Little Memphis

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Little Memphis Page 4

by Bijou Hunter

  For the first night, I’m trained by a girl who only wants to talk about her bodybuilder boyfriend. The second night on the job, I’m alone with Jeff who acts as security and errand boy. He ignores me and I spend a lot of time bored, but it’s better than being half naked on a stage with perverts throwing quarters at me.

  Whether busy or bored, I have Ford on my mind. Darby figures as much and hints I ought to visit him at Suede. After three days of hinting, she hands me her keys and stares me right in the eyes.

  “Get him out of your system,” she orders.

  Who am I to disobey?

  I consider wearing something nicer than flannel and a trucker cap. Make him see the prettier side of me. Except Ford is the kind of man to lay waste to my young infatuation. No, I decide to stick with enjoying him from under my protective cap.

  Arriving at Suede, I worry I might get carded. The bartender doesn’t ask for an ID though. He hands me the beer, saying he’ll put it on my dad’s tab. Even frowning at the last part, I don’t ask questions.

  I have no trouble finding Ford. He’s sitting with Pax in the corner. They claim the booth, owning it with their very presence. I try not to stare, but they’re both so damn handsome. Ford looks like a fallen angel, dark and inviting and ready to destroy me.

  When I imagine him wanting me, I feel wonderful. Then I imagine him discarding me and nothing else matters. He hasn’t even shown me any real interest and I’m already a love struck fool.

  Despite my flustered insides, I act casual when I head to their booth. They look at me like I’m Bambi coming to chat with the hunters who killed his mom.

  “Can I sit here?” I ask, holding a beer I don’t really want to drink.

  Ford pats the seat while Pax focuses his gaze on a girl laughing loudly near the bar. I don’t know if he’s annoyed or aroused, but he watches her long after I sit down. Ford though is only interested in me.

  “You leave anyone important behind when you ditched Georgia?” Ford asks.

  Sensing he means a guy and not family, I shake my head.

  “Have you lived in Little Memphis long?” I ask, forcing my gaze on him.

  His eyes study my face in an intense way that I can’t bear. I focus my gaze on my unappealing beer.

  “All my life,” he says.

  Ford is suddenly closer. I don’t see him move and I don’t think I moved closer to him. He’s close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off his strong body. My cheeks flush and I have trouble not running for the door. Attractive men have noticed me before, but never anyone like Ford.

  “What do you guys do?” I ask, trying to distract from his proximity and my flushed cheeks.

  This question is a huge mistake, causing them both to stare at me. I feel small and stupid now.

  “We’re enforcers for the club,” Pax says while Ford just looks at me. “Do you know what that means?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Probably best that way.”

  Nodding, I force my gaze to meet Ford’s. He’s wearing a hint of a smile and I suspect he thinks I’m stupid.

  “Did you come here tonight to see someone particular?” When I shake my head, his smile grows. “Is this you playing hard to get?”

  “I’m just here hanging with the guys,” I say, realizing as soon as the words leave my mouth that I sound like a fucking idiot.

  “Let me tell you a story,” he says, leaning closer until his lips are an inch from my ear. “Once upon a time, there was a hot piece of tail who dressed like a boy. She wore flannel and baggy jeans and trucker hats. She kept all her pretty curves hidden, but no one was fooled especially not my dick. The end.”

  His hot breath against my skin is making me crazy. My impulsive side wants to kiss him. Touch him. Taste him. I’m desperate to lose control and let him do with me anything he wants.

  Instead I look him in the eye and play cool, despite the hunger I see in his predator eyes.

  “I like that story, but I’m not hiding anything. I’m saving my pretty curves for a guy I have my eye on.”

  “Really?” he says, leaning closer until our lips are nearly touching.

  “You don’t know him,” I mumble, ditching the idea of ever hooking up with Ford.

  Ford’s eyes narrow possessively. “Who?”

  “I said you don’t know him.”

  “Bullshit. I know everyone.”

  Despite the anger rushing off him, I laugh. “You can’t know everyone. You only know the people around here. My guy doesn’t run in your circle. He’s straight-laced. A geeky type.”

  “What’s his name?” Ford asks, glaring at me.

  Pax starts laughing at me. Or maybe he’s laughing at Ford.

  “What. Is. His. Name?” Ford growls.

  Scooting away from him doesn’t give me space for long before he moves over.

  “Tell me his name, Shay.”


  “I want to check him out. Make sure he’s safe for you.”

  Hearing this comment, Pax snorts and finally draws the attention of his brother who growls, “Fuck off.”

  I try to use their glaring contest for a getaway, but Ford seizes my wrist.

  “Let go,” I say, struggling.

  “Tell me his name and you’ll be as free as a bird.”

  My brain screams for me to back down. Should I admit I’m lying? Or just give him a fake name? Except why should I bow to his dangerous anger? What difference does it make what Ford Reed thinks?

  I stare into his angry blue eyes, holding his gaze for nearly a minute. He doesn’t blink, of course. He refuses to blink for cold motherfuckers who mess with the club. No way will he back off for a girl like me.

  Looking away, I focus on my drink. He holds my wrist for another few minutes while Pax glances between us and grins.

  “What makes you think I won’t torture the info out of you?” Ford asks, letting go of my wrist so he can reach for his beer.

  “You want to fuck me. I can’t imagine any way I’d say yes if you torture me. Raping me won’t go over well with Lucky either.”

  Ford glares sideways at me. “I won’t have to take anything, Shay. You’ll give it willingly.”

  “She’ll beg for it,” Pax adds, laughing at his brother.

  “Beg?” I mutter. “I don’t like sex enough to beg for it.”

  “You’re not doing it right, darling,” Ford says, leaning into me again.

  “I’m a simple girl and I want a simple guy. You’re complicated, so I guess I’ll miss out on your talents.”

  “Complicated,” Pax snorts, sliding out of the booth. “You two are stupid. I’m finding a drunk slut.”

  “Fuck off then,” Ford says without sounding angry.

  After Pax leaves, I act casual, but it’s a lie. Ford’s making me nervous, so I blurt out. “If I made you think I was interested, I’m sorry.”

  Ford grins. “Bullshit, darling. You want it, but you’re scared. Fair enough. I’d be scared of me too.”

  Rolling my eyes, I start sliding out of the booth. “I should get going. I promised Darby I’d be home early.”

  Ford takes my wrist again. “Want a ride?”


  He holds my gaze and smiles. “You can play your little girl games, but I will see what you’re hiding under all that flannel.”

  “They’re call boobs, Ford. I think you’ve seen plenty of them before.”

  Letting go of my wrist, he leans back in the booth. “Never yours though. A man needs goals to keep life interesting.”

  Standing now, I really look at him. Man, I wish I could hate him. He’s a pig, but he’s also smiling in a rather appealing way. Not cruel, but amused as if we’re playing a game. I suspect he thinks I just won this round. This idea makes me smile.

  Before Ford can make another move and change the momentum, I head for the door. I can feel him on my skin and his voice is in my head. I want to go back to the booth so badly and let him make me feel special. I know
he’s had every girl and he’ll have a million more. Yet when he focuses on me, I feel like the only one who matters.

  Once outside Suede, I ignore the horny couples surrounding me. The girls are pinned to the walls while the guys press against their wiggling bodies. I’d think they were unwilling, if not for the moans and giggles beneath the sounds of smacking lips.

  Suede doesn’t have enough parking spaces for the crowd packed inside, so I parked Darby’s light blue PT Cruiser in the adjoining lot. As I walk across the first parking lot, I caress my wrist where Ford’s fingers held me. His touch felt good and I realize I’m lonely.

  Darby and Lucky made my move to Little Memphis as easy as possible, yet I feel lost. Without my brothers, I’m left with only my dull life to manage. Ford promises fun and passion. He’ll give me at least one great night of sex. Is that really too much to ask?

  I step over broken bottles and fast food trash. The Cruiser is still a bit of a walk when I sense I’m being followed. I glance back to see a guy feet behind me. His keys are out as if going to his car. Yet he smiles quickly and I know he’s been waiting for me to turn around.

  I don’t react to his smile except to walk faster. We aren’t alone in the evening. I see people across the street plus the parking lot of Suede is packed with those horny couples. Traffic races past too. This isn’t a dark alley and I’m not the damsel in distress.

  The guy walks faster too and I know I won’t get to the Cruiser before he reaches me. Turning around to face him, I stare hard while he smiles again.

  “Cold out, huh?”

  “Are you following me?” I ask, adjusting the keys in my pocket so the largest one is ready to act as a weapon.

  “Guilty as charged,” he says, still smiling as he inches closer. “I noticed you at the bar and wanted to introduce myself, but you took off too fast. Pretty sad, huh?”

  I step back. “I’m not looking to meet anyone. No offense.”

  “You’re new to town. Couldn’t hurt to meet a nice guy.”

  “I’m going to my car now. Leave me alone.”

  “Tell me your name.”

  A moment passes while I debate playing along and hoping he backs off versus running for the car. The guy has a big warm face, not at all threatening. On my first night in the strip club, my mentor Lori told me to be careful around the nice guys. They were usually freaks.

  Before I step back, he’s already on the move. I turn and make a run for the Cruiser, but my tennis shoes slide on the gravel covering parking lot. Stumbling, I hit the panic button on the Cruiser’s keychain right before his body pounds into mine. The alarm is obnoxious and I don’t know if anyone will pay attention to it.

  “Why you gotta be so bitchy?” he says, struggling to pin me face down against a car. “I just want to get to know you.”

  My mother is an idiot about everything. Money, parenthood, men, everything, but she gave me one good bit of advice. Something my grandmother told her and grandma knew her shit.

  Mom told me never to cry for help when attacked. People don’t want to get involved. Instead, she said to scream cuss words and make loud threats. After all, people love watching fights.

  So as Nice Guy holds me against the car and kicks open my legs, I cuss as loudly as possible. Fucker, bitch, cunt, twat, herpes, shit eater… I scream anything I can think of. Nice Guy shoves me hard against the car and my hat goes flying. He seems to take particular offense to the mocking of his mama’s giant worn-out pussy.

  Once I get my pinned hand free, I shove the key into his hip bone and he wails. Jabbing wildly and aiming for his crotch, I yell more obscenities. Nearby, people move closer. While they aren’t sure what’s going on, they want to see the show.

  Nice Guy doesn’t notice them or maybe doesn’t care. Pissed now, he is close to taking away my keys. I throw back my head and nail him in the jaw.

  He yells then I yell louder.

  The crowd moves closer. I hear laughing from people as I twist around and shove the asshole off me. After he falls to the ground, I should run to safety. Instead, I jump on top of him and start bashing him with my fists.

  On my second hit, the key makes contact with his cheek and draws blood. He shoves me back and I skid on the gravel again. Once on my ass, all hell breaks loose.

  Imagining him pinning me to the ground sends me into a wild panic. I kick and hit like a crazy person. Hitting and kicking, I refuse to let him get the upper hand. Around us, people are laughing and I hope to kick their asses next.

  Quickly, I’m on top of Nice Guy, smashing his face with wild punches. The keys are still in my hand, tearing into his skin. He yanks at my hair and struggles to shove me off. Cussing and punching, I’m too afraid and angry to stop.

  Finally someone takes me by the back of my jacket and lifts me off Nice Guy. Before the fucker gets up, a boot shoves him back down. The guy stepping on my wannabe rapist is Pax and I find Ford behind me.

  “I had it handled!” I yell, freaking out. “I didn’t need your help!”

  Ford smiles softly, clearly wanting to laugh. Pax gives into his urge, laughing loudly.

  “I wasn’t helping you, darling,” Ford says, cupping my face and studying it for injuries. “That guy works for the club. I was saving an asset.”

  “Fuck him and fuck you too!” I scream, afraid to calm down.

  Panic strikes when I think about how I hurt someone the club protects. Am I in trouble? Will they gang up on me? Should I run? Where the hell can I go?

  Ford leans down and rests his forehead against mine. “You have no idea how hard I am right now. Violent chicks just do something to me.”

  “Fuck off,” I say with less heat.

  Ford stands up and smiles really big like I’m hilarious. “I’ll have someone drive you home while we deal with Creepy Spencer here.”

  “I drove myself.”

  Pax reaches to take the keys from my hand. At first, I consider fighting him, but the fear I refused earlier now overwhelms me.

  “We’ll get Darby’s car home,” Pax says then takes a bat someone hands him. “You go home and we’ll teach Creepy Spencer a lesson.”

  “I already taught him plenty,” I mumble.

  Carrying my hat in one hand, Ford wraps an arm around my shoulders and walks me towards the road.

  “This isn’t about you, Shay,” he tells me. “This is about respect. See, the other night you got my dick all excited. After you left, I called dibs. Creepy Spencer heard me call dibs, yet he made his move. Even though you taught him a lesson, I still need to teach him mine.”

  Looking up at Ford, I realize I’m shaking. His expression is relaxed and I want to trust him, so I say the words.

  “Am I in trouble?” I whisper.

  “For what?”

  Shrugging, I frown at a car screeching to a halt in front of us.

  “Lucky’s old lady will give you a ride home. Tell Darby her car will be delivered later.”

  Still staring up at him, I struggle not to say something stupid. I don’t even know what I want to say. Ford feels warm and safe and I’m cold and scared. I want to share with him feelings even I don’t truly understand.

  Ford removes his arm from around me and opens the door to a big SUV. Inside, a blonde woman smiles slightly at him.

  “Get a haircut, Ford,” she snaps.

  “Thanks, mom,” he replies then gestures for me to climb into the car.

  I obey and glance back at where Pax waits for his brother. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “That’s cool. I’m not in the mood to chat,” he murmurs and I smile like a dope.

  Ford shuts the door and I look at Jenn. Probably in her thirties, she’s beautiful and I can see why Lucky wants her. After she hits the gas pedal, I realize she’s a little scary and I know why Lucky’s scared of pissing her off.

  “Got a little banged up, huh?” she asks.

  Even as my shaking lessens, the shock of what just happened leaves me wanting to hide in bed.

bsp; “People are talking about you,” Jenn says while we stop at a light. “They think you’re pussy Lucky’s obsessed with because he’s going through a midlife crisis. That or you’re his love child from an old fling.”

  “I’m not sleeping with your husband,” I mumble, crossing my arms.

  “I know. You’re not his type. I also know if you were his kid, he’d tell me.”

  “Am I in trouble?”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Jenn smiles as we near the house. “Take a hot shower and get cozy in bed, but don’t forget what happened tonight. Men like that asshole are a dime a dozen in Little Memphis. Has Darby told you about the guy she killed?” When I shake my head, she continues, “This town is full of stupid people. Lucky and the club can’t keep you safe. Most people listen, but not guys like the one tonight. They’re headed for early graves, so you need to toughen up if you want to live here.”

  “Thank you for the ride,” I say as she parks in front of the house.

  The front porch light switches on and Jenn sighs. “I wanted to introduce myself and ask you to come to the house this Sunday for dinner. So when I heard you were beating down some fucker and needed a ride home, I volunteered.”

  “I’d like to come to dinner.”

  “See you then,” Jenn says then waves at Darby when I open my door.

  Darby stands on the front porch and waves back. I hurry past her and into the house.

  “Don’t stress, Shay,” Darby says, locking the door. “I’m packing Patton.”

  I frown at her then glance down at shotgun the robe-wearing Darby is holding.


  “You’re stressed. Go take a hot shower and I’ll find you fluffy things to wear. Soft clothes always make me feel better. Then we’ll drink cocoa and watch TV until your stress is gone.”

  I do as Darby suggests. First, a hot shower washes the gravel from my hair and the aches from my body. Second, her fluffy pajamas and slippers make me feel like a princess. Third, a cup of cocoa with marshmallows soothes the fear I’d felt since Ford pulled me off the asshole. Finally, a few hours of watching late night comedy reruns with Darby helps me accept I’m home.


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