Conflict of Interest_A Mustang Prairie Romance

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Conflict of Interest_A Mustang Prairie Romance Page 8

by N. D. Jackson

  Shellie sank into the purple chair staring down at the still overturned blue chair, realizing the truth of her words but still unable to tear her mind away from the spot where she’d lost herself to Noel’s talented mouth. Well at least I can add one more line to my list of life experiences, she thought trying not to get her hopes up that there even would be a next time. After all by the time she saw him again he would probably already have found someone more fitting for him. She stood up and righted the overturned chair, fearing that she would never look at that chair or her kitchen for that matter, the same way again. Pulling her dress back up Shellie resolved to allow herself to bask in her newfound sexual glow for the evening—maybe even tell Alexis about it—and then consider it a forgotten subject when she awoke the next morning.

  Shellie pulled down eight of her red wine glasses, setting them down on her grandmother’s silver serving try and carried them to her homey living room. She scanned the room to make sure the place was tidy starting with the mismatched sofas on either side of the room. The avocado colored love seat was clean except a few flyers resting on an arm. The green of the sofa, she noted, was similar to the green in Noel’s eyes when he was flirting and teasing her. Shellie imagined bending over the edge as he took her from behind making her scream his name so loud that she’d be embarrassed if he wasn’t her upstairs neighbor. “At least it’s plush enough for sex. Comfortable, impromptu scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs sex,” she corrected herself.

  Scanning the royal blue sofa on the opposite wall Shellie was grateful that it too was virtually spotless but she couldn’t help but notice that this particular sofa was large enough for she and Noel to collapse on for a few hours after a marathon sex session before making their way to the deep red oversized chair that sat to her left. Geez Shel snap out of it. A girl comes a couple of times—in a half hour—and turns into a sex crazed maniac. Get it together before your guests arrive, she chided herself and went back to the scene of the crime as she was now calling it.

  Back in the kitchen Shellie poured herself another glass, feeling guilty because the strong flavor of the Sangiovese would make it harder for her to notice the subtle differences between the different types of Merlot that would be on offer tonight. Then again, the only thing she could taste at the moment was Noel’s honey flavored lips and his soft strong tongue mixing with her own. She downed half the glass in one quick gulp in an effort to clear her mind and focus on the night ahead. Slamming the glass down a little too hard Shellie was ready to forget. Well maybe not forget, but to put it as far to the back of her mind as she could so she could focus on her girls tonight. It has been awhile since she felt the touch of a man.

  “Ok,” she said aloud to her empty kitchen as she moved her new gifts into the living room. Sure these expensive gifts would probably bring a lot of questions, but they were the perfect conversation starter for a new week of wines. After a few more trips to the kitchen to set out cutting boards in different shapes and sizes along with more serving platters Shellie was finally ready to play hostess for the night. “Let Merlot Monday begin,” she said looking pleased with her rushed effort just as the doorbell chimed.


  Even though Shellie celebrated some type of wine nearly every day of the week, she found it impossible to focus on any of the conversations around her. She did her best to smile at the appropriate times and compliment each wine as a new bottle was opened and shared, but her thoughts kept returning to her kitchen and the way Noel touched her. Her thoughts were so fresh that she could still feel his stubble chafing the inside of her thighs in the most delicious way and the chill that rushed through her body as his teeth grazed her nipples. She thought she was doing a pretty good job of pretending to be present as her guests chattered on.

  “So Shellie, what is it that you do?” Amelia asked the question, noticing that the host had been pretty tight-lipped for the past hour.

  Shellie continued to stare into space with a goofy smile, unaware that the small group was looking at her wondering what was up with their normally bubbly hostess.

  “Shellie! Yo, Shels,” Alexis barked at her friend, snapping her fingers in front of her face to get her attention. Alexis knew something was up but she was willing to wait until the other guests cleared out to get to the bottom of what she guessed was some juicy info judging by Shellie’s strange behavior.

  “Sorry, what?” Shellie realized the group had been waiting for an answer from her. Apologetically she looked around for answers.

  “Amelia here,” Alexis pointed to the green sofa where their newest member sat, “was asking what you do for a living.”

  Shellie took a long concentrated swig of her California Merlot until the heat of the wine covered her flush of embarrassment. Sitting the glass down in a slow and deliberate effort Shellie nodded, “I am an efficiency expert, but not like The Bobs. I help Mustang Prairie businesses, and a few in the surrounding towns, manage their businesses for maximum profits.” There, that wasn’t so bad, she congratulated herself.

  “Wow.” Amelia couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say to impress her new friends. Based on her colorful clothes and even more colorful home, Amelia was sure Shellie made jewelry or tie-dyed shirts or operated a homeopathy business.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Alexis looked at Amelia. “Shellie looks like a tree hugging hippie but she’s really a corporate badass,” she said proud of her friend and ready to defend her whenever necessary. “What about you Amelia, what job brings you to our little slice of paradise?”

  It was now Amelia’s turn to seek solace in her oversized wine glass. She took about a dozen baby sips from her glass until just the right words came to her. “Oh I’m just an executive assistant, but my boss moved here and asked if I could come too so here I am.” She hoped that explanation would suffice. She was wrong.

  “Oh yeah? With what company?” Shellie was familiar with just about every company—big or small—within 50 miles of Mustang Prairie.

  Amelia stopped before she could get another sip, wishing Shellie would go back to being vacant and silent then blaming herself for snapping her out of her daze. “It’s a new company.” She hoped that would be good enough.

  “Is it that new boutique make up company in Charleston,” Anda asked out of her own personal interest.

  Amelia shook her head, this time without removing the glass from her mouth.

  “The new agricultural advertising firm in Shelbyville?” Shellie guessed.

  Again Amelia answered in the negative without uttering a word.

  Shellie reached for the newly opened bottle of Portuguese Merlot and began to pour. “Is your boss a spy and you’re sworn to secrecy?” She smiled trying to make Amelia feel a little less interrogated.

  Amelia’s shoulders dropped but she was grateful that Shellie attempted to take the pressure off. Finishing her glass and setting it on the table, Amelia placed her hands in her lap and looked apologetically at Shellie. “I work at the new headquarters for KitchenMart.”

  “What!” Shellie, Alexis and Anda shouted in unison.

  Amelia nodded, her suspicions now confirmed that she should’ve kept her big stupid mouth shut. “I am the executive assistant to the President of MidWest Operations, and the new head of the Marketing Department,” she added the last part because she was proud of her accomplishments despite what these hicks thought about it.

  “Well congratulations,” Alexis added sarcastically waving her index finger in a circle to let Amelia know just how happy they were for her.

  Shellie shot Alexis a dirty look.

  Amelia stood to leave. “Thank you for inviting me but I think I should be going.”

  Shellie stood too, slightly wobbly from too much wine and not enough moving. “Stay Amelia, really,” she pleaded. “We’re just shocked is all. You seem so…nice.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Sorry,” Shellie couldn’t seem to think straight tonight. Damn Noel and his magic tongue! “It’s
just that towns like Mustang Prairie thrive due to our small businesses and KitchenMart puts that all in jeopardy.”

  A wave of recognition washed over Amelia. Her parents lived in upstate New York and they had given her the same speech at least a hundred times. But in a big city the better paying jobs are with the big, small-town killing corporations like Mustang Prairie. “I didn’t realize.”

  Shellie walked over to Amelia, putting her arm around the woman. “Its fine Amelia, we didn’t mean to frighten you. Have a seat and tell us about this boyfriend of yours,” she flashed her most sincere smile, hoping a friendship with Amelia could get her inside information that could help save her town. “Tam is such an interesting name.”

  Amelia sat back down a little more relaxed as Shellie filled her glass with contents from the newest bottle of wine, from France she noticed, slightly impressed by this crowd. After a few sips Amelia told them all about Tam and his art and his role as a house husband without the ring. “He’s really great, the new place is nearly all set up thanks to him.”

  The other women in the room, all single, looked dreamy-eyed at Amelia as she told them about the poems he texted her during the day and the paintings of her that adorned nearly every room of their apartment back in New York. She gushed about what a world class chef he was and invited Shellie and Alexis to come by for dinner later in the week to meet him.

  “What a lucky woman. I hate you,” Alexis slurred, raising her glass to Amelia.

  “Don’t listen to her Amelia. You probably haven’t noticed but the pickings are pretty slim around here.”

  Amelia simply nodded, her grip firm on her glass. “Does that mean all of you are single?”

  Alexis and Anda nodded, the disappointment written all over their beautiful faces.

  “What about you Shellie?” It was time for Amelia to earn her new promotion, no matter how distasteful she found it.

  “Single, single, single,” she sang off-key.

  “Really? You seemed so,” she searched for a word other than ‘freshly fucked’ so as not to insult her hostess, “so…distracted and disheveled earlier, but in a good way.” She hoped that recovery would work and not get her thrown out just as the wine was loosening lips.

  Shellie blushed unaware that anyone had noticed her odd behavior much less her bed head and bruised lips. “Oh that? Well that’s a little complicated, I think. But yes I’m single, eternally single as it turns out.”

  “Don’t listen to this one,” Alexis pointed at her friend slightly drunk. “There is a hot piece of ass living right,” she pointed to the ceiling and whispered, “up there. But she’s been burned and she’s terrified and too stubborn to admit that a hottie like that could actually be interested in her. Can you believe that? I mean look at these,” she leaned across the table to fondle her best friend’s breasts. “What’s not to love about these.”

  “Thanks Al, you know how to make a girl feel special.”

  Alexis waved her friend away. “Oh come on Shel, you’re gorgeous, beautiful and you have a great body, a fantastic personality, you’re kind and a successful business owner. Any guy would be lucky to have you, but you don’t see it.”

  Amelia looked at the interaction between the two women. They were obviously close, she noted, and very obviously talking about her boss. But she didn’t know if Shellie was strong enough to handle a sexual fling with Noel, which meant she had nothing to report. Didn’t it? “I don’t get it, what’s the problem with this guy?”

  Shellie sighed heavily, reaching for a mini brioche topped with apricot jam and pate. “Well the problem is that he’s new in town and I happen to be convenient. Very, hopelessly convenient.”

  “That’s ok,” Amelia began, the alcohol beginning to take effect. “Just because the Thai restaurant is downstairs doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the best noodles in town,” she laughed to herself.

  Alexis joined in the laughter, increasing the volume of the party significantly. “I love that Ams, you are so right!”

  Shellie put her glass down, slightly peeved that Alexis had found a new partner to double team her. “Well that’s easy for you two to say. You’re gorgeous,” she said to Alexis, “and you have that quirky artist thing going that has landed you the perfect man,” she pointed to Amelia half in disgust and half in awe.

  Amelia looked to Alexis and she had to agree, the woman was stunning and not just in a small town way. She could rival any of Noel’s previous dates, even the models. Did Shellie really think she had the ‘quirky artist thing’ going? Amelia had always considered herself rather plain and found it astonishing that a guy like Tam would give her the time of day. “I more than make up for it in the bedroom though,” she said aloud. Accidentally.

  Alexis was giggling in the corner. “More than make up for what?”

  Amelia looked up, realizing that her last thought was broadcast to the room rather than her inner monologue. “Oh. Shit.” She finished off her glass and reached for one of the bottle littering the large round coffee table.

  “Don’t be shy. Spill it, girl!” Alexis was beginning to like this Amelia more and more each minute.

  “Well I was just thinking that Alexis you are totally stunning and then I was surprised that Shellie said I was a quirky artist type, because I’ve never seen myself as anything but plain. But because of that, I’ve always made up for my plain looks…”

  “In the bedroom!” Alexis finished the thought for her. At the top of her lungs. “Well maybe you could show me some tricks. My bedroom adventures lately consists of fluorescent colored vibrators and web chats.”

  Amelia chuckled a little, realizing that they all had their hang ups. Then another thought occurred to her. Would she really be able to betray Shellie’s trust for a job?


  Two hours later and nearly all the guests were gone aside from Alexis and Amelia. Although she was hoping to outlast Alexis they obviously wanted to talk in private about what had Shellie so out of sorts earlier in the evening, so she said her good byes and slipped out while they were in the kitchen washing the dishes and loading the dishwasher. “Thanks for having me girls, I had a blast,” she yelled as she closed the door softly behind her.

  Out on the large farmer’s porch Amelia inhaled a deep breath of fresh air, certain there was a hint of lavender in the air. She turned left and walked the few feet to Noel’s door to give him the scoop on her evening while it was still fresh in her mind. After all that wine—those women could drink—she wasn’t sure she’d remember much when the sun came up. She turned the discolored brass knob and tip-toed upstairs to avoid alerting Shellie and Alexis of her prolonged presence. When she reached the top landing Amelia put her ear to the door and heard muffled television sounds indicating that he was still awake. She sent him a quick text and within a few seconds he was hurrying her inside.

  “So, what do you have for me?”

  She had never seen him so excited about a woman and she wondered if Shellie also made up for ‘it’ in the bedroom. “Not much I’m afraid,” she said eyeing the large black monstrosity taking up nearly half of his living room. “That television is an eye sore,” she noted.

  “Then close your eyes,” he shot back. “Do you have anything for me or is this visit strictly to comment on my decorating skills?”

  “That depends.”


  “It depends on what your intentions are with her, Noel.”

  He ran his frustrated fingers through his hair, taking a few steps before flinging himself on the far end of the sofa. “I don’t know Amelia!”

  She put her finger to her lips, “Keep it down or they’ll know I’m up here.”

  Noel lowered his voice. “I don’t know what my intentions are, sir,” he said mocking her. “But what I do know is that I like her, I can’t stop thinking about her. Or her body.”

  This was news to Amelia since the only women Noel ever dated were six feet tall and skinny enough to make an anorexic jealous. Maybe Shellie w
as the one woman impervious to his charms. “Ok. Whatever you did to her before the party, keep doing it.”

  Noel blushed. She couldn’t know, could she? Shellie didn’t seem like the type to talk intimately to a complete stranger.

  Noticing the bewildered look on his face, she added “She didn’t have to tell me, it was obvious something happened. She was daydreaming, her hair was messed up and she had that ‘I just had sex’ glow.”

  He grinned, pleased that he had such a lingering effect on her. His grin grew wider as he remembered her words. I’ve never come twice in one night before.

  “You don’t have to look so pleased with yourself.”

  “Oh but Amelia, I am.” He loved teasing his uptight assistant.

  She picked up the remote and turned off the obnoxious television. “You need to be careful Noel,” she warned. “She thinks you’re way out of her league and that you’re using her until someone hotter comes along and I’m not sure she’s wrong.” She saw the flash of hurt in his somber green eyes and felt bad she had been so blunt. “You have to admit she isn’t like the women you normally go for.”

  He nodded. It was true he normally went for the over polished, tall, slim and sexy look. Usually his women were blonde, wore designer clothes that were tailored for their perfect bodies, not brightly colored sundresses that hugged their curves in all the right places and never had a hair out of place. “I know she isn’t, but I still can’t stop thinking about her.”


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