ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Biker's Baby Series ( New Adult Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (Forbidden Short Stories Contemporary Taboo) Page 19

by Wanda Edmond

  That was the moment, when Emma finally started thinking that perhaps it wasn’t just her. Maybe Ross was entertaining the same notion, but has been just better at hiding it. She almost moaned from the unexpected feeling that was filling her heart. The noise caused Ross’ gaze to move upward, meeting her own again.

  In no time at all she was seated in Ross’ lab, thankful that the long hems of her shirt covered her naked thighs. He claimed her lips in another heated kiss, while running his hand over her body. She could feel them roaming over her back and descending lower to her backside. The kiss was sucking the oxygen out of her lungs, leaving her lightheaded and disoriented. It was too much and too little, all at once.

  Emma kissed him back with all the anger and passion of the last few days, telling him through her lips all the things she didn’t have the courage to say before. Ross answered her by touching her breast and moving his lips to kiss her cheeks and neck. His hands lifted her a little and removed the last piece of cloth that was protecting her most private place.

  She could feel how hard he was under her, as he had seated Emma with her legs hanging on one side. She moved slightly, as if adjusting her position and heard him moan into her skin. With trembling hands, Emma unlatched his belt and opened one by one the buttons of his jeans. The man gave her the necessary space and watched through half closed eyes her moves. When Emma hesitated, Ross removed her hands and finished the work himself, tugging at the jeans and at the boxers under them.

  His erection sprung free from restriction and Ross gently lifted her body with both of his hands. He slid in easily and Emma cried in ecstasy at the feeling of him inside her. She knew what was going to happen, but still, when Ross penetrated her, it came as a surprise for her.

  They kissed again, this time with more passion than before. Emma was clinging to him as if her life depended on him and Ross was gently lifting her body and lowering it down. Their rhythm wasn’t perfect, but it was all they needed at the moment. In the middle of their parents’ garden they were just two people fallen victims to their primal desires. All the previous problems, fears, questions were forgotten. All that mattered was their passion and the pleasure that came with it.

  Emma shivered when his hand touched the heated skin under her shirt. She turned her head to the side and kissed the bulging muscles of his arm. The man was doing all the work, making her feeling precious and used all at once. Emma kissed his shoulder and gradually moved up to his ear. She dipped the tip of her tongue inside, licking and biting the tender flesh there, until Ross was shaking with desire.

  He increased the rhythm of his strokes, providing just the right amount of friction and bringing Eva close to the end. She was quickly losing herself in ecstasy, moaning louder for more and holding hard onto him. Ross smiled at her enthusiasm and buried himself deep inside her. Emma’s mouth opened in a voiceless scream, her neck arching back in a beautiful bow.

  The position wasn’t permitting them to hold onto each other the way they wanted to, and with a frustrated growl, Ross embraced her with both of his hands, moving his lower body from side to side. The new sensations made Emma pull his head back down with a firm grip on his hair, tilting his head to the side, so that she could kiss him breathless. The kiss silenced his moans and Emma’s whimpers.

  She, however, could tell that he was close by the way the man was trembling and holding onto her. The waves of pleasure hit her by surprise, just when Ross went all rigid under her and filled her with his seed. The man leaned forward, resting his forehead against Emma’s left shoulder, as she leaned heavily against his chest. They were both too lost in their own pleasure to speak.

  With time their harsh pants settled to even breaths and Ross once again lifted her body, sliding out of her. In silence, they cleaned up as much as possible with the few napkins Eva had in her pocket and dressed quickly. Emma tried to stay with her back turned to him, fighting the urge to run as fast as possible. Now that her passion has been satisfied, she was able to think again and the fear returned.

  Ross watched her, thinking pretty much the same things she was. But then Eva turned and he saw the fear in her eyes.

  Ross took the distance between them in two quick steps and with hands on her shoulders kept her in place. He then leaned forwards, kissing Emma nice and slow, his body telling her all the unsaid things between them. When he pulled back, Emma’s eyes were closed and his were filled with promises, he wasn’t ready to make. Ross put a final kiss on the side of her mouth and smiled sadly at the question in her eyes.

  “I think we have established that it would be difficult to keep away from each other.”

  “This has to end…” Emma replied and ran in the direction of the house.

  Chapter 6

  After that Emma did all she could to stay away from Ross. During the times she had to be in the same room with him, she made sure to stay close to someone else and never remain alone for too long. Ross attempted on multiple occasions to speak to her in private, but Emma refused him right away.

  She was freaking out and not so much about Ross and his behaviour, as much about her own reaction to his touches. Emma was surprised by how she was acting and it was hurting her to think that she was after all just another lonely woman.

  No one of her previous relationships had been so passionate or out of control. Emma liked to be the one in charge, but with Ross that was impossible. The man was used to take whatever he wanted and Emma seemed to be the thing he wanted now.

  He wasn’t even disturbed by the fact that they were almost brother and sister. Emma tried to remind him of that fact on numerous occasions, but Ross would dismiss it and make it sound even sexier. The only thing, Emma ever asked from him was to keep what happened between them a secret. She was afraid that her mother will find out.

  Evelyn Davis-Jonson was known for the direct way she used when dealing with other people. Emma was sure that if her mother knew about her relationship with her stepbrother, she would disapprove of it. Nothing of what they were doing was conventional...

  But, no matter how much she wished that nothing ever happened between her and Ross, she felt something like excitement every time, she remembered their time together. It wasn’t that they were together, together. On the contrary, every time they had sex it was like going to war. And hiding it from everyone else wasn’t helping.

  But, still there was something that made Emma wish that things were different. She could almost see herself with Ross, if only he wasn’t her stepbrother, or a billionaire used to have everything he wanted. That thought scared her more than anything. Was she really so superficial?

  They were so different from each other, and they both obviously had a lot of unresolved issues, which kept bringing them back together. Emma could see that that was the reason behind it all – she longed for love and companionship and in some bizarre way, Ross was giving her something that looked like love.

  She remembered seeing him on the television, explaining the necessity of better business laws. Ross Jonson looked like the perfect young businessman – all confident and with a bright future in front of him. But that wasn’t what really caught her attention. It was the way he looked at the people around him, his manner of speaking and the fact that he always waited to hear what the others had to say.

  His behaviour that day almost made her believe that there was a lot more hidden behind the shiny exterior, but later that same day, Ross appeared on television with a young actress and invited everyone to enjoy life. What a disappointment!

  “Did you hear a word of what I said, Emma?” Evelyn asked her daughter, really concerned with her behaviour lately. “What is going on with you?”

  “Sorry, mom,” Emma smiled at the older woman. “I was thinking about something.”

  “Lately, you do a lot of that.”

  “Yes, you are right.” She agreed with her mother. “I should pay more attention to what is going on around me.”

  Emma’s answer didn’t really satisfied Evelyn, but she
decided to let it go for now, “Have you seen Ross lately?” She asked instead.

  “I... why... what?” Emma stuttered in response.

  “I was wondering what is going on with him.” Her mother continued. “Thomas says that he is almost constantly partying and being even more irresponsible than usual. We are worried about him.”

  “Oh,” the young woman sighed with relief. “No, I haven’t seen him since the last dinner here.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I will say that he is in love...” Evelyn laughed, while Emma almost choked on her coffee. “What is it, dear? Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” Emma muttered, still too stunned by her mother comment to actually speak.

  “Anyway, tell me about your work.”

  The change of subject was more than welcomed and the two women continued their conversation with no more sensitive subjects.

  Chapter 7

  At that the man’s eyes hardened and he took a deep breath. Emma recognized the serious expression and prepared herself for what was going to happen next. He took the few meters back to the bench in two quick steps and leaned over her again.

  The look he shot at her could be easily identified as a hungry one, but the kiss he gave her after that was all she had ever wanted. The moment his lips met hers, her whole body felt an electric charge passing through it. Slowly, her head fell on his shoulder, his hands gently cradling her body close to his.

  They stayed quiet, Emma’s hand lying over his heart as he held her in his arms, content to run his hand up and down her back and press an occasional kiss to her temple. During those few minutes they were getting to know each other’s bodies, saying all that was unsaid through small touches and soft kisses.

  He took her hand and then guided her slowly to the soft sofa near the window, switching off the light on the way there. The moon was bathing the meadow in a soft glow, leaving most of it in the shadow. Emma’s wide eyes never left his as he sat down and tugged her close to him. She held her breath at the look of desire in his eyes and slowly moved her head to press their lips together.

  He opened his lips and started sucking on hers, sending tiny tingles all over her body and waiting patiently for her to open her mouth in return. The man captured her lips and she moaned at the feeling of his tongue entering her mouth. He took her head in his hands and guided her into straddling his legs. His right hand reached behind her head and tugged off the band holding her hair together, until he was able to free it and tangle his hand in it.

  Slowly, his other hand curled around Emma’s waist, bringing her closer to his chest and the bare skin under her hands. It took Emma some time to master the courage to touch and caress him the way he was touching her, but now her hands freely explored his large chest and broad back, leaving red marks behind them. The moment she touched his nipple, the man pulled his mouth from hers with a wet pop and started kissing her over the neck.

  “Ross...” she moaned.

  Emma woke up with Ross’ name on her lips and visions of her dream in her mind. In some sick way her mind had mixed her old fantasies about her own Prince Charming and Ross Jonson.

  “Oh, God!” she exclaimed, once her dream started to fade away.

  All her life, Emma had been looking for that perfect man that will be everything to her and will love her unconditionally. She had never put a face on him and up till now he was some kind of fairy tale hero. This was the first time she actually dreamt about him and saw his face.

  Ross Jonson was starting to appear even in her dreams, haunting them and filling them with unreal desires. The situation was becoming too complicated.

  In her haste to fix it, Emma took her phone and for the first time dialled Ross’ number. He responded on the second ring and from his voice, Emma could tell that he was still up.

  “I’m Emma,” she said and waited for him to react at the fact that she was calling him.

  “Oh, this is now something I wasn’t expecting,” Ross said in his usual sarcastic tone. “To what do I own this call?”

  “Why do you keep acting like this? I told you that I want nothing to do with you.” She went straight to the point.

  “Right,” the man said from the other side of the line and Emma could feel his smile even with the distance between them. “Why then are you calling me at this time in the night?”

  “That has nothing to do with it. Just, answer my question, please.”

  “Okay, let me see,” for once in his life Ross played along. “You are pretty, you are wonderful in bed, you keep running from me, you are a challenge Emma, and I like challenges.”

  “Are you saying that if I come willingly, you will lose interest and let me be?” Emma asked, still unbelieving what he was saying.

  “Maybe,” the man laughed again. “I have to try it, in order to be sure.”

  “You are out of your mind!” She exclaimed disgusted with him and with herself, for even considering it in the first place.

  “And yet, it was you, who called me.”

  Without any answer to his last comment, Emma closed the phone and almost threw it against the wall. Ross was maybe the only person in this world, capable to make her forget all she was.

  His words kept sounding in her head – you are a challenge, you are a challenge... How could she ever fall for this man? His behaviour, his words... they were all humiliating for her and for all women in the world.

  She tortured herself for weeks now, she has been even dreaming about him, and Ross... Ross saw her as a pray, as a game he had to win.

  Emma returned to her bed and tried to go back to sleep, but pieces of her previous dream continued to haunt her mind...

  She felt herself falling apart and being put back together in the matter of few seconds. When she was able to see again, she found herself sitting on his lap, cradled in his strong arms. They were both covered in sweat and breathing heavily, and Emma was only too well aware of the fact that she wanted this man. He penetrated her slowly, almost like he was afraid she might break and his thrusts were accompanied by deep groans.

  Chapter 8

  The next day, Emma was feeling tired and disoriented and only the smiley faces of the children in her class were able to make her smile. It was Friday and as every Friday of this month they were finger-painting. Every available surface of the classroom was covered in colourful paint and almost every kid had some on his or her face.

  “Miss Davis,” one of the other teachers interrupted her thoughts. “There is someone to see you.”

  Alison was a few years older than her, but Emma liked very much the funny and happy character of the other woman. “Who is it?” she asked her, but Alison only smiled and walked further into the room.

  “Go, Emma,” she said. “I will keep the peace here.”

  “Thank you,” Emma responded and walked out of the room.

  The visitors were usually asked to wait in a small parlour by the entrance of the kindergarten, where they will be out of the way. Emma, however, went first to clean her face and hands and remove the apron she was wearing. During the ten minutes it took her to clean up, she wondered who it might be, but no answers come to mind. Her mother came very rarely and only after calling first and the parents of the children usually spoke with her in the morning or late in the evening, when they came to take the children home.

  So, her surprise was big, when she opened the door and found Ross sitting in the chair near the window.

  “What are you doing here?”


  They spoke at the same time, but it was Ross, who actually managed to continue the conversation. “I wanted to talk to you,” he said. “And since you refuse to speak to me on any of the occasions we have, I decided to corner you at your work, where you cannot run or hide behind someone else.”

  “I have to go...” Was all Emma could think to say. His presence was filling her with the same feelings she experienced each time he touched her. There was something dangerous and arousing about him, something that E
mma wasn’t able to fight.

  “I suppose you have to, but not before you hear what I have to say.” The man insisted and moved towards her.

  Emma knew him too well and was aware of the fact that Ross will not hesitate to make a scene if things don’t go his way. So, she closed the door and sat down on the chair that was farther away from him.

  “Okay then, talk.”

  “I know that what happened between us is bothering you,” Ross sat back down and started talking as if he was in his office – calmly and confidently. “I don’t see why that is so, but I want to assure you that I won’t say nothing to anyone.”

  “It’s not just about that...”

  “I suppose, but you are not talking to me, so how I am supposed to know?”

  “It is not like me acting this way...” Emma tried to explain her dilemma.

  “Why is it so bad to act impulsively for a chance?” Ross asked, while studying her intently.

  “As I said, this is not who I am.” She repeated.

  “Emma, I know that you don’t approve of my way of living, but I don’t see how some casual sex between us can actually hurt you.”

  “It’s not for you to understand,” she stood up and started pacing. “All I am asking for is for you to leave me alone and stop making advances.”

  “You never stopped me before,” Ross smirked at her discomfort. “And I can say that you liked my advances.”

  “You are my stepbrother,” she dismissed his comment. “I want to start things between us anew.”

  “So,” the man concluded. “You want me to act as if I never saw you naked and screaming with pleasure?”

  He waited for Emma to say something, but she continued to look away, so Ross continued. “Isn’t this what people call hypocrisy?”

  “It is,” she cried. “But, what other choice do I have? I cannot tell my mother what I have done, I cannot change things and there is no way I am continuing to act this way.”


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