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Slam Page 12

by Holly S. Roberts

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Two new bodyguards met us at the airport.

  “No change in condition,” one of them said as soon as we approached.

  They weren’t introduced, so I didn’t have names. Brack remained all business and didn’t so much as give me a comforting squeeze. Match over, I thought to myself. I knew our relationship would end. This was for the best.

  We arrived at the hospital and the two men stayed with me in the waiting room while Brack checked on Mack’s condition. I had no idea Mack was his cousin; Brack got into intensive care because he was family. A man and woman showed up a short time later. They were Mack’s parents. I was glad they had no idea who I was. If I could melt into the floor I would. I prayed silently that Mack would live.

  Brack came out and gave Mack’s parents both hugs. He thankfully didn’t introduce us. They spoke quietly in the corner for a few minutes before they went back to see their son. When Brack turned to me, I could see the fury in his eyes. It was four in the morning, but he didn’t look tired—he looked deadly.

  “Come on, we’re getting some food from the cafeteria.”

  Brack walked in that direction and I followed—my two bodyguards close behind. We sat in a booth. My stomach was trashed from the flight, so I settled for hot tea. I don’t remember falling asleep, and I woke up to Brack saying my name. I was slouched against the wall with my head at an awkward angle.

  “I need to check on Mack and I want you close.”

  This wasn’t the time to argue, so I didn’t. I followed along and stayed in the waiting room while Brack went back to ICU again. The only good news was that Mack was still alive. Brack didn’t share any additional details with me. I had no idea what happened. Again I remained quiet. Brack didn’t need my questions.

  At nine, my cell phone rang. I looked at the display and saw my father’s name. I couldn’t deal with him at the moment. I finally turned off my phone after three calls in fifteen minutes. I was a horrible daughter and I was too tired to care.

  Good news finally came at noon. Mack’s condition changed to critical but stable. Brack’s guys drove us to a high-end hotel. They reserved the adjoining room. Brack hit the shower and I fell into bed without even brushing my teeth. I gave a split second thought to my vomit breath and it was the last thing I remember.

  The bedside clock said it was after eight at night when I woke up. Brack lay passed out beside me. I stumbled out of bed, brushed my teeth, and took the hottest shower I could stand. When my body was entirely clean, I gave into tears allowing the weight of my life to break me. I sank to the tiled floor of the shower and not wanting to wake Brack. I covered my face and sobbed into my hands.

  “Shh, baby, come here,” he said a few moments later. Brack lifted me and pulled me against his chest.

  The dam burst even harder as Brack did everything he could to comfort me. At least until he lifted my chin and kissed me. The kiss was gentle—butterfly kisses that didn’t stop. I needed his taste, his comfort, him. This was goodbye and I would gladly take a pity fuck. I snaked my arms from between our bodies where they were caught, and grabbed his ass cheeks. My back hit the shower wall when Brack moved us both back. My leg came up. Brack circled his hand under the same leg and lifted higher. The kiss changed as his mouth molded to mine. At the same time it remained gentle.

  I. Need. Him. Inside. Me. Was all I could think.

  Brack didn’t make me wait. His cock slid deep, tight, perfect. The kiss continued. I didn’t want him gentle, but Brack wasn’t giving me my way this time. He set a slow gliding pace. My fingers memorized every curve of every slick, defined muscle I could reach. My breasts slid against his chest, my nipples growing hard. I found his and pinched just a bit loving when Brack groaned into my mouth. He was so large all over, so strong, so perfect. My fingers ended up clenched in his hair as he drove me crazy with tongue, lips, and cock. Soft loving kisses, deep loving strokes.

  He held my chin and tipped my head changing the kiss yet again as low moans burst into the other’s mouth when we came. My body shook, his cock pulsed; our bodies absorbed the electrical current arcing between us. I fought more tears.

  As a goodbye fuck, this rated up there with the best ever. The only problem was my revelation sometime during the hot slow glide of his cock.

  I loved Brack Jacobs.


  “I’ll order dinner. I’m sure you’re starved,” Brack said after we stepped out of the bathroom.

  I wasn’t hungry at all. He went to the phone and called room service. He had the food sent next door. He then called the hospital for an update.

  “He’s holding his own,” Brack said with a sigh of relief.

  “I didn’t know you were cousins,” was all I could think to say. My mind was still caught on my “I love him” thoughts.

  “Second cousins actually. I’ve never used the cousin card before, rarely even remember. We’re friends and blood makes no difference.” Brack sat down on the couch resting his head back. Weary was a better word than tired and that’s how he looked. I could hear it in his voice, too.

  His phone rang and I saw him grimace when he took the call.


  Crap, my father. I never turned my phone back on.

  “She’s right here,” Brack said. He removed the phone from his ear and handed it over with a pitying look. I pitied myself, too.

  A faint smile crossed Brack’s lips when I pulled the phone away from my ear as my father yelled. His booming voice echoed through the room. I allowed my father to rant until I couldn’t take it any longer.

  “I’m hanging up now, Dad. Call me back when you want to talk.”

  “Don’t you…”

  I clicked the end button. It took all of twenty seconds for him to call back. I answered with, “I’ll only hang up again. This isn’t the time for tantrums and I’m not listening to yours. One of Brack’s men is in the hospital in critical condition. We’ve barely slept and I haven’t eaten in twenty-four hours.” I waited for the next explosion. It didn’t come.

  “I’m sorry. You need to stop putting me through this. My heart can’t take it.”

  That had me smiling for the first time in hours. My dad was as strong as an ox. No, a dozen of those damned stubborn animals. “I’m okay, Dad. I’m not apologizing for missing your calls, though. If something happened to me, you’d be the first to know. You hired the best, so let them do their job.”

  I enjoyed the satisfied look that crossed Brack’s face while I handled my father. Brack rested his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. I admired the line of his jaw, and his thick neck. My father rambled on in a less aggressive voice as I studied the man I loved. I no longer saw imperfection. Everything about him was perfection. And I was a stupid fool who couldn’t help herself. Brack opened his eyes and the colors struck me again. He gave me a quizzical look before blowing me a kiss. It was so outside his character that I blushed. His eyebrows arched and he bit his bottom lip against a smile. I wanted nothing more than to walk over and straddle his lap.

  “Olivia, are you listening to me?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I was such a liar and used the word ‘Daddy’ because I knew it usually softened my father up a bit. I gave Brack a steady look. “I’m returning to my apartment. I no longer want protection. If you won’t call off this team, I’ll go into hiding myself.”

  Brack stood so suddenly from the couch that I stepped back. He kept coming, grabbed the phone from my fingers, and spoke to my outraged father. “Don’t worry, sir, I have this covered. Your daughter is safe and will remain safe. She’s not going anywhere, especially her apartment. She’ll call you back tomorrow and check in daily from here on out. I give you my word.” Brack hung up a few moments later. His angry voice filled the room. “What the hell was that?”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  My heart rate had tripled—the large room made smaller by Brack’s anger. I calmed myself just enough to hide my trepidation with
a mask of stubbornness. “You knew this was coming. This guy wants me. You’ve done what you can by teaching me to defend myself. He’ll pick off the people in my life one after the other. Your cousin is in intensive care because of me. His parents came close to losing their son.” I placed my hand out when Brack came closer.

  “This isn’t a game, Olivia. This guy will kill you or, like I said, do worse. And that’s only before he kills you. He’s sick. My job is to keep you safe.”

  This was it. I had to get through his block head. I knew what needed to be said, what twisted words had to be spoken, “Well, that lasted as long as it took you to climb into my pants. You already told me you compromised my safety. You think my father will continue paying you if I tell him that?” My heart almost caved at the emotions that crossed Brack’s face. Hurt, anger, stubbornness, and back to hurt.

  This time my hand didn’t stop him. “What’s this about, Olly?” He grasped my nape and brought me closer so we were almost nose to nose.

  I went in for the kill, needing him safe—this man I loved more than life. “Did you really think this would last? You’re a good fuck, but when I’m ready for a long-term relationship it won’t be with a bodyguard. You can’t do your job properly and keep me safe. You fucked me and ruined that, remember?” I ran my hand over his shirt all the way down to the crotch of his pants. “I enjoyed it, babe. Now I want to survive more than I want a hot fuck. You’re compromised, Brack. I need the best man for the job. It isn’t you and obviously it isn’t Mack or he wouldn’t be in the hospital.” I knew it was a low blow and actually cringed at the glacial look that entered Brack’s eyes. They appraised me with contempt. It hurt even though it’s exactly what I deserved.

  “Have your father find another team,” he practically spit out. With that, he walked to the adjoining door and pounded on it. His men opened it ready to take on whatever was happening on our side. Brack said something I couldn’t hear. I figured it out, though, because one of the men walked into my room, changing places with Brack.

  My heart pounded so fast I thought I might be sick.

  “Umm. Name’s Sander.”

  I turned at the sound of the new voice not even realizing I’d crossed to the bed. Now what the hell do I do? “Please call me Olivia. I’m going to sleep. You can wait in the other room with Brack. This door’s locked.”

  “No, ma’am.” His deep robotic voice held not an inch of understanding. “Brack said I was to stay here until he sends Nelson in to relieve me. Your safety comes first. I’ll sit over here while you sleep. Food should be here in a few minutes, though.” He crossed to the table in the corner of the room and sat down.

  “I’m not hungry and just need sleep,” I said as I crossed to him and handed him the remote. “The TV won’t bother me. You watching me will.”

  He turned on the television and kept the volume low.

  I climbed into bed and rolled so my back was to him. I had a darkness inside of me when it came to hurting people. I’d done it to several lovers. Maybe my stalker was payback for my insensitive nature. Win at all costs, fuck when it feels good, and keep men at arm’s length. I lived by those rules. Why should fucking Brack be any different? Because you love him dummy. You just don’t deserve him. I had to find some way to un-love him. He didn’t deserve the danger I placed him in.

  I pulled the covers over my head and tried to keep my meltdown quiet. I’m sure I didn’t succeed. Sander was smarter than he looked and didn’t dare ask if I was all right. He left me to my misery.

  I didn’t realize I nodded off until Brack’s angry voice startled me. “She’ll fucking eat it or you’ll force feed her.” The door slammed and I was alone with Sander once more.

  I peeked out from beneath the covers. “Don’t worry, I’ll eat.” I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I still looked hung over at best and my hair was a mess. I just didn’t care. I splashed my face with water and walked out. My meal consisted of fresh fruits and vegetables with a nice cut of steak. Brack knew what I liked and he’d ordered it for me. The food sat like a lump in my stomach, but I ate every bite.

  Two seconds after setting down my napkin, my cell phone rang. A quick glance at the caller ID and I knew my father would need his blood pressure checked after today.

  “You’re being so uncooperative that your security team is ditching you? What the hell is going on, Olivia?” He didn’t yell. Each precise word let me know this was bad.

  “Brack didn’t tell you?”

  He huffed out an impatient breath. “The man hardly spoke at all. He told me little more than he’d recommend another security team.”

  I looked up and noticed Sander watching me. This would sever Brack’s chance at ever working for my father again and it was the hardest step in my plan. I had no choice but to do it in front of Brack’s man. Here goes nothing. “I seduced Brack and it has compromised my safety. This is all my fault.”

  Sander winced and turned away. My father went absolutely silent.

  I waited.

  “Are you okay, Olivia?” he finally asked in a low voice.

  That’s not what I expected and tears welled in my eyes. “I’m as good as I can be. I want my life back. I want to be back on the pro circuit and I want to see you, Daddy.” What I didn’t say… I love Brack. I’m terrified. I don’t want to die. More importantly—I don’t want another person dying because of me.

  “I love you, honey.”

  That was all it took for my tears to spill down my cheeks. I’d just told my father how badly I screwed up and he said he loved me.

  “Talk to Brack, sweetie. He’s a stand up man.”

  What the hell? “What,” was all I could get out.

  “Brack comes highly recommended and handles cases like these all the time. He doesn’t have a reputation for developing relationships with clients. He feels something for you or this wouldn’t have happened.”

  This. Was not my father. I was almost too stunned to speak. “I told you it’s my fault. Brack does not have feelings for me other than the sexual variety. If you want me to go into detail I will. Bottom line, I seduced him. This may be hard for you to believe but I’m damn good at it.” I took a breath preparing myself to give my father another blast of reality.

  He spoke before I could. “Do you feel better now? This is not a conversation we should be having, Olivia. I’ve remained quiet about your private life for years. Leave me with some sense of naivety.”

  The defeat in his voice affected me most. I sank down on the bed taking several deep breaths. “Hire another team. One that isn’t at my fingertips because I’ll leave them in the dust the first chance I get. I need privacy, my coach, and a semblance of normalcy. I won’t live this way any longer.”

  The silence lasted several long minutes this time. “I’ll have another team in place by tomorrow.” The click on the line let me know my father was no longer there. I rolled over and closed my eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The new team took over. Alex Brovitch introduced himself and asked if we could sit down and talk.

  “What is it you’re looking for in a security detail?” he asked after we settled.

  He was nothing like Brack. Whereas Brack was large with an imposing presence, this guy would fit in just about anywhere. He looked to be in his early forties, but it was hard to tell. His dark brown eyes were direct. He didn’t smile or look like he had any sense of humor at all. My gut twisted with regret. “I want you to stay in the background. I need to train and I need my privacy.”

  “Mr. Jacobs provided your file. Is there anything you wish to add?” Still no smile. This guy was all business.

  I could just imagine what was in the file. I refused to ask. “No, I’m sure Mr. Jacobs’ records cover everything. He’s quite thorough.” In bed with every inch of my body, I thought with a heavy heart. Another twist tightened my belly before I thought of something else. “Do you have any information on the condition of the man attacked by my stalker
two days ago?”

  “No, ma’am, but I can find out. Mr. Jacobs said to call with any questions or if issues arise.”

  Issues. He reduced me to an issue. I deserved it and it hurt. “Don’t bother Mr. Jacobs. My father will get me the information.” I wouldn’t ask. I needed to cut all ties with Brack and his men. “I want to return to my apartment today.”

  “I have men there now. I’ll suggest security measures and leave the decisions of the extent you want us to take in your hands.”

  I’m sure my father handed down this dictate. Dear Daddy must have heard the determination in my voice. I would run if interfered with. I needed Ty to come after me head on. I refused to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life or endanger more people.

  As soon as Alex left, I nicknamed him the anti-hulk. I was back to name calling because it kept me unattached. I refused to think of my new security detail as more than a nuisance. If something bad happened to one of them, it wouldn’t matter to me.

  Liar, liar pants on fire.

  Two hours later, I stood in my apartment looking around. I agreed to cameras on my back balcony and outside the front door. None inside the apartment. A shiver crossed my skin at the thought of what Ty witnessed on his cameras. I mentally shook myself. No thinking back, only forward. It’s not like I’d be having sex in my apartment again. It wasn’t the thought of someone watching, though. It was that I would never make love to Brack again.

  Living on the fifth floor gave me some protection. Ty wasn’t Spiderman, so he’d need to enter the front door of the building. A van would remain parked downstairs. I had three seconds to take Ty out. The guys in the van would be too late and that’s how I wanted it.

  Alex or one of his men would accompany me to the country club where I trained. They would also shadow me anywhere else I went when I left my apartment. I agreed to one-hour notice if I decided to take a jog or go shopping. Ty’s best chance at me was my apartment. It fit my plan.


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