Daddy's Virgin

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Daddy's Virgin Page 102

by Claire Adams

  “I’ve been on a date before, Pete. But never spur of the moment like this.” She wrinkled her long nose again, still grinning. “And never without taking a shower first.”

  I had to laugh. “Yeah, this is a first for me, too. I normally don’t stink quite so much.” And, I did stink. But if she didn’t care, I didn’t either. The tension of the week was gone. Whatever I’d done wrong on Monday had been forgiven, and she didn’t seem so careful around me anymore.

  The restaurant was the best Italian place in Round Rock. Okay, it was also the only Italian place in Round Rock, if you didn’t count Pizza Hut and Dominos. I’d never taken a girl here before, so I hoped we weren’t underdressed in our jeans, boots, and dirt-smeared t-shirts.

  We sat in a booth near the rear of the restaurant, grinning like teenagers at how the hostess had looked us up and down for a solid minute before begrudgingly showing us to our seats. We ordered a few drinks before cracking open our menus.

  “Have you ever been here before?” Emma asked, peeking over her menu at me.

  “Nope, but it looked fancy from outside, didn’t it?” I grinned. “Dressed the way we are, we probably should’ve just rolled past a drive-thru and ate in the truck.”

  “Probably,” she agreed, smiling down at her menu. “But they don’t have chicken parmesan at the drive thru.”

  When the waiter came back with a basket of bread and our drinks — a beer for me and a glass of red wine for Emma — we both ordered the chicken parmesan.

  Emma fished a piece of bread out of the basket and started nibbling on the crust, drawing my attention right to her perfect mouth. “Is this what you wanted to do when you were young?” she asked. “Work on the ranch?”

  I took a piece of bread, too, tearing it in half while I thought of how to answer. “I never really thought about it. I’m happy on the ranch. But I don’t think I ever considered the possibility of doing anything else. I hated school. I just didn’t like sitting still all day. Now that I’m an adult and no one can make me, I don’t plan to sit still again for the rest of my life.”

  Emma smiled at that, her straight white teeth flashing in the candlelight flickering in the middle of the table. Her green eyes drank up that light and looked much darker than they usually did, like precious emeralds hidden in some ancient tomb I’d been lucky enough to discover.

  “I liked school,” she said. “But I like being outside in the sunshine, too. I wouldn’t be happy doing anything that kept me penned up inside. I need to be around animals. I need to feel like I worked hard at the end of the day.”

  We had that much in common, I thought. “What part of growing up on a farm did you like most?” I asked, speaking gently, both of us leaning into each other as we tore through the bread. We’d put in a long day. I for one was starved half to death.

  “Spending so much time with my daddy,” she said. “He’s a quiet man, but we never had to talk to feel close to one another.”

  The way she handled herself made a lot more sense now. The quiet gene had to run in the family. Someone like me must’ve thrown her completely off balance. I’d been a talker since the cradle. But she was here. It had to mean she was interested, even if I couldn’t keep from joking and laughing the day away in between working hard. I reminded myself not to get my hopes up. This girl was still a locked safe.

  Our meals came next, and we refreshed our drinks and kept talking. Every time Emma smiled, a warm tingling filled up my insides, and my heart beat a little faster. I’d been with girls before, but this was different.

  “Do you want dessert?” I asked after we’d finished. She looked stuffed. I touched my neck just below my Adam’s apple. “I’m full to about here, but if you want something, I’ll try to help you eat it.”

  She laughed, and that warmth spread from my full belly to between my legs. I couldn’t stop staring at her mouth. I’d never wanted to kiss someone so much in my life. I’d go crazy if I didn’t put my attention somewhere else.

  “I don’t think I could eat another bite at gunpoint,” she said. She wasn’t smiling, but her eyes were sparkling in that way I was getting to know meant she was happy.

  I paid the check in cash as soon as it came and we left the restaurant together, still chattering companionably. The drive back to the ranch passed by too quickly. I wanted to find some excuse to spend more time with her, but I just pulled into the driveway a little ways behind her sporty blue sedan. We got out of my truck, slamming the doors at the same time.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she said, inching closer to her car.

  I knew I was going to spend the weekend thinking about her in between all the things I had to get done on the ranch. Lacey would be here, too, working with Elroy and some of the others. I’d need whatever distraction I could get to keep from just dreaming with my eyes open until Emma came back on Monday morning.

  “Your pay,” I blurted, seizing on that small glimmer of hope like I would a life raft in rough waters. “I left it on my kitchen table.”

  She cocked her head, but it was too dark to read the look in her eye. I didn’t want to wait for her to tell me she’d stay out here while I ran in to get it. I just turned and walked to the house, grinning when I heard her footsteps falling in behind me. I didn’t have much in the house besides beer and coffee, but I was happy to offer her whatever would get her to stay a little longer.

  Riley was keeping watch on the porch. He lifted his head as we walked by, but didn’t get up to follow us. The front door wasn’t locked. I had my guard dog, didn’t I? I went into the house, too nervous to turn around, sure Emma would tell me she’d wait on the porch if I did.

  The kitchen was bathed in moonlight. I turned on the overhead and picked up the envelope of cash from the table. I turned, a smile stretching over my lips that was wiped clean off by the look on Emma’s face. She was standing in the doorway, her green eyes wide. That hungry look was back in them, the one I’d seen earlier on the porch. And, her body was tense. I wanted to take her into my arms, but that wasn’t my place. She looked lost. The self-possessed, confident woman who worked the farm every day was gone. This was a glimpse of the girl inside the safe.

  “Here you go,” I managed to force out in a wavering voice. I cleared my throat and held out the envelope. She reached to take it, her fingers brushing over mine. That heat moved through me, and I held my breath. She hesitated, her fingers still touching my skin as her eyes widened, that hunger passing from her to me in a straight line.

  I didn’t think. I just reached for her, my hand wrapping gently around the back of her neck and bringing her closer. Her lips parted as she lifted her head to keep meeting my eyes. That was what undid me.

  I leaned to finally taste that perfect mouth, softly at first, but I couldn’t hold back. Her hands lifted to rest on my sides, and I curled my hand into that soft brown hair at the back of her neck. We kissed harder, her sweet mouth opening so I could press my tongue inside. She kissed back, her body straining into mine.

  I couldn’t help how excited she made me. Within a few seconds of tasting her, my cock was rock hard. I pressed it against her, still kissing as hard as she’d let me, our tongues exploring the deep, sweet warmth of each other’s mouths. It was all I’d wanted for weeks, from the time she walked up to greet me on the porch that first day.

  She pulled back, breathless, her green eyes as wide as before, the look in them a little disoriented. But she didn’t step out of my embrace. I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to peel off every piece of clothing that was between us right now. The envelope with her pay inside of it had fallen on the ground at our feet.

  “Do you have a bathroom?” she stammered, cutting her eyes away.

  “Down the hall,” I whispered. I didn’t want to let her go. The minute I did, there was a chance I wouldn’t get her back.

  She stepped out of my arms and backed into the hall, her dark eyes meeting mine for a few seconds before she turned to hurry down to the bathroom. As soon as the door clo
sed, I collapsed onto one of the dining room chairs, the strength leaving me in a warm rush. I touched my tingling lips, amazed at what they’d just done.

  Whatever I had to do, I couldn’t let Emma leave without kissing her again. Now that I knew how sweet she tasted — like honey straight from the comb — I was going to crave her soft, supple lips whenever I looked at her. Tonight might be my only opportunity. Who knew what Monday would bring.

  I sprang from my feet, the need at my core and throbbing between my legs directing me down the hallway after her.

  Chapter Fourteen



  I splashed some cool water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I had to calm down. I was trembling from head to foot. That kiss. Goddamn. I wanted to do it again, but I knew I needed to just get the hell out of here as soon as I could. Going to dinner had been a mistake. I knew better. I liked Pete, I really did, but he was my boss. This had to stop right now, before it permanently changed things between us.

  I dried my face as I steeled myself. I’d just walk out to my car and leave for the weekend. We could go back to the way things were supposed to be on Monday morning. No more dates, no more alone time. As long as I got out of here right now, it wouldn’t be too late.

  I turned away from the sink, determined, and opened the door.

  Pete was standing in the hallway, his blue eyes wide and chest heaving with the strength of the desire I saw written all over his face.

  I drew in a sharp breath, my plans leaving me in a rush of exhaled air, and went to him.

  He took me in his arms and pressed his lips to mine. I opened my mouth to him, tilting my head as his tongue ventured deep into my mouth, toying with my own. I kissed him back, unable to deny the heat that moved through me and how badly I wanted him. My plan to escape this house and run out to my car disappeared in the intensity of that heat.

  My entire body tingled as his soft, eager mouth dropped to kiss my neck, sucking lightly as I moaned with the need that was bubbling up from deep inside me. I hadn’t even let myself acknowledge how much I wanted him until this moment. But, now that I had, my entire body had unclenched, going soft in that heat. I wrapped my legs around him as he lifted me with two hands on my ass and carried me down the hallway. He kicked open the door to his bedroom, still kissing my neck, his hot breath igniting every inch of my skin.

  He set me down next to the messy, unmade bed and tugged my shirt over my head. Thank God I’d thought to put on one of my better bras this morning. One with actual lace on it — not that he was paying it much attention.

  He tore his own shirt off, nearly ripping it in the process. I bit my lip at the sight of his smooth, muscular chest, tanned from so much time in the sun. It was my first time seeing it so close up. He smelled like sunshine and hard work. I loved that musky odor. I pulled him down to me by the back of his neck, kissing hard, my tongue fishing into his mouth as his fingers unfastened my bra.

  He brought his hands to my breasts, running his fingers over my nipples, and I moaned into his mouth. His fingers dropped to the waistband of my jeans, pulling them open as we continued to kiss almost desperately, that heat rising, stoked by my furious heartbeat and the pulsing between my legs, a furious itch I wanted him to scratch.

  He pulled his lips away so he could focus on pushing my jeans down the curvy length of my legs. I sat down on the bed and lifted my feet so he could tug off my boots, socks, and then my jeans. Now I was just in my dangling bra and panties, breathing heavily, so hot for him I could barely sit still. I unbuckled his belt and tugged his jeans open. It took two hands to work the zipper, but, finally, I was able to pull his jeans down, revealing boxers, the hard shape of his cock at my eye level. I licked my lips, moaning again, and pulled hard onto his hips, lying back on the bed as he tumbled on top of me.

  He fit neatly between my legs, his cock rubbing into that wet heat between my legs, only a few layers of cloth separating us. His mouth found one of my nipples, and he sucked hard while I writhed beneath him, moaning and lifting my hips to rub my pulsing hot sex against his cock. He moved to my other nipple, his lips tracing a wet trail on my skin. This time, I could feel his teeth. I whimpered and took hold of him by two handfuls of his soft dark hair. His masculine scent filled my nostrils, so dirty and sweaty from the day’s work. I loved it.

  His lips found my neck again, sucking harder than before. My hands traveled down the length of his back until I reached his ass. I squeezed his cheeks hard, relishing the firmness. He was one long, lean, rock-hard slab of muscle. I turned my head and bit his shoulder, just wanting to taste the tanned sweetness of him.

  “I’ve wanted you since the day I saw you,” Pete growled, his hot breath tickling my skin. He came after my mouth again, forcing his tongue past my lips as I moaned deep in my throat. His hand slid between my legs, his finger running over the crotch of my cotton panties. My hips lifted on their own. His fingers moved my panties to the side as I silently begged him not to stop. That itch was unbearable. I’d never felt heat like this before. I’d gone more than a year without having sex, but I needed him inside me right now more than I needed air.

  His fingers rubbed lightly over my moist lips, and I made a breathless, desperate sound, my teeth closing on his bottom lip and nibbling lightly. The tip of one finger toyed with my clit, sending bolts of pleasure rocketing into the rest of my body. His lips found my neck again, kissing hard, as his thick finger slid inside me.

  “Pete,” I whispered, breathless, and lifted my hips, inviting him deeper.

  He raised met my gaze, his beautiful eyes so wide in the dark, the intensity in them stealing my already short breaths from me. Without breaking eye contact, our breaths mingling in the air between us, he slid my panties from my hips. I lifted my butt to make it easier for him.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said in a low, husky voice squeezed tight with need. Was he feeling that heat? That itch? If he didn’t start scratching it soon, I was going to scream.

  He wiggled out of his boxers, kicking them off his feet. He kissed me again, running his hands from my erect nipples to my heaving chest to my stomach and down between my legs, stoking that heat into an inferno as he ran the tips of his fingers back and forth over my wetness.

  “Do you want this?” he asked, his mouth very close to my ear.

  I was still so breathless, but I had to let him know that I couldn’t bear the idea of him stopping now. “Yes,” I whispered adamantly.

  He slid between my legs, the head of his cock pressing into my throbbing, wet sex. I squeezed his ass cheeks in my hands, pulling him into me. He thrust inside in a single motion, and I cried out, the pleasure tingling over every trembling inch of my skin as I opened completely to him.

  My hands slid over his back as he started an even rhythm, plunging himself into me only to back out again, the sensation drawing a series of breathless whimpers from me. I was so close already and he’d only just started.

  His lips met my neck, sucking hungrily, his heavy breaths so warm on my skin. I didn’t want him to stop. He stroked harder, the muscles of his back rippling under my hands. I arched my back, and he went deeper. The heat was reaching a pinnacle, every tingling nerve between my legs building up until I was ready to shriek with pleasure. Pete groaned, very close to my ear, as he thrust himself inside me up to the hilt, and I came hard, crying out behind clenched teeth. A second later, he growled low in his throat and a spasm moved through his body, jolting me beneath him so I cried out again, digging my fingernails into the muscly expanse of his back.

  He collapsed against me, breathing hard, his weight pressing me into the mattress. The pleasurable sensations were still moving through my body. His heartbeat was beating into my chest, so it felt like I had two hearts. He rolled off of me, exposing my hot, slick body to the air. I lay there, catching my breath, naked and sweaty, our mingled juices dripping from between my legs. Pete reached to rest a warm hand on my flat stomach.

was incredible,” he panted.

  And, it had been. But it had also been a mistake. Whatever energy had built up over the last few weeks, reaching an awful, delicious pinnacle over dinner, had been spent. Now I could think clearly again. I could see how bad I’d just made things for me at the ranch. Because I couldn’t keep doing this.

  “I have to go,” I said, sitting up. I dropped from the bed onto my knees, gathering my clothes from the floor.

  “You can stay,” he said, sitting up, too. He reached to brush my back with his fingertips, and I shied away. “I’ll cook breakfast in the morning. Or we can go to the Texan.”

  I shook my head as I put on my shirt. I wasn’t going to trouble with my underclothes. I just needed to get the hell out of here.

  “No, thank you,” I said, my cheeks reddening at how stupid that sounded. “It’s not a good idea.” I stood up and tugged my jeans on, buttoning them as I slid my bare feet back into my boots. I had my underclothes and socks balled in one fist. I didn’t want to look at Pete, not after what we’d done. I might not be able to leave if I met his eyes.

  “Emma, don’t go,” he said.

  But I was already at the door. “I’ll see you next week,” I said and rushed out into the darkened hallway.

  Chapter Fifteen



  I brought the tractor around the side of the storage barn just as Lacey pulled into the driveway, several bags of feed loaded onto the back of her truck. She waved at me, signaling for me to get my ass over there to help her. I cut the tractor’s engine off, jumped down, and ran over. I mopped the sweat from my brow on the way. It was hot as all get out and wasn’t even noon.

  “Howdy, Lace,” I said, running up.

  She gave me a happy enough grin. She’d been nicer this week on account of my low mood. She hadn’t poked at me yet, but I knew I needed to tell her what had been bothering me. She might actually know how to help.


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