Saved By Her Wolf (Silverwood Island Shifters)

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Saved By Her Wolf (Silverwood Island Shifters) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  Forcefully ripping her lips from Zander’s, she pushed away from him and carefully leaned inside the twin’s room, silently gripping the copper doorknob and quietly swinging it shut with a click. Comfortable now that the kids hadn’t woken up, she turned back to Zander, who immediately hoisted her into the air and carried her playfully into her bedroom. Ginny had to stifle a quick laugh, as his arms wrapped around her in just the right way to tickle her.

  Quickly, Zander dropped Ginny on her bed and in one smooth motion spun to close her door silently and pulled off his damp shirt, flinging it to hang partially off her dresser. Once again, just like her first time, Ginny found herself in heart-pounding awe of the chiseled torso that Zander hid beneath his clothes, his wet skin sparkling under the lamplight. But Ginny didn’t get long to stare, as he leaped on her, kissing and caressing her body, his strong, muscled hands pressing and rubbing her all over. Ginny caught her breath at the sudden impact of Zander’s weight, and at the feeling of his hands searching her every nook and cranny, tickling and massaging her, helping her mind drift from the overwhelming stress of minutes prior.

  Before long, Zander began to wrestle with her, trying to tear away her clothes quickly, not bothering to care whether her clothes ripped at the seams. They rolled and buckled as her clothes slipped off, one by one, her lovely complexion finally coming out into the open. As they wrestled, they snickered and chuckled, clamping each other’s mouths to not let their voices penetrate the walls.

  Ginny’s body throbbed with longing as the final piece of clothing was stripped from her bottom, her thighs instinctively closing up as Zander loomed over her, panting and looking her up and down.

  “Are you sure you’re not some nymph from the forest?” he said as he leaned down to kiss up from her bottom to her belly. Flicking his eyes up at her, her skin flushing at how erotic a scene this must have looked, he raised his eyebrows. “I mean, I won’t judge either way, but you’re way too beautiful to be just a regular human woman.”

  Without waiting for an answer, Zander continued to kiss his along her stomach, trailing up between her chest, causing Ginny to moan as his body pressed into hers. “Whatever I am, the facts don’t change that I’m still new to, gently, please?”

  Her hands brushed across his head, and as they did, he bristled and let out groans. Suddenly he gripped her hips and pulled her directly underneath him, his jeans pressing so hard into her bottom she swore there’d be marks on her skin the next day. “I can’t guarantee anything,” he simply said.

  As if time had sped up, Zander’s hand flew to his zipper, revealing his manhood and causing Ginny to breathe in sharply as he thrust into her. The sensation of his body connecting with hers threw her head into a whirl of hot ecstacy, and she shuddered and moaned like crazy. To keep her silent, Zander threw up a hand over her mouth just like before, and her voice was muffled beneath his fingers.

  Riding her to a new, spastic rhythm, Zander continued to thrust faster and faster, the pleasure so thrilling and mind-numbing that Ginny’s eyes rolled back, letting her body become Zander’s plaything for the immediate future. Ginny wanted to scream, to let her pulsing, thumping body release its building ardor, but Zander’s hand remained firm against her lips, and soon enough her body was spasming and subconsciously wrapping her legs around Zander as she violently shuddered, wishing beyond reason that her spasm would never stop.

  But sadly, as Zander strained and grunted, and leaned away from Ginny, her ecstasy slowly slipped away, instead leaving her to suck up all the air she had forgotten to breathe in. Zander collapsed into the bed beside her, his chest inflating just like hers, and his throat sucking in whatever he could. Turning to her, he grinned like the biggest fool she’d ever known, and Ginny felt wonderful enough to return the gesture.

  The sex had been even better than her first night with Zander, which Ginny hadn’t thought possible. Was this what it felt like to indulge in another person’s body? To let Zander take her into an entirely different world full of adult wonder?

  Her thoughts were cut off by a sudden chill as her naked body lay on top of the sheets, so as she shivered, Zander pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead and hair.

  “So, how was that?” he asked suddenly, his voice smooth yet thick like whiskey.

  Smiling like a fool herself, she gazed warmly at her lover. “Wasn’t too bad...and best of all, I don’t hear any rustling from the twin’s room.”

  Pretending be overly excited for their victory, his eyes widened, and he punched the air with his fist, earning a giggle from Ginny. Then they remained silent, Ginny lowering her head to his chest, letting his arm cover her back. It wasn’t long before her mind drifted off and her eyes shut, finally able to let herself sleep without constant worry on her mind.↡¶

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ginny awoke to bright sunlight burning her. It was as if the light smacked her in the face, poking her eyeballs with the brightness until her eyelids fluttered open and she squirmed in Zander’s arms.

  It took a few moments to regain her mind and bearings, especially since her pupils were still contracting. Finally completely waking from her half slumber, Ginny put up a hand to block the remaining sunlight streaming through her window.

  Was it morning already? What was she saying, when else would the sunshine so bright?

  Rubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand, Ginny tried to roll to the side of the bed, but something muscular held her tight. Glancing down, she noticed Zander’s arms wrapped around her naked waist, tightening his interlocked fingers as she moved. One of his arms was directly under her stomach, forcing her to unnaturally arch her midriff and interweave her own fingers between his so that she could wrench free. As she did so, Zander’s hairy leg shifted onto both of hers, entrapping her bottom from being able to move. Rolling her eyes and struggling to unhook her legs, Ginny grunted as she finally swung herself off of the bed, standing and stretching.

  As she stretched, memories of the previous night flowed into her mind, her body aching from her night romp with Zander. It had been wonderful, so unbelievably stress relieving that Ginny almost couldn’t understand how great she felt as she stretched. Her whole body hummed with new vigor as she sauntered over to her dresser, tossing off the shirt Zander had thrown onto it and quickly opening one of her many drawers. Pulling out a pair of panties, she slid them on as she began to whistle through wet lips just quietly enough to let Zander continue to snore and jerk across the sheets as if he were in some great battle in his dreams.

  Ginny’s heart throbbed with cozy joy as she peered upon Zander as he slept, his eyes darting under his eyelids every which way, his mouth letting vicious growls go.

  Zander had been right; there really was no better therapy for her woes than to indulge in her lover’s arms. She realized that most of her fears had been shelved during their lovemaking and that even now they remained at the back of her mind. Just thinking about Danny evoked nothing more than a slight nervousness in her that was quickly squashed like jelly by her recent memories of Zander’s embrace. As long as Danny never actually found her or the kids, everything would be fine, and even if he did show up outside her cottage, Zander would be there beside her, just like he said he would.

  For once, Ginny truly believed she wouldn’t be alone in this endeavor, and she’d certainly hold Zander to his word. For what else would a Prince Charming do besides protect his princess?

  As she put on her top, her lover groaned behind her, raising his hand into the air and swiping towards her. His eyelids remained closed, and he mumbled something into a pillow as he wheeled onto his side, facing away from her.

  Goodness, he was just as bad has Oliver or Grace.

  As if on cue, noises that sounded like the patter of tiny feet echoed from somewhere beyond her bedroom door. Fluffing her hair and pulling all of her platinum locks out of shirt to cascade down her back, Ginny walked to her bedroom door to crease it open so she could slip out
without the kids potentially seeing Zander naked in her bed. Just as she expected, Oliver and Grace were wide awake, jumping around in their red and blue pajamas, circling each other as they hopped from foot to foot, giggling and pointing. Whatever game they played, they played it in the middle of their room and didn’t notice Ginny watching them until Oliver slipped and fell on his butt, causing Grace to go into a fit of laughter, dropping the small teddy bear she’d been holding.

  “Well, looks like you two are having fun!” Ginny exclaimed as she took a step inside and kneeled before Oliver, who wrinkled his nose while tiny tears stung his eyes. “Oh, it’s okay, Oliver. Everybody falls every once in a while, so the stinging will wear off, okay?”

  Oliver, who sniffled and then sneezed, allowing snot to drip from his nose, smiled up at Ginny and nodded, then proceeded to wipe his nose on his sleeve.

  “Ah, no, don’t do that, Oliver!” Grimacing, Ginny glanced to Grace. “Can you grab us some tissues, Grace?” Nodding, her daughter scampered over to her nightstand, careful pulling out her drawer and grabbing a small pack of tissues and then running back over to her mother. Grateful, Ginny kissed Grace on the cheek as a reward. Turning back to Oliver, Ginny tore open the tiny container of tissues and yanked a few out, handing to her son so he could dab at his nostrils.

  While Oliver got work on himself, Grace lightly tugged on her mother’s arm, getting Ginny to spin and look at the downcast gaze of her daughter. Grace clutched her teddy bear firmly to her chest, as if she let go, she’d never see him again. Then Grace peered up, though her head remained tilted down, her mouth so tightly closed that it almost looked like Grace was frowning. “Mommy, is Daddy coming to live with us?”

  Ginny’s heart constricted as her daughter spoke to her, her natural smile fading as she watched her daughter stare back at her. Where had this come from?

  As if sensing Ginny’s curiosity, Grace swayed back and forth. “We heard Uncle Ash mention Daddy’s name...Uncle Ash said he was coming to our home.”

  “No!” Ginny said faster than she could think, her voice rising. “No, you must have misheard him. Daddy is on Silverwood Island, but he isn’t coming here.” Her daughter’s expression lifted a bit, the hint of a smile forming on her lips. Glancing at Oliver, she found he wouldn’t look at her. “Oh, you guys...listen, I bet you guys are hungry, aren’t you?” At the mention of hunger, both Oliver and Grace jittered about, tapping their feet and just moving their bodies, as if they couldn’t control the energy swelling within them. Smiling, Ginny rose to her feet. “Maybe I’ll make you both some breakfast. How about it?” Finally, they both grinned, with Oliver rising to his feet and Grace staring up at Ginny, practically drooling already. “So, what do you want?”

  “Pancakes!” Oliver said. “And blueberries and strawberries and watermelon and ketchup and whippy cream—”

  “And waffles and eggs and bacon...and sausage,” Grace finished.

  Laughing, Ginny nodded for the two to follow her out into the sunny kitchen, where they both never left her side. “I’ll make you two some pancakes, okay? You can put on whatever toppings you want after they’re made, alright?”

  Both nodded but remained staring up with a gleam in their eyes.

  “Can we go play outside?” Oliver asked.

  Flicking her eyes between the two of them, Ginny shrugged. “Hm, I suppose you could...”

  “Yay!” they squealed.

  “But only if you stay within my line of sight from the window, okay?” With both of her twins blinking up at her, she sighed. “Meaning that if you can’t see me in the window, and if I can’t see you, you’ve gone too far to play, understand? And don’t go down to the beach either; you two still need to learn how to swim.”

  Both nodded and rushed away to the front door. Noticing they were about to run outside still in their pajamas, Ginny made to call them back, but it was already too late as they had burst into the outside, leaving the front door wide open. Groaning as she pulled the pancake mix from a cabinet, Ginny waltzed over to close the door, making sure to watch the kids as they ran around in yard out front. Keeping one eye on them, Ginny returned to the kitchen, pulling out the pans and bowls and ingredients she needed to make pancakes. Maybe she should have woken Zander to see if he was hungry as well; Ginny was sure a big guy like him needed tons of sustenance to keep him going, though she never actually witnessed him eating much more than a small plate of things at each meal.

  As she whisked the batter and poured it onto her pans resting atop her stove, Ginny wondered if this would be how the rest of the next half-decade would be for her. Waking up in Zander’s arms, pulling herself together to wake up the kids and make breakfast, watching them while they ran around to play outside while Zander got ready to go to work. At this rate, her imaginings would come true, not that it was a bad thing. All she needed was for Danny to leave Silverwood after failing to find her, and she could be assured of her and her children’s safety...and then after that, she’d arrive at court, stunning Danny, and finally win complete custody over the children. Everything would work out. It had to.

  Then a shrill shout shook Ginny out of her focused state, snapping her head to the window next to her. Wasn’t that Grace’s voice? What happened? Ginny had only taken her eyes away from the twins for a second...

  Just in front of the house, Ginny spied Grace surrounded by two enormous men in tattered suits who loomed over her, causing Grace to back up and trip and fall. Ginny’s eyes went wide, her heart stopping cold and hot-blooded adrenaline soaring through her veins. One of the men tried to grab Grace, though she managed to slip through his reach and jog away towards the house, calling out for Ginny frantically.

  Like a bat out of hell, Ginny dropped everything she held, save for a pan, and ran outside, getting to Grace within a matter of seconds. The two men cocked their heads at Ginny, frowning at her intervention as Grace hid behind Ginny’s leg.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing to my daughter?” Ginny said, glancing around to look for Oliver. “Who are you? Where’s my son?”

  The two men simply chuckled, shuffling forward. Out of pure instinct, Ginny pointed the pan at the two men as if it were a knife. “Stay back!”

  “Mommy!” Oliver called from somewhere off to her right. Sneaking a glance, Ginny’s heart crumbled as she spied Oliver, struggling in vain to untangle his curly hair from the long, bony fingers of a third man, who grinned wickedly at Ginny.

  “Oliver!” Ginny called back, making to step after her son, though stopping short because of the two men who jumped to surround her and Grace. Sobbing as if she were already taken, Grace clung to her mother’s leg, unrelenting, making Ginny’s movement even less restrained.

  “So this is where you live, bitch,” the third man said, tugging Oliver forward, tears streaming down his face. “Danny Krisher sends his regards. Come on, boys, grab the girl already. Danny’s pissed enough as it is.”

  “You got it,” one said.

  “Sure thing,” the other reiterated.

  Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! Ginny thought. Where the hell had these three come from? How hadn’t she noticed them before? Before she realized what was happening, Ginny’s breathing constricted and her head began to thump and thud, trying to figure out a way out of this mess. If she didn’t get to Oliver now, there was a very good chance she’d never see him again. Ginny wouldn’t allow that to happen!

  “Just hold on, Oliver. Mommy’s coming to get you!” Ginny yelled, though her son didn’t appear to hear as he continued to struggle in the third man’s clutches. He cried out in pain as the third man began to drag him away. “Wait, no!”

  “Too late, Miss Whitlock,” the third man said. “We’ll be leaving now, without you, of course.”

  With that, the two men surrounded then and Ginny leaped forward, swiping at the two men with her pan, her screams of bloody murder getting lost in the wind.↡¶

  Chapter Fifteen


  At first, it
had been the sweet scent of pancakes that had half woken Zander up from his slumber, stretching and rolling in Ginny’s bed, listening to the crackling of the stove burner and clanking of pots and pans in the kitchen.

  They were wonderful sounds, hearing the jumping of the children, them rushing out the front door, Ginny’s heavenly voice warning them not to stray too far from the house.

  And then he had drifted back to a deep sleep, smiling and expecting to wake to the intense smell of fresh pancakes minutes later.

  Except that when he did wake up next, it wasn’t because of his sense of smell, but rather a shrill shrieking coming from outside of the house. It was then that Zander’s eyes snapped wide open, his eyes buzzing and his tongue drying with the taste of fear in the air. Feeling his inner wolf crash against its cage within, Zander swung up to a sitting position and perked his ears to listen closer.

  Screaming...Ginny’s voice...other men’s voices as well, mixed with the sobbing of the twins. Understanding crossed Zander’s brain half a second later, and he snarled at the whole ploy. Leaping out of bed, Zander didn’t bother to dress...if anything it was perfect that Zander had only just woken up from his naked position after laying with Ginny. This meant none of his clothes would be torn up once he got outside.

  Sprinting out the front door into the cool wind, the scents of three strangers reached his nose, causing him to reel as his scowling eyes latched onto two men assaulting Ginny and Grace, each a half head taller than Zander and bulkier to boot. Ginny swung at the men with a thick pan, smacking one in the stomach, causing him to double over, but the other kicked Ginny’s leg out, causing her to fall to her knees as the second man proceed to smash his knee into her face, grabbing the wailing and flailing Grace and tossing her away.


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