Saved By Her Wolf (Silverwood Island Shifters)

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Saved By Her Wolf (Silverwood Island Shifters) Page 6

by Maia Starr

  “Ah,” Zander said slowly, more out of his self-control than anything else, his veins threatening to burst from his skin. “And you got full custody, then.”

  “Uh, yeah, something like that,” Ginny said. Something about her tone, something hidden underneath her casualness, told Zander there was something more to the story, but his inner wolf was becoming too wild, so he chose to focus his efforts on calming himself down. It’d been a while since Zander had been with a woman, but as he looked at Ginny now, he began to drool, his instincts screaming at him to rip off the clothes that clung to Ginny’s slender, curvy body. He wanted to taste her skin, feel his lips on hers, smash his body into hers. Shaking his head to get control of himself again, Zander pinched his temple, grabbing the interest of Ginny’s peculiar gaze. “Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, no, just trying to keep my inner wolf from coming out right now,” he said casually as if Ginny knew everything about his kind. “It gets a little restless from time to time.”

  Rolling her eyes, Ginny sighed. “There you go again...this is the second time I’ve met you, and yet I’m already debating whether you’re crazy or not.”

  “Would I be more attractive if I were crazy?” Zander asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  “You’d be the same attractive man you’ve always been,” Ginny replied. “But just insane.”

  “Ah, so you think I’m hot, don’t you?”

  “W-what?” Ginny squealed, causing Zander to bellow in laughter. “Do you like teasing all of the newcomers that arrive on your island?”

  “Only the prettiest ones,” Zander said, still laughing. “It’s not every day that a knockout beauty like you even stays overnight, let alone permanently moves here...which leads me to my next question. Why here on Silverwood of all places?”

  Ginny shrugged, her tone tightening. “It was...remote, I guess. And I’ve heard it’s a pretty island, one with lots of nature and the like. Thought the kids would like it.”

  Once again Zander found himself dwelling on the way she spoke as if there were much more to the story than Ginny was willing to let on. “That’s the whole reason?” When Ginny didn’t respond, Zander continued to prod, trying to glean any hint out of her. “I’m guessing your ex-husband wasn’t too happy about you moving the kids.” Ginny remained silent again, so Zander shut his mouth. He knew when he became too overbearing, and he especially didn’t want to mess up this budding relationship with Ginny, though it had only barely begun.

  When Zander glanced towards Ginny again, after installing the second window and earning the twin’s applause, he witnessed nothing short of a grimace, a look of almost pure terror and worry mixed into one twisted expression.

  Uh oh, Zander thought, I just screwed up.

  It wasn’t every day that people came to Silverwood Island, and even less so because they were forced to. Silverwood was lauded as a beautiful island, but not every inhabitant loved those rich features Silverwood boasted about. Something was seriously off about Ginny Whitlock. Something about her marriage perhaps? Something involving the kids? He couldn’t quite be sure, but what he did know was that Ginny Whitlock’s face soured with fear, a fear that made the hairs on his body all stand up straight and his inner wolf hunch down low, growling at a potential danger.

  Zander needed to act, especially as the kids were beginning to notice her expression, and so he jumped to his feet, startling Oliver and Grace and catching the quick glance of Ginny, who realized she wore her heart on her sleeve and cleared her throat, turning as she rubbed her face. “Alrighty, then. I know it might be early to talk about our payment but I’m thinking we should at least discuss part of it.”

  “Right.” Ginny spun around, putting her hands on the down on the thin kitchen island. “How much do I owe you guys again?”

  Smiling, Zander mosied up to the counter, placing his meaty hands on the solid oak, its smooth surface creating a cool sensation on his palms. Leaning forward, he gazed into the green jewels that acted as Ginny’s eyes, their irises expanding and contracting at his image. “That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m thinking, since you’re probably free tomorrow night, you’d be interested in joining me and a few others down at the beach for a welcome party.”

  Ginny blinked. “I thought we were talking about payment.”

  “We are. Come on down, and we’ll knock a few dollars off your payment.”

  “You’d to that? Seriously?” Ginny eyed him searching his eyes for any sign of a bluff. He guessed she probably thought of this as another one of his teases. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Even if you don’t, you’d still have a good time either way.” Placing his hand over his chest, Zander cocked his head. “I’m not trying to find another way to mock you, if that’s what you’re thinking. Scout’s honor! I just think it’d be a great way for you to relax, and to meet some new friends on the island.”

  Leaning back, Zander could see the debate in her mind reflected in her eyes. Suddenly, he remembered his promise not to tell anyone about her and the kids and amended his wording. “It’s only people you’ve met so far. Honest. And a few other friends of mine. Trust me; we won’t spread the word that you’re living out here either.” Not that it would matter. If Ginny were in some kind of rut, especially one that involved her running from someone, he and the other shifters she’d met would protect her. “If you’re worried about the kids, I can have Callie and her husband watch them. They’re great with children apparently.”


  “Well, Ash, Callie’s husband, tends to boast that kids love them both...meaning that they look after other’s kids from time to time.” Zander tapped his fingers along the counter, drumming to his own rhythm. “I’ll pick you up and drag you out there if I have to. You need some more fun in your life I’d say.”

  Unable to control herself, Ginny began to chortle and pound the counter with her fist. “I barely know you, and you’re already winning me over.”

  Zander shrugged. “It’s one of my many charms. So how about it?”

  “I guess...if it’s not too much to ask of Callie and her husband.” She paused a moment, relaxing the tension in her body, an air of relief flooding over her. “Alright, fine. I’ll join this welcome party of yours.”

  “Awesome!” Zander exclaimed, pushing himself back from the counter to stretch and walk back to the living room. “Then let the repairs continue!”

  The twin’s applauded him again, giggling as he messed up their hair and went about the house, going down the list he’d made. But the entire time he was distracted, imagining what tomorrow night would bring.↡¶

  Chapter Nine


  “Thanks so much again,” Ginny said for the dozenth time, pacing in her kitchen while Callie sipped on a coffee mug. Her heart throbbed as she walked, her arms tightening around her stomach and her eyes darting to the front door.

  “Like I’ve said, it’s no problem!” Callie said, her lips curling into a small smile. “Don’t worry about Grace and Oliver; they’re safe with us.” When Ginny stopped and rubbed her elbows, Callie set her coffee cup on the counter and came over to touch her shoulder gently. Staring into Callie’s round, friendly eyes calmed Ginny, and she let out a breath, feeling the shivers of anticipation ease away from her mind. “Trust us,” Callie continued. “Neither Ash or I will let anything happen to them.”

  Ginny meant to thank Callie once again out of pure habit, but then Ash roared in agony from the living room, popping up and clutching his chest while the twins stood on either side of him. “No! They’ve got me! Callie, help! These kids are too strong!” As Ash shouted for pretend help, Oliver and Grace continued on their giggling and battering of Ash’s back, the pillows so big each twin swayed and spun as they swung. Soon Ash began to slip beneath the couch, clawing desperately at the couch cushions, gasping and pretending to weaken. Ginny couldn’t help but grow her smile as she watched the extremely dramatic role Ash played, and the unbelievably ado
rable laughs of her children. But suddenly Ash rose up from the floor, pushing both children onto their backs and tickling them, their high pitch voices shrieking in hilarity.

  Callie chuckled a bit as well, her laugh infecting Ginny, and soon enough Ginny had to cover her mouth to stifle her laugh. Slowly but surely, the edge of fear was dissipating from Ginny’s mind. Callie was probably right; Ginny didn’t need to worry about her kids at the moment. If Danny was going to find her and the kids, he probably would have by now, and there wasn’t anyone else on the island that would even care about why she moved to the sea’s rim on a remote island, besides Zander of course. She just needed to relax. Tonight, Ginny would mingle with new people, get to know those she supposed she could call neighbors, though they all probably lived miles away from.

  If anything, tonight was the true start of new life, finally moving on from the past and trying to shove her abusive, failed marriage to the back of the shattered mind she was trying to put back together. And yet it all simply just made her shake in her high heels.

  A deafening howl cried out in the distance outside, catching everyone’s attention. Callie exchanged a knowing glance with Ash moments later, catching Ginny’s curious gaze. Silence permeated the cottage until a heavy knock came at Ginny’s front door; instantly Ginny shuffled over and opened it, greeting the widely smiling Zander. With his short dark hair combed and his muscles outlining themselves beneath his blue polo shirt and tight shorts, Zander had become sexier than Ginny had ever thought possible. Not only that, but a sweet aroma clouded him as if he’d put on cologne to mask the smell of the sweat that dampened his body while he worked.

  As she stared, Zander stepped back and looked Ginny up and down, whistling a tune that made Ginny’s heart skip a beat. “Wow! Now talk about making a statement. You really are something else, aren’t you?”

  It was true that Ginny had dressed herself up for the night, spending the little free time she earlier that day to scrounge through the few summer dresses she had, ultimately choosing a mint-colored dress that brought out her emerald eyes and accentuated the blonde of her hair. The fact that Zander noticed her outfit sent chills down her spine, and she smiled up at him while leaning against the door. “You're not too shabby yourself.”

  Raising a brow, Zander looked himself over. “Oh, this? I spent nearly a whole day choosing between this and a few other shirts. Not that any of it compares to the show you’re putting on. Like, my god, I could carry you off to my shack right now and tear into you.”

  Ginny’s adrenaline began to rush and quicken her heart rate at the suggestion of climbing into bed with Zander. His brazen attempts at flirting caught her off guard more than once and yet the bolder he came on, the more entranced Ginny realized she’d become. She smiled warmly at Zander, wondering if he really would be her first time, her stomach filling with the buzzing of a million butterflies.

  Zander shifted from one foot to the other. “Well, we better get going. The party won’t start until you arrive, so grab my hand and let me lead the way!”

  Glancing back at Callie and Ash, both gave her a thumbs up with the latter becoming engulfed in childish grins and limbs milliseconds later. Before Ginny could offer a final goodbye for the night, Zander latched onto her wrist and dragged her onto the sandy grass, his wild laughing and Ginny’s pleas to slow down morphing into nothing more than another beautiful melody whispering through Silverwood Island.

  It wasn’t long before Zander pulled Ginny off of the forest path and onto the sandy beach, just a dozen feet from where the sea washed ashore. Because of the sand filling her shoes and creating an itch she couldn't scratch, Ginny tugged off her heels as they strolled along the beach, allowing her toes to breathe and feet to step into the damp, cool sand.

  “Feels great, right?” Zander said, letting go of Ginny’s tiny hand and turning around to walk backward in front of her. He threw up his arms and motioned to the darkened shore, lit up by the full moon, the looming trees of Silverwood off to their right, their shadows stretching to meet the moonlight. “There’s nothing better than a late-night stroll, feeling the sand between your toes, eh?”

  Loosening up her limbs, Ginny shook herself and jogged to catch up to Zander, finally matching his long, backward strides when he did. Clasping her hands behind her back, Ginny let her mind wander as she traced the shining water and listened to the calls of seagulls out for a late night. There was a beauty to the water softly rolling over the cool sand and pebbles, and the wonderful sea breeze mixed with the whirling winds of the forest to swirl around them as they walked. Ginny’s smile widened with every step she took, reaching the edges of her earlobes as she gazed at Zander, who remained steadfast in his quest to walk backward.

  “It’s not bad, I’ll admit,” Ginny cooed. “Maybe I chose the right place to run away to.”

  A question flickered across Zander’s face, one she thought he’d follow through with and ask her about, but he remained silent, instead pointing to himself. “Impressed yet? Not many people can walk backward so elegantly without tripping over themselves.”

  Laughing, Ginny nodded. “You’re pretty good.”

  “Well come on! Join me in my grand endeavor to walk backward all the way to the party!” Zander exclaimed, motioning for Ginny to spin around. Rolling her eyes in jest, she obliged and turned, almost immediately hitting her heel against the flat face of a rock and falling, only to be caught in Zander’s meaty arm. Looking up into his eyes, his gaze seeming to reach right into her body and touch her soul, Ginny went speechless, her mouth straining to speak but unable to form words. Instead, Zander lifted her up and over the rock and persisted in their quest.

  More than once, Ginny’s eyes strained to glance into the distance, where the incredibly small lights from her cottage still flared. Oliver and Grace crossed her mind a multitude of times, but whenever Zander touched her arm for balance, or to keep her from tumbling to her butt in the sand, Ginny’s thoughts came back to the present. Her children were in capable hands, so now Ginny could finally focus on herself.

  It wasn’t long before she began to notice the dim light growing on their backs, shadows forming on their forearms and across the sand.

  “We’re almost there; you ready to be surprised?” Zander said.

  Surprised? What was there to be surprised about? It wasn’t as if Ginny hadn’t known she’d be coming to a welcome party dedicated to her. But as she pondered his words, silence soon penetrated her thoughts where a raucous, merry noise should have been. Even if there wasn’t anyone shouting, at least a few people should have been talking. Were there people waiting to jump out at her like a real surprise party, or were they the first ones to arrive, or—

  “Alright, turn around.” With two big hands, Zander spun Ginny, sand flying all around her as she twirled to the scene before her. And what she saw took her breath away.

  Instead of plastic chairs and endless coolers of beer and a campfire and all the other things Ginny expected from a beach party, she saw a large, woven blanket spread across the sand. Two sets of plates and silverware lined the blanket, a basket of what Ginny assumed was food resting off to the side and a bottle of wine leaning against the basket. There hadn't been any talking or signs of other people because there wasn’t anyone else around. Four candles lit up the blanket, giving just enough light to stain their skin a deep red amid the blackness of the night.

  At first, Ginny didn’t know what to think. Flashes of an imaginary Danny jumped out from the trees, staring her down and smiling, pretending as if he’d caught her in a trap. She took an involuntary step back, only to feel the grip of Zander’s hand upon her shoulder. He gazed at her warmly, scratching his cheek.

  “I may have told a slight lie to you,” he said, glancing at the set up in front of them. “It’s only going to be us two tonight.”

  It took a moment for her fears to evaporate and for her mind to catch up to his meaning. “Wait, so this is a date then?”

  “Yes, it is.”r />
  “You realize you could have just asked me?”

  Chuckling, Zander released her shoulder and held out his hand as he stepped forward a few paces. “I could have...but you seemed so wrapped up in your children...and we’ve only just met. Yet I feel so good about you. You’re a knockout beauty, a woman that clearly has her priorities in the right place. Even if this might be a little over the top for what I’m hoping to be the start of a wonderful relationship, it’s up to you whether you want to take that step or not.” Opening his hand, he reached out to her. “So, do you feel like at least eating dinner with me on this starry night?”

  Ginny couldn’t say what exactly motivated her next move, but she knew that it was the right one. Zander was right; they barely knew each other. Silverwood Island still didn’t truly feel like home just yet; three days surely wasn’t long enough for anything to feel permanent just yet. Despite her fears of Danny chasing her, despite the idea of the children forever being in danger because of her decision to scoop them up and flee from her ex-husband, and despite her constant worry over what her future might hold, Ginny chose to leap into Zander’s arms and push her lips to his. His lips were rough but gentle and passionately embraced her as he stumbled backward, lifting her up. When they released their lips, Ginny breathed heavily, her chest pounding with a sense of victory and pleasure. She stared into Zander’s wide, unbelieving eyes.

  “And I thought I was direct,” Zander said as he placed his hands around her waist, feeling the curve of her hips. His strong fingers flew over her dress, each poke and prod sending tingles up her body. Unsure of what to do next, she let Zander lead, his lips still kissing and licking hers, his body leaning into hers and arching her back.

  As Zander lowered his hands under Ginny’s dress, his fingers reached and felt between her legs, his mouth diving down to her neck, leaving hot kisses in his wake. Gasping as his kisses grew hotter and hotter, Ginny jerked as Zander’s fingers began to poke at her privates.


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