Rapparee: The Regeneration (The Journey of the Freighter Lola Book 5)

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Rapparee: The Regeneration (The Journey of the Freighter Lola Book 5) Page 10

by Robert Weisskopf

  I ran a scan of the system five minutes ago. I checked in with the two eyes in the sky we positioned out there. Nothing on their sensors and they’re both in the green. I’ll go grab a salad. Thanks.”

  She got up and left the bridge, leaving it to myself. I hadn’t been alone on the bridge for almost a year and it seemed strange, yet at one time that was the way I most preferred things. Good friends can change you.

  I sat back and dimmed the ambient lighting. We orbited with the top side of Lola down towards the planet. It allowed us to monitor the planet best and presented our thickest armor towards any incoming projectiles. We still had full sensor capability outbound. So, as I sat there, Chico 7 past over me. It was a beautiful planet. Lush green fields, rolling hills, and brilliant blue waters. About half the planet was covered with water.

  While deep in thought, the radios chirped. It was Julie calling. “Did I catch you daydreaming?” She said over the video chat.

  “Guilty. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

  “Jack, I think I can set up Chico 7 to be one of the wealthiest planets in the galaxy. The Trolls will never have to worry about a thing. With me at the helm of Hardcore, watching over things, we can ensure this place is mined without destroying the place. Most of the proceeds will go back to the Trolls, held in trust for them. Of course, Hardcore can make a profit too. That will satisfy my board of directors and fellow shareholders. The sooner we move on this the sooner the Trolls are safe from the bandits.” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

  “Kenny heard about the Carbonado diamonds and has all the young Trolls collecting the largest diamonds from the ground in the tunnels. He has close to fifty pounds set aside. The kid will go home from this cruise a multi-millionaire.”

  “Have they had any luck deciphering the runes in the cockpit?” I asked.

  “Dr. Mariano says they're making headway. He thinks they're related to the Himalayan runes on Earth. He’s working with Jim Thule and both seem very confident of the results. Jim says they're beginning to understand things. He also thinks he located the ship’s battery bank. If that’s the case, he should be able to work out the power needs of the ship. Once he does, he might be able to power up some of the systems. He hopes to boot up the ship's computers.” Julie said.

  “Tell him not to run any power to the systems until I give the go ahead. With the gases in that cavern, there could be an explosion. Besides that, we need a better understanding of their propulsion system before we start it up. It could be a bad thing.” I stressed.

  “I agree, I’ll make sure to tell him right away. When are you coming down again?” Julie asked.

  “Chris said he would be up tomorrow and give me a couple days on the surface. So, I guess I’ll see you then.”

  “Jack, I miss you. I’ll make sure we have our own cabin.” She winked.

  “I miss you too. See you tomorrow.” I signed off.

  Yeah, I don’t like being alone up here as much anymore.

  Chapter 16

  Tony eased the shuttle in and greased a smooth landing on the hilltop. He taxied to the parking spot the ground crew indicated. The engines wound down and the landing ramp dropped. Sweet fresh air filled the cabin along with bright sunshine. I strode down the ramp. Julie met me at the bottom. A tender kiss greeted me. I could get to like this planet.

  “Follow me, I have so many things to show you.” She insisted. Taking my hand, she led the way. As I was being dragged along, everyone greeted me with waves and welcomes.

  “Hi Skipper, glad you could join us,” was the common theme. Everyone around me was busy but seemed in good spirits. We took the trail down the hillside to the cavern mouth. I could see more tents in the clearing and several tables with computers set up under large canvas awnings. Seated on the two fallen trees where Dora and Goorow had first sat to talk, were Kenny and Butch. Several of the young Trolls were with them. It surprised me they had no trouble with the bright sunlight. They waved to us as we passed. I was sure Butch pointed at me and then began signing to the other Trolls.

  There were two picnic benches under a canvas, set end to end as a conference table. Seated at them were our two new scientists along with Dr. Dora, Rick Baricki, and our new engineer, Jim Thule. I assumed they were waiting for me. Behind me came Nicky C. He was carrying two thermoses of what I hoped was coffee. Dora grabbed a tray of mugs from another table. I always like seeing our mugs with the Freighter Lola logo on them.

  Dora set the mugs on the table and everyone grabbed one. Nicky began to pour. Cream and sweetener were already on the table. I sat down, and Julie placed a mug in front of me. Rick placed a tray of pastries on the table. It looked like we were all set to go.

  Dora stood up at the head of the two tables. “Welcome, Jack. We wanted to bring you up to speed on what we’ve found so far. First, let’s go with Dr. Mariano. Sir.” She indicated the Doctor.

  Mariano stood and gave me a nod. “Welcome to our little slice of heaven. I've been focusing on the Runes found in the lower cavern and inside the cockpit of the spacecraft entombed there. With Jim Thule’s help, we’ve put together a preliminary alphabet. We have developed a small glossary of words. Please remember this isn’t as easy as substituting one Rune for a letter in our alphabet or a word in our language. First, we don’t know what language these early Trolls used. We don’t know how it was constructed. Are these Runes pictographs like Egyptian hieroglyphs? Do they use modifying words like quickly, slowly, or cold? Goorow has been some help but his language has changed over the millennium.”

  “Jim has been able to identify some of the cockpit instruments and controls. For instance, a lever that turns on an exhaust fan and has a Rune identifying it gives us a good start. One that allows a seat to slide forward and back and marked with a Rune gives us even more. We’ve identified over fifty controls in the ship and are starting a computer database. We may never know what the original Troll language sounded like, but we are learning their written language. Keep in mind this is something never encountered by any human. Even when Spanish Conquistadors roamed into the Americas, there were live people speaking the language.” Mariano paused and took a sip of his coffee.

  “I would like to have Jim tell you what he’s found now.” Mariano indicated Jim Thule.

  “Thank you, Doctor. Even though there’s a language difference and the ship is ancient, the advanced technology is far beyond ours. The mechanical parts of the ship are intact and look ready to power up. There isn’t the corrosion and oxidation you might expect. I swear it looks like they parked it yesterday. Once we wiped the dust off everything it looked completely operational. We won’t be flying away in it since it is underneath a hillside and cemented in place with the years of dripstone accumulation. Additionally, there is damage to the rear of the craft and to the engines.” Jim gave this a moment to sink in.

  “I’ve found the storage batteries and computed their amperage and voltages. They are in good shape and only need a charge. Remember, no matter the culture or language, electricity is still electricity. A good engineer can figure out the function and operation by a thorough examination. I can charge the batteries and provide power to the cockpit and cabin. That should allow us to boot up the ships computer systems. I waited as directed. The methane in the cavern does need venting before we power up the ship.” Jim saw Dora wanted to add something.

  “There might be a problem with venting the methane. The cavern and cockpit may be a holy place for the Trolls. As far back as they can remember the clan leaders have gone into the cavern and had visions. Of course, we know the source of these visions, but the Trolls believe they're speaking with their ancestors. If we vent the methane it might cause a problem. Frankly, I’m surprised they don’t object to us visiting the cavern.” Dora was quick to point out.

  I saw the problem and asked, “Jim can you remove the computers and take them topside?”

  “Perhaps, but the ship’s system is much like a neural network. Everything in
that cockpit is interconnected. I have identified the central processor, but I’m not sure I can remove it and still get it to function. I’m sure I can power it up in place.” Jim answered

  “Okay, that means we don’t try to remove it. We do try to get permission to vent the methane. Dora, can you help with that?” I asked.

  “I can try, but it might help if you were with me. We’ll have to take it step by step.” She answered.

  “Okay, who’s next?” I asked.

  Dr. Francis the cryptozoologist stood up. “I have been monitoring the Trolls, and Dr. Montejano was very astute in naming them that. It’s possible the Trolls of Earthen folklore might be real and related to these creatures. Also, I now believe that the Sasquatch and Yeti are based on these Trolls. Although there is no documented examination of these creatures on earth, there are far too many reports of sightings and descriptions to ignore. At one time in Earth’s history, these creatures were reported everywhere, but none were ever captured. Still, all the descriptions were similar.” He paused for effect.

  “Why were there none captured? Because they always got away. For the most part, they're reported to be solitary creatures of the night. They avoided people. The common belief was Trolls lived in caves and under bridges. Dark and dangerous places. The Trolls here have shown an amazing ability to dig tunnels. What better way to avoid capture than by dropping into a cavern and escaping by tunnels. Most reports of these creatures on Earth come from areas with hilly and mountainous terrain. Caves are common in these areas and are the ideal habitat for them to live in. In the America’s Pacific Northwest, you have the Rocky Mountains. The Yeti, of course, is from the Himalayas. In Europe where there were sightings, it’s always in a hilly or semi-mountainous area.” Dr. Francis took a sip of his drink.

  I interrupted. “Are these creatures from Earth? Is that where they started?”

  “I don’t believe so. I believe they’re from another planet and traveled to Earth and to Chico 7. It might have been at the same time.” He said.

  “Getting the computer database on the ship functioning will tell us so much more about them. We do know they are biologically different from Earth creatures. We have a double helix DNA. Theirs is a quad helix. Instead of two strands of DNA wound around each other, there are four strands. This allows them to pack much more information into each strand of DNA and into each gene. This is the mechanism that allows them to react so quickly to changes in their environment.” Dr. Francis added.

  Dora nodded in agreement. This had me confused. "What do you mean react to changes?”

  “Didn’t you notice how Butch doesn’t need welder’s glasses? Most of the younger Trolls are out in the daylight with no eye protection. Goorow has begun wearing them only in the midday sun. He's adjusting to the increased light. This also explains the Yeti’s white hair and the Trolls living in central Europe with considerably less hair. This is due to a quick reaction to the environment. It seems the younger Trolls react quicker than the older ones.” Dora answered.

  “That all makes sense and if true would rewrite much of Earth’s history,” I said. “It looks like we need to go talk to Goorow. However, we only go to him if we can come up with a way to vent the gas without disturbing the cavern and spacecraft. If we can allow the gas back after we have accessed the computer even better. That’s having our cake and eating it too.” I smiled

  Dora and the rest agreed that was the best way to approach the problem.

  Jim Thule spoke up. “I'm sure I can figure a way with some flexible air vents, and an exhaust fan or two.”

  It was now Julie’s turn and she stood up. “We all want to see these wonderful creatures taken care of. I have the money and the means to do it. In fact, the Trolls have the means.” She paused for effect. “You’ve all seen the green crystals scattered about in the tunnels. Kenny has collected about fifty pounds of them. What you might not be aware of is they are a form of diamond known as Carbonado. These diamonds have attributes that set them apart from other diamonds and increases their value exponentially. This hillside is sitting on a large dome of Carbonado. I’m not sure, but much of the planet may be composed of this diamond.” Julie tossed a few larger examples to the people at the table.

  As the scientists gave the crystals a closer look Julie continued. “We were tipped off to this by our people who stayed behind with the Trolls. Based on this information and using my position with Hardcore Mining, I obtained sole mineral rights to this planet from the Federation. I've also set up a trust for the Trolls. Under the plan I propose, they will be the primary beneficiary of the proceeds from the mining and sale of the diamonds. Hardcore will be the contractor who will operate the mining concern. They will make a small percentage profit, enough to make it worth their while, but the lions share will go into a trust for the Trolls. Genus will be hired to provide security for the planet to ensure the bandits stay away. The Board of Trustees who’ll manage this will be people you all know. I’d like Dr. Dora Montejano to be President of the Board. I plan to sit on the board as well along with Goorow. Between us, we can fill the positions with capable and honest people. The primary goal of the Trust will be the well-being and care of the Trolls and their planet.” Julie sat when she finished leaving everyone including Dora stunned.

  Now if only we can keep the bandits away until we can get everything up and running. I excused myself from the table and took a stroll over to talk to Kenny and Butch.

  Chapter 17

  I spent the next two days on Chico 7. Nicky created a great little village on the other side of the hill. There was a lovely mess hall that served rather good meals, thanks to our chef. The cabins were prefab housing which erected themselves once you placed them on level ground. Each cabin could accommodate four people and had its own solar cells and battery bank. Each cabin had its own efficient little bathroom as well.

  I remember someone telling me these cabins were the same as pop-up tent campers from the twentieth century, only larger with more modern materials and technology. Two men in power suits, could carry them from the shuttle and set them up. They unfolded on their own. I thought the walls were soft fabric, but they became rigid once the unit powered up.

  Nick had spread the cabins among the trees and then covered the area with the active camo tarps. From the air or even orbit, they were invisible. All this camo made for a very cute little village setting.

  The pigsty was downwind of both settlements. The Kupps greeted me when I stopped to see them. Two nicer guys you could never meet. They had the processing plant set up and waiting for when the hogs were grown to slaughtering size. Modern hogs were bred to achieve the most bang for the buck. In other words, they were the best compromise of weight and fat. Any larger and they ate more feed, and the product return dropped off. Any smaller, and they didn’t have enough fat and meat to make raising them profitable. That worked out to a 250-lb. football-shaped pig. The first season there wouldn't be a lot of butchering. We wanted to breed and increase the number until we reach a point where they would feed the Trolls and not run out of breeding sows.

  I asked Terry what he thought of the plan. He responded with what I’d hoped to hear. “Skipper, we can have what you want in six months. We processed a couple of the older sows yesterday, and Goorow brought two of his Trolls to see the operation. The processor is almost completely automated, but there is still some need for a person. The two Trolls chipped right in and lent a hand. They’ll be natural hog farmers. They came back this morning and helped with feeding them. This was a good idea.”

  It looked like Chico 7 was set up well. The research was moving along as expected. Dora and I sat down with Goorow. She explained to him what we wanted to do in the cavern. With Dora’s help, I explained that we’d do nothing that would damage the buried spacecraft. I promised that once we had the information we wanted, we’d leave it like it was before, methane and all. Goorow agreed to the proposal. He was curious himself what secrets the ship held.

  If this wer
e Earth, the locals would never allow an examination of this place. Perhaps it was the human belief in a god that brought that about. Goorow and his clan had no gods. The cavern was a place of meditation and thinking. Only the clan leader used the cavern and got to feel the effects of the gas. It turned out that not all the clan knew about the ship. Not that they kept it a secret, it just wasn’t that big a deal to them.

  I headed back up to Lola. Chris was coming back down. I had a few chores planned for when I got aboard Lola. First, I would prepare a message back to Oakdale and Genus headquarters. We realized that as well as we’d planned, there were some things we forgot. There was a list from Julie, Nicky, and of course the scientists.

  When we left, we needed to leave behind a security detail. I also planned on leaving two of our fighter spacecraft on the hilltop. The three chefs would be coming back with us. They were training some of the Genus personnel to prepare food for the mess. That required no more than hydrating and heating military rations. It wasn’t the gourmet dining our people have become accustomed. So, we needed an on-planet cook or two from Oakdale.


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