Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2)

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Kenny (Shifter Football League Book 2) Page 65

by Becca Fanning

  She just hoped they’d hit a home run with every curve ball life threw their way.

  Forty minutes later, they walked out of the building hand in hand and headed for Mundo’s bike, which he’d slipped in between two cars three days earlier. She gawked at the shining beast, which looked so much bigger in the flesh, and then pointed to herself. “You want me to get on that? It’s massive.”

  He rubbed his jaw then coughed. “You’re used to riding stallions, Christie. What’s one more?”

  She glowered at him then prodded his belly with a finger. “It’s almost as tall as me.” The handle bars came to an end just under her chin, for Christ’s sake. “You won’t crash it, will you?”

  Mundo planted his hands on his hips, drawing her gaze to his mighty fine self. He wore clothes for the first time in days, and even then, when he’d first come to the apartment, she hadn’t registered what he was wearing, not really. He had on navy jeans with scuffed knees, a bright white wife beater, his cut, and then a beaten-up leather jacket. Truth was, he hadn’t come dressed to impress, but for all that, he still looked a dish.

  The white cotton clung to his stomach, a stomach that now belonged to her, and she could gawk it at whenever she so desired. The jeans cupped his ass almost as well as her palms could, and the leather jacket offset his tawny blond hair, enhancing the highlights, and darkening his golden skin to an olive that made him look Italian. On his feet, he had boots, recently polished by the looks of them, which added to his shit kicker appearance.

  If any of her friends or family saw her with Mundo, they’d think she’d lost her mind. She went for guys who wore jeans, yeah, but not with rips in the knees. Normally, her dates wore well-ironed Polo sweaters with a T-shirt underneath and maybe loafers on their feet, usually leather, sometimes suede. Before Mundo, she’d have said that was her favorite understated look on a guy.

  And now?

  Now, the shit kicker look made her pussy melt.

  She knew already that tonight that part of her that was making all the demands would be urging him inside her.

  At. Fucking. Last.

  She’d been dying to have him fuck her, but whenever the moment came to it, her body wouldn’t let her. She’d needed something else, and those urges had been so major she couldn’t ignore them. She’d had no choice but to listen and fulfill them. She’d never been so out of control of her own body before, and Christie didn’t like it. Only trouble was, she had no say in it. She just had to deal with this particular problem until the Goddesses decided she was mated enough.

  “What makes you think I’d crash it?” Mundo growled, exasperation rolling off him in waves, not because of her questioning his abilities, but because he knew she was looking at his abs. How did she know that? He wafted a hand in front of her face. “My head’s up here, babe. I like you looking at my body, but not when I’m trying to reassure you I have no desire to kill you when I’ve just found you.”

  She blinked guiltily and mumbled, “Is it my fault you look like a chocolate sundae?”

  He frowned then gawked down at himself. “I look like… what?”

  “A chocolate sundae. I want to eat you all up,” she admitted on a rush of air. The instant she did, she knew he’d seen the change in her. His eyes widened, his nostrils flared, and he took a quick step toward her. She held up her hands though. She needed to do something with him today, something other than sex, before she went crazy. Her body had made enough demands of her of late. She wanted her mate to woo her, to date her, to feed her. That was more imperative than sex at the moment.

  Although it was a close won thing.

  Those damned Goddesses were starting to bitch at her.

  “We should go back inside,” Mundo said, tone flat. “I know you’re going to argue—” He knew her so well already and she couldn’t help but he pleased by that. “But if your body wants…” He cleared his throat. “Something, then we should heed its call.”

  She slashed a hand through the air. “Screw that. I want food, and I want to go on a date with you. Plus, I want to go on a ride too.”

  “You’re just being stubborn. You didn’t want to get on the bike a minute ago,” he argued, exasperated.

  “I’m entitled to be stubborn. Some Goddesses have control of my libido, and I refuse to let them get away with it for much longer. I want to do something normal with you, Mundo. Is that so hard to understand?” She almost wailed the question and saw his eyes soften in response.

  “Only you could get mad at the Goddesses,” he grunted, shaking his head.

  Before he could say another word, in agreement or denial, she moved. Only problem was, it was fast. Again. His jaw dropped when he looked at her. She’d gone from standing beside him to straddling the hog and hovering above the leather seat in under a second.

  “Oops,” she whispered, darting a look around the area to see if anyone had noticed. But then, that was the beauty of the city, wasn’t it? No one noticed shit if it didn’t involve them. No one seemed to have caught her little faux pas.

  “Be careful,” he hissed under his breath as he too shot a quick glance around the area.

  She pouted. “It’s not like I can help it.”

  “Yeah, you can. By getting your butt back upstairs and doing what your body wants. The more the bond is cemented, the more in control you’ll be.”

  Christie pursed her lips. “No. I want to go out.”

  “You’re too mule-headed for your own good,” he groused, but he climbed onto the bike in front of her. “I shouldn’t encourage you. You’re the only one who’ll suffer for ignoring your body’s needs.”

  She shoved that aside, deciding to ignore her body’s needs as well as his words.

  When she said nothing, he sighed then sat back. The instant he did, she let her weight drop onto the seat and immediately snuggled into him. She pressed her hands to his belly, shuddering with delight at the feel of all those hard muscles. He continued grousing. “And don’t think you can feel me up and get away with it.”

  “Not trying to get away with anything!” she immediately denied. “Just trying to be safe.”

  “So safe you forgot your helmet?”

  His wry words had her wincing. “Oh, damn. Yeah, I need one, don’t I?”

  “Yeah, you do. But it’s okay. I’m not going to go fast and that can be our first stop. I’m not driving you without a helmet on.”

  “But you don’t wear one.”

  “No, I don’t need one.”

  “So why do I?”

  “Why are you arguing? You just admitted yourself that you need one.”

  “Yeah, but if you don’t need one, then why do I?”

  He sighed. “Because you’re the most important person in the world to me? Because if anything happened to you because you were on this hog, something that could have been minimal if you’d worn a helmet, I would never ever forgive myself.”

  She let out a whoosh of breath at the heartfelt earnestness in his tone and that fleeting agonized glance that swept across his face as he spoke. “Oh.” She had no words that could convey how deeply touched she was—had no rebuttal whatsoever.

  “Yeah. Oh. It’s a minimal safety precaution. I should have thought of it the day I came to you, but my head was on other things.”

  “You mean little head was in control.”

  He grunted. “Like your little head wasn’t.”

  Christie chuckled. “Yeah. That day, I wore the battery out on my vibrator at work and nearly pulled out a tooth when I was doing a checkup.”

  “The mating call was a lot more potent than I ever expected. Hell, what am I talking about, it is more potent. We’re not through it yet.” He glanced with longing up at her apartment. “Are you sure you want to go out?”

  “Positive,” she immediately told him, snuggling closer to him, loving the feel of him between her legs. His sigh was belly deep, but he started the engine. The instant it rumbled to life, she shrieked, clinging tighter to him.

Over the call of the motor, he tilted back to ask, “What’s wrong?”

  She gulped. Her sensitive pussy was reacting rather strongly to the engine, but it wasn’t like she could tell him that, could she? He’d toss her over his shoulder and drag her upstairs whether she liked it or not.

  The idea stuck in her head though—him carrying her like a caveman, taking her back to his lair… She shuddered, knowing she’d make him reenact that for her at some point in the future.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” she squeaked instead, sensing he wouldn’t move until he heard from her that she was okay, and she was right. The instant he heard her, he checked his mirrors, looked over his shoulder, and set off.

  She almost came the instant he put any speed to the ride. He didn’t even go all that fast but stuck to the speeds allowed within city limits, and though he ducked in between traffic, he wasn’t insane with it. She knew he was driving extra carefully because she was on the back of the bike and she didn’t have a helmet yet, but all her thoughts were suddenly being processed at an agonizingly slow speed because her little head was doing the thinking once again.

  She clenched her eyes shut and pressed her face to his back. The smell of the leather was strong, and a notion came to her, unbidden. She opened her mouth around some of the leather and bit down. Hard.

  The taste was gross, but the pressure there seemed to ease the pressure down below.

  She was so near to climaxing it was a joke.

  And then, he did something. She didn’t see what because she was focused inward. Whatever it was, the engine’s rumble turned into a roar, and only the leather between her teeth stopped her from screaming.

  The climax that hit her was like nothing she’d never experienced—but that wasn’t a first, not where Mundo was concerned. He was giving her a shitload of firsts, most of them mind-numbingly insane. This orgasm was quick and intense, powerful yet effervescent.

  It shot through her blood like a dose of cocaine, making her eyes roll back into her head with the force of it. She clung to him desperately, knowing that she could so easily fall off the back of the bike. The move had her clamping her legs down around the seat though, which only exacerbated the vibration. It pummeled her lower body, taking the pleasure to almost painful proportions.

  She was a weeping mess by the time he pulled to a halt. She sagged against him, finally releasing her tight clutch on him and the hog, thanking her God and his Goddesses that the hell was over.

  She sucked in a quivery breath once she released the leather, and then seeing the big bite mark on it, winced. She got the feeling this was a prized possession she’d just ruined. How the hell would she explain that to him? Even if he didn’t notice at first, someone else would. Christie could just imagine that embarrassing as hell conversation, and it made her cheeks turn from pink to beet within a handful of seconds.

  “How was your first ride, sweetheart?” he asked, turning around to grin at her and breaking her internal diatribe. The instant he saw her though, his eyes widened. “What the hell?”

  She gulped. “It was… fun.”

  Fun was too weak a word.

  “I knew you were scared. I felt you clutching at my stomach that’s why I took it so slow, but you’re crying, baby. Oh shit, I’m so sorry!”

  His words were rushed as he tried to turn around, to comfort her she assumed, but Christie just gawked at him in astonishment. That had been slow? How powerful would the hog go if he took it fast? The thought stuck like superglue in her head. Christ, she wanted to know. Now. At the same time, she knew her body was out for the count for a little while. That orgasm had been… shit, it had been like a sugar rush. In fact, no amount of candy and chocolate bars combined would ever equate to the intensity of that hit.

  “It’s okay, Mundo,” she told him weakly, managing to stagger off the back of the bike. Only, the instant she did, her legs gave out and she fell to the floor. Thank Christ, his instincts were razor sharp. He reached for her, grabbing her before the bony joints of her knees collided with the hard concrete. Though, as a result of the momentum and the fact he’d kicked out to balance himself as he grabbed her, he sent the bike toppling over.

  His speed saved them from being crushed, but the scrape of metal against cement had her wincing. Not that Mundo seemed to care, and somehow she knew this bike had been his everything. Because they were to bikers, weren’t they? They ate, drank, and breathed their bikes. But that had been before her.

  God, she was his everything now.

  What an awesome responsibility.

  What had to be his most prized possession was on the floor at an awkward angle, undoubtedly scratched and scraped to hell, but he was busy checking her over for bruises and bumps—which in the grand scheme of things, could only ever be non-existent considering she hadn’t even hit the ground. He lifted Christie up, helping her stand on still-shaky feet, and then blurted out, “What the hell?” That seemed to be today’s question of choice. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  She gulped but nodded. “It was a lot more, well, a lot more intense than I thought it would be.” Her tone was as shaky as her feet.

  “Intense?” He frowned, looking her up and down. “You weren’t scared?”

  Christie licked her lips. “The vibrations…”

  When her voice wandered off, he shot her a look, glanced at the bike, and then his eyes widened. “You mean you…?” He made a vague shape with his hands then pointed at the hog again. “It made you…?”

  She covered her face with her fingers. “Oh God, this is so embarrassing.”

  He chuckled then pressed a hand to his mouth to hide his smile—it didn’t work. She knew exactly what he was doing and couldn’t blame him. Hell, if she wasn’t so embarrassed, she’d laugh too.

  “Well, if it was with anyone else I’d understand why you’d feel uncomfortable, but not with me.” He curled an arm about her shoulders and held her close. Kissing her temple, he murmured, “I’m glad to have hit another first with you.”

  Christie moaned in mortification. “I can’t believe that happened. It came out of nowhere.”

  He waited a second then whispered, “Literally.” When she elbowed him in the side, he laughed a little harder and said, “Come on, babe, let’s get you a helmet.”

  “You don’t seriously expect me to get on that thing again, do you?” She gawked at him in disbelief then gawked harder at the still-downed bike.

  Almost like he realized he hadn’t lifted the Harley up too, he said, “Are you good to stand by yourself?” That he even had to ask the question had her cheeks burning again, but she nodded, smiling a little as he squeezed her shoulders in silent reassurance that he was close then tentatively let go of her. More humiliation struck at how hard she had to tense the muscles in her legs to stop from buckling again. Those twenty minutes on the back of that damned thing had wrecked her up something good, or bad. Those damn Goddesses had so much to answer for!

  Christie was grateful that he moved like lightning, righting the bike and getting it back on its feet before coming back to her side and holding her up again.

  He let her right herself once more, apparently sensing she was still shaky. After a handful of minutes, Mundo looked at her, scanned her over, and then nodded as though he knew she was better now. And his instincts were spot on. Her knees had starch again, and Christie was more mortified than anything else, but still, it felt good to be close to him. Those stupid Goddesses were really punishing her for daring to leave the apartment when her body, i.e. they, were telling her not to.


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