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Thrust Page 3

by Sybil Bartel

  “Not my girlfriend.” He took another sip.

  “Good luck with that.” When his date hadn’t been pawing him, she’d been eye-fucking him. I took a step but he pushed off the wall and blocked me.

  Using the hand that was holding his drink, he skimmed the backs of his fingers down the length of my arm. “Don’t you need to take care of something?” His lips curved mischievously as he looked pointedly between my legs, tipped the glass to his mouth and drew in a few ice cubes. His jaw shifted and the brilliant smile was back. “Or maybe you need me to cool you down.”

  Oh my God. “Does that actually work for you?”

  He ran his tongue over his top lip. “Does what work?” His voice was pure innocence but his narrowed, knowing eyes were all attitude.

  “If you actually think a woman gets off on having ice shoved up her—whatever, I feel sorry for you.”

  “I don’t think women like it, I know they do. And just so we’re clear, yes, you’d love it. Your body, my mouth and this glass of ice.” He shook the tumbler. “Five minutes and I’ll make you come. Twice.” He winked. “Guaranteed or your money back.”

  “Olivia.” Jesse rounded the corner and gave the douche a once-over then looked at me. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Seriously, ice? Down there? Who the hell did this guy think he was? And why was I even thinking about it? I hated the douche’s cocky attitude and worse, I’d suddenly become aware of exactly how long it’d been since I’d screwed around with anyone.

  Jesse took my hand. “I think you’re needed out front.”

  I mentally shook away all thoughts about ice and tried to focus on something, anything, besides douche’s stupid, brilliant smile. “Okay.” I should ask Jesse where Jennifer was. He’d shown up tonight solo and looking out of sorts but I’d been too busy to talk to him about it.

  The douche casually sized Jesse up then raised an eyebrow at me. “The boyfriend?” He smiled like we shared a secret.

  Jesse glared at him. “Do I know you?”

  The douche glanced at our joined hands and smirked. “Not the boyfriend.” He took another ice cube into his mouth and crunched down on it like he didn’t give a fuck about Jesse or his question.

  If I had half a brain, I would’ve told myself I didn’t find his attitude at all attractive. I also would’ve told myself not to compare his perfectly draped suit to Jesse’s rumpled jacket. “Let’s go. I have to check on the artists.” I tugged on Jesse’s hand and took a step.

  “Good night, Olivia.” Smooth and calculated, the douche said my name like he knew me intimately. “Thanks for the show, gorgeous.”

  With a hatred in his eyes I’d never seen, Jesse glared at the dude, and I yanked him down the hallway. “Come on.”

  The anger didn’t recede from his features but he followed me. “Do you know who that is?”

  “No. Where’s Jennifer?”

  His gaze drifted to the front door of the penthouse and he dropped my hand as two men approached.

  One was huge and menacing and the other was blond and grinning. The blond raked his gaze over my dress and his whole face lit up with mischief. “Damn, Fixer, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was hot.” He shook hands with Jesse as he slapped him on the back but his bright, green-eyed gaze didn’t leave mine. “Hey, darlin’.”

  “Because she’s not my girlfriend. Olivia, this is Talon. Talon, this is my friend Olivia. She’s the event organizer and the charity is hers.” Jesse tipped his chin at the taller guy. “Boss.”

  Talon laughed and more than a few heads turned because it was that infectious. “Then I’d say you picked the wrong girlfriend.” He held his arm out as he stepped toward me. “Come here, gorgeous, gimme some love.”

  “Talon,” Jesse warned, but it was too late.

  Talon had already pulled me into a bear hug. He smelled like the beach and coconuts, and his presence was so commanding and his arms so strong that I fell into his hug as if we were long-lost friends. “Don’t mind Fixer, darlin’. He’s just jealous because I’m better lookin’.” Talon released me.


  Jesse sighed. “He nicknames everyone.”

  Talon grinned. “Yeah, Fixer. You know, mender, builder, carpenter. He’s always tryin’ to fix shit and since Jesus’s name was already taken”—he shrugged—“Fixer it was.”

  Jesse shook his head and glanced at the other man. “This is Neil Christensen. The owner of NC Construction and my boss.”

  Neil tipped his chin and studied me like he could see right through me. Jesse had told me he was ex-Danish Military Special Forces and he’d said he was tall, but he didn’t tell me he was six and half feet of menacing muscle with eyes the color of ice. Or that his biceps were bigger than my thighs. If I wasn’t standing in a crowded penthouse next to Jesse and his smiling friend, he would’ve scared the shit out of me. “Nice to finally meet you.” My voice practically squeaked. “Thank you for letting me use the penthouse tonight.”

  Talon must’ve picked up on my oh shit vibe because he chuckled. “Don’t let Vikin’ scare you. Unless you’re afraid of proverbs, you’ve got nothin’ to worry about.”

  Neil looked like a Viking but you wouldn’t catch me pointing that out. “Proverbs?”

  Without moving, Neil’s gaze took in the paintings, passed Talon, then settled back on me. “‘So vast is art, so narrow human wit.’ And you are welcome.” Deep and accented, his voice was almost haunting.

  Talon grinned. “See? Proverbs.” He drew the word out like he was talking dirty.

  “Quote,” Neil corrected. “Alexander Pope.”

  This guy read poems? He looked like he’d be more comfortable yielding a sledge hammer or gunning down enemies with a machine gun. “Well, thank you both for coming tonight. I really appreciate it.”

  Talon turned serious. “It’s a great cause, darlin’.”

  I glanced at Jesse but he was staring daggers across the room. I followed his line of sight and the douche from the hallway held up a drink at us. I tugged on Jesse’s arm and spoke under my breath, “Ignore him.”

  Talon followed our gaze then laughed. “You’ve got to be shitting me.” He glanced at Jesse. “Vegas?”

  Douche’s name was Vegas? How fitting.

  Jesse wasn’t amused. “Who is he?”

  “2nd LAR Battalion,” Talon rattled off the acronym as if they would know what he was talking about. “Vikin’ knows him. I’m surprised you don’t.”

  Neil tipped his chin at Vegas then glanced at Jesse. “La Mer Towers.”

  Jesse nodded as if he understood. “What’s he doing here?”

  “Probably workin’.” Talon smiled like he knew something we didn’t. “I’m gonna give him shit. Be right back.”

  Now I was wondering who Vegas was and if I shouldn’t have been rude to him. I didn’t have time to ask because Franklin showed up in a panic.

  “Hey man, my girl, she’s like, tipping. Something’s wrong, man. You gotta fix her. Like quick, before she falls off the wall.”

  “You don’t have to bother Jesse, Franklin. I’ll come look.” I didn’t even make it a step.

  Jesse stopped me with a hand on my arm. “I’ve got it.” He nodded at Franklin. “Show me which painting.” He followed a disheveled Franklin.

  The second he was out of earshot, Neil spoke. “You will not get this charity off the ground without a facility.”

  He was so intimidating, I didn’t even consider not answering him. “I’m going to rent kennel space.”

  “That does not give you a place to train the animals.”

  He was right. But it was all I could afford, so I was going to have to figure it out. “I’ll make it work.” But even with triple my minimum budget, it wouldn’t cover leasing land to train the dogs. I was going to be at the mercy of dog parks and public areas. It wasn’t ideal, but I was doing the best I could. The kennel would serve as my business address and legally, I was covered, so I was calling it a win.
r />   “You have not thought this through.”

  Okay, now he was pissing me off. I’d done nothing but think this through. For two years, it’d been my life. “If you have a better idea, I’m all ears.”

  Talon came back and Neil didn’t answer.

  “You ready, Vikin’?”

  Neil nodded.

  Talon stepped up and kissed my cheek. “Later, darlin’. Good luck with the fundraiser. And tell Fixer he has competition.” He tipped his chin toward the other side of the room and chuckled. “Looks like Vegas has his sights set on somethin’ he wants.”

  I watched Talon and Neil leave. Then I made the mistake of glancing across the room. Taking a sip of his drink, Vegas, aka douche, winked at me over the rim of his glass.

  “Hey.” Jesse touched my arm. “Franklin’s all set.”

  “One of his paintings was coming off the wall?” It wasn’t like Jesse to mess up something so simple as hanging a picture.

  “No, someone must have bumped it. It just needed straightening.” He glanced around. “Did Talon and Neil leave?”

  “Yeah, they said to say good-bye.” Sort of.

  He exhaled then he focused on me and for the first time all night, it felt like my best friend was back. “So how’s the show going? Did you meet your quota?”

  The reality of the night kicked in and I grinned. “Triple.”

  His eyes went wide. “What?”

  I could barely contain my excitement. I grabbed his lapels, went on tiptoe and leaned forward. “I made triple what I needed,” I stage-whispered.

  His lips landed on mine.

  I gasped in shock and he didn’t hesitate. Warm and soft, he tangled his tongue with mine as his rough, calloused hands cupped my face.

  All I could think was years.


  This was what I’d wanted from him. Exactly this. I’d wanted Jesse every way a woman could want a man. But this? Now? He was kissing me for the first time at my fundraiser? Confusion mingled with anger and about a hundred other different emotions as I stood there. My heart pounding, my hands at my sides, I just stood there.

  He pulled back but his forehead touched mine. “Olivia,” he whispered.

  I had no words.

  Jesse frowned. “Shit.” His hands tightened their hold on me. “Shit.”

  I drew my lips between my teeth and my eyes welled.

  “I’m sorry, Liv.” He shook his head and dropped his hands. “I shouldn’t have….” He trailed off and stepped back. “Triple. That’s fantastic. I knew you could do it. I always believed in you. You know that.” He took another step back. “I, um, I gotta go.”

  He turned and left.

  And I let him.

  Damn. I didn’t think the blond Bob the Builder had it in him. Ballsy move kissing the hot brunette in the middle of the fundraiser, but the walking out part? Fucking amateur.

  “Alex,” Trina cooed. “Where did you go?”

  “Bathroom, babe. You can’t come with me everywhere.” I smiled to soften the blow, but not too much.

  She dragged a finger over my chest. “Maybe I just want to come.”

  I decided to fuck with her. “That’s extra.”

  She rubbed her tits against me for the hundredth time. “I’ll pay double if we leave right now.”

  Twenty grand should’ve made my dick hard but it didn’t. I was thinking about a feisty brunette in a tight dress and it was fucking with my game. Not to mention running into the medic from my unit in Afghanistan. I hadn’t seen Talon since my last deployment, when he’d had to triage half my guys, and that wasn’t shit I dwelled on. “Tell you what.” I leaned toward Trina’s ear and did something I never do. “Make it thirty and I’ll fuck you all night.”

  She sucked in a breath and tried to smile past her Botox. “Yeesss,” she purred.


  I glanced up and momentarily blanked before it hit me. Tuesday’s four-grand cougar. “Hey.” Damn, the brunette was throwing me off my game. I never forgot a face. I never forgot anything. “How’s it going?”

  Trina looked between us and scowled.

  The cougar narrowed her eyes. “I thought you didn’t take it out of the bedroom?”

  Here we go. “Not sure what you’re talking about, babe.” Contingency plan A—smile like you fucking own it and deny everything.

  Cougar’s face twisted from mean bitch mach one to sinister in half a second flat. “I guess I didn’t pay you enough.” She looked at Trina. “Hope you get your money’s worth. He’s only good for two rounds.”

  Trina slapped Cougar.

  The look of shock on her face was so fucking priceless, I burst out laughing. “Damn.” In retrospect, it wasn’t the right reaction.

  Trina turned on me.

  Her arm swung out, I blocked the slap and suddenly, Olivia was at my side. “Mrs. Howards, Mrs. Pendleton!”

  Cougar lunged at Trina.

  I stepped back and an honest-to-God catfight broke out. Arms flying, hair pulling, heels kicking—I fucking grinned from ear to ear.

  “Ladies!” Olivia went dead white. “Please don’t do this at my fundraiser!” She glanced accusingly at me. “Did you start this? Are they fighting over you?”

  Her fundraiser? I polished off my drink and set my glass on the bar. “Not my fault.” Not technically. And what the hell did she mean by her fundraiser?

  Cougar kicked Trina.

  “Oh my God.” Olivia sidestepped them and grabbed my arm. “Do something.”

  Trina got a solid left hook to Cougar’s eye.

  I didn’t even care. Screw my client. The brunette had her hand on me and I was fucking running with it. I flexed my bicep and smiled at her. “I’m not getting paid to break them up.”

  Her lips formed a sexy little O. “What?”

  I wanted those lips, preferably wrapped around my cock. “What’s it worth to you?”

  A dress ripped and Olivia flinched. “You want me to pay you?”

  “Go out with me.” I had no fucking shame.

  “I’m not going out with you!” She tried to shove me toward the women. “Stop this! She’s your date.”

  Exhaling, I shook my head. Ten, twenty, shit—thirty grand—it wasn’t even a choice. I let it go. “No, she’s not.” Was I out of my fucking mind? “Have dinner with me and I’ll break them up.”

  “Fine! I’ll pay you. Just make it stop.”

  Not ideal, but this could work. “Five,” I named my price.

  “Five hundred?” She practically levitated then recoiled when Cougar kicked Trina and she fell back into the wall near a shit painting.

  I smiled. “No, grand.”

  Cougar rushed Trina and the painting hit the floor.

  “Ohmigod!” Olivia squealed. “Stop them.”

  I didn’t move. “Five grand?”

  The two women dropped to a wrestle hold and rolled on the floor.

  Olivia lunged for the fallen painting and grabbed it before the women rolled on top of it. “Yes! Ohmigod, yes.”

  I glanced at the cougar war on the ground and shook my head because I was a fucking idiot. I was going to lose two more clients this week but I didn’t give a single fuck. I had a hook in the brunette and I was already scheming.

  I reached down and plucked up Trina. “Great job, babe. You showed her who’s boss. Proud of you.” She stiffened but then the fight left her. “Come on, show’s over.” I took a few strides to the elevator and hit the button with my elbow. “I think you’ve had enough fun for one night.” The doors slid open and I stepped in and set her on her feet. “Your driver will take you home. We’ll call tonight a wash. No charge.” I winked and hit the lobby button then stepped back out of the elevator.

  “Alex, wait—” Trina reached out.

  The doors slid shut and I pivoted.

  Everyone was staring.

  I fake smiled. “Show’s over, folks. Drink up and buy some paintings. Let’s give those vets what they deserve!”

p; Silence.

  My gaze landed on Olivia’s devastated face.


  “Don’t leave me hanging, people.” Then I did something I hadn’t done since I’d walked away from the Marines. “Semper Fi.” I saluted.

  A few Oorahs echoed through the crowd and everyone slowly went back to whatever the fuck they were doing.

  Everyone except Olivia.

  She stood in the middle of that room looking like she was about to burst into tears and damn it, even though I didn’t throw a punch, I felt responsible for the catfight.

  I pushed through the crowd and put my arm around her shoulders. “Smile, babe. Five grand says I’m your daddy tonight.”

  She looked up at me and maybe, just maybe, my approach was off.

  “It’s ruined,” she seethed. “You ruined it.”

  “All right, you don’t have to call me daddy. That’s extra anyway.” I steered her toward the bar and signaled the bartender. “Whiskey for the lady, neat. Make it a double.” I ignored the bartender’s disapproving look. “It’s not ruined, I promise.” I glanced around to make sure. “Everyone’s moved on. Let’s have a drink.”

  Her half growl with the unshed tears in her eyes was worse than if she’d busted out sobbing. “I’m not drinking tonight.”

  “Trust me, one drink won’t—”

  Her back stiffened, her nostrils flared and she let loose. “Trust you?” She shoved my arm off her shoulders. “You arrogant, piece of shit asshole. Those women were fighting over you!” she whisper-hissed.

  Shit. “Okay, first, they were fighting because one slapped the other.” She didn’t need to know they were both my clients. “Second, I’ll admit to the arrogance, maybe even the asshole part. But piece of shit’s a little extreme, don’t you think? I wasn’t the one pulling hair or bitch slapping.”

  “You just stood there!”

  Goddamn she was hot when she was pissed. The corner of my mouth tipped up. “You have to admit, it was entertaining.”

  Her face twisted. “No, it wasn’t.”

  Four-grand cougar walked up.

  Christ, I’d forgotten about her.

  Her hair straightened, her dress put back together, the murderous look on her face was the only giveaway that she was about to unleash. “You lying bastard,” she practically spat at me.


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