ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo) Page 3

by Wanda Edmond

  “What are we doing here?” She pulled the helmet off and her long black hair flowed into wind-blown curls.

  “I have friends here,” He gave a half smile, glancing once more at her sexy appearance, “And I could use a cold beer.”

  “Me too.” She smiled and caught up to his pace. Dan flashed her a strange look.

  Inside the bar was noisy and crowded, a live band played rock and roll covers on the dimly lit stage near the stairs and she found herself surrounded by tough-looking bikers on all sides. Her heart raced, thinking back to her last experience with a group such as these, and she grasped onto Dan’s arms tightly. Dan gave a smile. Well there is some of her personality still in there at least. He joked to himself. He made his way towards the bar where he was greeted with a symphony of hoots and shouts from his friends. Sarah watched them silently at first. They were dressed like the ones she met at the motel that day, but far more open and friendly. After some brief introductions, Sarah learned that the group “ran” with him from time to time and were longtime friends. She listened as Dan rehashed the entire story of how he came to have a rider, of the horrible gang that stole her car and the attack. They listened and shook their heads.

  The one called Lucky, for obvious reasons, spoke up, “You see? That’s why we get such a bad reputation. Bullshit like that from one group is all it takes.”

  “Don’t worry Sarah,” Another called Spike added, “We aren’t all like them. I bet that was rebellions Angels that did that.”

  “Hey wait a minute,” A woman younger than Sarah with long blonde pigtails pushed her way towards Sarah. She was dressed in full leather but her smile was warm and friendly, “Was it like a Lime Green one? Stuffed full of crap?”

  “Well that crap is all my possessions but yeah.” Sarah shouted over the guitar.

  “It was here yesterday,” She told Sarah and Dan, “It stuck out in the parking lot like a sore thumb.”

  Dan gave a laugh but Sarah didn’t find her tragedy to be a laughing matter. She excused herself and wandered over to a set of pool tables where a group was in the middle of an intense game. During her college years, she and her study groups met frequently at the local tavern to shoot pool and she was the best of them. One of the men walked over to her and smiled, looking her from head to toe.

  “We’re short a player,” He licked his lips, “You want to get in? Pools 20 bucks to join.”

  Sarah nodded and squinted her eyes in a devilish fashion, knowing full well she wasn’t as naïve as this brood thought she was. Selecting a lighter stick she waited her turn patiently, watching the others struggle to get a single ball in pocket. When it was her turn, she walked the table, locating the perfect shot and took her position.

  “You can’t hit that honey,” The tall man laughed and the other’s joined him, “Perhaps you should have left the game to the big boys.”

  With a tap the first ball bounced off the far edge of the table, struck back against another that flew roughly into a corner pocket. The first ball continued on its zig zag path, tapping balls left then right until it finally reached the far side of the table. With the last of its roll it gently settled the 8 ball into the furthest corner from her. She stood up and marveled at the empty table with a satisfied grin. That’s just like old times. She giggled in her head. The others froze, still staring in disbelief at the table. An older girl of the group was the first to clap then the others joined suit and cheered on her move.

  Dan looked up from a heated conversation he had been having with Lucky and glanced around for Sarah who was nowhere in sight. He rose from his seat and stared into the crowd of people around him. Soon he found her, over by the pool tables, surrounded by a group of men. A rush of jealously and anger shot through him and he stopped just before reaching the crowd. What the hell is happening to me? He wondered and took another step forward. The men were flirting with her, as she stood in the center still holding a pool stick and leaning forward in a seductive fashion. Dan couldn’t help but notice again how stunning she was, it was no wonder the others had noticed it too. He grasped her by the arm and drug her from the group, through the crowds and out front.

  “Hey what are you doing Dan?” She snapped and yanked her arm away.

  “What are you doing?” He growled.

  “I was just making friends,” She folded her arms like a spoiled child, pretending to be angry, but inside she was happy he had finally noticed, “I don’t see why you’re getting all bent out of shape. You’re the one that rejected me remember?”

  Dan stopped mid-sentence. Suddenly it all became crystal clear. She must have thought his rejection of her that night in the motel was because she was reserved and not pretty enough. Dan you idiot. He scolded himself. He took a step forward and held out his strong hand for her, giving a guilty smile. She bit her lip, looking up with her big, green eyes in a fashion that made him completely melt.

  “Come on lets walk.” He grinned and took her along the path beside the bar to a scheduled place called lookout point. From there, she could see the bar down below and all its flashing lights, but beyond the forest seemed to stretch on farther than her eye could see in the darkness. Above head, thousands of stars twinkled like her own person show in the sky.

  “It’s beautiful up here.” She leaned over the wooden fence and glanced down the steep hill below.

  “Yeah,” He chuckled, “No one seems to come up here but me. It’s where I come if I need air. Now listen to me Sarah. I didn’t push you away that night because you’re not pretty enough or tough enough for me. I pushed you away because I’m scared.”

  Sarah was shocked by the sudden moment of honesty. “Of what? Of me?”

  “Yes of you,” Dan paced, clearly uncomfortable opening up this way, “I am scared of you and how you are inside and of how I feel about you. I am falling for you can’t you see that? And I have trouble with connections to other people.”

  “So do I.” Her voice trailed off and she stared down at the earth below her boots.

  There was another moment of silence while the bass from the band thumped rhythmically in the distance. Dan’s conflict raged on like a battle in his mind. Should he open up to her or just let them part ways forever? Sarah watched him pace nervously, unsure of how to move forward. She knew she wanted him so badly, but the confidence she needed to step in and take the reins wasn’t there. In a flash Dan turned and lunged towards her, his strong hands grasped her tightly around the waist and pulled him close to his chest. He gazed into her surprised emerald eyes and gave a long sigh.

  “Screw it.” He smiled and pressed his lips tightly against hers.

  Their tongues danced together to the sounds of the rock blasting from the bar below, exploring deeper into one another’s bodies. Lust filled them both and a rage of need took over. Sarah ripped the leather jacket from his shoulders and allowed it to fall the ground as he pulled her tight tank top over her head and dropped it alongside it. They lunged in once more, the kisses more desperate and rough. Sarah found his belt buckled and pulled violently until the metal clanked open, she grasped his jeans and yanked them away, then stood back for a moment to stare at his erection. Her eyes grew wide with hunger and fear. He is bigger than he looked. She licked her lips. He smiled wickedly and her jeans too met the earth below them. Dan lifted her into his strong arms and set her in the soft, tall grass besides the wood railing. Within a moment he was inside her, pressing deeply into her wet crevice. She let out a shout, the size of his cock building pressure within her tightness.

  “Are you ok?” He looked into her eyes, breathless. “You’re so tight.”

  “Yeah,” She whispered, “just give me a minute to get used to it.”

  For a moment the two lay kissing, hands savoring every inch of one another’s exposed bodies. Soon the discomfort faded and the feeling of his hardness inside her became welcomed by her body. She moaned in delight at the sensation washing over her. Dan took his sign and began to rock his hips, slowly and cautiously at
first, driving himself to the brink of madness from the teasing. Sarah clawed at his back, leaving red marks as she tugged and pulled. Her eyes closed and her head pressed back into the dew drenched grass. He rocked harder, then faster, allowing himself to feel every inch of her wet desire as he went. The pulsing of her body telling him she was nearing organism. He thrust forward with a deep grunt and the two released together, in a whirl of orgasm. Sarah felt the waves of intense pleasure filling every inch of her, the heat of his cum dripping down her backside into the grass below. They lay together in a heap of sweaty skin planted firmly in the grass, allowing their breathing to steady. Then finally they rose and dressed silently, Sarah still feeling the burn and waves of pleasure simultaneously licking at her mound below her jeans.

  “Dan,” She confessed as they wandered back down the path, “I wasn’t always a goody two shoes like I was when you found me. That just seemed to happen over time. A long time ago I was this girl in front of you. I thought that if I allowed her to come back out, that you would be interested in me.”

  “Well,” He smiled and took her hand just outside the bar doors, “If she was always in there, then bring her back out. But don’t do it just to impress a guy, do it because she is a part of who you are. And don’t forget that the other parts, you know, the overly prepared and meticulous parts, are all a part of the whole you. That’s what I like about you the most.”

  She gave a warm and yet, wicked smile towards him and he swooped in for one more long kiss, prompting a few shouts of encouragement from onlookers. They laughed and headed inside to rejoin her new friends for some relaxation. While they chatted and drank, Sarah began to devise a wicked plan with the help of a few of her newly introduced plans. One that would teach the rebellion’s Angels a lesson about picking on the helpless they wouldn’t soon forget. Dan listened intently, laughing and adding his input from time to time. Nearly one in the morning the two stammered out towards the hotel next door where they would bunker down one more night. The plan would be carried out in the morning. As they lay on the bed, holding one another and exchanging loving kisses, Dan looked down in her eyes once more.

  “Are you sure you want to go through with this?” He whispered between loving pecks.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She laughed, “You said yourself high way patrol won’t take care of this. So maybe it’s time I take matters into my own hands.”

  He laughed and rolled to his sides. Maybe he and Sarah had more in common than he realized. The two fell into a deep, satisfied sleep, the plans for the following day rolling around in their heads as they drifted off the sounds of roaring motorcycles heading back out on the road.

  Chapter 6

  The following morning the two set out before the sun had fully risen from the horizon and dew still clung to the world outside. It was chilly and the pavement outside the seedy motel was bathed in an eerie pale light from the dawn’s approach. Dan and Sarah sat in the distance, watching the door to a room on the lower level carefully for any signs of movement. The area was still as the grave. Sarah grasped his hand tightly and gave a squeeze, her bravery from the night before had not faded and yet she knew the risk involved in pissing off this rough group. Dan had explained as they prepared just what this nasty group was capable of, based on the things that he had heard and seen. But Sarah was determined. Now, as she sat staking out the parking where she could clearly see her Lime Green Pinto in the distance, she wanted her revenge and her vehicle back even more.

  “You know the plan right?” Dan whispered to her, though there was no one within earshot.

  “Yep,” She shivered slightly, “I am as ready as you are.”

  Finally as the sun was fully above the trees, one of the bikers stepped out from the motel room doorway. He stretched and lit a cigarette, shielding his eyes from the bright yellow sun ahead. Dan rose from his place, turned to give her a reassuring smile and headed across the lot towards him. Sarah heart beat wildly in her chest, fearful for herself and scared for Dan’s safety as well. The plan was simple. Dan would head over, claiming he was staying in the same motel and attempt an apology, to clear the air. When they invited him in, he would steal back her car keys from the biker chick that had stolen them while she created a diversion. Then he would drive her vehicle away to a safe place where they hid his bike and the two would head off before the group knew what hit them. Dan reach the man and began to chat, though she was too far away to overhear the conversation. The man gave a laugh and shook his hand, motioning towards the door. Now is my chance, he’s in. She whispered aloud to herself. Soon the two men had disappeared into the darkened room and Sarah crept out from her hiding place.

  She snuck along through a mess of parking trucks to avoid being seen and approached the hotel room, listening to loud voices coming from the room. They seemed friendly at first, but then a shout of anger from the one she recognized as their leader during their last encounter came booming from inside. Her blood ran cold, thinking of Dan and what they would do to him if they suspected foul play. The shouts grew louder and more heated, and Sarah knew he was in trouble. She searched the area, desperately looking for something to get him out of there before they hurt him. Then a shimmer from the sunlight caught her eye and she nearly laughed aloud. The stupid woman had left the keys in her ignition. She crept below the window and slipped into the driver’s seat, just in time to see the shadows of her love and the burly man in face to face confrontation. She swallowed hard and again searched the area. With a wicked grin, she knew how to hit them, and hard.

  With a roar the engine of her Pinto started and she squealed the tires loudly, sending black smoke from the tearing ash fault high into the morning air. With a crank the car was in reverse and flying from the parking space, just as the door flung open to the room. The burly man was first to exit, followed by two of his henchman and finally the woman. She grinded the car into drive and squealed forward, watching as Dan snuck out from behind them and high tailed it towards his bike. She stopped after lunging forward nearly 20 feet and slammed the gear hard into reverse once more. Steal my car will you. She floored the gas petal and the little car lunged backwards. Pick on a helpless female too. The smoke from her tires billowed upwards as she sped at top speed towards the group. Dan stopped just short of reaching the brush he had hidden his bike and turned to watch the show, mortified at her actions and yet amused with her sudden wave of bravery. She’s got balls I will give her that. Then he realized her aim and his jaw dropped. No way wouldn’t she dare. As the Pinto sped backwards, the bald man leapt backwards onto the cement hallway to avoid being struck. The group watched helplessly as Sarah smashed her back end into the first bike, parked in a row just beside the hotel room door. With a crunch and grind she was atop it, flattening pipes and bags as she went.

  Over top she hit the second and third bikes with an equally gut wrenching crunch of metal. The bikers lunged forward, pounding on the hood of her car enraged, but Sarah laughed and continued backing up until she had covered every bike entirely. Then she continued in reverse until sure she had cleared the pile, grinded her gears into drive and sped off towards the high way. In her rearview mirror she could see the group punching at the air and shouting like madman, while others attempted to pick up the shattered remains of their bike off the pavement. Though her car was small, thank goodness it was also solid metal, making it just heavy enough to do some real damage. They couldn’t follow and she knew it. Sarah breezed past Dan, still gaping at her revenge and honked, watching him disappear into the brush. They had a safe place to meet, nearly 20 miles down the high way to assure the group couldn’t follow. She merged onto Route 66, the rush of adrenaline from her rash actions still coursing through her veins. She giggled and let out a roar of victory to the open road ahead of her. She felt a breath of new life dawning in her heart. A new time in her life was beginning, one where she was in charge rather than letting the world run her world for her.

  An hour later she pulled into the diner parking lot and c
ut the engine, taking a deep breath to completely calm her nerves, and watched for signs of Dan. Soon enough she saw his bike roar in through the entrance and park closer to the entrance doors. She leapt from the car and ran towards him, planting a huge hug around his neck. He squeezed her tightly then pushed her back, a scowl upon his face.

  “Are you crazy?” He shouted, “Do you know what that group will do to us if they find us now? There is one thing that you do not mess with and that’s a person’s bike.”

  Sarah felt a pang of fear in her gut. There is no way they could find her once she reach her destination anyway, but Dan would be back on the road. She didn’t think that through fully and now he is in jeopardy. The fear was joined by guilt. She hung her head low and a single tear fell from her emerald eyes. Dan calmed down slightly and lifted her chin with his strong hands, so that her eyes met with his once more.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that.” She cried out.

  “It’s ok Sarah, we will deal with it if it comes our way again. It’s a big high way and an even bigger world after all.” He laughed, thinking back to their faces, “It was pretty bad ass though, watching a little Pinto squash heavy metal bikes into the pavement. Never thought I would see the day.”

  “Hey well,” She teased, “You don’t know us Pinto drivers can be pretty risky too.”

  The two shared a hearty laugh. Dan stopped, gazing into those beautiful eyes and what lay behind them. This girl, even with her reserved attitude and overly anal way of life, held the fire of a rebel within her. Maybe there was a way to assimilate without having to completely conform to societies norms Dan thought to himself. He felt his heart bursting with a sudden wave of love, watching the movie of his life play out with her in his arms for the rest of his life. Though he could never be sure where this high way of life would take them, all he did know was that wherever it lead he wanted it to be with her, his Sarah. She smiled warmly and took his hand, leaning upward to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Dan moaned and grasped her cheeks, pressing her lips deeply into his. He loved her, this was now clear, but how would ever find the words to express when love was something a rebel never found on the open road.


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