Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2)

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Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2) Page 1

by Becca Fanning

  Table of Contents

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  Kenny Title Page
























  Stick Around!

  Brock Title Page
















  Jules Title Page


  Mundo Title Page















  Bear Fallout Title Page

  Bear Fallout

  Bearly Christmas Title Page

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Bearly Christmas

  Edward Title Page


  Owen Title Page


  Colby Title Page


  Jacob Title Page


  Holden Title Page


  Alec Title Page


  Rock Title Page


  Jackson Title Page


  Clay Title Page


  Rust Title Page


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  Shifter Football League II


  Becca Fanning

  Chapter 1

  Kenny Boyer glared at himself in the mirror, his fists balled, ready to fight. He narrowed his eyes and said in a stern voice, “You can do this. You’re a winner.”

  When he felt his chest flare with confidence, he picked up his phone, scrolled to Carolyn’s name, and hit “call.”

  It rang twice before she answered. “Why do you keep calling me?”

  He gritted his teeth. “Carolyn. I’ve told you. I’m in love with you like I’ve never been in love with anyone. Just give me a chance. You don’t know what it would be like for us to be together.”

  “You’re right,” Carolyn said. “I don’t know what it would be like. But I don’t need to know, and I don’t want to know. I’m with Gabe. Why is that so hard for you to accept?”

  “Is he there with you now?”


  “In the room, where he can hear what you’re saying?”


  “Okay. I understand. Meet me somewhere so we can talk without him listening. Please. I just need you to hear me out so that you know what all of your options are. Can you do that? Please?”


  “Before you say no, because if he’s there, then I know you have to say no. Tomorrow. In the park. By the bench. It’s nice and public so you don’t have to feel afraid and if he somehow finds out, you can say you were just there going for a walk. Meet me at 2 p.m. Okay?”

  “Good-bye, Kenny.”

  She hung up. But she hadn’t said no. Which meant she would probably show. Hopefully.

  He clapped his hands together, feeling triumphant. If she did show, he had to make this good. This might be his last chance to prove to her that he really loved her, and that she should dump Gabe to be with him.

  Sure, Gabe was hot according to the ladies. He was the star quarterback of the Springfield Grizzlies, which meant he was going to be the highest paid player in the entire shifter football league, if the Grizzlies won the first Bear Bowl in a few weeks. Which they surely would because they were so good. Kenny might only be a tight end, but he was still on the hottest team in the league, too. He wasn’t nothing compared to Gabe.

  Why should Gabe be the one to get everything? He got everything on the field and with Coach Tucker. He shouldn’t get the girl and the family, too. Kenny never would have thought he’d want a family so bad. But after Carolyn turned up pregnant and there was a chance the baby could be his, everything changed.

  He was now picturing himself as a father. It made his relationship with his own father that much clearer, too. He wanted to do the things his father had done with him, like learn to throw a football, go fishing and hunting, learn to shift and be a proper bear. His dad was there for him the first time he experienced a shift into bear form. He’d talked him through it, and held him when he’d cried over the pain. He’d assured him it would get better, and he wasn’t wrong. He’d taken him on his first run, and second and third. Without any brothers, Kenny only really had his dad. And he’d learned how to be a good brother to his younger sisters.

  All of this told Kenny that he’d be a great father and husband. He knew how to care for women, and he knew what it was to be a good father. Not that Gabe would be bad. But he could have any girl he wanted. It wasn’t as easy for Kenny. And besides, Carolyn had already slept with him once and might be having his baby, so she should be the one for him. Why bother starting over? He wanted her. She was beautiful. Even more so with that growing belly. Every time he looked at her, he got hard. He wanted her again. If she was his, he could have her all the time.

  He had one chance. Tomorrow. He couldn’t blow it. And he wouldn’t.

  An hour before he had to leave to meet Carolyn in the park, Kenny looked himself over one last time. He made sure everything was ready. He had his wallet, full of cash so they could go out and do whatever. He’d take her anywhere she wanted to go and buy her anything. He had flowers sitting in a vase in his kitchen. Not cheap ones, either. He stuck his mouth spray in his pocket and felt the condom. Well, if she was already pregnant, would they really need that? He tossed it onto the counter, but then thought, what if they ended up back here?

  He put the condom in the drawer and did a quick sweep of the house to make sure it was picked up. He’d borrowed a ton of money to get this place and was wracking up debt like crazy, but once the big paychecks started coming in, he’d pay it all off. No problem. Then he’d keep living like a rich ball player.

  He’d bought this big house, paid someone to decorate it and make it pretty, and now he paid someone to clean it twice a week. Somehow, he still managed to make it messy on her off days. Maybe he should bump it up to t
hree times a week. Well, whatever Carolyn wanted, he would do. Maybe she was the type, like his oldest sister, who actually enjoyed cleaning. Crazy chick.

  He looked at himself one more time. He went through his usual ritual of talking to himself. He said the things his father had told him his whole life. “You can do this. You are a winner. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.” Then he added, “Even winning over the woman you love.” He nodded at himself, roared once, and walked out to the garage.

  He chose his nicest car, his brand new Mercedes, and hopped in. Then he remembered the flowers still sitting on his kitchen counter and dashed back inside. Once the flowers were secure, he pulled out of the driveway and sped off to the park.

  He arrived early, and that was his plan. He wanted to make sure things were all set. That no one was around them so they could talk. That something stupid didn’t happen like the bench was dirty and they couldn’t sit or anything else unforeseen. He also wanted to make sure the violinist and vocalist were all ready and in position. Music, flowers, a letter he’d written himself tucked close in his pocket, all with a handsome man in a nice jacket and tie. How could she possibly say no to him after this?

  Around 1:45, he started to get nervous. What if she didn’t show? What if, somehow, she still didn’t want to be with him after this? He paced and kept glancing at the vocalist and violin player. As he turned to look back down the path, a slow violin song began. He focused on it and it helped him calm down.

  Then, he saw her. Her beautiful round belly and glowing face. He turned to the musicians and gave them the signal. They played the song he had picked out. One with words about giving him a chance to let love flow.

  She did not look happy when she saw him. He went to meet her and handed her the flowers. She took them grudgingly, and put her hand on her hip.

  “What is all this?” she demanded.

  “It’s all for you, my love.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I only came here to tell you in person, that you need to stop this. Kenny, if you really do love me, then don’t you want me to be happy?”

  “Of course I do. And you’ll be happy with me.”

  She shook her head. “I—”

  “Just hear me out a minute, okay? I wrote you something.”

  He gestured to the bench and she sat down, crossing her arms. She dropped the flowers onto the bench beside her. Kenny unfolded the letter he had written.

  “I decided to write these words so that I wouldn’t leave anything out or mix it up. Carolyn, from the first time I saw you, I loved you. I know they say love at first sight isn’t real, but something stirred in my heart at the sight of your face. I never dreamed you’d even talk to me, so when you did, I was overjoyed. Then we were together and it was like magic. I was hooked on you from that moment forward. When I found out you were pregnant, everything changed. Not only did I love you, but I fell in love with our baby and our future family. I can give you a beautiful life, and I’ll be the best husband you could ever ask for, and the best father to our children. Even if it turns out not to be my baby, I will still love you and love our baby like it was my own. I will love you and take care of you forever, Carolyn.”

  He dropped down to one knee and took the ring out of his pocket. She sat up, her mouth open.

  “What are you doing!”


  “No, no, no. Stop. Just stop this, Kenny!”

  “Carolyn, will you marry me?”


  He set his jaw and stood, then the feeling came like something hit him hard in the chest. Then he hit the ground and realized it wasn’t just the pain of her saying no. Something really had crashed into him. He turned to see what was happening and Gabe’s face was inches from his own.

  “Get off me!” Kenny said, trying to throw Gabe off.

  Gabe pulled back and punched him. That was all Kenny needed to fight back. He hit him back across the jaw. Fists flew back and forth. Both of them were big, strong guys and they were trained together to tackle. They knew each other’s moves. But that didn’t stop them from drawing blood.

  “Gabe, that’s enough!” Carolyn said.

  Kenny’s heart warmed at that. She was protecting him.

  “I think he finally gets the point.” She leaned over Kenny and said, “Stop calling me.”

  Kenny nodded and curled up on his side. Gabe gave him one final kick in the ribs and they walked away, his arm around her waist protectively.

  Did he know she was coming to meet him? Maybe him showing up had made her say no. What if Gabe hadn’t been there at all? Would things be different?

  He pushed himself to his feet. His face hurt and felt puffy in places. One eye was already closing. He touched his nose and came away with blood on his fingers. It hurt to breathe, but not too badly. Probably bruised a rib, but hadn’t broken one.

  He wasn’t too concerned with the pain. He was used to it. After practice, after training, after a game, he was beat up just as badly. Maybe not the face stuff. His helmet protected him from that, but everything else. He was used to his body hurting, and being a bear shifter meant he would heal fast. A few drinks, a few ibuprofen and some extra sleep, and he’d be fine.

  But the pain he couldn’t shake was in his heart. No matter how he tried to play it off, he was crushed that she hadn’t said yes. He was so sure he’d win her over. So sure that right now they’d be celebrating. Picking out a wedding date or whatever you did first after getting engaged. But instead, he was walking away alone. Half limping away, really.

  He heard a man clear his throat. The violinist and vocalist stood there, waiting. They still needed to be paid. Of course. Jerks. Had they just stood there and watched the whole thing?

  Kenny glared at them. “Thanks for all your help, guys.” He pulled out a few bills from his pocket and threw it at them. He turned as they bent down to retrieve the cash.

  The ring felt heavy in his pocket and the folded paper that he had poured his heart out on, even heavier.

  There was one thing that kept him going, kept his hope alive. If the baby was his. Then maybe he would still have a chance eventually. Maybe Gabe wouldn’t be able to take it. Maybe he would leave her. Maybe she would leave him. Maybe she would decide that the baby’s real father was a better choice to be her husband. Maybe she’d see how good of a father he was.

  It might take time, but he would wait.

  Chapter 2

  Kenny got into his car and slammed the door harder than he meant to. He drove away from Gabe and Carolyn’s house, fuming. Carolyn had called him to say the baby was born. A little girl. Figured. Kenny was surrounded by females, having nothing but sisters. But that was okay. He knew how they worked. It would be easy to be a dad to a little girl because he’d spent a lot of time around little girls when he was growing up.

  But the whole visit hadn’t gone well. He’d hoped the kid would look just like him, but she didn’t. He’d hoped that he would have held her and something would have told him inherently that she was his, but no magic happened. He felt awkward holding her, like she was a foreign object that he could break easily and felt wrong in his arms. She’d started crying the second he had her, and then she smelled so bad.

  If that wasn’t bad enough, Gabe had taken her from his arms like an expert and gone to change her diaper. The smell didn’t seem to bother him at all. One more thing Gabe out shined him at. He’d asked stupid questions, and they made him feel like a fool. He hadn’t read anything about babies. With the big game coming, he hadn’t had time. And he figured Carolyn would know everything. Why would he need to know about babies if she was going to take care of her anyway?

  He had been so on top of the world before the visit. They’d won the Bear Bowl and the whole team was famous and rich now. He’d done countless interviews, and had offers for tons of endorsement deals. Women were starting to come to him more easily, but he turned them all away. His heart belonged to Carolyn. And once the baby had come, he was excited abo
ut that, too. Had been so looking forward to showing off his awesome fathering skills. Until Gabe out shined him. Again. Jocelyn even seemed to be choosing Gabe over him.

  He wondered for a moment who picked the name Jocelyn, and what Carolyn had made her last name. Did she have Gabe’s? His? Carolyn’s? That wouldn’t mean much, though. They’d done the swab thing on their cheeks and in a few weeks, he would know if she was his. Then, he could read every book on babies there was to learn. If Gabe could do it, surely he could figure it out, too.


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