One Hot Winter: A Sexy Bad Boy Holiday Novel (The Parker's 12 Days of Christmas Book 9)

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One Hot Winter: A Sexy Bad Boy Holiday Novel (The Parker's 12 Days of Christmas Book 9) Page 7

by Weston Parker

  “It's okay,” I managed to get out around the lump in my throat.

  He stood and came toward me. I put up a hand, gesturing him away. I didn't want to cry in front of him. He dropped to his knees beside the chair I was sitting in.

  “I'm so sorry, Arianna. I wish things could be different,” he said, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his chest.

  I nodded, not able to speak. His other hand came up to the back of my head in the gentlest of touches, and I could no longer contain the tears. They began to flow despite my determination not to cry in front of him. It was a temporary job. I shouldn't be this upset.

  “You'll find more work,” he soothed. “Aren't you the one who told me you were in high demand?” he teased.

  I hiccupped, nodding my head at the same time. “Yes,” I choked out.

  “Good. Then take a couple weeks off, enjoy the holidays, and then get back out there. You'll be fine, Arianna. I know you will be,” he assured me.

  I began to feel better and pulled away from him, even though being pressed into his chest was very comfortable.

  He stood and sat on the edge of his desk, looking down at me. I felt like a complete idiot.

  “Hold on.” He walked to his private bathroom, returning with some tissue.

  “Thank you,” I said, taking it but not looking directly at him. “Actually, can I use your bathroom to clean myself up?”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  I could see the guilt all over his face. I kissed him. “It's not your fault.” Then, I headed to the bathroom to wash my face.

  When I returned to his office, he was still sitting on the edge of his desk. He looked lost in thought.

  I stepped in front of him, and he opened his arms wide. I stepped in and let him hold me a few minutes longer.

  “I guess we don't have to worry about hiding from everybody now. There’s no conflict of interest now that I no longer work here,” I muttered.

  He kissed my forehead. “There is that.”

  He didn't seem all that enthused. I knew he had a lot on his mind, so I would let it be for now.

  “I'm still taking you to the party on Saturday if you’ll still go with me,” he said.

  I smiled. “Yes. I'm not that bitter. I may as well take advantage of the free food and alcohol the company will be serving since they handed me a big bag of coal for Christmas.”

  He looked away, not meeting my eyes. “Good plan.”

  I could see he was uncomfortable and decided I better make my big exit. I hoped no one stopped me on my way out.

  “Bye,” I said, stopping at his door. “Thank you for letting me blubber all over your shoulder.”

  He chuckled. “Anytime.”

  I left and hurried to my cubicle, sending him the last of the work I had been working on and then promptly deleted all the files from my laptop. I left any other paperwork on the desk and walked out the door without saying a word to anyone. I didn't trust myself not to start bawling again.

  I walked the few blocks to my apartment, needing to walk off the anger and frustration over getting fired. I called Jody as I walked along the busy city sidewalks laden with people scurrying about carrying bags of goodies. They had money to shop for Christmas because they had jobs, I complained to myself.

  “Hey! Why are you calling me in the middle of the day?” Jody answered, slightly out of breath.

  “Well, when you’re unemployed, the time of day doesn't matter,” I grumbled.

  “What? What do you mean you're unemployed? I thought you had the temp job that was turning into a permanent position.”

  “So did I.”

  “Oh no. What happened?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  “Where are you? Why are you answering the phone in the middle of the day?” I asked, realizing she should be at work.

  She giggled. “I decided not to go in. I'm a massage therapist. My clients will survive.”

  “Oh no,” I said, putting everything together. “You’re playing hooky so you can hook up, aren't you?”

  She giggled, but I knew her too well. That explained why she was out of breath when she answered the phone.

  “He's in the shower. So, tell me all the dirty details. Was it that nasty boss of yours? The hot but big, fat jerk who was mean to you?”

  I laughed. “Actually, that big, fat jerk is not so bad. We got to know each other much better,” I said in a voice full of innuendo.

  “What! And you didn't tell me? You dirty girl! How was it? Was it hot and passionate? I bet it was. You can't hate a man that much and not have passion between you.”

  I sighed. “It was awesome. Like the best I’ve ever had.”

  She was silent for a few seconds. “You like him,” she said, surprise in her voice. “Oh my god. You actually like him. Are you falling for him? No, wait, did you already fall for him?”

  I exhaled a long breath. “I don't know,” I mumbled. “Maybe.”

  “Oh, Arianna. I'm so happy for you. I think. Are you suggesting you two aren't going to see each other anymore because he fired you?”

  “No! At least I hope not. We have a date this Saturday. We’re going to the company Christmas party.”

  She started laughing. “Only you would go to the company party of the company that just canned your ass!”

  “Hey, I'm going to get my Christmas bonus one way or another. I’m going to take a big purse and load it with lots of rolls and see if I can sneak any bottles of liquor in as well,” I joked.

  “Good. Um, okay, I need to go, but call me after the party. Let me know how your revenge plan works out.”

  “I will. Thanks for making me feel better, and you have fun with your flavor of the week.”

  There was the sound of a muffled voice, she giggled, and then the line went dead. I shook my head and wished I could be like her sometimes. She was so carefree. I don't think she ever had a stressful day in her life.

  Chapter 14


  My mouth dropped open, and I found myself struggling to catch my breath. She was stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. She had opted to meet me outside her building. Both of us knew if I went inside her apartment, we would never leave. Seeing her in that gown was proof of that.

  “You're stunning,” I told her putting my hands on her hips and pulling her in for a kiss.

  She smiled. “You look very dashing. I'm glad we’re out here, or I would be tempted to tackle you to the ground and strip off this tux.”

  “I don't think your dress allows for that much movement,” I said, running my hands up her sides and then down her hips.

  She laughed. “It’s supposed to be a slim fit.”

  I nodded, taking a step back to drink in the sight of her covered in a royal blue gown that sparkled in the lights from the street. It had a large slit up one side, which allowed her to walk. Otherwise, I had a feeling she wouldn't be able to move her legs at all. One arm was covered by a blue sleeve and the other was bare. The dress fit her like a glove and showed off her perfect figure.

  “You are going to be the most beautiful woman in the room. Everyone will be very jealous.”

  “Thank you.”

  “The limo's waiting,” I said, gesturing to the car parked in front of her building.

  Her eyes widened. “A limo?”

  I smiled. “I wanted tonight to be special.”

  She kissed me again. This time, it was a kiss that promised much more than a little dancing. I knew she had some grand plans for us for after the party.

  I held her hand in the back of the limo. It was then I realized I cared for her. It was much more than sex. The woman was unlike any woman I had met in the past. She challenged me and intrigued me. I wanted to get to know her more. Unfortunately, that might not be possible if I couldn't get rid of the guilt I felt over firing her. I had to let it go so I could have a chance at a future with her. She would suspect something was bothering me if I didn't.

  Once we arrived, I escorte
d her into the ballroom of the hotel. It was decked out with lots of twinkling lights hanging from the ceiling. Silver and blue ribbons covered almost every surface. There were poinsettias in the center of each table that surrounded the dance floor. It was very luxurious, and I immediately wondered how much it cost the company to put on such a lavish affair. Arianna's job may have been saved if we had cut back on other frivolous expenses.

  “This is amazing,” she breathed out, taking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. “Your company goes all out.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, they do.”

  Neither one of us said it, but we were both thinking the same thing. It was very over-the-top.

  “I believe there are assigned tables for us. Let's find ours,” I suggested.

  She smiled at someone from our department. I watched as the young woman's eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw Arianna on my arm. That would certainly set the gossips' tongues wagging.

  “Everyone looks so nice!” she exclaimed. “I barely recognize anybody outside their normal clothes.”

  I nodded in agreement, seeing Derek at a table and headed that way.

  “Are we here with you?” I asked.

  “Yep, right here. Who is this magnificent creature?” he said, standing and smiling at Arianna.

  “Arianna Clark, meet Derek Page, my good friend and a member of the board of directors for the company.”

  “Good to meet you,” she said, extending one of her hands.

  Derek raised an eyebrow at me before taking Arianna's dainty hand and kissing the back of it.

  “I am very happy to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you,” Derek said with a grin.

  I gave him the look that demanded he sit down and not say another word.

  “Well, I hope it’s all good things. I will admit Carter and I didn't exactly get off on the right foot.” She giggled.

  Derek nodded. “Yeah, I did hear something about that, but clearly, you guys found the right foot.”

  “Yes, we did,” I said, pulling Arianna away from Derek. “Let's make the rounds before we sit.”

  “Nice to meet you, Derek,” she said over her shoulder as I pulled her away.

  We wandered around the room, shaking hands, smiling and nodding, and accepting congratulations on our relationship. That part seemed a little weird to me, but Arianna took it all in stride. There was an announcement dinner would be served soon, and everyone was asked to take their seats.

  Derek and his date were already at the table when we returned.

  “You're back!” Derek said a little too loudly.

  He was well on his way to being drunk. Some things never changed.

  Arianna sat next to Derek, and I sat on the other side of her. She introduced herself to Derek's date, Tina, I thought the woman mumbled. Clearly, she had been enjoying the free-flowing alcohol as well.

  “I'm so glad you two worked everything out,” Derek started, leaning in close to Arianna. “He's a good guy, even if he is a little abrasive at times.”

  “Me, too, and he is definitely on the abrasive side.”

  I put my arm around her shoulders. “Hey, now. I can be smooth too.”

  She turned and kissed my cheek before patting it. “Yes, you can.”

  “I'm so glad you don't have any hard feelings toward him,” Derek stated.

  I looked at him and gave a slight shake of my head, telling him to stop talking. In his inebriated state, he didn't get my message.

  “Why would I have hard feelings? Do you mean about the job? He had no control over that. I understand that's how business goes,” she said, putting her hand on my leg and giving me a gentle squeeze under the table.

  “Well, he didn't have control over firing someone, that's for sure, but I thought he would have chosen someone else,” my so-called friend explained.

  I felt Arianna's shoulders stiffen under my arm. “What do you mean—chosen?”

  Derek looked at me, and I gave him a dangerous look. It was too late. She had already figured it out.

  “Wait. Carter had the choice of who he would let go, and he chose me? Is that what you’re saying?” Her voice went up in pitch.

  “I, uh, well, he,” Derek looked at me, begging for help.

  I couldn't help him or myself. The damage had been done.

  “If you'll excuse me,” Arianna said, sliding her chair out from the table.

  “Wait, Arianna,” I called out.

  She had already left the table. I glared at Derek before taking off after her.

  “Arianna, please, let me explain.”

  She shot me a death glare over her one bare shoulder. “Stay away from me, Carter. Seriously, don't,” she said, spinning around and making her way toward the exit.

  “Arianna, please. It isn't what you think.”

  She shoved the large doors open and dashed outside. She was hailing a cab when I got outside. A woman who looked like Arianna did not have to wait long. A cab pulled up almost instantly. She jumped in and was gone without giving me another look.

  I stood there staring at the tail lights of the cab, trying to figure out what to do. She was pissed. Hurt. I had really fucked up this time. Damn Derek!

  I pulled my cell out of my pocket and quickly called her. It was sent to voice mail almost immediately. I called again and got the same thing. I sent her a text.

  I'm sorry. Please let me explain.

  I stood outside, holding my phone, willing it to ping with the sound of an incoming text. Nothing. I felt empty inside. I had just figured out how much I really liked her, and now she was gone. Easy come, easy go.

  I drifted back inside and took my seat at the table. My prime rib plate was in my spot as was Arianna's.

  “I'm sorry, man. Really, I thought she knew,” Derek said.

  I shrugged. “She didn't, but she was bound to find out.”

  The night was ruined. I lasted another hour before I called it a night. I was in no mood to be at a festive party. The look of hurt and betrayal on Arianna's face when she learned the truth haunted me throughout dinner. It was a look I would never forget.

  Chapter 15


  I knew I was wallowing, and I didn’t care. I had allowed myself to get screwed over. It was a stupid mistake. How could I have actually thought a man like Carter was right for me? I had never acted so impulsively in my life, but that man had stripped away all my defenses.

  And this was why I didn't sleep with men I barely knew. I never slept with my bosses. I had made one mistake after another with Carter. How the man had managed to make me fall in love with him in a matter of weeks was an entirely different problem. It had to be some kind of witchcraft or something. I never, ever fell for a man that hard and that fast. He bewitched me. That was my only explanation, and I was sticking with it.

  I had been ignoring Carter's calls. They were set to go straight to voice mail. I ignored the texts as well. He had probably apologized a hundred times, but I didn't want to hear it. He fired me! He didn't have to, but he did.

  My phone rang again. It was Donna on her personal cell. I knew she had to be at work, but I had ignored all calls from the office as well.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “There you are! I have been calling you all morning. You had me worried sick. Are you okay?” she gushed out.

  “I'm fine, Donna. Thank you for calling. I didn't answer for obvious reasons.”

  She sighed. “I know. I am so sorry, dear. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news.”

  I scoffed. “You and me both. Here I had been thinking I was falling in love with the guy, and he turns around and screws me over. This is why I avoid relationships. They never end well.”

  “Oh, sweetie, don't think of it like that. Weren't you the one who said a relationship with your boss was off the table? Well, now it can be on the table since you aren't an employee anymore,” she said with far more glee than I could possibly muster.

  “It isn't just a boss an
d employee thing. He lied. Or rather, he didn't technically lie, but he omitted the truth,” I clarified.


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