Their Goddess

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Their Goddess Page 1

by Charlie Hart

  Their Goddess

  Daughter of Plympus

  Charlie Hart

  Anastasia James




  Part I

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Part II

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Also by Charlie Hart

  The Wife Lottery

  Also by Anastasia James

  Preview of Chosen





  And find Charlie on FB!

  Edited by

  Teresa Banschbach


  Copyright © and 2018 by Frankie Love

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  I never wanted to fall in love.

  All I wanted was a child.

  I'm the Goddess of harvest... but of fertility too.

  I'd waited until I came of age.

  When I finally turned twenty-one, nothing would get in my way.

  I didn't need a partner, a lover, a mate.

  I wanted to conceive. It was my life's purpose. My single aim.

  There were plenty of gods to choose from.

  But there were four that I was interested in.

  Love, at first sight, was a myth, a legend, a ruse.

  Or was it?

  It happened so fast.

  But it was fated to be.

  Or so it seemed.

  In the end, was it destiny or was it just my demise?

  My plan was simple: get pregnant.

  I never thought so much could go awry, so quickly.

  But then again, only fools fall in love.

  Part I



  It's the final day of the God's Olympics and I'm here at the winner's ball with my best friend, Gaia.

  Everywhere I turn, another handsome god is making me melt.

  These are gods and goddesses I've known all my life. Well, known is a stretch — I haven't come to a gathering like this in years; I doubt anyone would even recognize me. But, after tonight, I intend on making sure that at least one of them never forgets me.

  Tonight, it is happening. "I think I'll go over and introduce myself."

  "To whom?" Gaia asks.

  I give her a wide smile. "All of them."

  She snorts and takes the flute of nectar from my hand. I've been drinking the nectar since I arrived here tonight, but in truth, I don't need anything to give me courage.

  "I feel like everyone is staring at me."

  "They are." She laughs. "Persephone, this is a bad idea," she says as I look around the room, trying to narrow in on which god I should talk to first.

  "No, it is a great idea. I'm ready. It's time."

  "You can't go back you know. Once you get pregnant... maybe you should find a mortal to knock you up... not one of the gods on Olympus. They all have egos, and--"

  I cut her off. "No. I want my offspring to be powerful."

  "I know you're the Goddess of Fertility, Sephy, but I don't want you to have regrets. You're only twenty-one. You have an entire life ahead of you."

  I shake my head at her words. I may be quiet, and maybe spend my time in fields instead of social gatherings, but it doesn't mean I don't know what I want.

  Sure, I prefer the outdoors, visiting farms and bequeathing my skills to the patient farmers plowing the land. And yes, I love to run my hands over their flaxen hay, to sink my toes into the dark soil and lavish my love upon every crop, hoping for a plentiful yield.

  But I am the goddess of more than harvest. I am the Goddess of Fertility -- this is my birthright; my claim.

  This is my purpose.

  "I want to be a mother. This is what I was made to do. Literally. I've been waiting until I came of age to do this. Now I am. Why wait for what I want?"

  Gaia sighs. "I get nervous for you. Some decisions in life are irreversible. Having a child is one of them."

  I know that once I make love with a man I will become pregnant with his baby. It's been foretold. And as I look around the room, I know already which gods I have my eyes on.

  "So, which one are you going to choose, now that you see them up close after so long?" Gaia asks, following my gaze as it lands on Ares, then Poseidon, Zeus, and finally Hades.

  There are four men I have been dreaming about since I was a little girl.

  Tonight, I will seduce one of them, take them somewhere quiet, and sleep with them.

  Yes, it is forward -- but I am not the Goddess of Love. I don't need a partner, a lover, a commitment. I can raise a child on my own, but I need help in order to get pregnant.

  "I don't think I can talk you out of this," Gaia says, resigning herself at last to my plan.

  "You can't. Please, don't judge me. I know we're different. You're Mother Earth; we have different needs... different wants."

  "I know," she says gently, running her hands through her thick dark hair. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

  I laugh. "That won't happen. I am my own woman, and I am doing this on my own terms."

  Gaia rolls her eyes. "In that case, just go talk to one of them. You're practically drooling, Sephy."

  "Right, because that's a thing I do." I bite the side of my lip and readjust my dress. It's magenta and strapless and not the sort of thing I usually wear. But tonight, I am doing things differently.

  "You need some confidence, is all. You spend too much time alone in the fields. "

  "I know. In my head, I am ready to go all in," I admit to my dearest friend. "But actually, marching over to one of them... gah! It's intimidating."

  We aren't exactly two peas in a pod. I'm quiet, she's loud. I'm patient, she jumps into action. And she always manages to get in trouble. She has all the freedom in the world as she roams the Earth and makes friends with every living thing.

  It's like she doesn't take anything too seriously, whereas I don't do anything lightly. My choices are measured. My decisions carry weight.

  Sometimes, I wonder about Gaia's tendency toward recklessness. How does she take care of the Earth when she can hardly seem to take care of herself? We became friends since we both look after the land, yet she focuses on harmony and I focus on the harvest.

  "I don't want to make a fool of myself, is all,” I tell her softly.

  "Um, sweetie, you are about to ask someone to sleep with you. I don't think you have anything to be nervous about. Once they hear your plan, they are going to be fighting to help fulfill it."

  She might be right, but still. "I get nervous. You know that."

  "Then let me help you." She clasps her hands and drags me toward Ares who is looking as ruggedly handsome as ever, running a hand over his jaw as he looks over the crowds.

  "Don't embarrass me," I start, but it's already too late.
  "Hey, Ares," she drawls. "Remember Persephone? She needs someone to dance with."

  "How could anyone forget you, Persephone?" He offers me his hand. I take it, my breath catching in my throat. The last time I spoke to Ares, I became so flustered I ran away. Not exactly a regal exit. "With your silver hair and clear, bright eyes, you're hardly a goddess one might forget."

  He leads me to the dance floor of the massive ballroom. There are white columns surrounding us, and people are weaving in and out as they move around the room. Trumpets sound when any new guest arrives, and elegant tapestries hang from the ceiling.

  I look over my shoulder at Gaia. She's grinning, and then clutches the hand of Poseidon as he walks by her and then drags him to the dance floor as well.

  I feel a twinge of regret at watching Gaia dance with Poseidon, a god I also admire greatly, who is strong and muscular, with brown hair and brown eyes. But to desire the attention of more than one god at a time is greedy, and I focus again on the man whose strong hand is now placed solidly on my waist. I inhale, pleasure rolling up my spine at his mere touch.

  "It's been a long time," I manage, looking up into his green eyes. His fire red hair is thick, and I have the insane urge to drag my fingers through it.

  The thought alone makes my heart beat faster. The music filling the hall speeds up, the dancers around us spinning and twirling in time. I feel faint.

  "Are you alright?' he asks, looking down at me, making me dizzy with so much direct eye contact.

  "I'm fine. Just a bit... nervous."

  He laughs easily. "Don't be nervous around me. It is I who has a reason to be uneasy around you."

  "And why's that?" I ask quizzically.

  He frowns, leading me from the dance floor as if realizing how uncomfortable I was out there. He presses a hand to the base of my spine, guiding me out to the patio, where an inky black sky is bejeweled with thousands of silvery stars.

  He turns me to face him. "It's quite simple, Persephone. You're the only woman I have eyes for."

  My cheeks flame as bright as his hair. "I don't believe you."

  "It's the truth. You walked into the ballroom tonight and I told Zeus I would get to dance with you before the night was through."

  "And what did he say?" I ask, my pulse quickening at the mention of the god with bright blue eyes like the sky, a sunny face and blond hair. It would be lying to say I don't also keep a portion of my heart for him.

  Ares grins. "He said he would fight me for you if it came to that."

  I shake my head, laughing softly, pressing a hand to his chest. My fingers run over the silky fabric of his tunic, and I'm caught off guard by how solid and strong he is.

  "I don't want anyone fighting over me."

  Ares looks directly at me. "I may be the God of War, but I'd never force a fair goddess like you into a difficult position."

  "What position are you putting her in?" Hades asks, joining us outside. A double meaning seems to drip from his lips. As I look him over, my insides tighten. He is every bit as dark and dangerous in appearance as I remembered. Chiseled jawline, haunting eyes. I'm pulled to his aura, his lean, tall body, and his shadow.

  At first, I don't think he notices the way my eyes rake over his body, but then our eyes meet, and I know he knows. He gives me an arrogant smile that makes my heart flutter.

  Ares turns to look at Hades and for a moment I am worried. Neither of the men is exactly good-natured; Ares is known for being dominating, and Hades has a reputation that precedes him. As the God of the Underworld, he is known for his dark tastes.

  One look at him, and I see why Gaia tells me there is something mysterious about him that most goddesses crave. The forbidden, the dangerous.

  He is everything I am not.

  "Have we met?" Hades asks, taking my hand and pressing his lips to my pale skin.

  I inhale, looking between the two men. They don't seem at all annoyed at the other's presence. In fact, the only thing they seem to notice is me.

  Ares licks his lips, watching me closely as if he can't get enough of me. His hand is still on my waist, even though we stopped dancing minutes ago. My skin tingles where he touches me.

  I want both of these men to give me a child. The truth hits me hard. I know why I came here tonight... and now as they both look at me with such desire I realize my dreams will come true.

  But how could I ever choose between them?

  "I'm Persephone." I'm aware of every hair on my body standing on end as I stand in front of these two gods.

  It's as if a light bulb has gone off in his head. "Persephone? I've only ever heard of you. The Goddess of Fertility, of the harvest. Growing what is planted."

  I nod. Gaia has shared the opinions on me amongst some of the dwellers on Mt. Olympus. Particularly that the Fates are annoyed at my lack of manners. Apparently, staying in my own realm so often has displeased them. For a moment, I fear Hades is displeased with me too.

  But then his eyes sear into mine. He is not disappointed in the least.

  "I'm Hades."

  "I know."

  He lifts an eyebrow. "What do you know, exactly?"

  "That you..." I swallow. In his presence, it's as if I'm unable to tell a lie. Or maybe it’s that I don't want to lie to him. "That you crave the souls of the living."

  He narrows his dark eyes. "Does that scare you?"

  My mouth turns up, a smile spreading on my lips. "No. I like that you know what you want."

  "And do you, Persephone, know what you want?" he asks. Ares coughs and Hades looks at him crossly. "What?"

  "It's just..." He smirks. "It's a little rude is all. I was talking to her first."

  "Is she a piece of property?" Hades asks with a scowl. "I wasn't aware that you controlled who she could speak with and when."

  "Please," I say, taking each of their hands in my own. "Don't quarrel. Not over me." They each give a faint laugh. "What?" I ask.

  "I suppose you're right, Persephone," Ares says, humbly dropping his head. "Fighting over you would be a fool’s errand."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He means," Hades answers, "that when in your presence, arguing is a waste. We should be cherishing whatever attention you grant us."

  I laugh. "You're teasing me, is that what this is about?"

  "I don't think anyone would dare tease you," Hades says.

  "And why is that?"

  "Because every god on this mountain has one desire when it comes to you."

  "And what is that?" I ask, swallowing hard.

  "To impregnate the Goddess of Fertility, to have an heir grow in a womb that is said to be lush and prolific."

  I step back, his words shocking.

  But what is more shocking is that my desire is exactly the same.

  Hearing it said so plainly, though, worries me. I don't want gods fighting over my womb.

  "Excuse me," I say, stepping back, suddenly wanting to rehash my plan with my best friend. Maybe this was a mistake.

  "I didn't mean to upset you," Hades says.

  I pause. "What did you intend?"

  "To tell you I want that too."



  Even though Hades is offering me exactly what I want, it is another thing to really go through with my plan. I excuse myself, needing to catch my breath. It is all happening so fast.

  I was right, apparently. Everyone was staring.

  But not at my face, at my belly.

  In the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face, trying to cool myself down. This is why I stay out in the farmlands. Why I slip off my shoes and run through hay fields or let myself get lost in a corn maze. This is why I avoid situations like these.

  I stare in the mirror, hating how delicious it felt to be looked at with such hunger by both Ares and Hades. A cocky man and a heartless one. They both captured my attention and I hate how badly I want them both.

  I take long, deep breaths, cooling off the edge that threatens to ruin the
night entirely. Perhaps I can find another glass of nectar to quench my thirst, even though I rarely indulge so deeply in such a luscious drink. It's known for getting many a god and goddess in trouble.

  Right now, though, I want to lighten my mood.

  I know what I want, and I can make it happen, no need to let my nerves get the best of me.

  And so what, if everyone is talking about my womb? It’s something I am talking about too. This isn't personal -- this is conception.

  I roll back my shoulders, adjust my dress, and leave the restroom. And I run directly into two gods as I do.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry," I say, stepping back and regaining my balance.

  "Are you lost, sweet one?" a voice asks. I look up and find that I am staring into the clear blue eyes of Zeus.

  "No, I'm just... looking for a friend."

  "Can we help?" Poseidon asks. His eyes are like milk chocolate, creamy and delicious. I feel myself melting into them.

  Then I get a grip. Blink. Shake my head. "No. I'm fine, Poseidon."

  "Ahh, so you know my name, Persephone?"

  I tap my chin, a smile on my lips. "Sounds like you know my name as well." I give them both a small shoulder shrug, trying to downplay my absolute ardor for both of them. "Truth be told, everyone seems to know about you brothers: Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus."

  Zeus smiles as if this is a game. "And what do you suppose everyone seems to know?"

  "I know that you are all very handsome, very different, and very arrogant."

  This causes the gods to laugh raucously. "Oh, darling, you are a treat," Zeus says, taking my hand in his.


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