Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5)

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Amy (Aces MC Series Book 3.5) Page 14

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  "Oh babe I've got lots to say but this isn't the time or the place. You'll finally get what's coming to you and I only hope I'm either there when it happens or I'm the one delivering it."

  Paige flipped her hair and narrowed her eyes, "You don't scare me Amy. You're only Diesel's sister, it's not as if you're an old lady as even Recon got bored of you."

  The fucking bitch infuriated me, I clenched my teeth and lunged forward aiming for her nose with my forehead. The contact made her stumble back and I was satisfied when I saw blood dripping from her nose and her eyes water. "You may not be scared of me but next time I'll rip your fucking cheap extensions from your head as I'm smashing your face on the ground, you cunt!"

  "You've broken my fucking nose!"

  "Stop your whining it's not broken!" I turned to see Savannah fling a couple of tissues at Paige before she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and directed me towards the front door. "She's not worth it babe."

  "I know but she fucking annoys me. She walks around here like her shit don't stink and needed to be put in her place." I knew I shouldn't have done it because of the grief it could cause but she shouldn't have brought up Blake.

  "So why are you in a pissy mood this evening?" Savannah asked as we walked towards the taxi.

  I took the scrunched up letter from my handbag and passed it to an intrigued Savannah. She quickly skimmed the letter and I saw her demeanour change by the time she'd read it completely. "Erm...I can now understand why. So what are you going to do?"

  I shrugged, "Get drunk!"

  Savannah raised her brows, "That's okay in the short term but what about tomorrow?"

  "I'll think about that tomorrow but for now I need to get drunk." I stated snatching the letter from her grasp as I made my way to the taxi.

  It didn't take long for us to arrive at the Country Club, I liked it here and knew that we wouldn't be bothered by hangarounds from the club.

  We piled out of the taxis and I linked arms with Savannah as we made our way into the club and were shown to our tables.

  “Right ladies, choose a song and get your names down. No exceptions, drunk or not!” Maggie looked over and flung the book in Taylor's direction. I sniggered as she caught it and eagerly opened the book to look through the songs.

  Savannah tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at the barmaid standing beside me ready to place the drinks on the table and I moved my arms giving her the space to do so. I heard the conversation between Chanel and Taylor take place and the mothering attitude Taylor showed towards her although they weren't related.

  I couldn't handle seeing their interaction, I needed some space and more alcohol so I quickly poured myself a large class of Champagne and headed in the direction of the dance floor. I noticed that the queue had gone down by the karaoke machine and walked to the table to write the name of my chosen song on a strip of paper, I was half cut so I wasn't doing it on my own and sniggered to myself as I wrote Taylor's name down also. As I turned to glance around the club, I saw Connor standing with Louise in the far corner. I smiled as I observed them from afar as they looked so happy and watched as Connor unconsciously took one of Louise's tendrils and tucked it behind her ear.

  I made my way over towards them, "Can I whisk your lovely lady away?" I asked trying to refrain from slurring as I held out my hand. I wasn't taking no for an answer as Louise needed to branch out and start meeting other people from the group and this evening was the perfect opportunity to do so. Louise glanced at Connor briefly before placing her hand in mine and smiled as we made our way across the club in the direction of the group.

  "You can't stand with Connor all night, you need to mingle with us." I slumped on the chair across the table from Keira.

  Louise stood uncomfortably at the end of the table as she rested her weight from one foot to the other. Keira quickly removed her handbag from the seat beside her, "Please join us."

  "Keira, this is Louise, Connor's girlfriend." I stated, noticing that I was slurring my words a lot more than earlier, I needed to ease off the alcohol or I wasn't getting up for work in the morning.

  Louise smiled sweetly as she blushed, "I'm just Spike's friend."

  I scoffed as I stood, "I'm going to dance." I was happy that Louise had joined the group and was confident that she was in safe hands with Taylor and Keira but I felt like I couldn't stand still for long as I was too agitated.

  I made my way to the dance floor but quickly realised that I needed a dance partner as a slow song played. "Caleb will you do me the honour?" I asked holding out my hand.

  Caleb placed his bottle of Becks on the nearest table to take my hand, before he raised it high to spin me around, and wrapped his arms firmly around my waist to pull me close. "The honour is all mine," he stated with a cocky grin.

  "Just please don't spin me again." I asked feeling my eyes roll into the back of my head.

  Caleb sniggered, "You gotta pace yourself babe."

  "I know that but it's been a difficult day." I stated trying to focus on his face as I noticed his frown. I didn't really want to explain but I was talking in code. I let out a sigh, "An acquaintance from the past got in touch."

  Caleb let out a low whistle and shook his head, "The wanker got in touch despite what I said?"

  I was a little taken aback by his words and even more confused how he knew. "What do you mean?"

  "I saw Recon the other week and he was saying all kinds of crazy shit. I told him it was best to leave you alone until he was released and then he could make an informed decision."

  "So why didn't you tell me Caleb?" I stepped back from his hold and saw the look of confusion on his face.

  "That was the whole point Amy, the club didn't want him contacting you."

  "I'm twenty-six years old."

  "That may be true but Duke and Diesel want you safe, we all want you safe."

  "Blake wont hurt me!" I stated placing my hands on my hips. He was many things but he wouldn't ever strike a woman.

  "Not physically but maybe emotionally." Caleb let out a sigh and leaned forward to whisper in my ear, "You're making a scene about nothing, we just want you safe babe that's all."

  I nodded my head understanding what he was saying but the club needed to trust me that I was now in a better place than I'd ever been in my life. I wasn't about to go down that slippery slope again and throw away everything that I had fought so hard to achieve.

  "Could I please have Amy to the stage?" The voice over the speaker alerted me that I was up next for karaoke.

  "I've gotta get Taylor." I said pointing in the direction of the seating area the group had congregated around. Caleb pursed his lips and smiled as he watched me walk into the crowd but I knew he wasn't happy about Blake getting in touch with me.

  “Come on Taylor it’s our turn.” I grabbed Taylor's wrist and pulled her from the chair in the direction of the stage. Taylor had already sung two songs this evening but I really wanted her to do a duet of Nico and Vinz, Am I wrong with me. Mitchell had just arrived and certain lyrics were very fitting which made me snigger as we walked up the steps to the stage. The man handed us each a microphone and we waited patiently for the intro to begin.

  So am I wrong

  For thinking that we can be something for real?

  Now am I wrong

  For trying to reach the things that I can’t see?

  Taylor was first up and I could see her register the lyrics as she sung them. She glanced around the room and the electric tension mounted as her eyes met Mitchell's across the room. I was supposed to sing the second verse and tried my best to read the lyrics from the screen but knew I was slurring much to the amusement from the crowd. I glanced at Taylor as I concentrated hard to try and keep in time with the music and gave her a cheeky wink. We finished to whoops and cheers from the audience mainly from our party, who were getting more intoxicated as the evening wore on.

  “I’m going to the bathroom.” Taylor quickly stepped from the stage.

  I fol
lowed Taylor and reached out to grab her hand, “Have you got the hump with me Taylor? You know that I love you right?” I grabbed a strand of her hair and played with it as I swayed in front of her. “Did you like the song?” I asked with a broad smile, I hoped she'd listened to the words she was singing.

  Taylor nodded her head slowly as she pulled me into her embrace to wrap an arm around my waist to steady me, I saw her glance around the room and finally nod her head once she saw Savannah and Chanel standing near the dance floor. Taylor directed me over to the women, “Can you look after Amy whilst I pop to the bathroom?”

  “Yeah sure Taylor, we’ll look after her.” Savannah said as Taylor passed me over into Savannah's embrace.

  I saw Taylor smile, “Thanks, I won’t be long.” She stated before breezing down the corridor.

  "Erm...why are you all talking about me like I'm not here?" I asked trying to focus on Savannah.

  "Ah babe, you're just a little tipsy. I told you to go easy, you have work tomorrow."

  "What are you my mum?"

  "Don't take that tone babe, I'm just trying to help."

  "Well it's all well and good giving advice after the event has happened."

  Chanel sniggered at the interaction between us, I gave her a cheeky wink but my head started to spin. "I need James, can you call James for me Savannah?"

  She nodded in Chanel's direction, "Can you do the honours babe, my hands are a little full."

  "Hey, what are you implying?"

  "I'm implying that you're drunk and I'd like to sit you down somewhere."

  "I'm not sitting Savannah, I still want to have a dance."

  "Well I think your time for dancing has passed. Come on let's get you home."

  Savannah allowed me to put my weight on her as she helped me from the club. I didn't want to go home yet but I knew I'd feel better for it in the morning if I did.

  "Any more thoughts regarding the letter from Recon?"

  "No babe, I just want to forget about it." I couldn't let Blake get into my head, he was like a virus and if I let him in it wouldn't take long before he was all over me and I couldn't allow that to happen, I wasn't that girl any more.

  "Let's sit on that wall over there." Savannah directed me slowly across the gravel so that we could sit on a brick wall that was part of a flowerbed holding shrubbery.

  "What are we sitting here waiting for?" I asked glancing around the dark car park.

  Savannah turned her head to look at me but I found it hard to read her expression. "James!" she stated dryly.

  "James? Why are we waiting for James?" I asked as I stood.

  Savannah let out a sigh, "Because you asked me to call him!"

  I screwed my nose, "Why would I ask you to call James?" I closed one eye trying to bring her into focus.

  I heard Savannah let out another sigh and knew that she was losing patience with me but I couldn't help my mouth malfunction when I was drunk.

  We both turned to the sound of gravel crunching beneath someone's footsteps as they made their way towards us.

  "Is everything okay?" I struggled to bring the person into focus at first but persevered and saw Jacob looking concerned. "Why are you out here ladies?"

  Savannah stood and placed her hands on her hips, "We're fine Skinner please don't get you're knickers in a twist."

  "Are you waiting for a taxi?" he asked directing his question to Savannah.

  "We're waiting for James to pick up Amy and take her home."

  I rolled my eyes at her comment, it was as if I'd been scolded for drinking and we were waiting outside for my dad to come and pick me up. "I am here you know!" I stated moving my arms around sarcastically.

  Savannah sniggered, "Yeah don't I know it!"

  I heard a car pull into the car park and followed the headlights as it made its way around the parked vehicles and stopped directly beside us. The door opened and one person got out making their way towards us. I swayed back and forth on my heels and closed my eyes slightly as I felt a little dizzy. James placed his hand onto the crook of my neck and brought his head down close to my ear. "Let's get you home babe," his words slipped from his tongue seductively and I felt my stomach flip with excitement at the thought of getting close to him this evening. James wrapped his strong arm around my waist and moved his hand from the crook of my neck to take my hand to try and steady me across the gravel.

  "Thank you for looking after her," James said as he continued to guide me to the car. I glanced back at Savannah to see her gyrating her hips mimicking a sexual act and I sniggered because of the expression on Jacob's face. That man had it bad!

  James pulled on the handle to open the door, "Let me help you." He stated guiding me into the seat. I smacked his hands away, "James I'm more than capable babe." I could hear the annoyance in my voice and didn't mean for it to sound so harsh but I couldn't help my outburst, I wasn't used to someone being so considerate to my needs. I slumped into the leather seat and pulled on the seat belt several times. "Why won't you bloody work?" I said aloud frustrated that I couldn't perform the simple task. I continued to tug on the material but found myself shivering as the driver's side door opened and a rush of cold air filled the vehicle. I shuddered at the contact on my bear arms and quickly rubbed them to keep me warm before pulling the seat belt one last time. This time it came freely and I was able to position it over my body before fastening it securely.

  "Do you always stick your tongue out when you're concentrating?" James asked with humour in his voice.

  I glanced at him confused before looking down at my tongue going cross eyed in the process. I quickly pulled my tongue into my mouth snapping it shut as James sniggered at my actions. I looked at him sheepishly, "I didn't realise I did!"

  James turned the key in the ignition and pulled away slowly from the car park, "Well I think it's cute."

  I sat quietly and folded my arms across my chest, cute? Cute didn't get you ravished, cute got you a kiss on the cheek! I let out a sigh and turned my head to look out of the window, it was too dark to see anything but I was finding it difficult to concentrate with James sitting so close and hoped he'd stop in a lay by to ravish me instead of taking me home.

  It wasn't long before we were on the main road heading towards Epping and the street lights illuminated the way. "You're quiet Ames, want to talk?" James asked reaching over to squeeze me knee.

  "Why did you pick me up?" I blurted out intrigued as to why he had.

  He glanced at me quickly before returning his attention back to the road, "Chanel said that you needed a lift home, and I didn't have any plans this evening."

  "It's hardly evening, it's more like night time."

  "Night time?"

  "Yeah night time. So have you got any plans tonight?"

  "What are you suggesting?" I saw his face light up intrigued as to what I was asking.

  "I'm suggesting that you take me home and shag me all night!"

  "All night?"

  "What's with the repeating my questions all the time? Yes James, all night."

  He sniggered at my response, "Well how is a man to refuse?"

  I smiled at him, he had the ability to make me feel...what was the word I was looking for, possibly happy? It had been a while since a man had actually made me feel this way but I enjoyed it and was certainly going to make the most of it as I didn't know just how long it was going to last.

  It wasn't long before we pulled up outside my flat after I'd tried to explain several times where I lived forgetting that James already knew. I sniggered, thinking of the last time we were together. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I turned to see James' huge smile.

  "Well, if you're thinking about our last encounter and my cousin finding me naked and strapped to my bed then yes." I stated giggling. James' smile faded quickly as he glanced around the street, "He's taken Louise and the twins back to the refuge and he wouldn't just turn up here anyway." I stated but that wasn't quite true. Ethan, Connor and Mitch all had keys to my
flat and were known for turning up unannounced to help themselves to my home baked goodies but James didn't need to know that.

  We sat in silence as he parked his SUV before he finally spoke, "Are you sure about this Ames. You've had a lot to drink, should we give it a miss tonight?"

  "No fucking way, I need you in my bed." James' smirk was back, "Well, I'm a woman with needs." I unfastened the seatbelt quickly and pulled the handle to open the door.

  "Hold up Ames." James quickly exited the door and briskly walked around the car to link arms with me and I smiled at the gesture as he guided me towards the building.

  On entering the flat James' demeanour changed and his palpable stare shook me. I was spellbound by his gaze, his presence and his unmistakably virile aura. "Take your clothes off," he commanded and I was a little taken aback at first. My hesitation only seemed to intensify his desire and his breathing become shallow. I bent down at the waist to grab the hem of my dress and pulled the material up over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra, my breasts wobbled at the movement and I noticed James' eyes flicker quickly towards them before regaining his composure to stare at my face.

  James' dark eyes were feral as he stalked towards me and his large hands refused to let me go digging tightly into my skin. My core tightened with pure primal lust as James walked me back slowly towards my bedroom, "I need to get you naked and on that bed Ames." I bit my lip trying to stifle the giggles that were trying to escape from my mouth as his husky voice spilled over me.

  James' gaze caressed my face creating restless thoughts, his hands glided from my hips around to my back before he cupped my arse and pinned me against his swollen cock. The initial contact sent shivers through me, I opened my mouth and James took this opportunity to make contact slanting his mouth ferociously over mine. James' lips were relentless as he ravished me, his tongue forayed against mine, licking, caressing and when I offered mine in return James sucked it hard.

  James broke the kiss and pushed me hard onto the bed, I slid across it and my eyes widened with excitement as my chest heaved, and I tried to catch my breath. He stood still watching me, the desire burned brightly as he unfastened his cufflinks and buttons on his shirt, untucking it from his trousers to reveal his broad muscular chest. I worked my way down his body to see his glorious cock pushing painfully on the material of his trousers.


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