Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection)

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Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection) Page 4

by Marco Vassi

  And he did that. Once again I found myself becoming utterly passive, an open hole for him to use, and while all the conditioning of my liberal education shrieked in protest, that deep need to be had, to be taken, to be owned, to be possessed, overtook me.

  “Possessed,”‘ I thought. “It’s like being possessed by a demon, or a powerful spirit. It’s too great for me to defend against.”‘ It was not Jeff that I was giving into, but the thing I became when I let myself be empty, a space to be filled.

  And he filled me and filled me. His raging cock once more took to the heat and propelled Jeff into an insane ride. Only now it was as though he were a cowboy on a bucking horse. I caught some of his movement, and began to twist from side to side. He was so big and so strong that I was afraid to try to match movements with him before we had settled into a mutually understandable rhythm and routine. One misthrust and he could easily tear my vaginal opening. So I rotated my ass just enough to provide a small counterpoint to his major theme, his theme of wild frenzy.

  He fucked me for almost half an hour, and I screamed until I was hoarse and it seemed there was nothing in me left for him to fuck, but again and again he renewed his attack, coming from a different angle, using a different intensity, and each time he uncovered yet another layer within me. Finally, when I was certain I would pass out, I could feel him beginning to cum. He bucked and rocked and slammed into my ass, his cock churning up my foaming pussy, until the climax was triggered, and once again he sprayed a shower of shimmering sperm into the aching recesses of my slit.

  He collapsed on top of me and we both fell to the floor, breathing heavily, until our pulses returned to normal. He rolled off me again, again lying on his back, his head against the bed, his hand curling the hairs on his chest.

  I looked up, saw him there in that same position, and all at once the ludicrousness of the thing hit us, and we both burst into gales of laughter, so happy that we had fucked, so happy that it had been splendid, so happy we liked each other, so happy we could laugh together.

  We roared and tittered until we calmed down, and to my surprise Jeff stood up abruptly. He towered over me like a colossus, and I felt spent and drenched in my cuntiness lying at his feet. He looked down and seemed extremely stern.

  “Julie, I don’t know if this is right or wrong. And I don’t even know just what it is I’m offering you. But I’ve never known anything like that with another woman, and I don’t want to give it up. And if we keep seeing each other, it will get harder to leave you.”‘

  My heart sank. I thought he was going to get dressed and leave, and that I wouldn’t see him again. I reached up toward him, but he stepped back.

  “You have to decide now,”‘ he said. “I want you to come with me. And I’ll think of something you can do so that you don’t have to spend all your time in an apartment waiting for me to have a pass out of camp.”‘ His words were coming rapidly and I knew he was thinking hard as he went along. “Maybe I can find you a job with the team, in the office or maybe even on the field. And then we can see each other often.”‘

  “I don’t know, Jeff,”‘ I said, “it’s such a big step. Leaving school, going off with you up north.”‘

  “Well,”‘ he said, “where’s your spirit of adventure?”‘ His face got serious and he added. “Tell me now. Come with me and we’ll stay together. But if you won’t, then I’ll leave now. Because I’m falling for you and I don’t want it to get any deeper if we have to part in three weeks.’”

  It was reckless, insane, all out of proportion, and the single most daring thing I had ever considered. I imagined how my father would sneer. And how my mother would weep. But in a flash I realized that it was my decision to make, and perhaps it was time to take myself firmly in my hands and throw myself into me current of life.

  I looked up at the extraordinary man looming over me, and I smiled, and I said, “All right, Jeff. I’ll come with you.”‘

  But before he smiled, and took me in his arms, and kissed me, and told me how glad he was, I could swear I had seen the faintest whisper of disappointment and—could it have been?—fear pass across the back of his eyes. But the die had been cast. And I turned my face toward a new direction.


  The following three weeks were among the most vibrant of my entire life. Jeff spent his mornings in class, his afternoons at the gym and his nights in my bed. But by the end of the second week I forced him not to see me. It was hard for me to do because our fucking had, incredibly, become even more wild than it had been the first day.

  One night he fucked me in the ass. It took almost half an hour for him to get the full length and width of his immense club into the tiny opening and all the way up the small, hot canal, having to ease into me and then pull out again, doing that over and over until the muscles relaxed and stretched. Three or four times I thought I would faint from breathlessness. But he moved so slowly there was never any pain, only an unbelievable filling up that had me wriggling and squirming and bleating like a new-born calf. By the time we were finished, I was amazed to find myself bent over the edge of the mattress, my feet on the floor, my full round buttocks curved high in the air, as he plowed my ass with long powerful strokes, driving deep into my bowels until he exploded and erupted, cumming with thick splashes of sperm in my belly. For a whole day afterwards I was giddy and lightheaded, and when I sat in class I could feel my whole ass throbbing, the cheeks still flushed. I was certain that anyone looking at me could tell what I had been doing, and a few of my friends commented that I looked almost manically cheerful.

  But I began to feel guilty, thinking I was draining Jeff of the strength he should be conserving for his summer practice sessions in Seattle. The day he left, we hadn’t seen each other for almost a week, and that night we treated ourselves to a marathon fuck, lasting until dawn, and when I saw him off at the airport I was too sleepy to feel the pangs of parting. It wasn’t until I received his first letter three days later that I experienced the vacuum created by his departure, and my cunt throbbed to have him in me again. My own vacation had begun and I spent most of my time selling my books, sorting out my wardrobe, and arranging to get rid of my apartment. I ran into Hank one morning but he took one look at me and darted away as though I were a poisonous snake. I couldn’t keep from laughing.

  A week to the day after Jeff left, he sent me a letter outlining the arrangements he had made for me. “I spoke to a few of the older men on the team and they told me that some of the wives take on jobs as cheerleaders,”‘ he wrote. “I nosed around a bit and found that there is a position open. I know this might sound weird to you at first, but it has a couple of advantages. The first is that you can travel with the team and get paid for it. The second is that we won’t have to be separated at all. And”‘—and here I could hear him chuckle—”all the exercise you get will keep your thighs firm and your pretty ass hard and you’ll be continually excited from having your tits bounce up and down as you cheer me to touchdowns. I know this isn’t exactly what you might have had in mind, but it will always be something you can tell your children (our children?) about.”‘

  I found the letter disturbing. Not the idea of being a cheerleader; that was enough of a goof to interest me even if it didn’t mean that I could be with Jeff. But that he was starting to talk in terms of years and children. And while he was certainly the most exciting man I had ever known, I wasn’t at all sure I wanted anything permanent with him, certainly not marriage and children. I felt too young to be making decisions like that.

  But I figured I would handle that part of the problem as I went along. All I knew was that my body craved Jeff’s body, and I was already itchy for more of that dazzling fucking we shared. I wrote back that I would be glad to go into cheerleader practice, thinking how thrilling it would be to be dressed in a tight shirt, my tits bulging out, and a short skirt, with the panties outlining my pretty ass flashing every time I jumped into the a
ir, and having the eyes of fifty thousand people on me, and the millions who would be looking in on television.

  I settled my affairs, and within two days I was in Seattle, getting off the plane, seeing Jeff in the crowd, his height and bulk making him stand out among the rest of the people.

  “He’s a giant,”‘ I thought, and my heart beat faster.

  I ran across the terminal floor, and then I was in his arms, and everything seemed to fall into place. Jeff was holding me, and pressing me to him, and kissing me, and telling me how much he had missed me. We picked up my luggage and went out to his car. It was a blue Pinto, and still shiny from the showroom.

  “Like it?”‘ he said, his voice tinged with boyish pride. “It’s one of the first benefits I’m experiencing from all the money I’m making.”‘

  I had to restrain myself from telling the truth, that I thought it was a tacky little car, and as I fell silent, Jeff grew extremely chatty, telling me all about practice, about the new friends he had made. “I’m only off one day a week,”‘ he said, “but since cheerleaders practice at the same time as players, I’ll really be seeing you every day.”‘ He reached over and put one hand on my breasts, kneading the firm flesh through the cloth of my dress. He took one nipple between his fingers and pinched it gently. My cunt twitched and I bit my lips.

  “Jeff, look out,”‘ I yelled, as the car swerved dangerously toward the divider in the middle of the highway. He jerked the wheel around and righted our course. “Be careful,”‘ I said.

  He laughed. “I can’t help it,”‘ he said. “You know I’ve been dreaming about your tits all week. When I get the football in my hands, I feel your tits instead. I’m beginning to get a reputation as a guy who never fumbles. They don’t know what I’m holding on to.”‘

  I smiled, but I thought the conceit a trifle coarse. To my astonishment, Jeff was beginning to get on my nerves.

  “The training program is fantastic,”‘ he went on. “Pro football is something else again. I realize that college football is in many ways a kindergarten. The coach drives us in ways I didn’t think possible. I’ve gained nine pounds and I’m tougher than before. And I’m as horny as a bull in springtime. I’ve been dying to feel your body under me, your cunt going soft and mushy as you spread your legs and let me plow into you.”‘ He put one hand on my thigh, this time keeping his eyes on the road. “I’ve been thinking of your ass rolling around on my cock, and your mouth splitting wide to take me in, and even when I eat all I can taste is your pussy juice.”‘

  His talk was having a double effect: turning my body on but turning my mind off. We went through the city to one of its outskirts and Jeff finally parked the car in the driveway of a one-story ranch house. It sat smugly in the middle of a bland suburban neighborhood. The car rolled to a halt and I looked around at the wide lawn, the trees, and listened to the quiet.

  “Jack Karnovsky lives just four houses down with his family,”‘ Jeff said with a touch of pride.

  “Oh God,”‘ I thought, “all his unconscious mamma-pappa patterns are coming to the surface.”‘

  There was no way for me to say what went through my mind at moments like this. The very boyishness and ingenuousness which made Jeff so dear also made him a bit of a bore at times. His taste was so pedestrian. I didn’t come from a wealthy family, but my father had impeccable taste. Even when he bought things from Woolworth’s, they were always precisely right. Jeff had a predilection for the banal, including his choice of cars and places to live. Going from a poor student to an affluent football player did something for his pocketbook but hadn’t affected his imagination. I wondered where all this left me.

  Jeff was oblivious of my mood, and he rushed us out of the car and into the house. I took one brief look around. It was as plastic inside as it was outside, done in a style I can only describe as motel kitsch. As soon as we were in the living room, he came up quickly behind me, threw the luggage down on the floor, and wrapped his arms around my breasts. His body pressed into mine and I could feel his cock, already hardening, pressed into the crack of my ass. As always, the physical sensations were overpoweringly strong, and despite the fact that I was distracted and slightly depressed, I found myself responding, coming up on my toes so he could get the full length of my buttocks along his rod. He slid his hands down and pressed his fingertips into my crotch, pushing my dress into my cunt slit. I squirmed and rubbed myself against him, my cunt riding his hands and my ass riding his cock.

  “I don’t know what to do first,”‘ I said. I spun around, dropped to my knees, and buried my face in his crotch. It was the only part of him that seemed worth relating to at the moment. The huge penis bulged inside his pants like a billy club. I licked it through the fabric, my tongue tingling on the cloth.

  “I love you like that,”‘ he rasped, “on your knees in front of me, hungry to get me inside your mouth. Take it out. Open the zipper with your teeth and fish out my cock with your tongue.”‘

  I grabbed the top of the zipper with my teeth and tugged it down, letting his hair spring out through the opening, releasing the deep pungent aroma of his maleness. I pressed my mouth into the bush and worked my tongue around, licking and curling, reaching for his cock. It was pressed down against one thigh and I couldn’t get at it. I strained and strained, pushing my face more and more fully into his bush.

  Finally, I reached up and unfastened his belt and the top button of his pants. I snaked the pants down over his hips and when they had fallen almost to his knees, his cock sprang up, hot and hard, thick, juicy, and throbbing, pointing right out at me. I went to take it, to cover it with my mouth, but his fingers went into my hair and yanked my head back.

  “Do you want it?”‘ he hissed.

  “Oh, yes,”‘ I moaned.

  “Beg for it,”‘ he said.

  I looked at his huge rod pulsing in the air and my legs shook with weakness. Whatever else was true at the moment, the thought of having that piece of meat stuffing my throat was making me giddy. My mouth started to tremble and my tongue started to lap the air.

  “I want it Jeff, please, please give it to me,”‘ I pleaded.

  He moved back, stepping out of his pants, and pulled off his shirt. When his hands released me I went after him, walking on my knees. But he pushed me back again. He kicked off his shoes and I tried once more to get at his cock. This time he reached down, grabbed the front of my dress, and with a single yank ripped it off the top part of my body. I knelt there, naked to the waist, startled by the suddenness of his movement

  He grabbed my hair again and this time he pushed me forward and down, until I was lying on my belly between his feet. He leaned far over and tore the rest of my dress until it was nothing but a ragged piece of cloth under me. Now my ass was naked to his eyes.

  He raised his right foot and pressed it against my face, pushing my cheek into the floor. I began to whimper and he pushed the sole of his foot onto the corner of my mouth.

  “Oh, Jeff,”‘ I moaned, and brought my tongue out onto the calloused bottom of his foot. He squashed me into the floor as I licked his toes, and put all five of them into my mouth at once, sucking voraciously.

  He pulled his foot away and stepped down until he was at my thighs, and then slid one foot between my legs, forcing them to open. His foot went higher until the toes were at the opening of my cunt. I grunted and lifted my ass off the floor, serving him like a slave girl. I had begun to get very hot, and the controlled brutality he was exhibiting was starting to turn me wild. I spread my legs wider apart, and he pushed harder, pulled back, and then began kicking my cunt, slamming his foot into the soft tender lips of my pussy. It was painful and excruciatingly erotic.

  “Like that, don’t you?”‘ he said.

  “Oh yes,”‘ I groaned. “Harder, kick me harder.”‘

  Instead he raised his foot and brought it down on my ass. He pushed down, grinding my cunt i
nto the floor, squashing my cheeks with the pressure from his powerful leg. Now I felt like a snake under a man’s boot, and I wriggled and crawled and rolled around as he drove me into the ground. The galvanizing sensation of having his foot prod my ass crack was added to the thrill my clitoris experienced at being rammed so forcefully into the carpet, and I started to pump into the floor, my ass rising against his leg, and then being pushed down and rubbed into the ground. Once my humping motion had begun, he took his foot away. I heard a slithering sound and realized he was taking his belt off.

  I went wild with anticipation, and when the first hiss sounded in the air I gasped before the leather landed with a loud thwack across my ass. He didn’t hit me hard enough to damage me or to cut the skin, but only to make my ass red and tingly. He whacked my buttocks again and again, always in counterpoint to my fucking rhythm, until I was pumping faster and faster and he was whipping more and more rapidly, and in a moment my cunt contracted and released, and a flood of energy roared through me, the spasms exploding in my loins and rippling up into my belly. I yelled with the shock of orgasm and thrashed about wildly as I came with uncontrollable fury, my face deep in the nap of the rug, my tongue licking the carpet, my cunt spilling its sticky juices in a puddle beneath me.

  I slowly subsided and lay there quietly, Jeff standing over me, tall, erect, brilliantly muscled, his lips in a thin smile, the belt dangling from his hand, his cock thrumming like a plucked guitar string.

  Then, as I sighed and closed my eyes, his strong hands went under my body and he lifted me from the ground.

  “Ooooh, Jeff, that was so good,”‘ I said.

  “Just warmup, Julie,”‘ he replied. “Now we get down to the real practice session.”‘

  His habit of injecting football terminology into our fucking was sometimes disquieting. But any man who could kick my cunt, shove his toes up my snatch, make me lick his feet, and then whip my ass until I came, could, for the moment at least, be forgiven for small linguistic eccentricities. Or at least so it seemed as he carried me into what I thought would be the bedroom. Instead, we went through a narrow door and down a flight of stairs.


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