Mastered By the Knight: Book One

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Mastered By the Knight: Book One Page 1

by Arabella Kingsley

  Mastered By The Knight

  By Arabella Kingsley

  Text copyright©2014Arabella Kingsley

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Mastered By The Knight

  By Arabella Kingsley

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter One

  Annorra, Medieval England.

  Sir Guy The Valiant raised his sword defiantly at the dragon in the forest clearing. Excitement coursed through his veins at the danger he was facing. These knightly quests and the female prizes on their completion was what he lived for. He glanced at the long flaxen haired young lady with luscious plump breasts half fainting against a large boulder against to which she was chained. She was to have been a sacrifice to the dragon along with some baskets of food and a small amount of treasure to stop him from attacking the village and Sir Edward of Loth’s castle and chattels. It was a cruel fate and she was indeed a beauty, more than worthy reward for the challenge he was enduring.

  Her father, a rich nobleman had requested Sir Guy’s help as he travelled through the village after his victory at Loth’s tournament. The fair damsel called Beatrix had been chosen as the sacrifice after having caught the eye of a visiting Lord at Sir Edward’s castle. She had strongly rebuked the Lord’s courteous advances and proposal of marriage. Beatrix confessed to all she did not like men and their aggression and what was more she had vowed to take holy orders. When her father remarked she would not be allowed to do such thing, she was determined she would rather die than marry.

  When the villagers demanded a sacrifice to be made to the dragon, once a week after it burnt down three of the villager’s homes, took all of their food and ate a child, she volunteered against her father’s will. Her distraught father had used all of his influence with Sir Edward to stop the sacrifice. The wench would not be put to marriage with any man or ruled by one. Disturbed by the Lady’s wilful behaviour and her threat to take her own life if she was not to be sacrificed Sir Edward relented and overruled her distraught father.

  The dark handsome knight had never undertaken battle with a dragon and the opportunity for glory and a new adventure at such a young age in his early twenties was not to be missed. Should he be successful then he would teach the lady the error of her ways over his knee with a sound bare bottom spanking.

  He roared at the dragon and sliced his sword through its scaly neck. Rich crimson blood flowed down it’s white and green scales to the ground. The dragon was infuriated, swirling its long neck around breathing fire at the brave knight and scorching the trunks of the nearby trees and the rock near the lady with its fiery mark.

  Every time the large creature moved its webbed feet the earth rumbled like thunder beneath it and shook. Sir Guy jumped from his position to avoid the lash of the dragon’s long tail. Finding his helmet a hindrance he removed it and tossed it to one side. Now his clear crystal blue eyes could see everything more clearly. The cuts he was making to the dragon were futile and insignificant. He needed to get to the beast’s throat and end its life.

  When the dragon swung its head down around once more to breathe fire at him he moved quickly to the side and caught hold of the animal’s scaly skin to help him jump on to its back. Straddling the dragon’s back, he began to move himself up to the back of its head. The dragon swung his long neck back and forth trying to shake him off. Sir Guy paused slicing his knife through the scaly rubber skin to slow the animal down. It was with great effort that he managed to hold on and to his position. Shuffling up the animal’s neck he finally made it to the back of the dragon’s head.

  He leaned forward to cut the beast’s throat but the animal was cunning with its fury and made a last ditch effort to throw him off. Twice he had to stop leaning forward and hold on to the beast for dear life. He had to act quickly. The dragon’s fire was narrowly missing the damsel in distress and now she was screaming with fear. Her cleavage was rising and falling in an agitated manner underneath her white silk sacrificial gown cut. It was cut in to a wide v -shape through the middle to expose the curve and beginnings of the swell of both luscious mounds. It was not only his fight with the dragon that was making his blood pump harder.

  On his third attempt Sir Guy drew a deep line in to the creature’s throat. Blood poured profusely from the wound on to the ground splashing against the lady’s white dress. He raised an eyebrow with amusement as he clung on to the beast’s neck cutting another line in its throat feeling its movement begin to slow. He would have to remove the dress. The lady would not want the blood of the animal next to her pale porcelain skin.

  The dragon’s death throes continued to slow. Its desperate attempts to breathe fire and throw the knight from its neck were futile. It’s whining painful death cries cut through the air scattering the birds and the animals away Eventually, the dragon’s head fell to the ground and it took its final breaths.

  Sir Guy climbed off the dead dragon’s neck with a triumphant smile lighting his lips. He gave the beast no second look, concentrating his attention on the half fainting woman chained to the rock. Running his hand through his short dark brown hair slightly curling at the back of his neck with the effort of his quest, he approached the rescued damsel in distress. Time to soothe her fears then deliver the bare bottom spanking the wench undoubtedly deserved for disobeying her father and putting her life in danger.

  With his bloody sword Sir Guy retrieved his axe from the saddle bag on his horse and banged down hard on the chains binding Beatrix to the rock. He pulled her half fainting form in to his arms. Immediately she began to sob with the strength of a child. The sun was still beating strongly even though it was late afternoon. He scooped the damsel up in to his arms and carried her to the edge of the small spring. The knight sat on one of the small collection of rocks still cradling her like a child in his arms. He reached down and gathered some water from the spring and gently trickled it over her beautiful fair countenance to revive her. He repeated the action and slowly her eyes flickered open.

  The damsel stared up at him with fright and tried to remove her weakened body from his arms but he was to hold her fast. Sir Guy stroked his finger tips against her cheek and held her against his chest.

  “Hush, you are safe. I am Sir Guy. The dragon is slain, little one,” he told her softly.

  Once more he reached for some water and this time dribbled it over her delicate pink lips. With eagerness she opened her mouth and reached to capture the liquid.

  “Thank you, brave knight,” she whispered with a smile. “I had believed I welcomed death but when faced with it I discovered I wanted to live. If you had not come along my life would have ended. I am in your debt, my lord.”

  The handsome knight smiled down and continued to stroke the girl’s cheek.

  “I am encouraged that you now value your life. You should not have been so willing to give it up for sacrifice, little one. You have caused your father great distress. And what is this nonsense about not marrying? This must be removed from your thoughts. Every woman should be loved and ruled in marriage by a noble man and you are no exception. Your stubborn and wilful nature causes you harm and I intend to correct it with some much need discipline,” the Knight said softly, darkly, tilting her chin upwards so he could gaze directly in to her violet eyes.

  Her eyes widened and he felt her body tighten with fear in his arms.

  “What do you intend to do with me?” she was breathless.

  “Spank you bare bottom, wench until you understand the folly of your actions and the distress you have put your father and family through. Had your mother been alive I believe she
would have died with fright. I will not only rescue from the dragon but from yourself.”

  Chapter Two

  Beatrix gave an outraged cry.

  “But please, Sir Guy, I have learnt from my ordeal. Please be reassured. There is no need to spank me like a child. I am a grown woman.”

  The knight chuckled.

  “Even now, your wilful nature betrays you in your speech. It must be curbed,” he said firmly.

  Before Beatrix could react any further he stood with her in his arms and then set her down, pulling her over his black leather clad knees. She struggled and kicked against him. Her bad behaviour was to intensify when he smoothed his large male palm over the part of the silky long gown which covered her rump. The material was soft and feminine. It smelt of gardenias despite the splash of blood from the slain dragon. The girl was beautiful, young and fresh. He inhaled the scent and then gathered the material in his hands forcing it up her back to her waist exposing her rump.

  She was naked underneath just like every over woman in the realm. It was intoxicating to know that whenever he met a woman, if she be willing all he had to do was to lift her gown, moisten her sex and then penetrate her wherever and whenever he wished.

  The lady cursed him moving her body on top of his legs, unwittingly rubbing the blonde curls framing her pretty sex and the gentle bud of pleasure nestled there on top of the smooth leather. He ached to touch the lips of her pussy, coax her willingly to arousal but he was a man who believed in firm discipline for a woman. In these violent times it was essential a woman was obedient to a man trying to protect her and ensure her well being. A good spanking would remind the reckless wench of her position and the danger she faced.

  He warranted the girl had been spoilt. She needed the firm guidance of a male hand striking her bare bottom and should be married as soon as possible. No woman was safe with such a nature. Many rebellious women determined to dwell on their own were being caught and herded in to slavery by mysterious troops of men and transported to other lands for sex and forced breeding.

  Many gold pieces changed hands Some of them had even been married and taken from their homes, husbands and children. Those women who had not been of taste to their kidnappers on reflection had been found at the edges of villages or in the forests with their throats cut. Sir Guy would not allow this beauty to befall such a cruel violent fate.

  Her struggles were great prompting the knight to take a harder stance. Perhaps the lady would benefit from the humiliation of being deprived of her clothing. Fighting her kicking and screaming, he took hold of the bottom of her gown and tore at the material with his hands. His great strength ensured he made short work of the garment and after a short while her body was bared for all who cared to view it.

  The handsome knight reached his hand back down in to the cool water and scooped up a handful of liquid in to his hand. He brought it over the struggling wench’s rump and allowed droplets of the cool refreshing water to cascade over her bare bottom and down between the delicate crease which erotically parted both pale pink and cream buttocks. Then he was to watch it travel down through the ripe lips of her pussy.

  For a moment he wished he had been in possession of a piece of ginger with which to insert in to the girl’s anus for the length of her spanking punishment. The fiery moisture secreted by the vegetable would be stronger than the damsel’s temper and would subdue it in to submission. Alas it was not to be and he needed to be firmer with his hand when wielding it to spank the girl.

  He was also to dribble the water over the tender backs of her thighs Beatrix bucked down against his legs giving a small gasp of surprise at the coolness of the water on her vulnerable flesh, exposed to the sunlight.

  Sir Guy used the back of his fingers to spread the water around her bottom, ignoring her whimpers and pleas. Spanking the lady when wet would ensure her chastisement was more painful and would not be forgotten. Every time she put her life in danger and disobeyed her father Sir Guy wanted her to remember this spanking and think twice before acting in case he returned to repeat the punishment.

  When he was satisfied her bottom was plentifully wet he raised his damp hand and brought the first strike down hard. The girl yelped and let out a loud sob. The water on her skin splashed against his hand. Her rump jumped and quivered. He made sure the second blow came thick and fast before the wench could anticipate it or recover from the flaring sting of punishment.

  Sir Guy was well practiced in the art of spanking a woman. His strikes came firm and fast to the most tender places. The wench sobbed and bleated especially when he moved his concentration to the backs of her thighs. Jumping and quivering against the mastery of his hand her flesh coloured red and burned.

  After only a short while her struggles ceased and she accepted the rest of her discipline with dignity and acceptance. She hung meek and pliant over his knees jumping only when he swatted her bottom, whimpering quietly to herself. He cupped his hand and struck the backs of her thighs, each one in turn, two more times then delivered two final blows to the middle of her buttocks. The knight brought her spanking to an end convinced his message had been struck home and allowed the girl up.

  The pale globes bobbed lightly in front of his face as he guided her legs either side of his lap. The nipples were dark and puckered, pulled taut with arousal, inviting his caress. There was sexual hunger in her violet eyes.

  Beatrix was wet between her thighs. Sir Guy could feel it seeping in to the leather of his trousers. With determined fingers, he took hold of her pussy lips and splayed them wide to confirm it. She was ripe for taking. But Beatrix was indignant at his rough handling and reached out to slap his face and beat her fists against his arms. Creasing his handsome stubbled face in to a frown, Sir Guy caught hold of her arms and forced her to cease her annoying struggles. It appeared Beatrix needed further convincing of the error of her ways.

  Chapter Three

  Sir Guy lifted Beatrix up making her put her legs around his waist for support and catch hold of his neck in fright. The knight carried her to the water’s edge and down the bank in to the fast flowing river. Fresh mountain water crashed over a collection of large smooth grey boulders out of which nature had carved a small waterfall in the middle of the shallow river. Sir Guy waded through the river towards the boulders. He came to stand with his feet apart balanced upon the pebbles underfoot and lowered the girl to the water.

  Beatrix gave a agitated gasp when she felt the cold of the water against her toes. Sir Guy turned her swiftly around so that her pink chastised bottom protruded from the side then he lifted her over his arm to deposit her struggling form on all fours in the water. Her bare bottom was positioned directly above the torrent of white water. It rained down upon her naked blushed buttocks unable to escape under the river because of its shallow depth. Seeping through the crease, it penetrated her anal entrance, striking her buttocks with force, imposing its own punishment in support of the knight’s.

  Sir Guy placed his palm in the small of her back under the water when she tried to rise. He gathered up her mane of long hair in his fist and used it as a rein to lower her face to the water. Her lips and cheeks brushed the surface of the cool crisp water.

  “Drink,” he commanded, the idea of a third suitable punishment flourishing in his mind as he prepared to invoke the second one.

  At first, Beatrix was to disobey him, still complaining and shrieking about the torrent of water spanking her bottom. Sir Guy raised his hand and slapped it hard against the side of her rump twice. More cries and curses escaped her pouting pink lips. But the wench was to open her mouth in fear and begin to lap obediently at the water.

  Considering it safe enough to remove his hand from her back, the Knight unclothed himself to the waist, throwing his white tunic and chain mail to the bank. His tall form towered over the damsel. Lean taut muscle covered his torso. Bronzed by the sun, it gleamed against his black leather trousers, casting him a dominant male figure against the back drop of the mountainous lan
dscape and the tall pine trees of Morrigan forest. Even the water was to bend to his figure, surging around his tightly muscled calves as though he was not just mastering the girl but nature itself.

  Quickly, he pulled the leather belt from around his trousers as Beatrix did as she was bid and continued to drink from the river like cattle. The knight pulled his belt taut feeling the blaze of the summer sun caress his shoulders. He ordering Beatrix to drink more of the water until he was sure her bladder was filling to the brim. Moving to stand behind the girl’s buttocks he raised his makeshift whip high. Bracing his stance by opening his legs, he brought the end of the belt down upon Beatrix’s bottom already tinged pink by his own hand without warning.

  The girl was to yelp loudly. Herr cry echoed loudly through the forest to scare the birds from the trees and the deer away as Sir Guy whipped her rump, heavily wet from the waterfall raining down upon it. The sting sharp and unforgiving. Each time he struck Beatrix’s wet bare bottom it lifted high as though to meet the caress of the belt. The two globes shook and quivered together making the knight harden to the point he thought he might burst in his trousers. He could not help but ache to be inside the girl, filling her to the hilt, his hot seed pouring in to her as he conquered her will and rode her in to submission.

  Beatrix was attempting to sink her buttocks in to the water as far as she could to hide them and prevent the rest of her whipping but there was insufficient depth to make her act effective. With no escape, Sir Guy was able to whip her bottom in unison with the waterfall’s own firm pounding.

  After a while, to Sir Guy’s satisfaction, Beatrix’s sobs became mingled with needful pants and tortured pleasured moans. The damsel seemed uncertain as to whether she was suffering from her chastisement or enjoying the strike of his belt to the point of climax.


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