Storm of Seduction

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Storm of Seduction Page 8

by Bea Paige

  “Lights out,” he says.

  In the dark I feel each of my men reach for me. Max strokes my hair, Hudson takes my hand in his, and Bryce rests his palm against my hip. It takes us all a very long time to fall asleep. The last thoughts that slip through my head before sleep pulls me under is how inextricably happy I feel surrounded by these beautiful men.

  Chapter Twelve

  “What time are you meeting Richard today?” Bryce asks me from his side of the kitchen island.

  “One o’clock,” I answer, before taking a bite of my toast.

  “Where? I’ll drop you off, pick you up.”

  “You can come if you want. I’m sure Richard would love to meet you.”

  Bryce considers me a moment. “You sure? I don’t want to intrude.”

  “Intrude? What’s going on?” Hudson asks, stepping into the room. Max follows behind. Both look equally gorgeous with their messed-up hair and sleepy smiles.

  “Bryce is dropping me off to meet Richard for lunch. I just asked if he wants to come too. You’re all welcome to join me,” I say, my cheeks colouring a little. Even though Richard is not my dad and they’re not my boyfriends, it feels like I am asking them to meet my father for the first time. It’s an odd feeling.

  “Totally. I’m up for it,” Max says, giving me a hug before pouring himself a cup of coffee. “I’d like to thank the man who’s looked out for you these last few years. He sounds like a good bloke.”

  “He is,” I say. “Hudson, Bryce, would you like to come too?” I look at them both. Hudson looks undecided. Bryce nods his head.

  “Of course, but I hope he’s open minded.”

  “Open-minded?” I ask, frowning.

  “Yes, meeting all three of your boyfriends.”

  I choke on my tea. “Boyfriends?” I squeak.

  “What would you call us then?” Bryce asks. “I mean, frankly, you can call me whatever you like, but I guess that’s the acceptable terminology.”

  Noticing the look on my face, Bryce walks around the island, stopping in front of me. “Louisa, you’re my girlfriend. You are the only woman I want to spend my time with, it’s as simple as that, really.”

  “I…” My heart does a stupid flip-flop and I find that I’ve lost all control of my faculties. Did Bryce just say that I’m his girlfriend? That Max and Hudson are my boyfriends too?

  “I can get down on one knee if that’s what it will take for me to show you I mean it…” he says, about to bend down.

  “One knee? No, shit, don’t do that,” I say, feeling both panicked and stupidly happy at the same time.

  He laughs. “Okay, perhaps that’s a bit too much right now.”

  Right now? Oh, my giddy heart. I shake my head from the rogue thought of being their wife, which of course is entirely against the law and would make me a bigamist.

  Bryce holds his hands out to me. “This is me. Louisa, I am offering myself to you. Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks. There is a hint of trepidation in his voice and I find my own throat constricting. There really is only one answer.

  “Yes,” I say. Bryce pulls me into his arms and I find myself melting into his touch. His heart beats wildly, I can hear it pounding beneath my ear.

  “Hey, put Louisa down,” Max says with a light laugh. “There’s something I want to say too.”

  “Go ahead, bro,” Bryce says, stepping back.

  Max grins at me. His smile is infectious. I can’t help but smile back.

  “Icy, you are a fucking miracle. I want nothing more than to call you my girlfriend. Our girlfriend. Bryce and Hud are my family. I want you to be my family too. Will you be my girlfriend?” Max asks.

  “Hmm,” I say, tapping my finger against my cheek.

  For a second, Max’s face drops.

  “Of course I will,” I respond with a delighted laugh.

  “Well, thank fuck for that,” he says, sweeping me into his arms and spinning me around. I laugh joyfully, happiness welling inside my chest. Max places me on my feet, twines his hands in my hair and kisses me tenderly. When he pulls away I am all sorts of giddy. I grab hold of the kitchen island to steady myself.

  Stepping away, Max gives Hudson a look. I turn to him. He watches us all with interest. There is a light in his eyes. I can tell he is happy for his brothers, happy at their happiness, if that makes sense. Yet, there is also fear there. Christ knows I feel that fear too. This is new to me, this feeling of belonging.

  “Louisa,” Hudson says, chewing on his lip. He looks to his brothers for reassurance.

  “Go on mate, you can do this,” Bryce says. I glance at Bryce and Max, who are looking at Hudson with nothing but love. It warms my heart.

  Hudson draws in a breath. “Fuck, why is this so damn hard?” He draws a hand over his chin. I can’t help but notice it’s shaking.

  “I’m a complicated man, Louisa. I am moody, sullen, a real prick a lot of the time. There is a lot of shit in here,” he says, tapping his head. “Bryce and Max will attest to that. They know me better than anyone, but once you’re in here,” he says, moving his finger from his head to his chest, “that’s where you’ll stay.”

  I gulp. This is hard for Hudson. These words, they don’t come easy and that makes them all the more special. I feel special.

  “I drank myself to oblivion because it hurt when you left. Max is right, you are a fucking miracle, Louisa. You are ours now. We are yours, I am yours. Will you be mine?”

  Hudson doesn’t move, so I go to him. “I think I always have been,” I say gently, laying my hand on his chest. I move in close as he wraps his arms around me. Behind me, Max and Bryce step close as Hudson pulls my head to his chest. Then I feel the warmth of them all as they surround me. For the first time in my life I feel loved.

  Bryce sits up front with Hudson, Max and I are in the back. We are about five minutes away from Café Rouge in Brixton. Despite the happiness I feel, I am nervous. This budding relationship I have with them is not the norm. Loving more than one person, being with them all in a relationship isn’t something many people will accept. But for me, for someone who had no love growing up, to be wanted by three incredible men, it’s perfect. Why does it matter? We’re not hurting anyone. Love is love, right?

  “Here we are, you jump out and I’ll go park the beast,” Bryce says. “I’ll see you in a few.”

  Hudson jumps out of the car and opens the door for me.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking his hand.

  Max joins us on the pavement. “Let’s meet Richard then.” He places his hand on my lower back and steers me to the entrance.

  I spot Richard immediately. He gets up, smiling broadly.

  “Louisa, love, how are you?”

  When I get to him, he pulls me into a hug. “I’ve been so worried about you. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine now. I’m sorry for worrying you, but I’ve been in good hands.”

  “So which one of you do I need to thank for taking care of Louisa?” he asks, looking between Hudson and Max.

  “You can thank them both, and Bryce, once he’s parked the car,” I say, taking a seat.

  “Well then, thank you for taking care of Louisa,” Richard says, shaking both Hudson and Max’s hands. They take a seat, and an awkward silence descends as Richard looks between us.

  “So, I’ve been thinking. This man, the one who attacked you, I think you should inform the police, Louisa. He can’t get away with it,” Richard says.

  “I agree,” Bryce says as he approaches the table. He holds his hand out to Richard, who takes it. “I’m Bryce Freed, it’s good to meet you.” He sits down next to me and takes my hand in his. Richard frowns as he looks between Bryce and Hudson, who are sitting either side of me. Hudson has his arm resting on the chair behind me, his fingers stroking my shoulder absentmindedly.

  “We have notified the police,” Max says, drawing Richard’s attention away.

  “You have?” I ask. They hadn’t mentioned it to me.

Yes. This guy, he hurt you. He needs locking up,” Hudson confirms.

  “Good. I’m glad.” Richard takes a sip of his drink, considering me over the rim. “When are you going back home?”

  I am prevented from answering by the waitress, who takes our order. She moves away, but not before she gives an admiring glance at all three of my men. I feel both proud and territorial.

  “I’m not sure…” I start.

  “Louisa is moving in with us,” Hudson says, looking at me.

  “I am?”

  “Yes,” Bryce adds. “You are.”

  “What about Nish?” I ask.

  “We’ll sort something out for Nish, okay?” Max says.

  “Never mind Nish, is this something you want, Louisa?” Richard asks. He’s not a stupid man, he knows there is something unusual about the four of us. “Which one of you will take responsibility for Louisa?”

  “I do,” they all say in unison. I would laugh if the moment wasn’t so tense.

  Richard sits back in his chair, regarding us all. “Louisa is like a daughter to me. For a while, when her mum was better, we were a family. I loved Lorna, I love Louisa and I will not see her hurt. She has been through too much in her life…”

  “Richard,” I start, but find the words won’t come.

  He leans across the table and takes my hand, squeezing it gently. “You may not be mine by blood, but you are my daughter, Louisa. I will always look out for you.” Richard looks at each of them in turn. “Whatever it is you think you’re doing, then consider this. You break Louisa’s heart, I break your legs.”

  “That’s entirely fair,” Bryce says amiably.

  “Am I right in thinking you are all taking responsibility for Louisa?”

  “Yes, sir,” Max answers. “I know it may seem out of the ordinary, but I swear to you this is not a game for any of us. We will all take care of Louisa.”

  “This is what you want?” Richard asks me.

  “Yes, it is. They are good men, Richard. I should know, I’ve experienced enough bad men to know the difference,” I say softly. Hudson grips my shoulder. I can feel all three men staring at me. There are secrets in my past that I’m yet to tell them about. Richard catches my eye. He knows. He understands what I am saying.

  “Then I will support you. Your happiness is all I care about.” A smile breaks out over his face. “Well, now I’ve done the protective father bit, why don’t we get to know each other a little better?” And with that, the atmosphere relaxes. We talk, laugh and eat, enjoying each other’s company. As they chat, I take a moment to look out of the window. Across the street I notice a man leaning against a post box. He sees me staring and gives me a little wave. It’s Smithy.

  “Louisa, you want a pudding?” Richard asks. I glance at him and shake my head. When I look back out of the window, Smithy is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he was never there to begin with, at least that’s what I tell myself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Almost a week passes, and we fall into a routine of sorts. Nisha and I hang out around the house and become proper domestic goddesses, cooking a meal every night for the guys. Nisha is happy to do the lion’s share, she enjoys it. Cooking seems to be her thing and I’m happy to let her take the reins. Each night Nisha serves up something different. Aside from Tuesday, Calum has stayed for dinner every evening. Nisha and Calum seem to be getting on famously. I’ve never seen her so happy. It’s been lovely. It feels like we are a family. Still, I always feel like something dreadful is going to happen to ruin our happiness. I guess my childhood has affected me a lot more than I care to acknowledge.

  “Could you cut the onion, please?” Nisha asks me, pulling me out of my maudlin thoughts.

  I pull a face. “Do I have to? They always make me cry.”

  “Err, yes.”

  “I feel like I’m your commis chef, getting all the crappy jobs.”

  “You can cook the whole thing, be my guest,” she says, stepping away from the counter.

  “I’d rather not.” I look at the complicated recipe in confusion.

  “Then fucking chop the onion, or fuck off out of my kitchen,” she says in a faux Gordon Ramsey voice.

  “Yes, Chef.” I grin, and we start giggling. Within seconds of cutting into the onion, my eyes are streaming. Nisha pretends not to notice.

  “So, it’s Friday night and I’m feeling like we need to let our hair down a bit. You and I have been cooped up in here for a week and I’m ready to hit the town. What do you say we try and persuade the boys to come out with us tonight?”

  “Maybe,” I think. It would be good to get out, but honestly, I’m beginning to feel more than a little… horny, if the truth be known. Before the brothers, being horny was like an exotic island I never visited. Now I’d gladly swim in the sea with sharks just to get there.

  “Maybe? Don’t you want to get out of here? I mean, it’s a beautiful home, but I need a change of scenery. I need to let my hair down a bit.”

  “I’m kinda hoping the guys will want to stay in,” I say, avoiding Nisha’s gaze.

  She starts laughing. “Not in pain any more, I take it?”

  “Not so much. Honestly, Nish, Max, Hudson and Bryce have kept their word and not instigated any sex, which is kind of driving me crazy.”

  “Oh blimey, no wonder you’re wound up tight like a corkscrew. Sleeping with those three hotties every night and nothing happening.” Nisha laughs delightedly.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yes. If I’m not getting any, I don’t see why you should.”

  “If one of them doesn’t make a move soon, I may have to deal with the issue myself.”

  “Deal with what issue?”

  I jump at the sound of Hudson’s voice behind me. Turning around, I feel my cheeks colouring a ridiculous shade. Kill me now.

  “What issue? Who’s got an issue,” Bryce says as he saunters into the kitchen.

  “Louisa was just saying how she felt a lot better and I was thinking we should all go out after dinner, given it’s Friday and the weekend. A club or something. Fancy it, boys?” she asks, a mischievous smile on her face.

  Hudson and Bryce exchange glances. Neither answer.

  “Hell, why not?” Max says as he enters the floor, Calum following behind. “It’s been a while since we’ve gone out. I’m up for it.”

  “Excellent. Hudson, Bryce?” Nisha asks, before I can protest. She gives me a wink, she’s loving this.

  “Why not,” Hudson says as he grabs a bottle of Perrier water from the fridge. He unscrews the cap and drinks from the bottle. I can’t help but focus on his lips as he drinks. Thank goodness he’s not looking at me because I’m pretty sure I’m salivating.

  “Fine, but I’ll sit out the dancing,” Bryce says.

  Nisha faces Calum. “What about you, Cal?” she asks. This time her voice is less jovial and more nervous, though she hides it well.

  He regards her for a moment. “Yes, I think I should come along,” he says with a swift nod of his head. He doesn’t appear to happy about it, though. I see Nisha’s face fall before she covers her disappointment at his lack of enthusiasm with a fake smile.

  “I’ll be back in a moment. I just need to make a few phone calls.” Calum hurries off and I can’t help but wonder what’s got him so serious all of a sudden.

  “Well, that settles it then. Dinner first, clubbing later. I hope you’re ready for us, boys. Louisa and I are amazing dancers.”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t listen to a word she’s saying…” I begin, but my sentence is cut short when I catch the hungry look on their faces.

  “I can well imagine,” Hudson says, giving me one of his famous fuck me looks. Oh Christ.

  “You look hot with a capital H, Lou. Those boys are gonna go wild,” Nisha grins. For the last hour we’ve been getting ready. I must have changed about fifty times, in the end settling on a leather miniskirt, a sheer black shirt and lace crop-top bra. Not one for wearing he
els, I’ve paired the outfit with my trusty biker boots. I’ve put my hair up in a messy bun, darkened my eyes with kohl liner and slicked on some lipstick. This is about as dressed up as I get.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself,” I say, admiring Nisha’s outfit. I know the off-the-shoulder red minidress, high black heels and carefully applied makeup is all for Calum’s benefit. If he doesn’t fancy her after this, then he’s an idiot.

  “You think it’s alright? I don’t want to come across too slutty.” She pulls down the hem of the skirt over her toned thighs, looking uncertain.

  “Okay, number one, you are never slutty and number two, we’re going clubbing, a cocktail dress isn’t exactly the right vibe. You’ll knock him dead, Nish.”

  She blows out a breath. “Let’s see, shall we.” Hooking her arm through mine we make our way out of the bedroom and downstairs where they are all waiting.

  “Hot damn, ladies,” Max whistles as we step into the room.

  “I could say the same to you,” I smile, my eyes flicking between my men. They look ridiculously hot. Max is wearing a black shirt with grey jeans, the dark complementing his blonde hair. An easy smile spreads across his face as his eyes trail over my body. A thrill runs through me at his appreciation. Hudson has on a tight, dark green, round neck top with dark blue jeans. Our eyes meet and I’m pretty sure if he could undress me with his eyes, I’d be stark naked by now. Finally, my gaze rests on Bryce. Of the three, he is the most casually dressed. A white, short-sleeved t-shirt shows off his muscular arms. Paired with blue jeans, he looks like the Levi’s model in that famous ad I remember my mum drooling over when I was a kid.

  “You look… incredible,” Bryce says, running a hand through his hair.

  “Pick your chin up, bro,” Max laughs, slapping him on the back. “You’re looking a little gormless.”


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