Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection)

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Tackling the Team (The Vassi Collection) Page 6

by Marco Vassi

  “Christ,”‘ I thought, “can’t he even give me a compliment without having it sound like a stock-market report?”‘

  “Turn around,”‘ he said.

  I faced away from him and let him see my back. I could literally feel his gaze inspecting my thighs, invading my ass crack, taking in the curve of my spine, drinking in my hair.

  “Now face me,”‘ he said, “and raise your arms high over your head.”‘

  When I did it, of course, my tits were raised and thrust forward, making it appear that they were reaching out for him. His eyes glinted, and I saw his glance graze my nipples, jump to my flat belly, and rest on my crotch. The position had the effect of raising the skirt, and I knew that there was nothing between my cunt and him but a wispy bit of white silk. I knew that my bush was creating a black bulge between my thighs, and I felt my pussy quicken.

  “Can I put them down now?”‘ I asked sarcastically, my only successful attempt at equality with him.

  “Of course,”‘ he said, and smiled, a humorless expression which did nothing more than to exhibit his long white teeth.

  “Why not change back into your regular clothes,”‘ he said.

  I went back into the bathroom and reversed the process, climbing back into my shoes and dress. I felt ravished, and tingled with an odd excitement. It was erotic, but not in any animal way. He had appealed to some deeper quality of female sexuality in me, a more cerebral quality. I realized that being fucked by Roger would be like taking a trigonometry lesson.

  I went out and found him sitting behind his desk. The light poured in from the window behind him and he looked like a silhouette of himself. I walked over to him and he handed me a slip of paper. “This is the place you will go to tomorrow,”‘ he said, “and meet your fellow cheerleaders. They’ve all been on the team a while so they can fill you in completely, and tell you things from a woman’s viewpoint. After all, a man can only go so far in his perception of reality.”‘

  All at once, I knew I would let him have me. My reserve, not too strong in the first place, simply dissolved and I saw that I was actually anxious to find out what this man could teach me. His obvious success, his perfect style, made me desirous to put myself in his hands.

  He watched me for a long silent interval, then stood up. “That takes care of our business,”‘ he said. “But I imagine there are other areas of relationship we might profitably explore.”‘

  “What do you suggest?”‘ I asked.

  “Lunch first,”‘ he said, “and then a visit to my apartment. I have a duplex in the Sutter building.”‘

  I had only been to the city once before, but I knew the place he mentioned was one of Seattle’s most chic highrises.

  “Jeff will be in camp for the next six days,”‘ he added, “and in any case, you’re not his property, are you?”‘

  He flicked his intercom and said, “Miss Phillips, I’ll be gone for the rest of the day.”‘ He held out his arm and said to me, “We’ll go out the back way.”‘

  As we went down the elevator, he took the opportunity to casually and easily rub my nipples with the back of his hand, and when my mouth had fallen open in response, he put two fingers between my lips.

  “We’ll fill that delightful opening properly later,”‘ he said. I knew then that he was a sexual engineer, not a performer, and would remain absolutely calm while he aroused me to a pitch of screaming helplessness.

  As we went toward his car I saw that it was a Maserati. Things were beginning to move very rapidly and were spinning off in unexpected directions.

  “Roger, you’ve got class,”‘ I said as I climbed in the low-slung beauty.

  “Class meets ass,”‘ he quipped as he got in and we drove away.


  When I arrived at the stadium the next day, I gave my name to the guard at the gate and was directed to the dugout at the side of the field. I walked past the lockers and several small offices, and finally arrived at a door that had “Cheerleaders”‘ written on it. This was the space reserved for the women who provided the female counterpoint to what the men would be doing on the central stage.

  I pushed the door open hesitantly and stepped inside, and the sight that met my eyes almost propelled me backwards. Three of the most ravishing women I had ever seen in my life were lolling about on couches and easy chairs in various stages of undress. One, a redhead with enormous tits and long legs was wearing only a pair of panties. Another, a blonde who looked as though she might be a professional swimmer, with a tight, trim body, small hard breasts, and an incongruously wide and soft mouth, was completely naked. The third, with brown hair almost the color of my own, wore panties and bra; she was almost six feet tall, and as I entered was idly rubbing her hand on her cunt, with the same ease with which she might be scratching her head.

  The three of them stopped mid-conversation and all turned to look at me. I felt completely out of place fully dressed, and for an instant I checked an impulse to turn on my heels and walk right out of there. Their eyes were hard and humorous, holding the same look I had once seen in the glance of a successful and witty prostitute who had been a friend of my father’s and often came to dinner to amuse us with her tales of the world of high society she serviced.

  “Hi, I’m Sandy,”‘ said the blonde, standing up and walking toward me, her tits shifting as she walked. My eyes were riveted on her cunt, and I could see the full lips clearly underneath her patch of fine, yellow hair. I caught myself and abruptly looked up to greet her.

  “Come in,”‘ she said, smiling, aware of my discomfiture. “We’re pretty informal around here, as you can see. Take off whatever you like and have a seat.”‘

  I closed the door behind me and entered slowly, my eyes wide despite my desire to appear cool. “That’s Marian,”‘ Sandy said, pointing at the brunette, who took her hand off her pussy and waved at me. “And that’s Irene, our star redhead,”‘ Sandy continued. The woman leaned forward to smile at me, and her breasts moved ponderously to wave in my direction.

  Sandy went back to sprawling in a large chair and I stood in the middle of the room, feeling awkward.

  “Well, I’m Julie,”‘ I said in a weak voice.

  There was a long silence, and then suddenly the room erupted in laughter, the three women falling over themselves in giggles. My spine stiffened and I unconsciously drew myself in for protection. But Sandy finally straightened up, her eyes twinkling, and held out her hands toward me.

  “Oh Julie,”‘ she said, “you look like a pickpocket who’s just been discovered with her hand in a policeman’s pants. Come on, we’re just folks.”‘

  Suddenly, the tension snapped, and I felt myself unwind. It had been a long time since I had been in female company, and I realized that my attitude was the same as if I had walked into a room filled with naked men.

  “Do you always greet newcomers this way?”‘ I asked, going to one of the empty chairs and sinking into it.

  “It depends. We usually don’t adjust ourselves in any special way when there’s a knock on the door.”‘

  “What if it had been a man?”‘ I wondered out loud.

  “Well, he’d probably have an enormous hard-on by now,”‘ Irene put in.

  Once again they glanced at one another, clearly sharing some joke that I was not yet privy to.

  “We’re the cheerleaders,”‘ Sandy said. “It’s our job to see to it that the team stays in high spirits. And I don’t know what makes a man happier than to have a whole slew of pussy lying around in the next room.”‘

  My temples began to throb. First Jeff, then Roger, and now this extraordinary scene. I wondered whether the women were expected to service the whole team, but I couldn’t ask without sounding naive, and I decided to say nothing and see what happened.

  “How about a drink?”‘ Marian said, her voice low and throbbing. Without waiting for a reply
, she went over to the small bar that graced part of one wall, and began mixing ingredients in a large shaker. Her ass wiggled as she worked, two extremely full and deliciously molded mounds framed by tight black lace panties. Sandy saw me looking, and asked, “Are you into women, Julie?”‘

  I turned toward her, taken aback by her perception and her frank question. It seemed that the people on the team wasted no time on circumlocutions, but much of that had already been indicated by Roger. “Some of our ways may come as a shock,”‘ he had told me, “but after a while you begin to feel yourself part of a family. We are all highly dependent on one another, and we spend a lot of time in close physical proximity. Not the least of what happens on the football field is an immense accumulation of sexual energy and tension, and that infects all of us. So we have come to learn how to deal with it efficiently. We are not immoral people; it’s just that our environment makes a certain adjustment of conventional morality necessary.”‘

  “I don’t know,”‘ I said to Sandy. “I never have. I mean, I’ve never really thought about it.”‘

  “Stop seducing this innocent little girl,”‘ Marian said as she came back with a tray of glasses. I took one, sipped at it, and was delighted to taste a chilled daiquiri on my tongue.

  “Innocent my ass,”‘ said Irene, now beginning to stroke her pussy lazily. “Not after the tricks that twelve-inch cock has put her through.”‘

  I could stand it no longer. “Does everybody know everything about everyone’s sex life here?”‘ I burst out.

  “Everything,”‘ whispered Irene through her teeth.

  “You’re going to frighten her,”‘ said Marian, dispensing the last of the drinks and then coming over to sit on the arm-rest of my chair. She put one arm around my shoulders protectively, pulling me slightly toward her, causing my cheek to rest against the side of one bulging breast. She wore a net bra and the texture of her skin was palpable through the delicately scented material.

  She turned to me and added, “You live just down the block from Jack and me, you know.”‘

  “Jack Karnovsky?”‘ I asked. “Jeff mentioned that.”‘

  “Good,”‘ Marian told me. “We want to have the two of you over one night after Jeff is out of training and you’ve settled down a bit.”‘

  “Foursomes at the Karnovsky’s,”‘ moaned Sandra in mock anguish, “what an introduction to Seattle.”‘

  “From what I understand,”‘ Irene purred, sipping her drink, “Julie’s had her introduction last night.”‘

  “Oh, you mean Roger?”‘ Sandy said cuttingly. “The last time I was with him he tried to talk me into letting his Great Dane fuck me.”‘

  “Did you do it?”‘ Irene asked, her eyes glinting with excitement.

  “I’ll never tell,”‘ Sandy replied. “A girl’s got to have some secrets.”‘

  “Aaiyeee!”‘ I screamed suddenly, letting out a piercing yell.

  Marian Jumped off the chair and the other two women sat bolt upright.

  “What the fuck was that?!”‘ Sandy said as I sat there with my fists clenched on my lap.

  I smiled sheepishly. “I needed to break the pressure in my ears,”‘ I said. “I thought I heard Sandy say that one of the only secrets a person can expect to have around here is not letting anyone know whether she was fucked by a dog or not.”‘

  “Hmmm,”‘ said Irene, lying down again, “I suppose that’s true. And it does sound slightly odd when you put it so clearly.”‘ She reached to the table next to her, shook a cigarette out of a pack, lit it, blew out a cloud of smoke, and said to the two other women, “Can it be that we’ve all become decadent without having realized it? I mean, are we the victims of a slow slide into irrevocable degeneracy?”‘

  “Good God!”‘ exclaimed Sandy in pretended horror. “How horrible!”‘

  And once again the three of them burst out into laughter, only this time I began to see what the joke was, and like all real humor, it was the kind of thing that could not be explained to an outsider. One had to exist within the context to see why some aspect of that context, some specific viewpoint within that context, was funny. I found myself, if not laughing, at least grinning broadly. I was beginning to enjoy the company of these strange, brazen women, and to taste a vibration that I had never known was possible among women.

  “Did you bring your uniform?”‘ asked Marian suddenly.

  “Huh?”‘ I said, “oh, my uniform, yes, I have it here,”‘ I replied, fishing into my bag.

  “Well, let’s dress her up,”‘ she said to the others, and then, turning to me, added, “Then we’ll go into the necessary but dull part of this job, which is practicing the routines we have to do for all the rubbernecks in the stands. We’ll have about four hours of practice every weekday until the season opens.”‘

  “It’s not that bad,”‘ Sandy chimed in. “You may be sore for the first few days from the jumping and stretching, but once you get in shape you get to actually enjoy the exercise.”‘

  “Not to mention flashing your ass and tits to all the boys who are trying to keep their minds on a dumb hunk of pigskin, and instead get erections thinking about fucking you that afternoon,”‘ Irene added.

  “Do you remember the time Eddie was starting to throw a pass and your halter fell off,”‘ Sandy said to Irene, “and he got transfixed and six men piled on him at once and broke his arm?”‘

  “Don’t remind me,”‘ Irene said. I looked over at her and noticed that the crotch of her panties was sopping wet. During the entire conversation she had been quietly and methodically bringing herself off, and had probably had the world’s most unobtrusive orgasm. Now her pussy juices were staining the cloth and dripping down into her ass crack.

  “Come on,”‘ Marian said, “let’s put on our battle gear and go out to face our master.”‘

  “Who’s that?”‘ I asked.

  “Tony,”‘ Marian replied.

  “Yeah, Tony,”‘ Sandy repeated, her voice indicating disgust.

  “What’s wrong with Tony?”‘ I asked.

  “He’s probably a queer,”‘ Irene shot out.

  “I don’t know,”‘ Marian added. “We’ve all been trying to get into his pants for more than a year, but he just won’t budge.”‘

  “Faggot,”‘ Irene said.

  “Anyway,”‘ Marian continued, “he’s the one who puts us through our training paces.”‘ She stood up and in an altered tone of voice said, “But let’s get off uninteresting topics and see what you look like in your outfit.”‘

  “You’re the second person in two days who’s wanted that,”‘ I told her as I got to my feet.

  “Oh, I’m sure that Roger ran you through his inspection,”‘ Sandy said.

  “Where do I change?”‘ I asked.

  They all grinned. “Right here, honey,”‘ Irene told me.

  The three of them came toward me, and in a moment I was surrounded by ravishing female bodies. “We’ll even help you,”‘ Sandy told me.

  And with that, her hands went to the buttons on the front of my dress and began undoing them, one by one. Marian and Irene stood to either side of me and started to pull the shoulders of the dress down. They took it to my waist and then let it drop, leaving me standing there in nothing but a pair of very brief panties. I felt a new kind of excitement, different from what either Jeff or Roger had aroused in me. My cunt tingled and my ass tightened and my nipples hardened, all usual reactions, but in addition to that I felt an overall throbbing that covered my entire body. My mouth was especially vulnerable to the sensation, and my lips fell open. My mind filled with an army of thoughts, but they were all too slight and quick for me to single out any one for comment. The most overpowering part of the experience was the smell, a mingled aroma of perfume, silky skin, and pussy secretions.

  “My, what lovely boobs,”‘ said Sandy as she put her
hands on my breasts, cupping the heavy orbs and lifting them slightly. Her thumbs circled my nipples and then rubbed the tips gently. I took in a sharp breath and my stomach clenched.

  “And an ass to match,”‘ said Marian as her hands went behind me and roamed over my cheeks. I tightened my buttocks and she ran one finger down the crack, causing me to tremble and relax. Then she trailed the finger down until it was exactly opposite my asshole, and pushed in forcefully. I gasped and she pressed her entire hand between my cheeks, and grabbed my ass roughly.

  Irene rolled down the top of the panties and then slipped one hand down the front, covering my hairy mound, lightly covering the pouting lips of my cunt. I tilted my pelvis slightly, thrusting my box toward her, and she smiled and let one finger probe into the center, entering the already moistened lips.

  They all stroked and fingered me gently, not pressing, not insisting, not pushing the moment in any way whatsoever. I relaxed and let myself swim in the sea of flesh that surrounded me, feeling their tits rubbing against my arms and back, their hands tweaking my nipples and stroking my ass and teasing my cunt. At one point they brought their heads together and leaned against me until our hair made a single pool of contrasting colors, and we moaned and sighed and licked and kissed one another’s mouths and cheeks.

  I was being titillated almost past the point where I could sustain the energy swelling inside me, and in an instant would have brought my own hands up to begin caressing their bodies, for suddenly I was very hot to hold Irene’s luscious tits and stroke Marian’s lush ass and hold Sandy’s hard athletic body against my own.

  And it would have happened, except that there came a sudden loud knock on the door, one which almost scared me out of the shoes I still had not removed. I turned in the direction of the sound just in time to see a short, brawny man of about forty, standing no more than five and half feet tall, with shoulders that were as wide as Jeff’s and a chest that might have been modeled on a beer keg. His face looked like a rock that had been eroded by wind, pitted and sharp-edged. And his eyes were pure black, and showed no depth or expression at all.


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