if it was only for the night. I wasn’t sure if it made me jealous or proud. At least I was part of his world all of the time.

  As we stood next to the bar I turned to see a blond woman spread her legs while staring at Mr. Sheffield. She shoved two fingers into her pussy and began furiously finger-fucking herself, but Mr. Sheffield just smiled at her. She mouthed something to him, and he just shook his head. This place was nothing that I’d ever experienced before.

  Mr. Sheffield turned and went to a central table next to the dance floor. No one was sitting at it even though it was the largest and most prominent table in the club. When we got there, Mr. Sheffield pulled out one of the heavy oak chairs for me, and I sat down. He sat next to me and said, “So what do you think about Elysium?”

  I looked down at swirling patterns of the wood under my arms. Even the tables reflected the ethereal nature of the Elysium. There was nothing that could replicate this kind of environment. Perfect in its purpose, but nerve-wracking to my fear-filled mind. “It’s a different world. That’s for sure, Mr. Sheffield. I don’t know if I like Jackie and Kaitlyn, though. I don’t like the way that they ignored me.”

  “They’re harmless, Maggie. I hired them because they’re always so perky, and when people are welcomed by raw excitement when they enter, they end up having much more fun. They also end up spending more money.”

  I was quieted by his answer, but the jealous fire hadn’t died down at all. Instead of waiting for me to perk up, he asked, “What’d you think of Ken?” with a slight smirk.

  I had to give Mr. Sheffield a smile for that question and the flames began to smolder. He had seen the way that my body had reacted to the impressive man’s kiss, and he wasn’t angry. I might be overreacting to everything. This wasn’t the normal world, and people couldn’t be expected to respect normal boundaries. “He was… intense? I’m not sure what the right word is, but intense seems to be the closest.”

  “Yes, Ken is one of two other owners of the club, and he definitely has a way with women.” He paused and said, “He has a special propensity for using it on women connected to me. Especially my ex-wife.” The last remark had a bit of an angry temper to it.

  I wanted to move away from Ken since he seemed to be such a sore subject for Mr. Sheffield. “Well, the club is beautiful from what I’ve seen so far. I don’t know how you manage to keep everything so bright and dark at the same time. It’s really genius, especially in this kind of club.” Mr. Sheffield put his hand on the silky-smooth skin above my knee and began to softly pet my inner thigh. My eyes stared into his, and I remembered how much I cared for him.

  “It’s a bit of stage magic that I learned during my travels when I was younger. It was a secret technique that I learned when I was in Romania. It’s all based on the room’s design and the lighting placement rather than the actual lighting equipment. I spent a lot of time in Romania…” His focus drifted off as he remembered something that brought a soft smile to his face, and I wondered what story he was reliving. He hadn’t ever mentioned Romania in all of the stories that he’d told me about his travels through Europe.

  My attention was drawn to a very curvy woman wearing only a sheer teddy made of some kind of gossamer black fabric walking towards our table with a small tray in one hand. Her large breasts swayed when she moved, and the teddy seemed to billow and sway as though it were being blown by the wind. Everything about her was soft and sultry. Her skin glowed in the moonlit club, and though she didn’t look like she belonged in porn, her eyes and movements made me question my sexuality.

  She set the tray on the table and said, her eyes never leaving me, “Hello Mr. Sheffield, who’s your friend?” Her voice was like a soft wisp of smoke from a freshly lit candle. Every word danced through the air, weaving its way through the conflicted emotions between us, calming and seducing us. This was a woman who had no need for sexy clothes or flirtatious glances. Just a whisper in one’s ear could make your heart race, and she was focusing every ounce of her seduction on me. Kaitlyn and Jackie had been sex-filled nymphets, but Samantha was lust made flesh.

  Mr. Sheffield’s attention turned to the red-head, and his hand moved back to his lap. He knew this woman well, but at least she wasn’t making googly eyes at him.

  “How are you this evening, Samantha? This is Maggie. It’s her 21st birthday, and I couldn’t think of a better place to celebrate than Elysium.”

  I was glad that at least one woman in this club wasn’t trying to fuck Mr. Sheffield as soon as they saw him.

  “Maggie, I hope you have a marvelous birthday. If there’s anything that I can do to make the night better, just let me know.” She smiled and seductively licked her crimson lips. Now I understood why she hadn’t tried to make any moves on Mr. Sheffield. I hadn’t been expecting to be hit on by a woman, but it wasn’t all that surprising given the environment.

  “Thank you, Samantha, but right now, I’ll be happy with my drink.” I grinned and turned to the liquid courage in front of me.

  “I’ll be back around in a little bit to check on you two.” She turned around, and I couldn’t help but admire the way that her ass bounced as she strutted away from us.

  Chapter 9

  “I wasn’t prepared for that!” I said when she was out of earshot. A little giggle bubbled out of me unexpectedly, and Mr. Sheffield chuckled at my reaction.

  “You handled it just fine. You’ll probably be propositioned by nearly every person that talks to you.” He sipped his gin and tonic. “You’re young, beautiful, new, and more than anything, they’ll know that you’re mine. I have a reputation here, and just by being my guest, you’ll be looked at in a different light than if you’d come on your own.”

  “This is yo
ur 21st birthday, Maggie. I want you to have the time of your life, so that you’ll never forget tonight. If you want to experiment with some of the people that show an interest in you, it won’t hurt my feelings. Then you can tell me all about how it felt to be fucked by someone else.”

  I hadn’t thought about having sex with anyone other than Mr. Sheffield in so long that it was an alien thought. I’d already seen four naked people up close and personal, and even though I knew that two of them wanted to fuck me, the thought of wanting to fuck them hadn’t crossed my mind. I let the thought simmer while I sipped my vodka cranberry.

  “I might, Mr. Sheffield. I don’t know if I’d want to or not. I have a hard time believing that you wouldn’t be upset especially since that’s why your wife and you split up.” My finger ran along the side of the crystal glass, absent-mindedly drawing a small heart in the condensation.

  “Maggie, my marriage failed because both of us wanted sex with other people more than we wanted sex with each other. I have no problem with an occasional fling. Regardless of my marriage, though, we’re not officially a couple. We’re not dating. You’re free to do whatever you’d like, and I respect that.”


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