My Broken Angel

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My Broken Angel Page 16

by Heather D'Agostino

  “She’s…” Wes began, but I cut him off.

  “I don’t intend to go anywhere with the likes of you,” I curled my lips before turning to reach for the door. My bladder was reminding me why we’d stopped, and I didn’t want an unnecessary brawl to worry about.

  Zac tossed his head back as Wes’ body tightened even more. “Whatever you say, babe,” he cranked the bike and tore out of the lot casting an arc of dirt and gravel in his wake.

  “Come on,” I tugged at Wes as I held the door open.

  He stood there glaring in the direction that the men had just left before turning his glare on me. Without speaking, he nodded, and followed me inside. I scurried toward the bathroom leaving Wes by the door. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but my need to relieve myself far outweighed everything else.

  When I returned ready to leave, I found him slumped at the bar. His head was bent down as his finger shoved an empty shot glass toward the bartender. His head bobbed, signaling another, and the bartender began to fill it with an amber liquid.

  Anger and frustration filled me as I stomped up behind him. A few men gave him a funny look before going back to their own conversations. I lifted my hand and poked his shoulder as I growled, “You’re driving! What are you doing?”

  His head lifted as he glanced over his shoulder, staring at me, “I’m relaxing; I’ve had enough bossing for one day.” He turned away from me, grabbed the glass, and swallowed the liquor in one gulp before slamming the glass back on the bar, and requesting another.

  Heat rose to my face as I reeled from his brush off. What the hell was going on? I placed my hand on the shoulder closest to me before leaning up on my tiptoes beside his ear. I lowered my voice so only he could hear, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m ready to leave.”

  He lifted the newly poured shot, and quickly downed it before turning his head to glare at me, “I’m not!”

  My head snapped back as I watched him. This was not the same person I’d spent the day with, or the night before for that matter. “What’s wrong with you?” I balked.

  “I’m cutting lose after a day of being stuck in the car with you,” he shrugged. “You can stay or go, I don’t care at the moment. The only thing I’m concerned about is if Chuck here can keep these coming fast enough.”

  When Chuck looked our way, I slowly shook my head signaling that Wes didn’t need anymore. I knew he wasn’t drunk, but the nearest hotel was still five miles away. We had only planned to stop so I could use the bathroom, drinks were never in the cards. I couldn’t drink anyway, and I wasn’t sure why my escort was suddenly so aloof. It was as if the minute that asshole outside said something, Wes morphed into a completely different person.

  “Come on,” I tugged at him, but he didn’t move.

  “I’m not leaving right now,” he growled. “I’m not following orders from you, Angel,” the muscles in his back and arms tightened as if he was proving that I couldn’t move him.

  “Fine!” I shoved his side. “I am. Find you own way out of here,” I reached for the keys sitting on the bar, grabbed them, and stormed outside. I was not going to stand there any longer and watch whatever he was doing. There was some unknown battle going on in his head, and I really didn’t care at the moment. I couldn’t understand how this happened, and right now all I wanted was a warm bed.

  Just as I was climbing into the driver’s seat, prepared to leave his ass there, he came storming out the door. He had a look on his face that I couldn’t quite place. Fear? Hurt? Anger? I wasn’t sure. “I don’t have the time or the energy for this right now,” I muttered as I climbed in and went to work on fixing the seat. I couldn’t even reach the pedals, thanks to Wes.

  “Get out!” he leaned on the door as he reached for the keys.

  “You’re not driving,” I balked. “My father was a drunk, and you’re not getting behind the wheel with me and my baby in the car. I don’t know what that was,” I pointed at the door. “But I’m not letting you take me anywhere.”

  His expression changed from anger to shock before his shoulders dropped in defeat, and he shuffled around to the passenger side to climb in. “I don’t need you protecting me,” he hissed before slamming the door. “I’m supposed to protect you, not the other way around.”

  “What are you talking about,” I rolled my eyes.

  “That guy… when we got here. I don’t need you stopping me from beating the shit of a douche. I can take care of myself,” his eyes darkened and his nostrils flared.

  “Is that what this is about?” I scoffed. “I hurt your ego, so now you’re going to be an asshole?” I cranked the car, and began heading back out onto the road.

  “You screw with my head, Angel,” he groaned as he leaned back against the seat. We drove in silence toward the hotel, and got all the way into the parking lot before we spoke again. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I was an asshole, but you bring out these feelings that I can’t seem to control. I don’t know what it is about you, but I just want to protect you. You and the baby,” his eyes held sorrow as he turned to stare at me. “Can we forget that happened?”

  “I don’t know if I can forget, but I can try to forgive. I’m not trying to tell you what to do; I just don’t want to have to bail you out of jail over some lowlife,” I smirked as I climbed out of the car. “Let’s get a room, and then you can give me a proper apology,” I tossed him the keys before leaning in to grab our overnight bags.

  “A proper apology?” his eyebrows lifted as he folded his arms on top of the car.

  “Yeah,” I shrugged. “One with you on your knees, preferably between mine,” I giggled as I half skipped, half ran to the door for the hotel.

  “Someone’s being naughty tonight,” he snickered.

  “Someone’s been trapped in a car all day, and then just had to wrestle her boyfriend out of a bar. I think that someone is entitled to be however she wants,” I nibbled my lip as I watched him. Yeah, tonight he was going to have some making up to do.

  Chapter 21


  When morning came the next day, I was not ready for it. I’d lain awake most of the night staring at the ceiling. Angel had been curled on her side with her back to me. Every once in a while, she’d shift her hips, and they’d press into me. It was as if even in her sleep, her body craved mine. It searched me out, and no matter how much space I tried to put between us, she’d always get as close as she could get.

  After the moves I’d pulled the night before, I couldn’t help the guilt that settled in my belly. I had been an ass for no other reason than getting my ego bruised. It was easy enough to admit that to myself. I didn’t want Angel to think that I couldn’t take care of her or her baby.

  I sighed as I turned onto my side and wrapped my arm around her waist. I pulled her back until her hips nestled against mine. We fit perfectly together even though she was so tiny. Her baby bump had grown over the last week, and now you could clearly tell she was pregnant. She was all belly though. From the back, she still looked tiny, but then she’d turn, and there it was. She’d been calling it a ‘he’ for a few days now, and I secretly wondered if she was right.

  “What is wrong with me?” I mumbled as I nuzzled into her soft hair. I was acting like they were both mine when I knew that as soon as I told Cole about us there would be no ‘us’ anymore. Angel held out hope, but I knew when we’d slept together the other night, I’d effectively killed the friendship I’d had my whole life, and I was saying goodbye to her at the same time. I’d enjoy this while it lasted; when Cole beat my ass for this, I’d walk away.

  “Mmmm,” Angel shifted in front of me pressing her ass against my throbbing dick as her eyes fluttered open.

  “Morning,” I whispered as I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “Good morning, Champ,” her lips lifted up into a soft smile. “How long have you been up?” she wiggled her hips against me again.

  “He’s been up a while. He’s had that sweet little ass o
f yours rubbing him for the last hour,” I snickered as I flexed my hips forward letting her see just how hard I was. I didn’t want to tell her that I’d been wide-awake fighting my demons since before the sun rose. It would be obvious today, as I drove us closer to our destination, that I hadn’t gotten any sleep.

  “Well,” she reached behind herself, and wrapped her fingers around me. “I think we can take care of this, and then we need to hit the road,” she giggled before turning in my arms.

  “God Angel,” I hissed as she tugged at her shirt. “You’re going to be the death of me.”



  It took us longer than it should have to get back on the road. Wes and I had made love in the bed, then moved to the shower, and got pretty creative drying off. “Ready for dinner?” Wes glanced at me as I continued to stare out the windshield. We’d been in the car all day, and I was more than ready to stop.

  “Sure,” I shrugged. “How much farther are we going to drive tonight?” We were on I-40 now. We’d made it through New Mexico, and we were almost through Texas.

  “I want to get to the Oklahoma boarder. We can stop there. That’s about halfway for us,” he thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “I’m ready to get out of the car, too,” he sighed before daring to look at me. “Just a little farther. Promise,” he made a crossing motion over his chest.

  “My legs hurt from being cramped in here, and I’m all sweaty and gross feeling,” I whined as I stuck out my bottom lip.

  “When we get home,” he paused and shook his head as if whatever he was thinking was absurd, “I’m fixing your air conditioning. You can’t be driving around in the summer with no air and a baby.”

  “It’ll be fall by the time the baby gets here,” I rolled my eyes as I slumped in the seat.

  “I don’t care, Angel. You need air conditioning. How the hell did you live in California with no air?”

  “Alex never fixed it,” I muttered. “I asked. He always had an excuse on why he didn’t have time, or we didn’t have money.”

  “What a dick,” he swore under his breath.

  “Hey!” I sprung up as I pointed at a sign we were approaching. “Jimmy John’s,” I grinned as Wes shook his head.

  “If you scare me like that again while I’m driving, I’m going to put you over my knee,” he growled as he stared at me.

  “What?” I gasped. “I want a sandwich,” I bit my lip as I tried not to grin. The idea of him going all alpha on me had me craving more than just a meal at the moment.

  “I’ll get you a sandwich, but calm down,” he snickered. “We’ll get out and stretch our legs, but I want to get the food to go. We can eat while we drive. I want to get at least another three or four hours in today.”

  “What’s with the schedule? You’re driving as if we have some prize at the end of all this. Yesterday, we took it easy. Today, it’s been almost double the distance.”

  “I changed my mind on the schedule,” he shrugged as he pulled off the interstate. “At this rate, we can be home late tomorrow. I want to get an early start, and try to get us back in Boston by early evening.”

  “You’re crazy! Why? You want to get rid of me that fast?” I could feel my chest tightening as his words sunk in. I wanted more time with him. I wanted to figure out how things were going to play out when we got home. I wanted to be better prepared to talk to my brother.

  “Angel,” it came out on a sigh as he pulled into a parking space. “I need to talk to Cole. I need to tell him. The longer we do this, the worse it gets. I don’t want him thinking that we’ve been sneaking around behind his back all along, and that’s what’s going to happen if we wait.”

  “How is a few more days going to change things?” I crossed my arms over my chest in disbelief.

  “A few days turns into a week, and then a month later we’ll be asking ourselves why we even need to tell him. I know how this goes,” he turned the car off, and just sat there before lifting his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. His eyes squeezed closed before he whispered, “I’ve been through this before. Vicki didn’t want to tell her dad about us. I’m not doing that again. Nothing good comes of it.”

  I stiffened as his words began to sink in, “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault,” he murmured as he shoved open his door and began to climb out. “You coming,” he motioned to the front of the restaurant effectively changing subjects, and closing the conversation all at the same time.

  “Yeah,” I smiled as I too climbed out, and followed behind him.

  After using the bathroom, and ordering our food, we were now back on the road. I’d been having fun teasing Wes as he drove, and he tried to ignore me. I was bored, and the fact that he couldn’t seem to resist me made it that much more entertaining.

  “You wanna try some of this?” I held my sandwich out in front of him, and watched as he shook his head no. “It’s really good and juicy,” I wiggled my brows as I took a bite and made a moaning sound.

  “Angel,” he warned as he huffed.

  “I’ve got some cookies in here for dessert,” I teased again. “They’re really moist and chewy.” I bit my lip before shifting in my seat. I tucked my legs underneath me as I leaned against the center console. I reached over and let my fingers dance on the top of his thigh before toying with the zipper of his khaki shorts. “Mmmm,” I mumbled as one hand held the cookie, and the other lowered his zipper. “I can’t seem to quench my hunger today,” I mused while Wes hissed.

  “I’m trying to drive Angel,” his voice choked out as he shifted and wiped a hand across his mouth.

  “You don’t need this to drive, silly,” I reached in his now open pants, and released his cock. It was hard, and practically begging for me to touch it. “I just want a taste,” I licked my lips before leaning over and sticking my ass in the air. I descended on him so quickly that he couldn’t push me away, not that he would want to, but I’ve been waiting patiently to do this.

  “Fuck, Angel,” he growled as one hand left the steering wheel and threaded into my hair. “We’re going to have an accident,” he groaned as he surrendered to me.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned as I sunk down as far as I could. I felt him hit the back of my throat, and his hips lifted slightly. One hand rested on the console to help me balance while the other reached into his pants to cup his balls. I squeezed lightly as I pulled back, and let my teeth gently rake over him.

  “Fuck, I’m not gonna last long,” he panted. “So good… fuck, Angel,” his fingers gripped my hair tighter, and the car swerved slightly.

  “Eyes on the road,” I commanded when I let him pop free momentarily. He righted the car, and I moved my hand to his shaft as I sucked him back down. I let my tongue swirl around the tip a few times before hollowing my cheeks and causing him to tremble. His body was strung so tight, and the words slipping from his lips were incoherent.

  I smiled in satisfaction as I began a combination of stroking and squeezing along with light licks and suction. I’d done this a few times to Alex, but he’d always complained. He’d told me numerous times that I was too rough, that I hurt him, and needed to be more considerate. Based on the way Wes was moaning and groaning, I wasn’t being rough enough.

  “Do you like when I do this?” I hollowed my cheeks again, and I sucked so hard that his hips lifted off the seat.

  “Fuck, yeah!” he shouted as the car slowed. He pulled over and jerked it into park. He groaned as his head fell back, and his eyes drifted closed, “Your mouth is like fucking heaven, Angel.”

  I giggled around him causing vibrations to dance up his length before doubling my efforts. We’d stopped, and I knew there was no chance of distractions now. As I lifted my body so I could get a better angle, I hollowed my cheeks one final time. He grunted as he tried to push me away. I knew he was getting ready to come, but I didn’t care. It was Wes, my Wes, and I wanted to taste him. “Nuh uh,” I batted his hand out of the way and kept going. Up and down, li
cking and sucking until his hips began to jerk. I felt it, hot and salty, as he emptied himself into my mouth. His body sagged against the seat, his breathing ragged, as I leaned back to sit up. I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth as I smiled at him. His eyes were closed, his chest rising quickly as he tried to gather himself back together.

  “Holy shit, Angel,” he gasped as his head tipped to the side. His eyes bore into mine as his head rested against the headrest taking in my grin.

  “What?” I shrugged, trying to hold back a giggle. His sated expression made my heart swell and the throb between my thighs to grow.

  “Don’t play coy with me,” he chuckled as his eyes closed again, and he released a contented sigh. “After that, all I really want to do is stop for the night, and climb into bed with you,” he grumbled as he began tucking himself back into his pants.

  “I thought we were going to drive another three hours,” I bit my cheek.

  “That was the plan,” he mumbled as he cranked the car back up and pulled back out onto the road.

  “Well, I’ll just get comfortable then until you’re ready to stop,” I giggled about what I was getting ready to do. I was going to test just how strong this man’s willpower really was. I reached under the edge of the sundress I was currently wearing–I’d run out of comfortable shorts– and began shimmying out of my panties. I slipped them over my bare feet and began shoving them in my purse sitting on the floorboard between us.

  “Angel?” Wes’s voice was strangled. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting comfy,” I shrugged. “They were a little wet after all that,” I waved my hand behind us indicating the general direction of which we’d come from.

  “Fuck!” Wes growled as he jerked the wheel toward the very next exit ramp.

  “I thought…” my voice trailed off as I took in his expression. He looked ready to snap.

  “Plans change,” he muttered as he glanced over at me.

  Within twenty minutes, he had us checked in and in a room. It took him a matter of seconds to get us naked and then no time at all to bury himself in me. Wes McKay craved me as much as I craved him, and every day I was learning something new. I wasn’t sure how I was going survive when we got back to Boston, and I didn’t see him every day. For now, I would take solace in the fact that I delayed our arrival by another day. It wasn’t much, but a few more hours of just us was something, right?


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