ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo) Page 6

by Wanda Edmond

  “Turn around.” She commanded gently.

  Dan did as he was instructed and she took to washing his back, feeling each ripple of his muscles as she ran her hands along his spine. She rubbed his tight ass, feeling the heat of her own wetness beginning to drip from desire. He turned and smiled, the light slowly returning to his face. He pulled her close and pressed his lips tightly to hers, their bodies wrapped together until the constant flow of water. She could feel his stubble scraping against her soft cheek and his scent was delivering a powerful message to her sex. I want him. She thought to herself hungrily. He hand founds its way to his thick cock where she rubbed and massaged, the slippery soap making it glide easily up and down the length of his shaft. He let out a soft moan and pressed her desperately against the back of the tile shower. It was cold on her back but she didn’t care, she wanted him inside her. With his powerful hands he cupped her ass and lifted her onto his erection, letting it slide gently inside. The feeling of fullness returned and her body flew into electric spasms of delight.

  “Tell me your mine.” He growled in her ear.

  “I’m yours Dan,” She panted as his thrusts filled every inch of her wet mound, “Always yours.”

  With a deep thrust the two came in unison while the water still flowed down their slippery bodies. He let her down gently and shut off the water. After a quick towel down the two were lying on the bed together once more, holding one another in their arms tightly and savoring the connection once again. Sarah closed her eyes tightly. Despite all that had happened, she still felt safe and more confident whenever he was near. As they lay together, the events that had unfolded still whirled freshly in her head. She opened her eyes again, the flashing of neon signs illuminating the small, dank room.

  “Why were you arrested?” She asked meekly.

  He responded after a long pause, “I needed to vent. After you left I was devastated and when a dude tried to pick a fight in the bar, I let him. It was my way of letting off some steam. But I let off too much and when it was all said and done I was left with an empty feeling, missing you so much.”

  “Was he a big guy?”

  Dan laughed, “Huge.”

  The two chuckled in the darkness, holding one another tightly as they drifted off into sleep. Dan glanced down at the beautiful girl in his arms, still fearful that someday she would walk away and his take his very soul with her, but now he knew that he would do whatever it took to keep her. This girl is going to be the death of me. He smiled slightly and snuggled her closely. He had lost her once, and never wanted to feel that again.

  Chapter 5

  Early morning seemed to come too soon, and the rays of the sun penetrated the sanctuary of their cuddled sleep. Sarah opened her eyes, the sounds of motorcycles roaring outside her window made her stomach churn, thinking that the group she had violated were still out there on the high way somewhere. She sat up on the edge of the bed, Dan fast asleep beside her. Then the thoughts of her failed interview came flooding back, the embarrassment she had felt stumbling over her own words. She thought of her father too, who had stuck his neck out for that interview. What is wrong with me? She asked silently, prompting more tears to fall. Dan awoke to the sounds of her soft sniffles and even though her back was turned he knew she was crying. Fear gripped him, hoping she wasn’t considering leaving again.

  “What’s wrong Sarah?” he asked sleepily.

  “Oh I blew the interview is all?” She turned, her emerald eyes soaked with sadness. “I was a stammering idiot, too shy to fight for the job I drove across the country to get. The guy said I hadn’t done enough in my life, was too old.”

  Sarah couldn’t rehash anymore of it, it was too much to relive again. Her tears streamed in hot streams down her flushed cheeks. Dan sat silently for a moment, then rose from his spot on the bed and rubbed her back for comfort. His strong arms wrapped around her tightly from behind and he snuggled his nose close into her neck, inhaling her into him.

  “Well the way I see it,” He sighed, “Everything happens for a reason. Take this trip for example. Had you not come, you and I would have never spent any time together. We wouldn’t be here today. You will find where you are meant to be now. And Sarah? I hope it is with me.”

  Sarah paused her crying, sniffling as she thought deeply on his words. What did he mean by with him? On the open road? She didn’t think the whirlwind lifestyle was for her, even if she did need to live a little more. Her idea of getting out and seeing what life had to offer meant exploring other job fields and trying new things, not riding the countryside with no home to call her own. He lifted her head so that her eyes met his.

  “I love you, and my heart is yours.” He smiled, “I want us to be together, whether that together is back in Chicago, in California or anywhere else you want to settle. I want to go with you on your adventure of a new life.”

  “But what about the open road and your free lifestyle?” She sniffled again.

  “I can still get out and ride,” he laughed, “And you can come with me. But we would have a home too and a family, that is what I want but only if it is with you Sarah.”

  The truth finally broke through like an epiphany. Dan is being honest, he is ready to settle down. She couldn’t believe the reality was right in front of her the entire time and yet she had foolishly ignored it. How many men would risk their lives to come to her aide, and then offer to drive her across the country to her interview? The way he looked at her, touched her and even kissed her clearly shouted out his love. She felt horrible for leaving him behind and yet elated that she had finally found the man she had been waiting patiently for. She leaned in and kissed his lips softly, savoring him near her. This is what I want. Her heart cried out so loudly it was impossible to ignore.

  “I believe you my love,” She whispered, “And my heart wants the same. Let’s head back to Chicago together. We have something important to do.”

  “What’s that?” He kissed her deeply.

  “We have to tell my dad.” She laughed.

  Dan froze in place. In his spinning love venture with Sarah he hadn’t stopped to think that Ray, the closest thing to his father he had ever had, would have to be told he was in love with his daughter. Ray knew of all his trouble making and scuffs with the law, not to mention his history with woman. He is going to kill me where I stand. Dan swallowed hard at the thought of Ray’s eyes burning when he hears the news. Sarah could sense the fear in his eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking.

  “He will be happy for us Dan,” She chuckled and kissed his lips again, “Especially when he hears we have plans to settle down together. As a matter of fact he is going to be double happy. That I found someone finally and that you are ready to calm your bad boy ways.”

  Dan laughed hard at the thought of being called a bad boy, he had never seen himself through that lens. He leaned in for another long, loving kiss wanting to savor every quiet moment that he could grasp with her alone before the day’s chaos would begin. He took her in, the way her hair fell in ringlets along her backside and smelled of strawberries and her eyes shimmering in the pale morning light.

  “You really think Ray is going to approve of this?” He laughed nervously, “He knows me better than anyone you know. Well, except for you.”

  “Yes” Sarah cupped his scruffy face in her soft hands, “He will be able to sense the love the minute we walk in the door just watch. Dad is like that you know.”

  Dan nodded reluctantly in agreement. She was right, Ray could sense when he was in trouble before he could even get his boots off in the door. The two headed to the impound for Dan’s bike, dealing with a less than polite guard at the gates that eyed him suspiciously. With his bike back in his possession after a moment of hassle, they planned to follow along together back to Chicago and meet with Ray immediately upon return. Better he find out now rather than later, or worse, by accident. Once his bike was out, they exchanged a loving smile and headed back out on the high way together. Dan on his roarin
g bike and Sarah in her lime green pinto.

  She glanced back once more at the seedy motel that now held such tremendous memories for her. It was where Dan first came into her life and rescued her, her car stolen that lead to the greatest adventure of her life so far and where the love of her life finally confessed and asked her for forever. She wondered if she would ever head this way again and once again find herself in the filthy motel she had called home twice during this wild trip. With Dan following closely behind they curved and winded the final stretches of the high way that had been her open road the last two weeks. Home would soon be in sight and as much as she would savor the adventure forever, she was eager to once again see the Chicago skyline.

  Chapter 6

  Sarah signaled to Dan with her blinker to swing into a truck stop. It was well past noon and she was getting hungry and sore from the drive. He followed down the exit ramp and pulled in beside her in a space. The truck stop diner was crowded with daytime travelers and the two squeezed in to a tiny booth near the door. Sarah glanced around at the people sitting near them. Nowhere else in the world could you possibly find such a melting pot of vacationing families, truckers, men and woman dressed in leather and other unusual characters, all eating peacefully beside one another with a common purpose. In this case it was the call of the open road. They chatted of their plans to tell Ray the good news and of where they might settle once they returned.

  “Well what about this,” Dan suggested between bites, “We head out on the road on my bike and look for a nice little town to settle a new life in. You don’t have work anymore in Chicago so why not see what little off the beaten places we can find that we like to start a new life together?”

  Sarah liked the idea. She had always dreamt of living in a small town where everyone knew everyone else. Another adventure that would eventually lead them to a new home, maybe a house and a position in the area with their library or University. She finished her burger and gave him a loving smile. If need be, there would be other places she could use her work experience and education to get into while they got themselves settled. Then a question popped into her mind.

  “Yes I would like that.” Her heart was bursting with happiness. “But we do have to plan it out, it can’t just be random or we might miss an opportunity. By the way, how do you earn a living to stay out on the road all the time like this?”

  Dan raised an eyebrow, almost hurt over her question, “Ray hasn’t told you anything about me?”

  Sarah shrugged and shook her head, her father rarely mentioned him to her over the years.

  “I own a company back home,” He laughed, “A mechanic shop that specializes in customized bikes.”

  Sarah looked like a deer caught in headlights from the shock. Never had she pinned Dan as a successful business owner. That explained how he was able to stay out on the road so long without ever mentioning money. It was so strange how he could run a company and yet chose to sleep in cheap motels and even the dirt when the need called for it. Perhaps there was a way to happily blend rebellion and success, something she was eager to learn from her new love.

  Dan roared with laughter, loving her adventurous yet planned personality. The two rose and headed for the door, but stopped suddenly in utter terror. Pulling into the diner on newly repaired bikes was the gang they had confrontations with earlier in their ventures. He noticed them first, and yanked Sarah back inside roughly to avoid being seen. She attempted to yell at him then realized what he was gaping at. Her blood ran cold. They are going to kill me if they catch me. The pinto stuck out like a sore thumb in the parking lot full of bikes and trucks. They knew who it belonged to and that the people they had been hunting were somewhere inside. After circling her car, the group headed for the diner doors, clenching their fists and preparing for war. Dan searched the area desperately for another way out but there was only one exit.

  Suddenly Sarah came up with a brilliant plan, but it meant letting go of her worthy possessions. It’s just material things. Her mind put it in perspective, especially with their lives on the line. She pulled on Dan’s leather jacket and led him towards the kitchen area where they ducked inside. A shocked waitress began to shoo them out, but Sarah explained the situation quickly and she nodded towards a back door with a frown.

  Outside the back the afternoon sun was high above head, sending a mirage of heat across the black asphalt around them. The smell of garbage from the diner’s dumpster stung her nose. The two snuck around the side of the building and peered out into the parking lot. Damn they are smarter than they look, Sarah growled. Two men had been left outside as look outs in case they returned to the car another way. She turned back to Dan with a look of desperation.

  “You’re going to have to fight those two off.” She sighed, not thrilled with the idea of her love in a scuffle.

  He peered out beside her and chuckled, “They don’t look too tough. But we will have to act fast once it starts because I’m sure the others will be quick to follow. Sarah we only have time to get one or the other. My bike or your car.”

  “I know,” she swallowed the sadness, “I thought of that. My Pinto can’t outrun those bikes, only yours can. So we will have to leave it behind.”

  Dan gave a sad laugh, “You know they will most like circle back and smash it to hell after this.”

  With a wicked grin, Sarah opened her cell phone and dialed the police station.

  “Yes I would like to report an assault.” She cried out in a fake desperate voice, “These brutes are attacking my car trying to break in.”

  After giving the police the diner’s address she hung up and the two prepared their escape. Dan ran towards the men, catching them both off guard and swung hard, hitting the one on the jaw and knocking him to the ground. Sarah ran behind unnoticed and grabbed a helmet from the back of the bike, slamming it over her long hair as quickly as possible. Dan wrestled with the one left standing, taking swing after swing until he too hit the ground. Sarah started the bike’s engine with a rumble just as the others sped from the diner’s doors. Her heart was racing with adrenaline, watching the group of dangerous strangers bounding quickly towards them. It seemed as if Dan couldn’t break free of the fight fast enough and everything was running in slow motion.

  Dan hopped on the front of the bike quickly, kicked up the stand and the two sped off for the highway before the group could reach their bikes. As they hit the entrance, Sarah looked back and let out a gasp. Rather than give chase they went straight for the car. Dan stopped short of Route 66 and turned to watch. They smashed the windshield first with crash she could hear from the road. Then the driver’s side window was next. One removed a bar from his bike and with a thud beat the hood until it caved under the thrusts. Soon they saw lights in the distance, the police finally arriving on scene. Dan doubled back to meet the police as they surrounded the gang and leapt from their vehicles, guns drawn. Freeze was all Sarah could hear over the engine.

  Back at the scene Sarah leapt from the bike and approached, just as the gang was thrown into cuffs and being placed in the back of cars. She could literally feel the heat of the woman biker’s glare from across the pavement. She scowled as Sarah and Dan approached. The police listened to her story as another ran the groups licenses. He called out from the cruiser.

  “These guys have been busy.” The Sherriff remarked, “They have warrants in six counties. Assault, robbery, you name it.”

  The bald man from her first encounter noticed Sarah as he was being placed into the car. He resisted, lifting his thick head back over the opened door and shouting in her direction. She could literally see the hatred glowing in his dark eyes.

  “This isn’t over little girl.” He screamed towards her and her blood ran cold once more.

  Sarah watched in horror as he used his brute strength to struggle and fight against the officer, knocking him backwards with a thrust of his shoulder before a second office raced to help. The two finally subdued him, pressing his head into the car out of Sar
ah’s sight. She swallowed hard, terror racing through her at the thought of what this biker would do to her if he found her again. First she trashed his bike and now she has set a trap to get him arrested. She had made a powerful enemy on the road for sure.

  “Don’t worry,” The Sherriff reassured her, noticing the terrified look on her face, “With these charges you won’t be seeing any of these guys on the road any time soon. Isn’t that right poncho?”

  The other officer nodded and laughed as the biker gang shouted and hollered from the open car doors. The Sherriff shut them in, masking the sounds of their hysterical threats from the world.

  Outside the diner a crowd of onlookers had formed, coming outside to see what the ruckus was all about. Some pointed at the remains of her vehicle while others whisper amongst themselves. I have never had so many brushes with the law in my entire life. Dan stood silently beside her for support, keeping his head down as he too was well known with the Sherriff for many an incident. She pondered, seeing the circus of police and crowd around her. Sarah called for a tow truck to come and retrieve her beaten down pinto, hauling it to father’s in Chicago. She gave a warm smile in Dan’s direction then eyed the bike.

  “Guess it’s back to this again,” She laughed, “But I had better get used to it huh.”

  Back on the road, and with their enemies behind bars, the two felt a lightness filling them as they headed back on the freeway towards home. Sarah laughed to herself as she gripped Dan’s waist tightly. My dad is going to freak out. She thought of what it was going to look like, her showing up on the back of Dan’s bike, followed by her Pinto smashed to pieces. She would have an adventure to explain, she hoped, the first of many to come. Dan had taught her to live, rather than exist and through him she would learn the confidence she needed to take her life to a whole new level. Dan’s mind wandered as they cruised the high way, wondering how in the world he was going to explain this to Ray. He thought of what the man would think of his love affair with his only daughter. He also drifted off into a daydream about the future and what life would be like waking up to those beautiful green eyes every day for the rest of his life. As the sun began to set behind the horizon, he imagined a house with a garage for his and her bikes, and even… children? He gave a warm smile and squeezed his love’s hand, the roared off into the sunset for home and a new life that awaited them both.


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