To Wrangle A Witch (Southern Sanctuary Book 3)

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To Wrangle A Witch (Southern Sanctuary Book 3) Page 6

by Jane Cousins

  “Exactly. I entered the facility based purely on appearance and people’s expectations. I laid out those two orderlies by bringing up painful, personal, literally incapacitating past truths. And I got you out of there based upon a universal hard truth… the law was quite literally on my side. Unfortunately if I’m not there to reinforce the truth, over time individual personal beliefs will eventually erode even a universal truth… I’m talking greed, avarice, lust, gluttony, essentially the seven deadly sins. That’s why they came after us yesterday, I gave us a head start but they knew all along keeping you locked up there was wrong, so greed or perhaps fear eroded my truth.”

  Serena smiled suddenly, then she began to laugh.

  Not the normal reaction Locke received when he took the time and effort to explain his magic. Usually women started running for the hills about now. People always held the truth up as some shining beacon but when it came to reality, well that’s why there were televangelists, wrinkle creams and get rich quick schemes.

  “You are such a lawyer.” Serena reached up to wipe a tear of laughter from one eye. “All that explanation just to make the point you were right to make me drink that hideous green abomination.” Crossing her arms she mimicked him. “Drink it…”

  Locke’s gaze was captured by the sight of her soft breasts as they strained against the thin material of her t-shirt. Honestly if she crossed her arms like that and told him to jump off a cliff he probably would. And that was the truth. How could a woman manage to look so darn delectable in nothing but a thigh skimming old t-shirt?

  Her blonde hair gleamed white in the light of day, falling in a heavy mass past her shoulders almost to her waist. Already after only a night of rest her skin had taken on a healthy soft velvety sheen and her eyes looked brighter and clearer. Those mischievous blue-purple orbs twinkling with feminine mystery. The one great unknowable truth… women. Sternly he told his cock to behave… sick, fragile woman remember. Distraction… he needed a distraction quick.

  “So you want to tell me want happened to my courtyard?”

  Her laughter tapered off to be replaced by a wary smile. “You ever met an Earth Witch before?”

  “You’re my first.”

  “Well it’s kind of difficult to explain.” Actually it fell roughly on the border of embarrassing edging over into downright humiliating. What was she supposed to say, she had become intoxicated by moonlight and the touch of earth against her skin for the first time in five months and lost control? That the knowledge that he’d been watching her dance had made her feel intensely feminine and potently alluring? That even as she re-bonded with the earth and its bounty she’d been imaging what it would feel like to have his hands on her, his lips against hers? That those desires had somehow manifested into reality overnight and created the garden of Eden in his courtyard?

  “For argument’s sake why don’t you take a stab at it?” He instructed. “I’m usually pretty good at sorting fact from fiction.”

  Of course he was, the man was practically a walking lie detector. He wanted the truth? Well she’d give it to him. Shrugging slim shoulders she sent him her best guileless look. “Mother Nature works in mysterious ways.”

  “That’s your explanation?”

  “You have a better one?’ Answering a question with a question, also another good stand by.

  She hopped off the bar stool and made her way to the glass wall separating the kitchen from the courtyard. Hitting a nearby button she smiled as the glass slid away seamlessly and a warm summer breeze enveloped her, heady with scents of flowers and earth. Her whole body suddenly ached with the need to be out there, walking amongst all that beauty, feel the earth beneath her feet. The sight of the palm tree towering over the garden caused her to pause in awe. Wow that had grown overnight? Maybe it wasn’t just her returning powers gone overdrive, maybe there really was something to Nell’s suggestion that the Sanctuary grid had somehow amplified her magic. Still it didn’t solve the reality of Locke’s garden gone wild.

  “Will there be any more… surprises?”

  She smiled and turned to look at him, so dapper and unruffled in his suit. The urge to walk over and run her fingers through his dark hair was just as strong as the urge to walk into the garden. Hmmm that was new; when it came to the earth she normally had her priorities in order. “What’s life without surprises?”

  He didn’t comment on that, just checked his watch instead. “I’ll be in my office for the next few hours, I have a conference call. What will you do? Go back to bed?”

  “No, the garden is far too tempting.” Though if he’d given her the slightest encouragement she would have been heading in his direction. Career Barbie girlfriend be damned. Honestly what was up with her crazy hormones?

  He looked like he was going to argue then sighed. “Just don’t overdo it okay? And try and keep the jungle at bay and the rolling around in the dirt to a minimum.”

  Serena had already turned and stepped out onto the cool sandstone tiles of the shaded veranda. “I should imagine you’ll want to hose me down again if I do.”

  “No more hoses….” His voice suddenly became rough as he watched her reach down, grab the bottom of her t-shirt and haul it off over her head. That soft pert bottom of hers instantly capturing and retaining his attention, even more delectable in the light of day. Damn the woman was petite but she was perfectly formed. A few hours communing with Mother Nature had already begun to restore some meat to her bones and lustre to her skin.

  “Promise?” She was looking back at him over her shoulder, a knowing smile on her face.

  “Promise.” He forced his gaze upward. It seems no good deed went unpunished. He’d been saddled with an Earth Witch who refused to wear clothes outside. Goddess help him be strong. “I had a little gift installed out there for you.” Reaching up he straightened his tie, then adjusted his cuffs, raising her knowing smile with a superior one of his own. “I suggest you make use of it, even with the hose down last night you still smell a little… earthy.”

  * * *

  “Earthy… EARTHY!” Serena closed her eyes, stepping directly under the flow of hot water.

  That man was infuriating, not to mention a complete enigma. One moment he’s teasing her. The next he’s interrogating. Taunting her with insults... she did not smell earthy. Then he goes completely above and beyond to have this gorgeous ridiculously decadent outdoor shower built. That must have been what all the noise was about just after dawn.

  Set up at the base of the palm tree, surrounded by ferns the discreet wooden structure was shaped like a barrel, leaving only her head and lower legs exposed to any prying eyes. Stocked full of hellishly expensive all natural made products she’d given in to the immediate temptation to indulge in an outdoor shower… despite the fact that her ego still stung from Locke’s last crack. In a word the experience was heavenly as the warm water flowed and the dappled sunlight played over her skin.

  He’d done this for her? He was kind of hard to stay mad at. Though she needed to try she reminded herself… she was only here as a temporary guest. He had a highly suitable doctor girlfriend for Moon’s sake. Earth, if only there was a bed out here her world would be complete. Hey, she laughed, accidently swallowing some water, she’d just had the best idea ever.

  * * *

  Locke Valhalla was sweating bullets. He’d already adjusted the air conditioning in his office twice in the last five minutes. The only amusing thing about the whole situation was that Bernie Schaefer, head honcho of Schaefer, Bederman and Luski, appeared to believe Locke’s discomfort was due to the fact that he was finally had that slick Valhalla killer shark on the ropes in regards to the contract merger they were working on.

  Poor deluded fool.

  If only Bernie could have seen what Locke was privy to… but then again Bernie was obscenely overweight an unhealthy. If he could see what Locke could, he’d probably be turning his toes up heavenwards with a dreamy smile on his face and a song in his heart. Death by skycla
d Earth Witch. There were worse ways to go.

  Watching her shower had been bad enough. Her head tilted back in pleasure, her eyes shut, a smile of delight lighting her features, his mind filling in the blanks hidden from view by the wooden shield. And he, stupid bastard that he was, thought the shower would be the worst of it. Oh no, he was forgetting who he was dealing with.

  No towels for this girl. When she’d finished showering Serena had walked out onto one of the grassy areas bare butt naked, no dim moonlit shadows this time to shield even an inch of her glory from his eyes. There was no denying that she was a natural blonde that was for sure.

  He’d almost choked on his own tongue when she proceeded to lie down, raising her arms languidly above her head, stretching out like an open invitation to the world. And it was an invitation he soon realised, but not to the world and not to him. It was to the butterflies, as first one, then ten, then a hundred multi-coloured butterflies landed on her, drinking the moisture from her skin as if it were nectar. He’d never seen a more erotic….more disturbing tableau in all his years.

  Thank the Goddess for his magic, as his inner truth bell rang loudly shattering the hypnotic spell that Serena had cast over him.

  “Hold it there Bernie. Let me just close the curtains in here and then we can go back over that last point again.”

  Chapter Eight

  The summer evening breeze danced soothingly over Serena’s skin as she made her way towards the kitchen, following the divine scent of something spicy an enticing. With all the glass doors to the courtyard wide open, Locke’s beautiful home was the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor living. Though come to think of it not once had she seen him step into the great outdoors.

  Speak of the devil.

  She paused in the corridor to watch him expertly cut up a tomato and add it to a bowl already full to bursting with salad ingredients. He looked as cute as hell, a tea towel draped casually over one shoulder, his suit jacket discarded, the sleeves of his shirt folded back to his elbows, and would wonders never cease, he’d even loosened his tie. The man was positively casual, even if he still had on the waistcoat that matched his suit trousers.

  She was glad she’d gone to the trouble of dressing up herself. After her day spent resting in the garden she’d been reluctant to wear his t-shirt again so she had used an old trick her grandmother had once shown her, weaving natural materials into clothing. The summery dress she had on with the thin spaghetti straps and flirty hemline ending mid-thigh was courtesy of the red hibiscus in the courtyard. The petal material, divinely soft against her skin.

  “Evening.” On bare feet she padded forward to take a seat at the kitchen bench so she could watch him work.

  “Hey there. You look like you had a good day. I hope you didn’t get too much sun?”

  “Not possible. And you? How did the lawyering go?”

  “I continue to reign supreme, my enemies cowering in fear and subjugation at my feet.” He flashed a knee melting grin her way, thank the Earth she was sitting down. Locke held up a cocktail shaker. “Drink?”


  Locke had just added two olives to her martini when his mobile rang, sliding Serena’s glass over before he pushed the connect button. “Hey Kitten. What’s the news? ........ No I distinctly remember Vaughn telling me Kitten was perfectly acceptable. …….. Ah-huh……… Okay…. No we’re good. Nell came over earlier, clean bill of health. …… Ah-huh. Sure stay safe… Kitten?………What? …. Well I suggest you take that up with your husband. I’m more than happy to revert back to Gigantore… No? Then Kitten it is.” He hung up abruptly, a pleased expression on his face.

  “You shouldn’t tease your sister like that.” Serena stirred her drink absently.

  “Please, you have seen her right? If anyone can take care of herself it’s Hadleigh. I have the scars to prove it.”

  “I’m not surprised. Is everything okay? Has something happened?”

  “Hadleigh says something or someone has been testing the building security defences at regular intervals but nothing overt yet.” Locke picked up two oversized spoons and tossed the salad. “I hope you’re hungry?”

  “Starving, whatever you have in the oven smells wonderful.”

  “Thai whole baked salmon.”

  “Wow, a man of many hidden talents. Is it just the two of us tonight?” She turned her head noting the nearby heavy wooden dining table had just two settings laid out.

  “I did ask Nell if she wanted to join us but she’s on call at the hospital.” Locke didn’t look upset by the news he imparted, just carried on bustling around the kitchen; wiping down counters, adding dressing to the salad, pulling out two plates in readiness.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked, kind of in awe of the man, watching as he opened the oven door, lifting out the fish wrapped in banana leaves. He cooked, he cleaned, he had a house to die for that he clearly loved and decorated himself. Was there anything he couldn’t do?

  “Just grab the salad would you? I’ll dish out the fish.”

  Five minutes later Serena sat at the dining table across from Locke. The smell of lemongrass, chili, ginger and coriander wafting upwards from her plate to tease her nostrils. “I only hope this tastes as good as it smells.” She lifted a forkful to her mouth, closing her eyes as sumptuous flavours burst over her taste buds. “Hmmm, even better. Kudos to the chef.”

  Damn, Locke swallowed hard quickly averting his gaze, the gorgeous witch in the sassy red dress was way too tempting for her own good. And when she made those hmming sounds of pleasure all he could picture was her writhing under him making those exact same sounds. Reaching over he found his glass by touch alone, abruptly draining the contents.

  “I can’t believe I’m really out of that hell hole. I keep wanting to pinch myself but then I’m scared I might actually wake up back there.” She shuddered at the thought.

  “What Marcus said, about the medical file on you… was that true? Were you dying?”

  “Yes I think so. My strength was depleted when I got there and then with nothing to sustain me but some mold and the african violet, I don’t think I could have held on much longer.”

  “Sek and Mot didn’t visit you to gloat or check up on you?”

  “No.” She took a big sip of her drink, giving Locke a grateful smile as he lifted the cocktail shaker and re-filled her glass then his own. “I assumed they were too busy out in the world with Xander trying to find a replacement witch for their little ritual to bring their father back.”

  “They kidnapped Hadleigh you know, almost killed her thinking she was a witch.”

  “No, what happened?”

  “Vaughn saved the day.”

  “He would, those guys are pretty darn wonderful.” Serena smiled.

  “You must have started to get a bit worried there for a while, thinking they’d forgotten about you?”

  “No, at first I was worried they’d taken seriously the note Xander made me write that said I was resigning and needed some space. Then as time passed I started to think… well I was kind of worried that they might be dead.”

  “So…” Locke searched around for another topic, anything to take away the sudden gloom that filled Serena’s eyes. “So if being an Earth Witch requires nothing more than a propensity to run around wearing no clothes, why aren’t more strippers witches?”

  Serena laughed loudly. “If only it were that easy to add numbers to our ranks. I come from a long line of Earth Witches, my mother, grandmother.”

  “Have you called them, told them you’re safe?”

  “They know, we spoke last night… the dance in the garden, the earth passed the news onto them.”

  “But they’re not coming?”

  “It’s not safe. During my first escape attempt from Mot and Sek I got word to them to set up barrier and protection spells. Until the threat is gone they’ll keep their distance.”

  “Tough. But at least you have the Goddess Maat and the Warrior El
ite on your side. How did you end up working for them?”

  “When I finished college I sort of drifted for a while. Waitressed in New York for a bit, travelled with a circus looking after the animals, then I landed a job on a cruise ship as a magician’s assistant.”

  Locke chuckled softly. “Isn’t that a series of way too many contradictions? An Earth Witch going to sea? A magical being acting as an assistant to a non-magical being?”

  Serena smiled. “Being at sea was different, good but different. And working for the Great Ronaldo was a blast.”

  “But you moved on?”

  “Ronaldo was the one who moved on. He got a job offer in Vegas. Me and deserts, not the greatest of combinations. I was looking around for a new opportunity when my agent mentioned a new reality show that could use a female presence. And I ask you, knowing what we know, how could I turn down the opportunity of working on a show trying to prove the existence of the paranormal? Imagine my surprise when I walked into Maat Enterprises and stumbled across the seven warriors of the Goddess Maat. It only took a small leap of deduction to understand they were using the show to debunk paranormal sightings for the norms whilst searching out and dealing with real magical threats. I thought it would be fun, and all the travel involved was just the cherry on top.”

  “And you didn’t have a problem with the costume, the sparkly short-shorts as my sister referred to them?”

  Serena laughed huskily. “Just like everything else on the show they were meant to be a distraction for the audience and for Xander. Interspersing wobbly footage with strobing lights and pictures of my butt kept everyone looking left when the real action was happening right.”

  “Very clever.” Locke acknowledged. “More fish?”

  Serena looked down in surprise to find her plate empty. “Thank you no. Wow, that was really good.”

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  Serena pushed back her seat, grabbing her plate and then his. “Since you cooked it’s only fair that I….” She stopped as she eyed the state of the kitchen. Every counter was immaculately clean. “Well so much for that offer.”


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