Mastering Rayne (Club Zodiac Book 4)

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Mastering Rayne (Club Zodiac Book 4) Page 5

by Becca Jameson

  He thrust two fingers into her. Hard. Fast. With no warning.

  She slumped against the door, her knees buckling for a moment.

  He pressed his palm against her pussy to hold her up, and then he fucked her sweet tightness again with those two fingers, curling them forward.

  “Oh God,” she breathed. Damn she was hot. And so fucking close to the edge.

  He had to see her come. He’d envisioned it many times in his life, but right now he wanted to etch it in his memory forever. He had no idea if they would repeat tonight’s performance again in this lifetime, but he would at least be able to remember the look on her face when she gave it up for him.

  So, he pulled his fingers almost completely out and then thrust them back into her again. This time he ground his palm against her clit.

  She cried out, her mouth falling open farther as her eyes rolled back. As her orgasm swept through her body, he could feel the pulsing of her vaginal walls against his fingers at the same time he watched her frame jerk with every wave. The gasping moans with every pulse were precious. He would never forget this moment.

  When he was certain the orgasm had subsided, he removed his fingers and drew them up to his face to suck her juices from each of them.

  Her gaze landed on his mouth, and she moaned again as if it were erotic to watch him clean her essence from his hand.

  She was breathing heavily when she finally spoke. “You want to come inside now?” Her voice was teasing. She glanced around his body. “Thank God my neighbors don’t have a good view of my front door.”

  “Mmm. Their loss.” He released her hands and settled his palms on her waist as she lowered her arms. “How many high school boys made you come on this front stoop?” he asked, grinning at her.

  She flushed. “None. I never brought a boy to the house.”

  Interesting. “No one ever picked you up for a date and brought you home?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t date in high school.”

  “Yikes. You must have had men’s heads turning from a young age with your lithe body and fucking sexy silky hair. How did you manage to keep them at bay?”

  She looked to the sky, smirking. “I didn’t date until college, when I moved to Miami. I went to an all-girls school here in Denver.”

  He cringed. “I’m so glad my parents didn’t do that to me. I might have killed them in their sleep.”

  “If they sent you to an all-girls school?” she joked.

  He laughed. This banter was fun. Light. Enjoyable. He found he liked exchanging barbs with Rayne. She was sharp, as he would expect.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “What question was that?” he asked as he kissed her nose.

  “Do you want to come in? Before we get arrested for public indecency, I mean.”

  “That’s up to you. I sense it’s a big deal for you to have people inside this house. Or even on the front stoop apparently. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” He’d given her an orgasm. She wouldn’t go to bed needy. He could always take himself in his own hand when he got home. No way did he want Rayne to feel pressured to invite him in.

  She flattened her palms on his chest and tipped her head back. “I want you to come in. That orgasm was amazing, but I’d be grateful if you’d follow it up with your cock.”

  He chuckled as said cock jumped. “Grateful?”

  “Yeah. It’s been a while. I’m not saying this can go any further than tonight, mind you. My life is upside down. I don’t have time for a man or dating or anything. But I’m attracted to you. I would love it if you’d fuck me into tomorrow so I can forget the world for a few hours.”

  Jesus. Those were words every man dreamed of hearing. So, why did they give him hesitation? Would he be making the biggest mistake of his life if he took her up on this offer? One night? In her bed?

  He feared it wouldn’t be enough. If he got a taste of her, he might want more. He almost certainly would want more. In fact, he already did want more.

  After her little speech, it was clear she didn’t exactly feel the same way. He got the impression that while he had often watched her and thought of her when he saw her at a club in Miami, she had barely noticed him.

  And he had another problem. Rayne had secrets. There was no reason to get all bent out of shape about that fact just because they were going to have sex. It wasn’t reasonable to expect every woman he dated to give him their entire life story before he thrust into them. But he was leery after Sarah. A certain level of distrust had settled in him. On top of that, Rayne had told him directly that she was private. Hell, she hadn’t even told anyone she was from Denver. Why?

  Colin shook the concerns from his head. They were unwarranted tonight. He was getting way ahead of himself. One scene and one night in her bed did not mean they were in a relationship that entitled him to know every detail about her.

  Plus, she wasn’t the only one with a full plate right now. He was building a clientele while working toward opening a club at the same time. Soon, he wouldn’t have nights or even weekends available. Now was not the time to start a relationship even if he had daydreamed about that very thing with Rayne more than once when he’d watched her scene in Miami.

  Maybe they could fill a need each of them felt, though. A night of amazing sex. He couldn’t believe he was even hesitating, but Jesus, she was his sister’s lawyer on top of everything else. Was this even ethical? It probably skirted some thin gray line. After all, he wasn’t her client. Though he was the man paying for her law services.

  His dick pulsed, as if to demand he throw caution to the wind and enter this house. He’d be a fool not to. A sexy woman he’d dreamed of fucking for several years was offering him the perfect opportunity. Besides, she wasn’t the only one who hadn’t had sex in a while. It had been months.

  He extracted her keys from his pocket, angled her to one side, and unlocked the door. There was a moment of hesitation, on both their parts, he sensed. A moment where it seemed like entering her childhood home would set them on a path they could not return from.

  Something about the threshold to her home. It was odd, and he shivered.

  Then Rayne grabbed his hand and tugged him inside.


  Rayne was nervous. No way to ignore that fact. But why? Shit. It wasn’t like her dead father was going to swoop into the foyer and lecture her about bringing people to the house, but it sure seemed like he might.

  She set her purse and keys on the table next to the door and—still clasping Colin’s fingers—tugged him deeper into the house. For the first time in her life, she considered this home through someone else’s eyes. What did he see?

  The foyer was large, the floors a dark mahogany hardwood that extended into the library to the right and the music room to the left.

  Colin grabbed her arm with his free one and stopped her from continuing forward. “You have a lot of books,” he stated, his gaze riveted to the floor-to-ceiling shelves in the library. It was dark in there. In a normal world—in other words, not the one she grew up in—she presumed her father would have entertained his male friends in there.

  But that had never happened.

  Colin’s head turned toward the music room. “That is the largest piano I’ve ever seen. Do you play?”


  “Well?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded. It had been a while, but she’d taken years and years of private lessons. She was certain even after a few years’ hiatus she could play that shiny black grand piano without music. The violin too.

  “Huh. You have so many secrets.” He smiled as his gaze came back to her. He was simply making an observation. He didn’t appear upset.

  She shrugged. “You want to stand in the entrance or maybe find a drink?”

  “Let me guess. There’s a wine cellar.” He was teasing. His eyes twinkled.

  “There is. But I have a few bottles of white in the fridge.”

  “Well, l
ead the way. Let’s open one.”

  She should feel stressed, and a part of her did, but something about Colin calmed her. Even though she had more than one thing to freak out over tonight, she wasn’t as nervous as she would have expected.

  For one, she’d allowed another human into her home.

  Two, that human was a man she intended to sleep with.

  Three, she hoped he was going to dominate her so thoroughly that she couldn’t remember her name.

  And lastly, this relationship could not extend past tonight. She hoped to God he understood that and wasn’t bullshitting her. It was one thing to tell him she was well-read and could play the piano. It would be another thing entirely to try to fully explain other aspects of her life.

  Wasn’t going to happen. Not tonight or any other night.

  She felt him close behind her as she headed toward the kitchen. They passed through the living room, also dark with mahogany leather furniture and dark paneling and paint. Why had her father kept the house so dark? She’d never considered that before.

  The kitchen wasn’t dark, however. It was white. Pristine. Until she’d come home last year, it had been the workplace of her father’s cook and housekeeper for many years.

  Eliza was older now, and it had been a perfect time for her to retire. Rayne let the sweet woman go gently, insisting she’d worked more years than most humans ever did. Rayne also gave her a significant retirement package that would more than take care of her for years to come.

  “It’s so quiet here,” Colin commented as she turned around, backing the last few steps to the fridge.

  He had no idea how quiet this house could be. Even when it held herself, her father, Eliza, and sometimes other staff, it had often been quiet. For her mother’s sake. Rayne essentially tiptoed through her childhood.

  Not that there weren’t days when the house was so loud she couldn’t make the noise stop even if she covered her ears, but more often than not, it had been a shrine.

  “Yeah. My father had staff, but I let them go when I moved back. I found I don’t like people in my space.” She shuddered and rubbed her arms. “It didn’t seem weird growing up, but it gave me the creeps when I came back.”

  He nodded slowly, his expression serious. “I can see that. Especially after living alone.”

  She exhaled a long breath. He was being so polite. Listening without pressuring her to give up more. She’d already said more to him than anyone alive knew about her private life.

  She spun around, opened the fridge, and grabbed a bottle of Chardonnay. When she reached for the electric corkscrew on the counter, Colin got in her space. He pressed into her from behind, his front against her back as she leaned into the counter. His hands slid down her arms until he pulled her fingers from the bottle and the corkscrew.

  His lips landed maddeningly on her ear again in that way she’d grown to expect and crave at the same time. “Relax. You’re shaking.”

  Was she?

  “Lower your hands to your sides. Let me open the bottle.”

  She did as he instructed, grateful for the quick change back to submission. It really was relaxing to let him dominate her. There was no way to describe how soothing it was. Her heart rate slowed as he expertly opened the bottle while still pressing her body against the counter. He even lifted his gaze to the wine glasses above them and grabbed one.

  She watched, mesmerized with every movement, as he filled the glass and then lifted it to his lips to take a sip. “Mmm. That’s delicious.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you were a wine drinker,” she murmured.

  “I appreciate a good wine.” He shocked her further by lowering the glass to her lips and then tipping it so she could taste it also.

  He wasn’t wrong. It was good. Crisp. Fruity. Dry. Exactly how she liked it. “Mmm,” she hummed around the sip.

  Colin lowered the glass to her chest and ran the rim along her collarbone. It was cold, and she flinched. But her nipples jumped to attention. “Submit to me tonight,” he half asked, half demanded. His tone was right in between.


  “Mmm. I liked it better when you were more respectful.”

  Her pussy clenched. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s better. Red still a good safeword?”

  “Yes, Sir.” God, he was good at this. He could switch back and forth seamlessly, taking her with him.

  He took another long sip of the wine, and then he let her do the same, though he held the glass and controlled the amount. “Your pussy tasted amazing on my fingers, but I’d really like to devour you more directly now.”

  She moaned. Damn.

  He set the glass down and reached with both hands for the top button on her sheer, black blouse. Expertly he pushed each button through the hole until the sides fell open. She wasn’t really any more exposed than she had been before, but the way he turned her around and stared longingly at her chest made her feel totally naked.

  She kept her hands at her sides. He hadn’t told her she could do otherwise. He trailed one finger along the upper swell of her breasts and then tugged the blouse down her arms and set it on the counter at her back. His hands went to the button on her jean skirt next and moments later he had the zipper down also and was lowering the denim to the floor.

  Standing before him in her black lace bra and thong was unnerving, especially with the way he was staring at her as if she were the most exquisite creature on earth.

  His fingers danced over her shoulders and then to the top edge of her demi-bra again. “Love the black,” he whispered. “Black is the sexiest color on a woman.”

  She tended to agree. But she would store that information away for later. Wait a minute. There wasn’t going to be a later. This was a one-off.

  She wanted him to remove some clothes too, but she didn’t dare ask. He was clearly in charge. In fact, his next words stunned her. “Follow my instructions from this moment forward. I can’t wait for you to give me a reason to spank that sexy ass of yours, but I think I’d like to do it after I’ve slid my cock into you.”

  She couldn’t breathe. Why the hell did even the suggestion of a punishment make her so much hotter for him? Granted, she’d known that about herself. She’d learned a lot about submission and how it made her feel since meeting Rowen several years ago, but something about Colin’s delivery was unique.

  Colin cupped her breasts with both hands, molding them roughly before tugging the cups of her bra down in a way that exposed her nipples obscenely. He sighed the moment they were free, and then he pinched them both sharply.

  She let out an involuntary squeal.

  He smirked and then lowered his face to suckle one into his mouth.

  God. The man was talented. Even when he was rough, he was still gentle somehow. And his damn lips and tongue could probably make her come from nipple action alone, without the proposed dining he’d expressed interest in down below.

  When he released her nipple with a pop and switched to the other, she rose onto her toes and grabbed his waist to balance herself.

  Without letting her nipple out of his mouth, he lowered his hands to her wrists, pulled them gently free, and set them at her sides again.

  Her ardor shot higher. Jesus.

  Finally, he finished torturing her buds with incessant flicks of his tongue and rose to his full height again. He expertly reached behind her to pop the clasp of her bra and then slid it down her arms and set it with her blouse.

  Her breath left her lungs when he lifted her by the waist, spun around, and set her ass on top of the large island in the middle of the kitchen. It was so indecent. The thought of having a man in her parents’ home had been almost too much to swallow only minutes ago. Now, she was sitting nearly naked on the kitchen island.

  Scandalous, she thought, stopping herself just shy of actually laughing.

  “You’re smiling,” he pointed out as he dragged her forward so that her butt rested on the edge of the counter.

  “It’s wei
rd being naked in the kitchen,” she admitted.

  He lowered her onto her back and then reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. Angels sang as his chest was revealed to her. She’d seen his chest before in the past. He’d sometimes gone without a shirt at Zodiac, but it had been a while. He was larger now, more filled out, more muscular than she remembered. After all, he was a personal trainer. He probably worked out all day with his clients.

  He grabbed her hands next, lifted them to set them above her head, and met her gaze. “Please tell me this isn’t the first time you’ve been ravaged in the kitchen.”

  She shook her head, feeling the flush that creeped up her cheeks. “I’ve had sex in kitchens before, but not this one.”

  “Ah. That makes sense. I can see how that might be weird.”

  You have no idea.

  He glanced above her head. “Grip the edge of the island for me. Don’t let go. If you do, I’ll stop.” He lifted a brow.

  “Yes, Sir.” She shivered involuntarily.

  He slid his hands down to her breasts again. “I find I’m obsessed with these,” he commented as he squeezed them together and then individually. “They’re the perfect size. And your nipples… Damn, I could feast on them all day.”

  She closed her eyes, loving the way he pampered her with his words.

  His hands flattened on her belly next and spread wide before smoothing down to her thighs. Before she could blink, he grabbed the lace at her hips and tugged her thong over her ass and down her legs.

  His palms landed on her thighs again, pushing them high and then wide.

  She held her breath. It was weird being so thoroughly examined like this. In the kitchen. With so much light on her that he wouldn’t miss a thing.

  She squirmed.

  He admonished her. “Stay still, Rayne.”

  She tried, but his stern words made it even more difficult.

  His thumbs parted her folds and held her open so that the air in the room hit her wetness and made her incrementally more aware of his gaze.

  She’d been a member of Zodiac for a long time before leaving Miami. She’d gone to other clubs occasionally too. In fact, she’d met Colin for the first time at another Miami club called Breeze. But she had rarely fully let herself totally relax into the role. Being submissive had always been rather elusive to her. She could almost taste it, but she’d never been with the right man.


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