Resisting the Sicilian Playboy (Winner of 2014 So You Think You Can Write)

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Resisting the Sicilian Playboy (Winner of 2014 So You Think You Can Write) Page 6

by Amanda Cinelli

  The crowd gave subdued applause, curious eyes glancing from the scarlet-faced event planner to the now very sleek waiters walking around all in black. Dara prayed for him to move on to another topic, breathing a sigh of relief when he began to wrap up the speech.

  Gianni raised his brows beside her, seemingly quite entertained by the proceedings. ‘He seems quite taken with you, carina.’ He smiled.

  Dara straightened her shoulders, trying in vain to dispel the heat from her cheeks. ‘Mr Valente is a very successful man. I’m grateful to be working with him.’ She took a sip from her cool soda water, feeling it hit her painfully dry throat.

  ‘You are quite naive if you think he’s just thinking about work.’ His eyes twinkled,

  Dara ignored the uncomfortable sensation in her stomach at his words. Leo was taking her seriously, now that she had proved her talent. There was a playful tension between them, of course, but she had no plans to act on it. Not at all.

  She decided to ignore Gianni’s comment, straightening her shoulders and saying, ‘Actually, I’m negotiating an event contract for Castello Bellamo.’

  The old man stilled, clearly taken by surprise with that information. Dara waited for him to speak, but he remained silent. Thinking it best to give him a moment, she looked out across the dancefloor. Leo had just stepped down from the podium and began conversing with a group of men in sleek suits.

  She looked down and saw that his eyes were trained on her even as he spoke. He was watching her intently, his green gaze seeming to reach across the dance floor to her. She should look away. She should restart her conversation with Gianni—something.

  She turned back to see Gianni watching Leo with the most ferocious expression she had ever seen. ‘Mr Marcello, is everything okay?’ she asked tentatively.

  ‘He’s playing dangerous games. Excuse me for a moment.’ His eyes darkened to furious points, and without another word the man began weaving forward through the crowd with a look of intent.

  Dara followed suit, her heels forcing her to tread more carefully. ‘I’m not sure what I said to bother you, but this is hardly the place to cause a scene.’

  Gianni turned his head, still walking, ‘You don’t need to witness this.’

  Leo saw them approach and instantly shooed away the group of people surrounding him. ‘Gianni, you’re looking a bit more colourful.’ He smiled.

  The old man jabbed a finger into Leo’s chest, standing so close they were almost nose to nose. ‘You say you’re not playing games, boy? Then explain what kind of agreement you have with this young lady? Do you plan to sell off the only link you have left to your family?’

  Leo looked genuinely shocked for a moment. ‘Will you keep your voice down?’

  Gianni shook his head, a harsh laugh escaping his lips. ‘Always worried about your precious image, Leo. I thought you were hurting when you did what you did to Valente Enterprises, but this—’ His voice cracked.

  ‘I’m not selling the damned castle,’ Leo spat harshly.

  ‘He’s not. I’m a wedding planner. We’re discussing an event contract.’

  ‘Stay out of this, Dara,’ Leo warned.

  ‘And I thought you were just entertaining the lady to charm her into bed,’ said Gianni. ‘It would be better if you sold it. Rather than make plans to exploit it like a cheap hotel.’

  ‘Nothing is going to be planned in that damned castle—you hear me? It’s staying there to rot.’

  Dara felt the breath whoosh out of her lungs as she absorbed the reality of that statement. Neither man looked her way as they continued in their stand-off. Thankfully no one had noticed the little drama playing out in this quiet corner of the club.

  ‘Then why is she here?’ asked Gianni, voicing Dara’s own question.

  Leo was silent for a moment, his eyes moving to look at her as if he had just remembered she was there. ‘This is none of your business, Gianni.’

  Dara watched as the old man’s temper faded, to be replaced by a look of genuine hurt. Leo’s eyes were so dark they looked almost black in the dim lighting.

  Dara spoke up, straightening her shoulders. ‘Well, it seems it’s none of my business either.’

  Refusing to meet Leo’s eyes, she looked down.

  ‘Thank you for shedding some light on the situation, Mr Marcello.’

  With that, she turned on her heel and strode out of the club.


  STOPPING TO GRAB her coat and bag from the cloakroom, Dara willed herself to calm down. She could feel the tension inside her stretching to breaking point.

  After devoting the entire day working herself to the bone to impress him...

  After spending one hair-raisingly stressful hour on the phone to every major designer, looking for uniforms...

  After letting him make her feel self-conscious...

  She honestly thought that if he was to follow her she might wind up hitting someone for the first time in her life.

  She stepped out into the chilly Milan night, the cool air making her shiver in earnest through the haze of cold anger.

  He emerged through the doors behind her just as explosively as he had the night before. ‘Dara, stop walking away and allow me to explain.’

  ‘How long were you planning on stringing me along for?’ She spun around to face him.

  ‘Let’s not do this on the street.’ He looked to where the security guards stood like silent sentries inside the door.

  ‘Oh, excuse me—I forgot all about your precious reputation. Please, do yourself a favour and go back to your adoring public.’

  A long dark limo pulled up in front of them, the windows impenetrably black.

  ‘You’re not going to get anywhere by standing on the street. My car is right here. I don’t want anything else on my conscience tonight.’

  ‘Oh, I think we both know your conscience doesn’t exist,’ she scoffed.

  Still, she frowned. She had forgotten about the trouble getting a taxi in Milan. If he was offering her his limo she would take it without a second thought. Anything to get her away from him as soon as possible.

  ‘Well, it seems you are just as charitable as I thought you’d be, Mr Valente. My humble thanks for this consolation prize.’ She opened the door and slid inside to the warm dark interior, her body still shaking with anger.

  The door on the opposite side opened suddenly, and her eyes widened as Leo’s tall frame slid easily onto the seat next to her.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she squeaked.

  ‘I said I’d let you use the limo. I didn’t say you would be going alone.’ He shrugged one shoulder, banging his knuckles on the driver’s window and setting the vehicle into swift motion.

  He turned to face her, his voice deeply accented in the limo’s quiet dark interior. ‘We are not finished yet, Dara.’

  She felt his voice reach across the space between them, warm and seductive. Ignoring the pull, she remained silent and feigned indifference.

  ‘You can ignore me if you like, but I have yet to fulfil my side of our bargain.’ He waited for her to speak for a moment before continuing. ‘Your work tonight was impressive. You’ve earned your chance to convince me.’

  Indignation won out and she turned to face him. ‘Excuse me if I’m suddenly disinclined to pitch to a brick wall.’

  ‘You don’t understand the situation with Gianni Marcello.’

  He shook his head. That small movement incensed her more than anything else.

  ‘I think I understand perfectly well. The bored playboy decided he’d have some fun while he was in town. An added bonus was the free event consultation. Too bad your friend ruined things before you tried your hand at the final prize, eh?’ She crossed her arms defensively around herself.

  ‘What you achieved ton
ight is unheard of. I wasn’t lying when I said you have great talent. You achieved more in seven hours than my team could pull off in three months.’

  ‘That means nothing to me. The only reason I did any of it was to get my contract.’

  ‘My relationship with Gianni is complex. He does not understand some of the choices that I have made. I said what I had to in order to avoid a scene. The truth is I have been considering your proposal.’

  Dara watched him silently. This change in tactics was making her head spin.

  He sat back in his seat, stretching long muscular legs in front of him with casual ease. ‘I’m offering you a chance to convince me. It won’t be offered again.’

  Dara deliberated for a moment. He had made a fool of her, but he still held the upper hand here. If there was a chance to salvage this wedding contract she had to take it. Much as it irked her to be played with in his little game...much as it wounded her pride.

  ‘The wedding is for a high-profile actress—moderate numbers. Media would be limited to one magazine team. It would be maybe three days from set-up to clean-up, with accommodation required for guests.’

  She outlined the finer details of her pitch as clearly and effectively as she could, considering her lack of sleep and the intimate environment. Not to mention the large relaxed male sitting beside her, watching her every movement with interest.

  ‘Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.’ He ran a hand across the stubble on his jaw. ‘And it sounds like a mutually beneficial arrangement.’

  Dara felt unease prickle at the back of her mind. He had been deathly against any conversation about the castle last night—why the sudden easy consideration of her plans? She had done a fantastic job today—that much she could admit. But she wasn’t naïve enough to overlook the fact that something had to have sparked this sudden change of heart.

  ‘What exactly has changed to make you think twice about rejecting my event?’ she asked, watching as he raised his brows a fraction of an inch, narrowing his gaze.

  ‘Maybe I’m hoping to leave you with a better impression of me than the one you have got so far.’

  ‘Somehow I don’t think that you care very much about anyone’s impression of you.’

  He shrugged. ‘Depends on the person in question. But nonetheless you are correct that I have an ulterior motive. I was merely giving you a chance to lay out your proposal beforehand.’

  Leo sat forward in his seat, green eyes intently holding her gaze.

  ‘You need my help, Dara. And you have proved just how far you are willing to go in order to get it. I am asking you to go just a little further.’

  He laid a hand on the dark leather between them, still holding her gaze. It was a gesture of domination, designed to make her feel trapped, surely? She fought the urge to move back further in her seat.

  ‘How much further are we talking, here?’ Dara shook off the mildly indecent thoughts her mind conjured.

  Leo seemed to deliberate for a moment, looking out at the passing streets before speaking.

  ‘Do you know much about the newest Lucchesi development?’

  Dara thought for a moment, the change in pace addling her already tired mind. ‘The island he owns near Lampedone? He’s turning it into some sort of self-contained luxury resort, I’ve heard.’

  Leo nodded. ‘Despite what you’ve heard or read, thus far I have made no attempt to expand my empire to Sicily. There is virtually no market for an exclusive brand like mine in any of the larger cities. That was until this Isola project came to light.’ He sat forward, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. ‘The island will be a hub of exclusive hotels, boutique restaurants. Every inch of real estate will be dedicated to five-star luxury. It’s one of a kind.’

  ‘I don’t see what your interest in a new real estate development has to do with my wedding contract.’ Dara spoke quietly, trying to make sense of his words.

  ‘Umberto Lucchesi is head of the board of directors. He has the final word on all potential investment opportunities. I have made no secret of the fact that I want in on the project, and frankly they need my expertise and influence. That was made clear when the entire board approved my investment. All except Lucchesi.’

  She shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t think my small connection with him would help you to secure a major business deal.’

  ‘All I would need is your presence, Dara. He is notoriously private and only holds meetings in his home or with the board of directors. There is an opera fundraiser at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo tomorrow night. Lucchesi and his wife will be hosting.’

  Palermo? Tomorrow night? Dara fought the urge to laugh in disbelief. This was ridiculous. She had flown to Milan for a simple task and now here she was being asked to accompany a notorious playboy to the opera.

  ‘Why exactly would my presence benefit the situation?’ she asked rather breathlessly.

  ‘I understand that this is rather unconventional. But I believe meeting with him in a cordial setting, with a familiar face by my side, might make him look upon me more favourably. He sees me as my father’s son—a frivolous playboy with no morals. He clearly approves of you if he has worked with you on more than one occasion. Having you on my arm would be greatly beneficial.’

  ‘Are you asking me to pose as your date?’

  ‘What other reason would we have for being in Palermo together? It’s the most believable scenario.’

  Maybe it was tiredness after the past twenty-four hours catching up with her, but Dara felt a wave of hysterical laughter threatening to bubble up to the surface. The thought that anyone would believe a man like Leo Valente was dating a plain Irish nobody like her was absolutely ludicrous.

  He continued, oblivious to her stunned reaction. ‘You would leave the business talk to me. All I’d need is for you to act as a buffer of sorts. To play on your history with his family. Someone with a personal connection to smooth the way.’

  ‘A buffer? Well that just sounds so flattering...’ She muttered.

  ‘You would get all the benefits of being my companion, being a guest at such an exclusive event. It would be an enjoyable evening.’

  ‘Umberto Lucchesi is a powerful man. He must have good reason not to trust you,’ she mused. ‘I’m not quite sure I can risk my reputation.’

  ‘I’m a powerful man, Dara. You climbed up a building to get a meeting with me. I’m offering you an opportunity to get exactly what you want. It’s up to you if you take it or not.’

  The limo came to a stop. Dara looked out at the hotel’s dull grey exterior, trying desperately to get a handle on the situation. He was essentially offering her the castello on a silver platter. All she had to do was play a part until he got his meeting and she would be done.

  ‘What happens if you’re wrong? If having a buffer makes no difference?’

  ‘Let me worry about that. My offer is simple. Come with me to Palermo and I will sign your event contract.’

  She thought about the risk of trusting him. He hadn’t given her any reason to trust him so far. But what other possible reason could he have for asking her to go with him?

  A man like him could have any woman he wanted, so this wasn’t simply about the chemistry between them. She was sure of that.

  He must want in on the Lucchesi deal very badly if it had prompted him to consider her event. His initial reaction had been a complete contrast, his blatant refusal so clear. It was a risk to lie to a man like Umberto Lucchesi, but on the scale of things it was more of a white lie. And the alternative meant losing the contract. Losing everything she had worked for.

  ‘If I go with you—’ she said it quickly, before she could change her mind ‘—I want a contract for the castello up front.’

  * * *

  Leo felt triumph course through him as he felt Dara’s shift towards
accepting his offer. He’d seen the uncertainty on her face, knew the difficult position he was placing her in.

  ‘You don’t trust me, Dara?’

  ‘Not even a little bit.’

  ‘I would expect nothing less. I will have a contract drawn up by tomorrow. And I promise to return you to your office bright and early on Monday morning.’

  ‘We would be staying in Palermo overnight?’

  She asked the question innocently, but he’d seen the telltale movement of her hands in her lap. She was not as unaware of the tension as she made it seem.

  ‘The suite will have more than one bedroom.’

  ‘I want your word that there will be no more of your games. This is a professional arrangement.’

  ‘Are you asking me to behave myself? To ignore the intense attraction between us?’ he asked silkily.

  ‘Yes. That’s exactly what I’m asking.’

  ‘This is a business arrangement, Dara. You may be posing as my date for the evening, but I can assure you I am capable of separating the two. Whatever impression you might have of me, I can assure you that I am a man of my word when it comes to business.’

  Leo rapped the driver’s window and the man got out and held the door of the limousine open for her to exit.

  ‘My plane will leave at noon, so you have plenty of time to get some beauty sleep.’

  He watched until she’d disappeared through the doors of the basic hotel. He hadn’t lied when he’d said he was capable of separating business from pleasure. He was quite capable of it, usually. But his attraction to her was something that had caught him off guard.

  After months of no interest in the opposite sex, this sudden acute awareness was almost painful. And she felt it too—he was quite sure of that. She would prove very useful tomorrow in cornering Lucchesi. But if he was being honest that was not his only objective. He wasn’t quite ready to walk away from the challenge she presented just yet.

  Maybe it was boredom...maybe his pride was bruised. But something drew him to Dara Devlin more than to any woman he had ever met. She intrigued him and maybe that was why he had insisted on provoking her with those little stunts at the club. He was a grown man not a teenager, for goodness’ sake.


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