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Forbidden Page 22

by Emma Nichols

  Iman smiled, but her eyes didn’t shift from Ash’s. Her hand started to explore the breast that had tempted her lips for too long, and she caressed the area tenderly, biting down on her lip, her eyes flickering at the sensual feel of Ash’s nipple on the palm of her hand, and then her fingertips. She couldn’t restrain any longer. Her mouth crashed onto Ash’s breast, her teeth biting, grating, and her tongue teasing the sensitive point, savouring the shifting texture and sweet taste hitting its surface. ‘So delicious,’ she groaned, taking Ash in her mouth again, with the most tender of touches.

  Ash moaned, her back arched, and her sex throbbed with the fire pulsing from her nipples to her core. Powerless, she drifted absent of thought, immersed in the effect Iman was having on every sense in her body.

  Iman sat astride her, her thumbs taking over from her tongue, so she could study the woman she loved. Her fingers moved sensitively with Ash’s rhythm, naturally responding to the familiar display of eroticism building in her beautiful face. Watching Ash had that delirious effect on her again, sending the tingling sensation down her body, accumulating and pulsing between her legs. Ash’s hips were rotating rhythmically, connecting them when her pubic bone touched Iman’s wet centre, her bundle of nerves reacting to the pressure that threatened to cause her to explode.

  Ash groaned with the tension building between her legs and Iman’s wet heat covering her sex. The absence of pressure was excruciating and driving her wild. But, she needed something else even more than the quick release. She shifted, tossed Iman lightly onto her back, pulled one leg out from underneath Iman, and eased them together; her sex to Iman’s.

  Iman jolted at Ash’s sudden movement, finding herself thrown back onto the bed, creating an unwanted space between them. She was about to complain, but Ash’s wet centre pressing against her own silenced her. Consumed by the rising heat filtering through to her core, her eyes closed, and she found herself moving effortlessly with Ash, tenderly caressing herself on Ash. And Ash was groaning. The lightest, and most delicate form of pressure, on her sex, seemed to be having the deepest and most profound effect on her heart. Iman jolted, the pressure on her clit increasing. Ash’s thumb was delicately teasing her with their fluids, and sending exquisite spasms through her lower-lips and up into her belly. ‘Aahhhmm,’ she groaned, as the intensity overwhelmed all other senses. The gentle vibrations were expanding, wave after wave causing her hips to buck and thrash. The sudden rise in tension low in her belly brought her body to a halt, and for a moment the world stood still. Tipping over the edge, she shook uncontrollably, releasing a long gasp. She rested the back of her hand on her forehead, and her eyes remained closed, biting her lip, groaning, smiling until the shuddering eased.

  Ash extracted herself and eased her way up the bed, resting her elbows either side of Iman’s head, and softly kissed her. The tender touch caused Iman to shudder again. Softly, Ash caressed her with light kisses.

  Iman’s eyes opened slowly, and her smile deepened. Her hand reached up, swept the blonde bob behind Ash’s ear, only for it to fall back down again. Cupping her face, she drew her down into a languid kiss. ‘Mmmm, you are insanely sexy.’ Iman licked tenderly along Ash’s top lip. She eased the swollen lip into her mouth and played with it between her teeth. With increasing urgency she deepened the kiss, her hands re-acquainting with Ash’s body. With one heave and a lack of resistance from Ash, she flipped her onto her back.

  Ash smiled through dark eyes. She would never grow tired of this feeling, or the tongue that was exploring her body again and causing her nerves to fire and her sex to pulse.

  Iman released Ash’s nipple from her mouth. Smiling mischievously, seduced by her intoxicating scent, she kissed down Ash’s taut stomach. She needed to taste her. Ash rose up and tried to slow her progress, but Iman shrugged off the effort, slid down swiftly and landed a kiss on Ash that threw her backwards.

  ‘Ahhhh,’ Ash groaned, biting down on the back of her hand, her clit exploding at the feel of Iman’s tongue and lips. Sucking her in, flicking, pulling, and teasing her relentlessly. She groaned again.

  Iman settled between Ash’s legs and inhaled the musky odour, groaning at its impact on her increasing sexual appetite. She pulled back a fraction, admiring Ash’s beautiful sexual centre. She eased Ash apart, revealing the vulnerable, wet flesh and slid her tongue lightly across its surface. Ash bucked and gripped her firmly, holding her in place. She probed more deeply, savouring the delicate silky fluids that gathered on her tongue. With increasing confidence, her fingers joined the exploration. She flicked her tongue relentlessly across Ash’s clit and entered her simultaneously. The cry that hit her ears fuelled her, and she thrust deeper, sucked harder, until the final scream stilled her.

  ‘Fuucckk!’ Ash’s head flew up from the bed as she rode the orgasm that had her body thrashing uncontrollably. Iman’s soft brown eyes stared up at her, a beaming grin on her face. Ash pulled her up, and claimed her mouth hungrily, holding her close, connecting along the length of their bodies. ‘I love you,’ she whispered.

  ‘I love you more than life,’ Iman responded, easing up and holding Ash’s bright smile.


  ‘Are you sure I look okay?’ Ash asked, licking and flicking her fingers down her dark blue jeans, and pulling down on the front of her white shirt.

  Iman stepped up behind her, kissed the back of her neck and let her hands lazily trace the front of Ash’s shirt, thumbing across the nipples that had sparked up.

  ‘That’s not helping,’ she groaned, placing her hands over Iman’s and increasing the pressure on her breast. ‘Fuck!’ She pulled Iman’s hands off, turned in her arms and clasped her head in her hands. Drawing her close, she placed a tender kiss on Iman’s full, red lips. ‘Seriously! Do that, and we’ll never get to your parents,’ she said. When she pulled away, her gaze was intense, her smile tense.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Iman asked with concern, her fingers tracing Ash’s taut face.

  ‘A little nervous,’ Ash admitted, with a tilt of her head. But there was also the other issue that Iman seemed reluctant to discuss. Ash’s eyes dropped. She cupped Iman’s hand and kissed the palm. ‘Shall we go?’ she asked.

  ‘Arrgggh,’ Iman groaned, with a mischievous smile. She ran her thumb down Ash’s lips, down her chin, her neck, and across her breast. ‘I could think of…’

  Iman’s fiery stare and sensitive touch sent a bolt of lightning through Ash that caused her chest to crush. ‘Jeeeezzz, you are dangerous,’ she said, with a wicked grin. She grabbed Iman’s hand and squeezed. ‘Later,’ she said, racing down the stairs and opening the door before she could change her mind.


  ‘We can go through the back,’ Iman said as Ash pulled into the large driveway at the front of the house. She stepped out of the 4x4, walked around the side of the building, and through an ornate metal gate. Ash followed her, maintaining a respectable distance between them. ‘That’s Amena,’ she said, as they approached the occupied garden seat on the lawn.

  The proximity of her lips as she whispered caused Ash to shudder. White-grey smoke wafted into the sky from the brick construction close to the house, and the aroma of cooked spicy meat drifted on the heady evening air.

  Amena threw the book down on the seat and bounded to her feet. ‘Hi, I’m Amena, she said, holding out her hand excitedly.

  Iman chuckled at her sister’s display of enthusiasm, settling the quivering in her stomach.

  ‘Hi,’ Ash said, though the word was croaky, and her eyes couldn’t settle on the dark-brown eyes that were gazing dreamily at her.

  ‘Cute,’ Amena blurted, and a flush of heat rushed to her cheeks. She started giggling, her hand covering her mouth.

  ‘Ammy,’ Iman admonished, but she too was chuckling.

  Ash flushed, wide-eyed.

  ‘Where is everyone?’ Iman asked, her eyes scanning from the outdoor kitchen to the house.

  ‘Mum’s getting ready. Dad’s doing some salad thing and
Tarek’s helping,’ she said, rolling her eyes.

  ‘Tarek!’ Iman laughed.

  Ash wriggled her hands, unconsciously picking at the skin around her fingernails.

  ‘Come on,’ Iman said, reaching for Ash’s hands and pulling them apart.

  Ash followed her across the garden and into a door leading to the kitchen, her heart thumping through her chest. Her shoulders dropped as her eyes caught Tarek’s; whose distinctive light-brown irises bore a striking resemblance to Iman’s, the kind smile on his face, giving her permission to breathe. ‘Hi,’ she said, with a tilt of her head.

  ‘Welcome,’ he said, continuing to shred the carrot in his hand.

  ‘Ah, Ash!’ Muhammad appeared from the pantry with a covered dish in his hands, a cloth hanging over his arm. ‘Welcome.’ He placed the plate on the kitchen surface and approached Ash with open arms.

  Ash stiffened initially, then folded her arms around him and patted his back. ‘Thank you.’ She could feel a surge of warmth rising in her chest, and her eyes were starting to burn.

  ‘Marla, Ash is here,’ he called, into the house.

  Within seconds Iman’s mother appeared, in an elegant, flowing royal-blue dress with embroidered gold trim. Iman’s brown wavy hair cascaded down her back, and Amena’s dark eyes smiled at her. ‘Hello Ash, welcome.’ She held out her hand, and Ash took it.

  ‘Thank you for inviting me,’ Ash said, feeling her chest expand with their kindness.

  ‘Immy, show Ash around the garden.’ Muhammad instructed with a wave of his hand. ‘Would you like a drink?’ he asked Ash. ‘We have beer,’ he added, with a broad grin.

  ‘Later, thank you.’

  Tarek smiled at Ash’s apparent restraint.

  ‘This way,’ Iman said. Ash nodded, extracting herself slowly from the three sets of eyes that seemed intently focused on her.


  ‘She seems sweet,’ Marla said, approaching her husband and placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.

  ‘Iman is smitten,’ he responded. The crow’s feet had disappeared, replaced by the lines between his dark eyes. He sighed.

  ‘I worry for her too,’ Marla said, nodding her head. ‘Maybe Paris will be just what she needs,’ she added.

  ‘I hope so,’ Muhammad said, picking up the covered dish and taking it to the outdoor kitchen.

  Marla turned to Tarek. ‘I’ll make some bread,’ she said.

  Tarek kissed the top of her head. ‘You make the best,’ he said, sentimentally.

  Marla pushed him away with a huff. ‘Immy makes the best bread,’ she corrected, with a forthright smile.


  Iman led Ash across the lawn to a cobbled path. Taking the track leading away from the house, they sauntered down the lane, bedded flowers and designed shrubs on one side, small trees on the other. The aromatic sweet scent of white jasmine lingered as they walked, the flowers still hiding from the heat of the day. A burst of lilies wafted across their path and then a hint of rose.

  ‘It’s beautiful here.’ Ash’s eyes lingered on Iman. She wanted to hold her hand and lean on her shoulder as they walked. The sadness in her heart reflected in the shift in hue in her blue eyes.

  Iman stepped closer. ‘No one can see us,’ she whispered, reaching for Ash’s fingers and interlocking their hands.

  Ash fought the surge of anxiety pricking the back of her neck. ‘Are you sure,’ she asked, searching through the thick foliage.

  Iman took her chin, turned her face and held her gaze. ‘Yes, I am sure,’ she said. Her soft smile widened, and then retracted as she closed the space between them.

  Ash’s lips parted, and when her eyes closed all she could see, all she could feel, was Iman. The sweet aroma and slightly salty warm taste on her tongue, and the lightness of her fingers that exposed her painfully. The trembling sensation in her chest and the light-headed dizziness dancing in her mind weakened her legs. She could barely breathe. Iman slowly released her from the kiss, leaving her wanting, needing, and mesmerised.

  ‘Come and see the lake,’ Iman said, squeezing her hand and dragging her down the lane, enthusiastically.

  Ash hadn’t recovered herself by the time Iman turned into a gap in the treeline and squeezed out the other side.

  Iman eased her way down the uneven bank onto a small sandy verge bordering the large, dark-blue body of water. Tall trees lined its boundary as far as the horizon.

  Ash followed Iman down the slope and sat on the sandy bank. ‘Wow,’ she exclaimed, entranced by the reflection of the descending sun dancing on the water’s surface. ‘It’s spectacular.’

  ‘I used to come here a lot when I was a kid,’ Iman said. ‘We used to take a boat out too, and fish, over there.’ She pointed.

  Ash lowered her eyes. How could she ask Iman to leave this behind? And yet, how could they stay? She rubbed at the tightness in her chest, her throat constricted, and a silent tear fell onto her cheeks.

  ‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ Iman asked, clasping Ash’s face in her hands. She kissed the tear away. ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ Iman begged.

  Ash shrugged, finding it hard to know the right words to say. The pain burning in her eyes as she locked onto Iman was excruciating, and the thought of leaving her, even more agonising. ‘I…’ she started to speak, but the words wouldn’t come.

  ‘Ash, please, you’re scaring me.’ Iman’s worried eyes skittered across Ash’s face, seeking answers, seeking reasons.

  ‘I’m worried about you.’ Ash said, fighting for her composure.

  Iman sighed deeply, pulling Ash’s head into her chest. Holding her tightly, she squeezed as if she would never let her go. Then a penny dropped. ‘Please don’t say… please don’t do this…’ The red rage of injustice warred with the deep sense of grief that had just pierced through her heart. Ash pulled out of the hold and Iman released her reluctantly. Iman’s eyes darted from Ash to the sand, to the water, to the setting sun. ‘I won’t let you go,’ she insisted.

  Ash nodded, her hands clasped in her lap. ‘I know,’ she said. ‘But, times are changing, and it’s getting tougher here.’

  ‘I know,’ Iman responded, reaching for Ash’s hand. ‘We can live abroad,’ she added, too quickly.

  ‘You would leave your family, and your home… all this?’ Ash asked, her arm indicating to the surroundings and beyond.

  Iman’s eyes dropped, and her heart sank with them. ‘Yes,’ she said. An image of the course details, sitting on her dressing table, hit her mind's eye, but the joy that she had previously experienced at the prospect of training to be a chef didn’t appear. The idea of time away from Ash cast a dark shadow and her stomach churned. She had been running away when she originally signed up for the course, and now she didn’t want to run.

  Ash watched the stream of consciousness playing out through Iman’s facial expressions. ‘You don’t seem sure,’ she said, reaching for her cheek and caressing the soft flesh tenderly. ‘I need you to be sure if that’s what you want. Living in another country, where everything is different. It won’t be easy.’

  ‘It’s not just that,’ Iman said, her eyes searching Ash. ‘I… I applied for a Chef’s course in Paris, so I planned to go away, at least for a while.’

  Ash’s jaw dropped, her eyes blinked repeatedly, and her brain tried to make sense of her visceral response.

  ‘It slipped my mind, because…’

  ‘I, I didn’t realise,’ Ash said softly, staring vacantly, her mind spinning.

  ‘It slipped my mind because I don’t want to go now,’ Iman said.

  Ash locked onto Iman’s piercing eyes. ‘You must go,’ she said, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in her chest. ‘It’s the right thing to do. It’s exactly what you need to do.’

  ‘No, it isn’t. I don’t want to be away from you,’ Iman pleaded.

  Ash sat upright, trying to formulate her thoughts. ‘I could get some time off and…’

  Iman was shaking her head. ‘I can’t be away from you for one second,
’ she said. ‘It would hurt too much.’

  ‘But at least you would be safe,’ Ash said, trying to find some enthusiasm for the plan that made obvious sense.

  ‘Alone, dying inside, that’s not safe Ash.’

  Ash paused. Holding her head in her hands, she pressed hard against her temples. ‘You were going to leave,’ she stated.

  ‘That was before… us.’ Iman said.

  Ash released her head and stared at Iman. She had no desire for them to be apart either.

  ‘I would leave for us,’ Iman said, answering the question in Ash’s eyes. ‘But not without you, and, at a time of our choosing.’ She breathed out slowly, feeling lighter for the conversation, even if it hadn’t resolved the underlying issue of Iman’s, or their, safety.

  ‘We need to be careful,’ Ash said. ‘What do your parents think?’ she asked, staring out at the horizon.

  ‘They want me to be happy,’ Iman responded, with an affectionate smile. ‘And safe, of course,’ she added.

  ‘I still think you should do the course,’ Ash said.

  ‘No.’ Iman retorted, rising to stand. ‘Come on; food will be ready.’ As Ash rose, Iman pulled her close. ‘I’m not leaving you,’ she said, placing a tender kiss on her lips.

  The touch left a scar where it burned.


  The loud thumping on the door jolted Ash awake, and she turned into the cold side of her bed. Leaving Iman at her parent’s house, she’d felt the emptiness. She cursed as the banging from downstairs reverberated through the floorboards again. ‘Alright,’ she shouted, knowing full well Craig would be bouncing up and down on the other side of the door, with a crooked grin on his goofy face.

  ‘C’mon, c’mon,’ he said, bounding through the door. ‘We need to get the raft over to the river.’ He handed her a mug of coffee.


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