Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1)

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Edge of Forever: The Death and Life of Analey Rose (The Immortal Souls Book 1) Page 26

by Patricia Galvan

  “No, but you are responsible for her death. It was your scumbag of an errand boy that killed her, and he was the one who attacked Analey.”

  “Once I turn her that won’t matter,” Larson growled as he tightened his arms around me once more.

  “She’s not Anaiyah. You don’t have some supernatural claim on her heart,” Mikel sneered.

  “Let’s find out,” Larson said leaning closer to my neck, the blood pumping rapidly through my artery as I felt the sharp point of his teeth on my skin.

  “Maybe you didn’t kill Candice, but you did murder Analey’s mother while she was still in her mother’s womb.” Mikel clenched his jaws as his body swayed forward slightly, ready to rush at Larson. His hands closed in hard fists as he continued his aggressive verbal assault.

  Larson let go of me and he lunged towards Mikel, sending him through the air. Mikel hit the ground, dirt flying around him. He jumped to his feet as Larson came at him again. The throng of vampires moved closer but kept their distance, waiting for Larson’s command.

  “Leave now,” Larson demanded yelling in Mikel’s face.

  “I’m not leaving without Analey,” Mikel growled.

  Larson raised his hands to Mikel again, but I wedged myself between them.

  I turned to Larson with tears in my eyes. “Please tell me he’s lying. That’s not what happened,” I cried softly.

  “I’m sorry,” Larson said.

  “What did you do?” My voice low but filled with wild accusation.

  Larson dropped his gaze to the ground. “Aloes sent me to look for you some 18 years ago and instead we found the woman who was carrying the child Aloes wanted. Burdock and I chased her through the rain.”

  “You hunted my mother.” I squeezed my eyes shut, pushing back more tears.

  “I was an animal then and enjoyed the hunt as much as the kill. Burdock took out your father while I pursued your mother. But I was careless. I wanted to evoke the adrenaline of fear in her first.” Larson lamented. “I attacked her and instead of simply killing her and you, I let my venom seep into her veins as I drank every ounce of her delicious blood. I was selfish and all I could think of was how pleased Aloes would be with me. I was enjoying the torment of the poor woman that I didn’t hear the sirens wailing in the distance. I quickly drained as much of her blood as I could and disappeared,” he confessed to the horrible crime.

  I stared at Larson blankly. “You tortured and killed my mother.” The tears were streaming down my face and I didn’t bother stopping them.

  “What I hadn’t known was that my venom made its way out of your mother and into your heart. It continues to flow through your veins. Analey, that’s why I can read your thoughts.” Larson stepped towards me, but I put a hand up against his chest to stop him from coming closer. “Don’t,” I said.

  “There was no way of taking your life or your powers as you were protected in your mother’s womb. Not only did I not kill you, but I made you stronger and more powerful.”

  “What does that mean?” I looked to Mikel then back to Larson.

  “You are a dhampir, half human and half vampire,” Mikel answered.

  I said nothing more and felt nothing. My body and feelings went numb. My parents hadn’t abandoned me; it was Larson who made me an orphan. I had suffered so much at the hands of this monster and he almost had me believe that I was falling in love with him. My stomach turned sour at the thought of that. He had been sent to kill me but instead he ruined my life.

  I looked at Larson, the supernatural bond that connected us tugging at my heart to excuse his evil deed. My shattered heart burned to forgive him, but I denied it. I wouldn’t ever pardon him. I had to find the courage, the strength to be stronger than my feelings for him. It would take an intense and unyielding force to turn my back on true love and walk away forever.

  thirty~ four

  Imade Mikel drive the speed limit back to where ever he was taking me. I had agreed to go with him for one reason only: answers. I wasn’t a vampire, but apparently, I wasn’t human either. I wanted to know the truth about myself, no matter how terrible it might be.

  “Mikel, I now know that my dreams of you were not coincidental, did you put yourself in them?” I asked.

  “Yes, I have the power of inception. But I only did because it was the only way I was allowed to let you see me,” he explained.

  I didn’t care much of why he did it, I only wanted to confirm what I already knew. Mikel had infringed upon my private thoughts while I slept. I let the offense go as I had more pressing questions that needed answering. “What is a dhampir?” I asked from the passenger seat.

  “It is a being conceived from the union between a vampire and a human. They have some powers like vampires but don’t usually thirst for blood,” Mikel answered. “It is believed that most become vampire hunters.”

  “But my parents were human,” I said.

  “Your kind is rare. We have not come across one created as you were, not conceived by a vampire but infected with venom while in your mother’s womb.” Mikel kept his eyes on the road ahead of him. I sat next to him empty and numb. I pushed back all emotions fearing the anger and hate would feed the monster within me.

  Almost an hour and a half later, Mikel pulled up to a big house with large stone columns on either side. Evergreen vines twisted and coiled up the pillars like serpents slithering upon their prey. A large balcony with open windows extended over a wide porch. Several cars were parked in the curved driveway and lights illuminated the windows. I opened the car door and stepped out marveling at the house, but it wasn’t just any house; it was a castle. At once I knew we had arrived at the Aragon’s family home.

  Shivers spread over my flesh as I discerned the unnerving realization that more vampires waited within the castle walls. We walked up the steps to the front door and another man joined us on the porch. He was a big man and his dark skin had a pale glow to it. He was tall with broad shoulders, reminding me of a bouncer at a night club.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” Mikel said as we entered the house. “I didn’t know what had happened to you. I was so worried about you.” The look on his face confirmed what he was saying. He had the appearance of a person who hadn’t slept in weeks.

  Mikel led me into the main part of the house. It was just as splendid as the Cardamone Manor but from a completely different era. Stella was there, as well as others who Mikel introduced as his family. I met his sister Faye, she had brown eyes like Mikel but a shade lighter, and his brother Philip. He was shorter than Mikel and had a leaner build. Finally, Mikel introduced me to his parents, Sophia and Alexander Aragon.

  “Hello, Analey. Welcome to our home,” Sophia greeted me.

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  Mikel’s mother had a gentle, motherly ambiance about her that jerked painfully at my broken heart as I thought of the mother I would never know.

  “The circumstances are regrettable, but it’s still a pleasure to meet you,” Alexander said, taking my hand. His voice was strong and authoritative. I got the impression that when Alexander spoke, everyone listened. He stood the same height as Philip, shorter than Mikel, but had a powerful presence that towered over everyone.

  “I appreciate you taking me in, but I would much rather be shown to my room,” I said.

  “Mikel, show our guest to her quarters,” Sophia said, and Mikel obeyed.

  I continued giving Mikel the cold, silent treatment as he led me up a winding set of stone and tiled stairs. I walked detached from the world around me thinking about nothing and feeling nothing.

  “Analey, please talk to me,” Mikel begged, but I had nothing to say.

  I had been betrayed in the worst way and the darkness shook within me. The only way to subdue it was stay calm and composed. If I let myself feel any emotion it would break through and I would give in to my dark tendencies. I was ignorant to how this power worked or what it could do, however I knew it would be detrimental.

  “I’m t
ired,” I replied in a flat voice.

  I can stay with you, if you want me to,” Mikel said as he stepped aside so I could step into the room.

  “No, that’s not necessary.”

  “Okay, but I will be right out here if you change your mind.”

  “Mikel, do what you must, but I want to be alone,” I said as he sat outside the bedroom and I shut the door.

  I laid in the bed ignoring the pull on my heart and the demands of the darkness. The guest room in the Aragon castle was impressive. The cream-colored drapes covered large windows and matched the satin duvet cover on the bed. It was a heavy material with white swirl designs stitched into the fine fabric. The walls were stone as was the floor that was covered with a large white Persian rug. The room would have been cold if it weren’t for the heat coming from the blazing fire in the great fireplace. Alone in the room, I allowed myself to feel again. I was furious at Larson and would be damned if I ever forgave him. He had done the unthinkable and for the first time, I thought I could hate him. My whole messed up childhood was his fault; he was to blame for all my pain and suffering from the time I was born up to the time I had met him. It was impossible to admit that I didn’t miss him. I could feel the pain in my chest each time I refused to give in to the pull. I understood his venom connected us but what Larson was and what he had done was not only vicious or evil, it was an abomination. Larson was not worthy of forgiveness, but it wasn’t that simple.

  Outside the castle, the wind howled through the trees while inside the fire was nearly out. It had burned fervently for several days, but now needed rekindling. Once again, I found myself captive in the hands of yet another vampire. I wanted to return to Shadowmist, to my life before vampires had invaded it. It was the simple moments that I missed more than anything, like getting up in the mornings and getting dressed for work.

  I had been holed up in the bedroom for almost a week now and I needed some fresh air.

  “I want to go for a walk,” I said, not meeting Mikel’s gaze as he entered the room.

  “We can go to the water well just past the gazebo. There is a nice trail that runs the length of the property,” he said.

  “That’s fine. I don’t care where we go, I just need to get out.”

  I followed Mikel down the stairs and out to the eastern side of the yard. We followed the trail he had mentioned until we came to a grassy null at the edge of the property. The green field seemed to have been immune to the winter months and from that spot the ocean water could be seen in the distance, the wind carrying the salty air and the sound of the crashing waves to us. Around a slight bend in the path, stood an old well, covered with overgrown grass and wild flowers.

  “There is a legend about this well,” Mikel said, placing his hands on the edge and looking down into it.

  “The legend of the wishing well,” I said.

  “You’ve heard of it?” he asked bemused.

  I cracked a smile at his naivety. “Isn’t it always about a wishing well?”

  “Yes, I suppose so.” Mikel laughed. “It’s good to see your beautiful smile again,” he said.

  “It’s good to smile again,” I said.

  The day was cool, but the sun was bright and warm on my skin. We sat against the well talking about dhampirs and hunters. I wanted a better understanding of what I was, and what I would become.

  Mikel told me what he knew about the offspring of vampires and humans, not sure if it would be the same for me since my dhampir birth was unique. It was all still so unbelievable to me; I didn’t feel not human.

  “The hunter is not complete in you,” Mikel said. “Usually there is an awakening triggered by a traumatic event.”

  I thought about Heath Gibbs. I wondered if it was possible, he was the product of a vampire and human relationship. What had triggered the hunter in him? I didn’t have any answers and felt the need to keep Heath’s identity a secret from Mikel. I couldn’t explain it; it was just a gut feeling.

  “I don’t want to be awakened,” I said. “I just want to be normal.”

  “I know you do, and I will do what I can to make sure nothing changes in you,” Mikel said.

  I didn’t know how he could promise me that, but I let him believe he could. It was nice having some hope even if deep down I knew it was impossible.

  The ocean breeze grew colder as we decided it was time to go. We followed the trail back to the castle. I looked over my shoulder to Mikel walking several feet behind me, surveying the area. I knew he was staying observant of the surroundings, watching out for Larson or Aloes, maybe both.

  We made going to the well a daily routine. I carried a handful of coins and made a wish every day. I wished for the nightmare to end, but more often I wished for wisdom to know which path to choose. I was at a crossroads and whichever path I chose would break someone’s heart, possibly my own.

  While I was using all my strength to fight against my feelings for Larson, Mikel was slowly making his way back to me. I had been resisting Mikel’s unwanted attempts to gain my favor, but each day away from Larson was weakening my resolve.

  “Good night, Analey,” Mikel said as he backed up towards the door when we had arrived back at the house one cold evening of wandering around the Aragon property.

  I turned my eyes to his and let his supernaturally perfect smile sweep me away. I knew Mikel was no angel, but his seraph face was a power and there was not a woman mortal or immortal who could resist it. “Good night,” I replied smiling back.

  I had a restful night, not remembering any dreams---good or bad. I opened my eyes to the sunlight filtering in, bathing the room in golden rays. On the nightstand next to the bed was a single long stem red tulip. My heart fluttered in my chest as I reached for it.

  Mikel,” I called.

  Mikel entered the room and was at my side instantly. I pointed at the flower. Mikel’s downcast eyes confirmed what I already knew.

  “He left it for you on the doorstep with this note.” His voice was low and somber as he handed me a piece of folded stationary; Larson had written me a letter in perfect penmanship.

  “I didn’t want to keep it from you. I understand your feelings for him.” Sadness clouded his features.

  I held the tulip and looked at the note but didn’t open it. I fought with all my might not to read it. “No, please get rid of it,” I whispered. I knew what would happen upon seeing Larson’s words. Words that would send me running back to him in a heartbeat.

  “Are you sure? I want for you to have no regrets,” Mikel said.

  “My only regret is ever knowing him. Burn it,” I demanded, turning my head so that he wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes.

  Mikel nodded and took back the flower and the letter, but he said he would put them away just in case I changed my mind.

  “What did you mean when you said you understand my feelings for him?” I asked, folding my hands on my lap as I watched him place the tulip and note in a box.

  Mikel took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering me. “I’m a vampire and although you are half vampire, you are more human than anyone who has ever lived. I have no place in your world or in your heart but knowing this does not change what I feel. The heart wants what the heart wants and nothing in this world or in the next can ever change it. Love is magical. It has the power to transform a monster like me into a man who would give up his existence just to tell you how he feels. I won’t ask you to forgive me for what or who I am, but I ask for you to know what I feel for you. You have the heart and soul of Heaven’s most perfect angel. Looking into your eyes is like staring into the sun. Even in death I will continue to love you.” A corner of his mouth lifted in a sad smile, as he recited the truth that was in his heart.

  I was speechless. Mikel had selflessly given me Larson’s gift, knowing it would send me back to him. He risked his broken heart to mend mine. Tears pooled in my eyes and I realized I’d been punishing the wrong man. Mikel had done a bad thing for a good reason. He’d kept his
true identity from me, but only because he feared I would reject him once I knew the truth. He wanted to keep the truth from me to protect me, to keep me normal for as long as possible. I felt undeserving of Mikel’s love and though I couldn’t say with confidence that I too loved him, I knew there was something in my heart that yearned for him.

  “Ma vie, what’s wrong?” Mikel asked, noticing the tears in my eyes.

  I shook my head and didn’t push his hand away when he reached up to wipe a tear from my cheek. Mikel carefully invited me into his embrace, and I accepted.

  He buried his face in my hair and whispered, “I can’t live without you, but knowing you are unhappy would be the death of me. I’ll take you back to him right now.”

  “No, he isn’t the reason for my broken heart.” Although I couldn’t be sure if that was entirely true. “My heart breaks for the unforgivable way I’ve been treating you,” I said.

  “You’ve done nothing that warrants forgiveness.” Mikel tried to argue.

  “Mikel, please just let me apologize and ask for your forgiveness. I need to hear you say you forgive me.” I was trying hard to hold back more tears.

  “I forgive you ma vie, my life.” Mikel held me in his arms.

  I saw the hunger in his eyes and knew at that moment that he had neglected his thirst just to stay by my side.

  “Go. I will be here waiting when you come back.” I pushed away from him gently. Mikel didn’t argue, disappearing and leaving me alone but at peace with his forgiveness.

  I felt better after talking with Mikel and was grateful he had gone hunting. I waited for him to return as I’d promised. The Aragon’s had an impressive library I’d noticed a few weeks after arriving at the castle. I decided it would be the best place to pass the time until Mikel returned.

  The library was on the main floor of the house. Mikel’s family greeted me warmly when I saw them downstairs, like perfect statues standing and sitting around, talking softly amongst themselves. I felt a bit embarrassed to show my face after the way I’d behaved since arriving at their home, but they were just as forgiving as Mikel had been.


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