Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour)

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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour) Page 8

by V. F. Mason

  “Condom,” she said, and I nodded. Standing up again, I grabbed one from the shelf and returned to her. “Can I put it on?” she asked.

  I groaned into her neck, shaking my head. “Next time, okay, sweetheart? Right now, I’m too turned on for you to touch me. If you do that, I’ll come on the spot.”

  She giggled and it made me smile.

  Having humor with sex was new, too, but then Jane was special to me in many ways.

  My hand moved lower to her hot opening and my fingers delved inside, to be sure she was ready.

  Fuck, she was.

  She was hot, slick, and wet.

  Jane moaned and raised her hips up, demanding more attention from me, but I removed my hand.

  “Put it back, Drake. I need you.”

  The things she said sometimes…

  “You need me? Or my dick? Or my finger? Maybe my tongue?” I asked, leaning down and biting her earlobe, and she hissed.


  “Yes, what?” My questions were making her crazy, but I fucking loved it.

  “I want all of it!”

  “As you wish.” Sliding down her body, I grabbed her knees and pushed them apart, which created a perfect view of her pussy, and without any warning, I pushed my tongue into her center then sucked her clit into my mouth hard. She moaned loudly as her hands grabbed my hair, but that didn’t stop me. My fingers focused on her opening, pushing in and out in rhythmic motions. Her knees closed around my head. My other hand moved to the side of her ass, and I slapped her hard and she yelped.

  “Steady, Jane.”

  She whimpered, but relaxed, moaned, and mewled. I felt her pussy clench around my fingers and quickly rose up to push my dick inside her as she cried out in pleasure. Her knees clamped onto my hips and her ankles locked behind my back while her hands clasped with mine.

  God, she felt so good.

  So fucking good.

  That brought me back to what happened in the bar, and I pounded harder.

  “Mine,” I growled. She said nothing, and my hand moved to her hair and tugged on it forcefully, which made her open her eyes. “Say it. Say you’re mine.”

  “That’s insane. I’m not—”

  I covered her mouth with mine and plunged my tongue deep. The kiss was raw, full, passionate, and fucking needy. It was as if we craved each other and our lives depended on this kiss. Her pussy was clenching around my dick, enveloping me in its heat, which made me move harder, deeper, and rougher. We moved wildly on the floor, which would leave her back sore, and I couldn't have that. With one swift movement, I flipped us over, positioning her on top of me.

  “Ride me, baby.” She was unsure, but she put her hands on my chest and slowly moved up and down. “Yes, just like that,” I hissed, and put my hands on her hips to help control her movements as she rose and came down. She groaned and shifted her hands to her nipples, and fuck, if that wasn't making me harder, if that was even possible. “Yes, play with your nipples.”

  She tweaked them then hissed in pleasure, and I knew she was close. She whimpered, and then something flashed in her eyes that made me sit up. She locked her legs behind me. We moved slowly, looking at each other, the emotions building right along with the sexual heat. Finally, her pussy clenched, my balls tightened, and I felt the familiar tingling sensation in my spine. With a groan and a shout, we both came at the same time. Our bodies were sweaty; her face was on my shoulder, and we both breathed heavily.

  Yet it was the best fucking moment in my life.

  However, in all this amazing, heady pleasure, it didn't escape my notice that she didn't agree to be mine.

  Somehow, the feeling of euphoria that was present a few seconds ago was tainted.


  Why had no one ever told me how great sex was? Seriously, it was one of the best things in the world. The bodies, the emotions, the sheer pleasure. Who could say no to that? No wonder all the girls kept on hooking up.

  Drake was magnificent.

  We were lying in bed, both of us naked, covered only with the sheet. We were on our sides with my back to his chest while his hand gently moved over my stomach, and it was almost perfect. After we were done with the crazy sex session in the bathroom, he cleaned us up once again, took a wine bottle from the bar, and we lay down with glasses and chocolates on the bed.

  It was relaxing, and I felt so good.

  It was as if the outside world didn't exist. I wanted to stay in this cocoon as long as I could. He was bringing up unfamiliar emotions inside me, and they scared me, but not enough to call it an evening.

  It was already two am. I could stay until morning, because I highly doubted the girls would be awake after their party night. We probably wouldn’t leave until the afternoon, which gave me plenty of time to enjoy being with Drake. Our bottle was finished and we wanted more, but room service was not providing it anymore for some reason.

  What kind of hotel was that?

  “Do you want me to go down and get it for us?” Drake’s voice was lazy.

  “Not really. I want you here. But I do want to drink more.” Rolling onto my stomach, my mouth was directly lined up with his firm stomach, and I couldn't resist kissing him there. His abs contracted from the touch and he groaned.

  “Sweetheart, I think I need a longer break.”

  I smiled and ran my fingers over his stomach again. Then I stood and started to put on clothes to his frown of displeasure. Good thing a dryer was in this room; my clothes were no longer wet, but they could use some ironing.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting dressed.” He cocked his head, clearly not amused by my answer.

  “I see that. Why?” I picked up the empty bottle and shook it in front of him.

  “Because we need more booze and you are too lazy to go alone. I figured we could go together.” He was silent for a moment, looking stunned, but then his face lit up in a smile, which warmed me inside. It felt good to make him happy.

  Had we just met? It felt like forever.

  He got dressed as well, picked up his wallet, and we went to the elevator, holding hands again. All the way downstairs, he was hugging, kissing, and touching me. Although a part of me commanded that I be careful, because I never knew when a reporter would appear to snap a picture, another part of me was happy to be reckless for once in my life.

  The bar was not far away, and to my surprise, not many people were about. Drake ordered a whole bottle, so the bartender had to go into the back to pick it up. That was when I noticed it.

  A huge piano was on stage, and the woman was playing beautifully, mesmerizing me with the rhythm coming from it. I didn’t recognize the piece, so she must have written it herself. The music was pure magic, sending shivers and goosebumps through me. It was moving and sad, yet happy too. I had to listen to that song, which created so many emotions inside me. Not to listen would’ve been a crime against humanity.

  Drake waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

  “I’ve got it. Let’s go?”

  I shook my head and pointed to a nearby table. “Can we sit and listen to her play? It’s so beautiful.”

  He raised his brow, but shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. He ordered us the same drink and some sandwiches for himself after I declined the offer of food. The waitress was efficient, not that she had many other people to serve, but still.

  “You’re right. She’s good,” he said, taking a drink after a huge bite of his sandwich.

  “How can you be hungry after all the food we’ve eaten?”

  He laughed. “Because I’m a man.”

  Seriously? “That’s the only explanation you’ll give me?”

  He shrugged his shoulders then put one hand on the back of my chair, and his mouth lifted in a half smile. “Pretty much, yeah.”

  Shaking my head, I tossed a nut at him, but he ducked his head, so my attempt was unsuccessful.


  Before we knew it, we had drunk our ent
ire bottle along with the other drinks. The piano lady, as I started calling her, finished her job. I glanced at the clock, which confirmed we had sat there for the last hour and a half. We hadn’t talked much, but he was constantly touching me, and I knew he was there with me, liking what was happening.

  “I think we need to order one more,” Drake joked with a slightly tipsy voice, probably as much as mine. I think the alcohol was finally making it to my head, because his words made me giggle. For sure, I drank more than I should have.

  For the first time in my life.

  An evening of firsts.

  That made me laugh again, and Drake just shook his head. He stood up then helped me to do the same since my legs were a little shaky, and the bartender winked at us and gave us one more bottle.

  “Hope you had fun,” the bartender said.

  “We so did.” My voice was seriously funny, and I leaned toward him. “Do you know the girl who played the piano? She was amazing. Let her know from me that she has talent, okay?” I had no idea why it was important for me to say that, but it was.

  He smiled and gave me the rose from a nearby vase.

  “Thanks, beautiful, I’ll let her know.” His words made me blush, and to my surprise, I winked.

  “You flirt,” he said with a laugh.

  Suddenly, Drake pulled me back against his chest and growled, “Seriously? Another one?” Without another word, he dragged me to the exit while his words made me frown in confusion.

  “What do you mean, another one?”

  “First, Alex, now him. Will I always have to do that? Chase guys away from you?” His ridiculous words made me giggle again and he scowled.

  “You won’t be around long enough,” I slurred, and he didn't like that either.

  “We’ll see.”

  “Yes. We’ll see.”

  “Okay, then.”


  With those words, he took my hand in his, and we went back up to the hotel room.

  At least, I remembered it that way.

  What happened between then and the morning was a hazy memory for me, and became one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


  I woke up extremely groggy, and my whole body was sore. Any movement brought pain one way or another, like tiny needles were pushed into my head. The sunlight was so bright that it was blinding, and it made me cover my eyes with my palm.

  I slowly opened my eyes and tried to adjust them, but it was seriously hard to do. Finally, I had some control back and looked around.

  What the hell did I do last night? Where were the girls?

  I rose up and glanced around, but it looked nothing like our big-ass hotel room.

  Then it hit me.

  A man was in my bed.

  His face was on his curled arm. He lay on his stomach with one leg half bent, presenting a good view of his great ass.

  Not that I noticed men’s asses, but his was fantastic.

  Focus, Jane.

  If a man was in my bed, that meant I did something with him, which probably meant I had sex.

  Oh, my God, I had sex last night! What the hell did I do? I quickly ran to the bathroom and studied my reflection in the mirror. I noticed several hickeys on my neck and breasts, and even on my navel. My nipples were sore, and I hurt a little inside. My lips were red and swollen, and my hair was all over the place, as though someone played with it all night long.

  I looked like a woman well loved, and who actually enjoyed it. I covered my face with my hands and tried to remember what the hell happened last night without losing my mind.

  Eventually, the memories of the evening played inside my head in several images, like a movie played in fast-forward.

  The club.

  How I wasn't in the mood to be out with the girls.



  Dancing and eating.

  More sex.

  Then we were at the bar.

  What the hell happened after the bar? I drew a blank and felt myself heat up, so I put my hand on my forehead to make sure I didn't have a fever, and that was when I saw it.

  The ring.

  On my left hand.

  Oh, my God.

  That couldn’t have happened!

  I got married?!

  How the hell had that happened? I had no recollection of any of it, and I should remember. What a disaster, and how was I supposed to divorce the guy when I’m constantly followed by paparazzi? Quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth, I grabbed my clothes from the room and quietly finished getting ready in the bathroom. The pain in my head was a real bitch. I would have to take something for it back at the hotel with the girls. I checked my cell, which had been in my jacket pocket, and noticed several missed calls from the band, and it was almost one p.m., which meant they were ready to leave.


  I dialed Ariel’s phone and she picked it up on the second ring. Figures. She would be going crazy over where I was and probably had her phone in her hand the whole time.

  “Jane! What the hell?”

  “Hey.” My voice was hushed; the last thing I needed was Drake waking up. I thought it was better to leave quietly and let my lawyer handle it. We could get an annulment.

  “Why are you whispering? And where the fuck are you?” She sounded pissed big time, and I could imagine her stomping her foot in distress.

  “I was out, and then crashed at another hotel. I was confused about which one was ours and decided to spend the night wherever. I just woke up.” As far as lies went, that one was believable enough. Hotels and bookings always confused me, because I saw no difference between buildings, and it drove my band mates crazy.

  “Well, okay then, we’re leaving soon. I packed your stuff. What’s the name of the hotel? We’ll pick you up.” We used our bus to come to Vegas, but her words sent panic through my body.

  “How about I just come to you? That way it’s faster, and by the time I’m there, we can leave.” She was silent for a few beats, and then her voice became slightly suspicious.

  “Are you sure nothing happened last night?” It was hard not to miss the emphasis she made on the word.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” No way would I spill the beans to anyone. I really hoped no one would ever know about this. I was humiliated as it was, and so typical, getting drunk and hitched in Las Vegas.

  “Okay, I’ll send you the address and we’ll wait for you. Do you need anything?” She didn't believe a word I said, but she didn't push it.

  Thank God for best friends, seriously.

  “I need some aspirin for a headache and some water.”

  She chuckled. “Done, everyone needs it here. See ya, girl.” She hung up, and I took a deep breath and stopped to steal one last look at Drake.

  He was so handsome, and all those memories made me blush.

  I never expected to see him again, but I didn't regret doing it. I went closer and gently moved the hair from his forehead. Drake stirred a little and I froze, but he just rolled over. For just a moment, his smile broke my heart a little. I picked up the pen by the phone on the nightstand and wrote my parting words.

  With one last glance, I left him and our night behind me.


  Without opening my eyes, I knew she was gone. The heat from her body was no longer beside me, and the hotel room was exceptionally quiet.

  I was angry she decided to leave or run or whatever it was, but maybe it was understandable.

  She probably didn't expect to get married in Las Vegas to a guy she knew for a few hours.

  I sat up on the bed, ignoring the pain in my head, and noticed the paper beside me. I almost dreaded reading it, because I knew it would kill any hope I had.


  Thanks for the amazing night. I will never forget it. I noticed the wedding band, have no idea how it happened, but I think it’s fixable. My lawyer will take care of things, and hopefully, it won’t get much publicity.

  Once again, thank yo
u, Drake, and I’m sorry for sneaking out on you.

  But I think it’s better this way.


  Better that way.

  Jane had no idea what the hell happened last night. And I wasn't about to tell her.

  She wanted a divorce? Too fucking bad, because I wasn't in the mood to give her one. I ripped the paper in my hands, tossed it on the floor, and got dressed. I had no desire to stay in the place that still smelled like her, like us, and brought back all those memories.

  I was a fucking fool who believed in some kind of family tradition of love at first sight.

  No more.

  2 weeks after Las Vegas


  “Drake, please.”


  “I want a divorce. Why are you being difficult?”

  I heard hollow laughter at the other end of the line that lacked any kind of humor. “Really? That’s all you have to tell me, after how you left things back in Vegas?” His tone was cold and harsh. And was that pain, too? “I’m sorry if you thought it would be quick and done with. I won't agree to an annulment.”

  “That’s insane.” I found it hard not to scream at him when he said those things, and his words helped to numb the guilt I experienced. My running away from him was a dick move, and he was right. But what would have been the point of staying? We had agreed to just one night.

  “Like I said to your lawyer, we consummated the marriage right after, so we can’t get an annulment.”

  “I was too drunk to know what I was doing, yet you married me and slept with me? Way to go, Drake. That shows great morals.” The minute the words left my mouth, I regretted them. Maybe I didn't know him very long, but he wasn't like that. He was silent for few moments, and then his voice became low and dangerous.

  “Be careful what you’re accusing me of, sweetheart. You weren't that drunk, and you were the one who actually made a move on me, so think again.” And just like that, my anger was gone, and I tried to calm myself by taking a deep breath.


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