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Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5)

Page 13

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  Amy opened up wide for me and I took her mouth slow at first but increased the tempo as she became excited in my clutches. Walking her backwards I headed towards the corridor which I assumed led to her bedroom.

  Once inside I took charge as I liked to do and went straight for her clothes. I lifted her dress up over her head, Amy held her arms up straight making the whole process easier and I knew that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I didn't get a chance to remove her underwear as Amy was on it quicker than I could get to her, she unclasped her bra and quickly slithered from her panties to stand gloriously in front of me.

  "What are you waiting for?" she gestured to my clothes and gave me a cheeky wink before turning to climb seductively across the bed. I sniggered at her display of prowess and removed my clothes eager to touch her. I liked to be in charge especially in the bedroom but Amy was like no one I'd encountered before and challenged me in everything that I did. She was a breath of fresh air and I was loving spending time with her because of her carefree attitude and love for life.

  Amy sat spread eagled and wriggled her finger encouraging me to lie between her legs, I smirked as I made my way towards her as I didn't usually take orders but I thought it may be fun for a while at least.

  "James I want you to tie me up." I nearly choked from her words and looked at her questioningly. I'm sure if the lights were on her cheeks would be flushed from asking, but she bashfully nodded and I wasn't going to turn an opportunity like this down. I glanced around the room looking for something to use when inspiration hit me. I pushed from the bed and made my way over to the bedroom door to remove the fabric dressing gown cord. As I turned towards Amy flexing the material, a satisfied smile crossed her face and I couldn't believe my luck. Not only was Amy gorgeous, she was articulate, caring and also enjoyed a bit of kink.

  My eyes were aflame with desire, I stalked towards the bed and kneeled beside her. "Attach it to the headboard," she stated holding out her hand.

  I raised my brows, "You're a lady who knows what she wants."

  Amy grinned, "I most certainly am, now hurry up before I combust."

  I shook my head amused by her words and quickly went to work to bind her hands to the metal headboard. I tugged on the material to find that I had done a good job and she wouldn't be going anywhere soon, that thought alone made me harder.

  I lay between her legs supporting my weight on my arms and stared at her intently. "Now that I have you, what am I going to do with you?" I bent down to take her mouth lightly and I heard her breath hitch, she was so turned on and I was excited at the prospect.

  "Well you could start by...Ahhh!"

  I slapped her pussy lightly and Amy pulled on the material that bound her arms as she writhed on the bed. I was testing the water to see what she liked and knew by her reaction that we were both singing from the same hymn sheet. "You don't tell me what I can and cannot do. Do you understand?" I asked abruptly. Amy moaned but I didn't get a clear response, I slapped her pussy again and she tugged on the restraints, "I said do you understand?"

  Amy licked her lips and continued to move around slowly on the bed, "Yes James I understand." She said quietly.

  "Good." I placed my hand on her pussy and moved my palm feeling her juices, "Fucking hell babe your sopping already." She smiled and raised her hips and I knew what she wanted me to do.

  I smiled to myself as I positioned my head between her thighs and breathed on her sensitive pussy. Amy writhed and bucked her hips towards my face trying to get the release that she so desperately wanted.

  I stuck out my tongue and licked from her arsehole all the way to her clit in one fell swoop. Amy tugged on the restraints again and let out a small cry of pleasure. I was trying to play it cool but I wanted to do this as much as she wanted me to so I changed tack and quickly inserted a finger into her warm wet pussy. I found a steady rhythm and moved my head forward so that I could open her up further with my other hand to reveal her swollen clit and flicked my tongue against it. Amy's moans indicated that she enjoyed what I was doing and I took the opportunity to savour all of the noises she was making. Amy was a noisy lover and wasn't backwards in coming forwards to let me know just what she liked.

  I continued my onslaught and inserted another finger inside her as I applied more pressure to her clit and saw it enlarge in size from my attention. Amy squealed as her orgasm ripped through her and clamped her thighs around my head, I didn't lay off and continued the pressure as I wanted her totally spent.

  "Amy are you okay?" I heard a voice from beyond the bedroom door.

  "Aaargh!" Amy continued as she thrashed about the sheets.

  "Amy it's Spike open up." He banged on the door several times and I stopped what I was doing and looked up at a mortified Amy.

  Wiping my chin I sat up on the bed, "Spike it's James here, Amy's fine mate you don't need to worry."

  "I don't give a shit what you say I want to speak to Amy." He continued to bang on the door.

  "Untie me James now." Amy said clearly frustrated by her inability to move. I quickly went to her side to try and unfasten the material but I was all fingers and thumbs.

  "Open this fucking door Ames, I want to speak to you." I could hear Spike getting annoyed the longer he was kept waiting. "You better fucking open this door or I'm kicking it down." He shouted clearly infuriated by how long it was taking.

  Amy pulled on the tie from her robe but the material only dug into her skin further, "James unfasten them now." She said through gritted teeth panicking.

  "I'm trying but you've got to keep still," I tried again but the more she struggled the tighter the knots become making it impossible.

  "Connor honestly it's fine, I'm fine just give me a minute." She said trying to calm the situation as I continued to beaver away trying my best to loosen the material.

  Bang! "No fucking way Ames, I'm coming in!" Bang! Spike was now kicking the door with more urgency.

  "Shit!" I stated trying frantically to untie Amy.

  Bang! On the third kick the door flew open. I grabbed the duvet and covered my lower body as Spike charged forward stepping over the wooden doorframe that was now splintered from the force.

  "What the fuck!" Spike groaned at the sight before him. With all the pressure of Spike kicking the door down, I hadn't managed to unfasten Amy's wrists. I followed Spike's eye line to the gorgeous beauty spread across the bed, with her large breasts on show for the world to see. She crossed her legs to at least cover some of her modesty and closed her eyes firmly shut probably hoping that it was all just a dream.

  I gained my composure and moved the duvet to cover Amy and made eye contact with Spike.

  "Oh my fucking god, I want to stick pins in my eyes!" Spike screamed raising his hands to cover his face, "I thought he was, oh my god Amy that's, just oh my god." Spike turned his back and lowered his hands. "I'm going now, and we're never ever mentioning this again. Do you hear me?"

  "Yes!" A quiet little voice spoke from under the duvet.

  "I've seen some fucked up things in my time but my little cousin like that, oh I'm scared for life!" he said talking to himself as he left the room.

  "Has he gone?" Amy asked.

  "Yes babe." I pulled the cover away from her face to reveal her rosy cheeks.

  "I've never been so embarrassed in all my life."

  "Really? I find that hard to believe!"

  "Ha-Ha!" She said dryly. "Now get me untied before the rest of the guys turn up."

  I sniggered at the thought as I untied the straps with ease, now that she wasn't pulling on the material. Amy sat up and rubbed her wrists, "Come here babe." I quickly plumped the pillows and snaked behind her so that she could lie back onto my chest, wrapping my arms around her so I could reach her wrists, and massage them to get the blood circulating.

  Amy let out a sigh, "What's up babe?" I asked placing a light kiss on the back of her head.

  "You'll laugh at me." She said in a small voice.

  I wrapped my
arms tightly around her middle, "Try me!" I asked intrigued.

  "I needed that!"

  "Needed that how?"

  "To just be able to forget about everything and let go and enjoy myself."

  Her comment surprised me and I squeezed her tightly, "You enjoyed yourself then babe?"

  "Didn't my screams of pure pleasure give it away?"

  I sniggered, "Well I'm pleased that you enjoyed yourself as that means you may want to do it again?"

  She turned her head to glance over her shoulder with her brows furrowed, "You want to see me again?"

  I was confused by her comment, and a little taken aback as to why she would question what I'd just said. "Why wouldn't I Ames?"

  "Who knows how the male brain works," she stated rolling her eyes.

  I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around slightly so that she could look directly at me. "I'm a little confused where this is all coming from to be honest Ames but I would love to see you again. I don't make a habit of this," I said wiggling my finger between the two of us. "You're witty, articulate and gorgeous so we complement each other well," I stated with a wink.

  The corners of her mouth turned up into a small smile as she registered my words but I had a feeling that she was now dealing with some self confidence issues which was a different side to what I'd seen before and quickly wondered if this was about the scar on her stomach.

  My phone started to vibrate from my jean pocket, Amy moved forward slightly so I could lean over the bed and grab my jeans that were still on the floor. I routed around the pocket and pulled out my iPhone knowing that it was Hazel before I'd even looked at the screen.

  "Hello...yeah I've finished my meeting...not long," I glanced at my watch before returning the phone back to my ear. "Yeah I'll be there within the hour...okay bye." During the conversation, Amy had shimmied from the bed and was rummaging around the floor for her clothes. She hadn't made eye contact the whole time and I was dreading what she may be thinking but I wasn't ready to tell her.

  "Amy please don't do this."

  "Do what?" she asked continuing to pick up her clothes from the floor.

  "It's not what you're thinking."

  "And how do you know what I'm thinking?" she asked dropping her clothes onto the bed before walking towards the door to get her bath robe.

  "You trusted me enough this evening to do what we did."

  "Your point is?"

  "I'm asking you to trust me again and not read too much into this." I clenched my fists from frustration and hoped that Amy would try to give me the benefit of the doubt. I hadn't lied to her, I had just omitted to tell her things. I would tell her everything eventually but all in good time.

  Amy let out a loud sigh and stood with her hands on her hips, "I'm used to people having secrets from being around the club and I've come to the realisation that most people do but what I won't tolerate is lying. I asked you if you had a girlfriend, that also means wife, boyfriend, life partner and significant other."

  I raised my brows at her comment as I enjoyed the floor show but tried to hide the smirk from my face as I didn't want to antagonise her further. This was the Amy that I enjoyed spending time with, the spirited, hot tempered Amy as it excited me.

  "And I told you that I haven't." I said reiterating my words from a previous conversation.

  "Well then, I trust you."

  Her words surprised me as I didn't know where she was going with this, and I slithered from the bed to make my way over to her. She watched my movements but didn't move or recoil as I placed my hands on her shoulders. "I promise that I haven't got a girlfriend, wife, life partner or significant other and most certainly haven't got a boyfriend." She sniggered and I felt some of her earlier frustration leave her body as she wasn't as rigid. "Come here," I said wrapping her in my arms and instantly felt a stirring down below.

  Amy pulled away slightly, "You could've put some boxers on." She said sniggering.

  "Where's the fun in that?" I asked looking down at my semi erect cock.

  "Well I don't want you starting something you can't finish and if you have to be somewhere in an hour, you better start putting your clothes on."

  She said this in good humour but I knew that I'd upset her this evening. She was right, I glanced at my watch and time was really against me. I scooted around the floor to retrieve my clothes and shimmied into my boxers all the time being observed by Amy. I so wanted to explain my predicament to her but then I also didn't want to bombard her with things so early into the relationship either.

  When fully dressed Amy led the way from the bedroom and out into the living room so that I could retrieve my jacket from the back of the sofa.

  "Sorry I have to rush off, can I take you out this weekend and make it up to you?" I asked hopeful.

  "Can we play it by ear? It's just that I'm out tomorrow and it's Maggies and Hound's 25th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday."

  I nodded my head and felt a pang of disappointment that she had plans, "I understand." I said a little too quietly for my liking, I didn't want her to think I was sulking. I fastened my jacket and walked towards the front door. "Thank you for dinner," I glanced over my shoulder and gave Amy my killer smile before turning to release the latch.

  "My pleasure but we didn't make it to dessert."

  I stepped into the corridor and turned to face Amy, "Oh I think we did." I said brightly giving her a quick wink as I watched her cheeks redden. "Give me a call when you're free and we'll sort something out." I turned and headed towards the stairs at the end of the corridor and as I heard the front door click shut I reached for my mobile and dialled the familiar number, waiting for her to answer, "I'm just leaving now Hazel...I love you too."

  Chapter 11


  I stood in front of the kettle with my eyes half shut. Not even an extra cold shower had woke me completely this morning and I was eagerly waiting for the kettle to boil so I could have a cup of tea as that was my last hope to be able to function properly.

  I poured the hot water into the mug and swirled it around before straining the tea bag making sure it was strong.

  As I walked into the living room, I took a quick swig and savoured the feeling as it slid down easily warming my insides. I noticed the post on the mat by the door and made my way over to collect it. I flicked through the pile as I liked to separate the junk mail from the important post and was surprised to see a letter addressed to me. Now why would anyone address a letter to me here?

  I didn't recognise the handwriting on the envelope and was instantly intrigued as to who would write me a letter. I slipped my finger into a small opening on the brown envelope and pulled it along the edge to tear it open as I slumped onto the sofa ready to read.


  Please try to be rational and read this letter before you tear it to shreds and throw it away. I don't know if the guys have told you but I've been incarcerated now for the past twenty-two weeks and I'm nearing the end of my sentence. This stretch inside has given me time to think babe and I realise just how much I miss you. I'll send you a visiting order next week and hopefully you'll have it in your heart to come and visit me so I can explain a few things.

  I hope you are well.

  Recon xx

  I held the letter close to my chest shocked that he'd made contact after all these years. My stomach twisted and I felt an array of emotions that I didn't want to be feeling and threw myself onto the sofa so that I could scream into the pillows, thrashing around as I punched the sofa with all that I had. How dare he try to wriggle his way back into my life now that I was finally getting things in order. I had a beautiful home, fantastic job and even my love life was looking on the up at the moment, so I didn't want to be thinking about Blake. I screamed again but this time the tears came streaming down my cheeks in frustration as the horrible memories came flooding back. I didn't want to be doing this, I sat up and screwed the letter into a ball before throwing it across the room. Blake wasn't having any of m
y time, he left me when I needed him most and I didn't forgive lightly. I stood from the sofa and grabbed my phone to select the most kick arse tune I had as I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. I had a busy day at the cafe and an even busier evening planned at the Country Club.

  “What are you drinking Amy?”

  I was pulled from my thoughts and looked up to see Taylor stare at me with confusion on her face.

  “Snake bite. You want some?” I asked sniggering as I slurred my words and held out my glass.

  Taylor screwed up her nose, “No I’ll pass thanks.”

  "Your loss." I raised my glass before downing the contents. It was early but I was already feeling tipsy. The letter from Blake had knocked me for six and all I wanted to do this evening was to drown my sorrows and try to forget about him.

  There was a loud noise from outside. I glanced in the direction to see Harlow pull back the curtain and look out of the living room window, “Drink up ladies, the taxis are here!”

  There was a flurry of activity as the group finished their drinks and generally got ready by squirting perfume and applying the last of their make-up.

  I stood and stumbled slightly, "Ouch, you need to be more careful." I turned to see Paige slip off her stiletto to massage her big toe that I'd just trod on. I disliked Paige, she was a vindictive bitch and I would've loved to have been younger so I could've slapped her around a little to show her that she wasn't so tough. I sniggered at the pathetic bitch and turned to follow the group.

  "You got something to say?"

  Although drunk I couldn't believe that Paige would try and confront me because I wasn't one to hold back even if I was sober. I turned on my heels and walked towards her slowly, I saw Paige swallow hard at my close proximity but she wasn't about to back down and lose face.


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