Blue Love

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Blue Love Page 31

by Mj Fields

  Luke read the message and felt just as he knew he should, like someone had kicked him in the heart.


  Ben pulled in to pick Tessa up. He leaned against the truck and waited for her.

  Sadi walked out and looked at him; she decided she would have a chat with Tessa’s friend.

  “You’re Tessa’s new friend?” Sadi asked him.

  Ben looked at her and narrowed his eyes and smiled, “You the bitch that was talking shit to her this morning?”

  “Well that wasn’t very nice,” Sadi said and smiled.

  “You don’t seem like the type that like’s nice, Sadi is it?” Ben said looking past her for Tessa.

  “I prefer bitch, thank you. What’s your name?” she said and laughed.

  “I prefer that you leave her alone, and that’s none of your business,” Ben sneered.

  “The farm girl seems to get all in my business so I am just returning the favor,” she smiled, “Luke is my business, keep her away from him and I just may leave her alone.”

  “Luke’s a big boy, I think he can take care of himself,” Ben said finally looking at her.

  She rubbed her belly, “In a few short months he’ll be taking care of more than just himself,” she said and smiled.

  “Oh now I see, you’re pregnant?” Ben asked and chuckled.

  “Yep and he and I will be happy as long as you take care of the trash,” Sadi said.

  “You know that’s no way to keep a guy,” he said looking at her like he was disgusted.

  “Well now that’s none of your business is it?” Sadi smiled smugly.

  “Hey Ben is she bugging you?” Tessa called from behind Sadi.

  “No Tess, she doesn’t, I feel sorry for her skank ass though. And even more sorry for our friend Luke,” Ben laughed.

  He walked up to her and grabbed her bag and kissed her cheek.

  “You ready to go?” he asked.

  “Oh look at you two; someday you’ll probably be raising pigs on that farm of yours together,” Sadi said sarcastically.

  “And you’ll be living with your Momma in a dump with a baby that he didn’t want as he ruins his life for a bitch like you,” Tessa said as she opened the door to get in.

  Sadi grabbed her hair and scratched at her face. Ben pulled Sadi off, “Get in Tess, she isn’t worth it,” he said as he carried Sadi over to the girls standing and watching it all go down. “You ladies want to take care of this shit?” he asked and set her down next to the crowd of cheerleaders.

  They all smiled at him.

  He certainly had the same effect on the girls as Luke did, except he didn’t even seem to notice it, Tessa thought watching him.

  Ben opened the back door of his truck and grabbed a First Aid kit, and wiped the blood off her face, it was very close to her eye, and she tensed up. “Sorry Tess, just don’t want to see you catch whatever it is that rabid bitch may have,” Ben said as he cleaned her up.

  Ben got in the truck and pulled her over to him and kissed her face where Sadi had scratched her, “Thanks Ben,” she said.

  “So you and Luke broke up because that nasty thing is pregnant?” Ben asked.

  She looked at him, “She told you?” Tessa asked shocked.

  “Yep, like it was some sort of victory,” Ben said, “Damn I feel sorry for that kid, and for Luke.”

  “Me too,” she said softly.

  “Is he sure she is pregnant?” Ben asked as they approached the stop sign.

  “What do you mean? He had sex with her and I guess she showed him a test,” Tessa said.

  “I mean has he been to the doctor’s with her?” Ben asked.

  “No I don’t think so,” Tessa said.

  “As crazy as her ass is I can’t believe he slept with her, as smart as he seems, he certainly should have more proof than a damn stick that she may or may not have pissed on,” Ben said.

  He pulled into the driveway and jumped out and opened her door, he kissed her head. “You wanna go to camp and see what I got today?” he asked smiling.

  “Does it have horns?” she asked.

  “No, spots and a pacifier still in its mouth,” Ben said and laughed as she smacked him.

  “Then no,” she said as she stomped in the house.

  “When do you get home tonight?” Ben called after her.

  “About nine,” Tessa said.

  “See you then,” Ben yelled, “Hot tub date?”

  “I’m mad at you remember?” she said.

  “You’ll get over it,” Ben said as he jumped in the truck and pulled out waving.


  Tessa walked inside and texted Luke.

  -you need to come home and put that bitch on a leash…Tessa

  She fixed her hair and took off her sweater and took a picture of her face and sent it to him.

  Two minutes later her phone rang and it was Luke.

  “Who did that to you ba, Tessa?” Luke asked.

  “Sadi,” she said quietly as she tried to control her voice.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. He sounded angry.

  “No,” she said and swallowed hard.

  “What happened Tessa?” he said softly.

  She was quiet and he could tell she was trying to calm herself down and he waited for her reply.

  She told him what happened. “Luke have you gone to the doctor with her?” she asked.

  “No why?” Luke asked confused.

  “What if she’s really not pregnant?” Tessa asked.

  “Tessa, I wish that were true,” he said quietly.

  “Okay well I just think you should,” she suggested softly.

  “You going to be okay,” he asked.

  “Are you?” she replied.

  “I have to be and so do you,” he said softly.

  “Ok then. I miss you and I am sorry for the other day, can you please come home?” she asked softly.

  “I will see you soon Tessa,” he said “Goodbye,” and he hung up.


  Tessa lay on the couch and cried until she fell asleep. She woke up and went to practice. Tessa came home and went to bed.

  “Hey Tess,” Ben said from the doorway, “You asleep?” he asked.

  “I was,” she smiled.

  “Ok, no hot tub then?” Ben asked and smiled.

  “Not with a Bambi killer,” she said and raised her eyebrow at him.

  Ben laughed, “Hey I made you a CD,” he said, “you know to help you sleep.”

  “Come in Bambi slayer,” she said and patted the bed.

  He walked in and popped it in her CD player, “We can set it up on your iPod tomorrow.”

  “No let’s do it now,” she said and got up, they walked downstairs.

  “Hey Tessa did Ben tell you he got a six point today?” Alex asked.

  “No he told me he killed Bambi,” she said and shook her head at him.

  “Your sister’s hot when she is pissed, I couldn’t help myself,” Ben admitted and they all laughed.

  They downloaded the disk and set it up on her iPod. The boys ate and went to bed. Tessa put in her earplugs and lay on the couch. She smiled at the music, very soft and very sweet. She switched to the Luke playlist and cried softly as she listened to the last two he had added, remembering the beautiful day they spent and the words she wished he had never said to her.


  Tessa woke up and looked around, Luke was sitting at the foot of the couch with her feet resting on them. She sat up and wondered if she was dreaming, he looked at her and she crawled on his lap and touched his face, she had to be dreaming. She kissed him and he kissed her back. She took his shirt off and kissed his chest. She moved back to his lips. She whispered, “Don’t wake up Tessa,” over and over between kisses. She took his hands and placed one on her back and held the other to her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she smelled him, “I love you Lucas,” she whispered as she kissed his neck, “Run away with me,” she said. She kissed his chest and lay against him.
“I love you, please don’t ever leave me again,” she said and tears fell onto his chest.

  Chapter 26

  Tessa woke up in the morning and remembered her dream. She showered and made breakfast. She was dancing to the music when Ben and Alex walked in.

  “Good morning Tess,” Ben said, “You look happy this morning.”

  “I am I slept very well,” Tessa said.

  “Steak and eggs hu, I guess so remember anything,” Ben asked smiling.

  “I do I remember the whole dream; it seemed real,” she said. “Ready to take on the world,” she smiled.

  Luke walked in the kitchen; “Good morning,” he said and grabbed a glass of milk.

  “You going to school today or hunting?” Ben asked.

  “I need to go to school,” Luke said.

  “What time did you get in?” Alex asked.

  “About two,” Luke said and yawned, “Good morning, Tessa” he said.

  “Good morning Luke,” she smiled thinking of her dream.

  “Tess remembers her dream, she said she slept well, must have been the music,” Ben said and winked at her. He threw the last bite of egg in his mouth. “You going to take Tess to school?” Ben asked Luke.

  “I can,” Luke said quietly.

  “Good because I wouldn’t want to run into that Sadi thing again, she told me she was pregnant right before she went all rabid dog on Tess. You know there is anal for that kind of girl,” Ben said and laughed.

  Tessa’s eyes widened and she held her mouth in a line trying not to laugh.

  “Not my thing man,” Luke said looking down.

  “Maybe it should be,” Ben said and he stood up and cleaned his plate.

  “So Ben,” Tessa said trying not to laugh “You’re into anal hu?” she asked smiling.

  “I am in to all sorts of things,” Ben said and winked “I like anal about as much as I like shooting Bambi, see you later Tess, maybe we can talk about it more when you are done with practice,” Ben kissed her cheek and left.


  “That’s disgusting,” Luke said, “Maybe you should rethink the whole Ben thing.”

  Tessa laughed, “I don’t know maybe I will like it.”

  “It’s not like your dreams Tessa, I think you need to stop having them, maybe it will curb your appetite,” Luke said and raised his eyebrow.

  She gasped, “I was awake last night.”

  “You were,” Luke tried not to smile.

  Her face turned red “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Like what Tessa?” Luke asked annoyed.

  She looked down she didn’t want to upset him, she didn’t want him to leave again, “I don’t know, you’re awake might have worked,” she said quietly.

  “You wouldn’t have slept,” Luke said scowling and looking down. “Then you would have drank and then possibly spit in my face again,” he looked at her and glared.

  “Sorry,” she said.

  “I bet,” Luke said.

  She walked over to hug him and he stiffened.

  “Oh,” she was surprised. “Sorry,” she said and stomped out of the room.

  He relaxed and grinned.

  She still loves me, screw you anal Ben, he thought!


  They rode to school together quietly, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw him look away.

  “So you don’t like a..” Tessa started to ask.

  “Tessa please don’t,” he said cutting her off.

  She grinned and looked out the window, he glanced at her and saw her smile and shook his head, Tessa the Tease he thought.

  She plugged her iPod in and said “Wanna here a new song?”

  “Sure Tessa,” he said in the monotone voice he had been using with her lately.

  “It’s by Buck Cherry,” Tessa said grinning.

  Luke’s eyes widened, “It’s not a new song Tessa,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “It’s all new to me Lucas,” Tessa laughed as she blasted Crazy Bitch.

  As they pulled in the school driveway Luke tapped the controls on the steering wheel and turned down the music.

  She jumped out and looked in at him, “You coming?” she asked.

  “Not yet,” he said looking at her with his eyes heavy and hot.

  Tessa leaned in and looked down, “Need some help,” she whispered.

  Luke threw his head back against the head rest, “Go away now,” he hissed.

  Sadi was walking by and heard him; she smirked and walked in behind Tessa.

  “How’s your face farm girl,” she yelled behind her.

  Luke heard her and was immediately pissed and jumped out and walked towards them.

  “Mine will heal, yours however will look like that forever,” Tessa saw Luke coming, “Hey Luke I think Ben was on to something, but maybe after you shove it in her ass you could gag her with it so she learns to shut the fuck up.”

  Sadi started running towards her. Luke grabbed her arm, “I told you to leave her the fuck alone and I wasn’t joking, she and I will be friends, you and I will be nothing Sadi do you get it? Baby or not you and I will be nothing,” Luke released her arm and she stood there.

  He caught up to Tessa, “You okay?”

  She smiled and looked down “You look better, well not better just more relaxed that was fast Luke. Dead Puppies?” she asked.

  “No her fucking voice,” Luke said and they both laughed.

  She stared at him and smiled. “What?” he asked grinning.

  “For a few minutes you looked happy again,” she felt her eyes get warm. “I miss that” she said and walked away.

  Me too he thought.


  Ben was in the parking lot when she walked out, he was changing his shirt and he saw her. “Picking me up shirtless Ben, isn’t it a bit cold out for that,” Tessa said and he walked towards her, he bent down and kissed her check.

  “Didn’t think you’d like Bambi blood all over me,” Ben said laughing as he slid his sweatshirt over his head. She laughed. “Your friend Sadi is watching,” he whispered in her ear. He picked her up and threw her on his back and ran to the truck.

  “That show would have been more effective if you had left that damn sweatshirt off,” Tessa said smiling.

  “Tess have you checked out my ass? Effect enough,” Ben smiled. She looked confused and he laughed, “When you feel like it check it out I have been told it’s kind of nice,” Ben said smiling.

  “By lots of people?” Tessa asked curiously.

  “A couple, but mainly my mom,” Ben said and they both laughed.

  “You are a lot of fun to be around Ben,” she said, “Is there a serious side?” she asked.

  “Are you ready for there to be?” Ben asked. She looked confused. “Okay yes I can be serious but I love to have fun, I really like to make you laugh Ross,” he smiled. “Okay relationship talk, I already told you about the three long relationships I have been in. They were all based on friendship first and trust. I have slept with three girls, well not really slept, actually” he said laughing, “I have only actually slept with you,” he grinned. “I am very busy and active, my attention is easily distracted so I am very busy in bed as well,” she gasped “trying to be honest.”

  “So if you’re easily distracted how does that work then?” she asked.

  “There are hundreds of ways to please someone Tess,” Ben said grinning, “busy is a good thing, I like to try and learn new things,” he paused and watched her eye’s, she was trying not to grin. “However as much as I love to be distracted I prefer the person I am with to be completely focused on me, I have issues when it comes to that, when I love or make love it’s two people, there is no other way for me.”

  He pulled into the driveway and jumped out and opened her door. She was trying not to smile, and avoiding eye contact. “Can’t look at me hu?” he asked, “good that’s step one,” he said. “See you tonight Tess, oh when I walk away you could check out my ass,” he kissed he
r on the head and walked away.

  She laughed as she walked in the house. She did her homework and made dinner. She grabbed her running shoes, as she was heading out the door Luke pulled in.

  “Going for a run?” Luke asked.

  “Yep,” she said, “dinners in the oven,” she told him as she stretched out.

  “I talked to Sadi today,” he said looking down.

  “How did that go?” she asked. As she jumped up and down a few times.

  “You are very distracting,” Luke said as he watched her bounce around.

  “Sorry, walk with me, let’s talk,” Tessa said.

  “But you wanted to run,” Luke said.

  “I would rather talk to my friend,” Tessa said and smiled at him, “and Jade has been very busy lately.”

  “So I have heard, over and over again,” Luke said laughing.

  She smiled when she saw him laugh, “Your smile… God Luke I love your smile.”

  “Sorry,” Luke said more seriously.

  She smacked his back, “Don’t be sorry it makes me happy,” she said and jumped up and down again.

  “You are very silly today,” Luke said. She grinned. What have I done to you, Luke thought looking at her.

  They walked for a bit without talking.

  “So let’s hear it, what happened with Sadi?” she asked forcing a smile in her voice.

  Luke looked at her with concern, “You sure?” he asked, she smiled and shook her head yes. “Well I think it bothered her a lot when I yelled at her this morning, because she actually apologized,” Luke said and she smiled. “I told her I thought we should go to counseling; ya know to learn how to deal with each other for the baby,” he stopped and looked at her, “Should I stop?” he asked.

  “No go on,” Tessa said.

  “She agreed, so I am going to find someone and go once a week until we can act civil to each other,” he stopped and looked at her eyes, they were blank.

  She swallowed, “Well I think that’s a good idea Luke.”

  “She also agreed to allow me to go the doctor appointment in three weeks if things went well,” Luke said and looked at her, “Do you want to sit and talk Tessa?”


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