Guarding Mr. Fine (Tough Love #2)

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Guarding Mr. Fine (Tough Love #2) Page 14

by HelenKay Dimon

  Rick chuckled and the deep sound echoed through the room. “I like you, too.”

  “Shit.” Seth knocked his head against the door…and kept doing it.

  “That’s a nice response.”

  “You were supposed to be a quick lay. Forgettable.” Seth rolled his head from side to side.

  Rick grabbed Seth’s chin and held him steady. “And you were supposed to be a stop on the way to a job that had me turned around.”

  “I blame Helena.” That sounded as good as any other excuse. She had the power over his assignments. Her and Max. He could be sitting in Yemen right now, but no.

  Rick’s eyebrow lifted. “Not the car crash?”

  The conversation took a turn and Seth was sure he’d zoned out for a second. “What?”

  “Just making sure you’re not using the you-almost-died thing as an excuse to have sex then get all weird again.”

  “You didn’t almost die.” Seth glared at him, pretending outrage when he really felt energized by the back and forth. “Don’t be so fucking dramatic.”

  Rick smiled. “Yeah, I’m the one with issues.”

  “So, we go again and…” Seth dragged a hand down Rick’s chest and let it rest on the top of his belt. “What?”

  Rick’s gaze bounced down, following that hand, then came back up again. “This time you could try not panicking before our bodies even cool off.”

  “I did not panic the other night.” Yeah, he totally did but no way was he admitting it. “I’m rock solid.”

  “Oh, okay.” Rick snorted. “You just happen to like sleeping on the couch.”

  He was so fucking hot. The noises, the charm. The jokes. Everything about Rick, big and small, turned Seth on.

  That meant it was time to stop pretending this meant nothing. He didn’t know how to categorize it or how long it would last, but he was done fighting. Screw the future, but give him the now.

  His hands slid up Rick’s back, untucking his shirt as he went. “Stop talking.”

  “You have something better for me to do with my mouth?”

  He should say no. Not out of worry or even self-preservation, but out of common sense. They both suffered from aches in every bone and every muscle.

  Still, Rick was a grown man and knew what he could handle. Seth just hoped he was on that list. “Depends. How injured are you?”

  “Achy and grumpy as hell, but still good to go.”

  That sounded about right. “The cranky mood is because you haven’t eaten anything but eggs for days.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with eggs.”

  He was on the verge of turning into a chicken. “It’s freakish.”

  “But it’s better than being poisoned.”

  Seth could no longer laugh that worry away. “Now that someone actually tried to shoot you I guess I can’t write your food thing off as paranoia.”

  “Technically, someone did shoot me. They didn’t just try.”

  The sounds and smells of the crash came whirling back. “Don’t remind me.”

  “You know, if I lie really still I bet the aches and pain won’t matter during sex.”

  That should not sound sexy but somehow it did coming from Rick’s mouth. Not that Seth intended to make it easy on him. “Sure, make me do all the work.”

  “You like being in charge.”

  “And I like you. I have no idea why, but I do.” Shock followed the words. They snuck out, but Seth couldn’t call them back now. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to. Not this time.

  Rick pushed off from the wall and stood up straight. His fingers went to Seth’s pants zipper. “See, was that so hard to admit?”

  “Actually, yes.” Seth had no idea if he really said the words or just thought them. His brain cells had started misfiring the second Rick touched him.

  “I have faith it will get easier to say with practice.”

  That’s exactly what had Seth so worried.

  Chapter 16

  Rick’s body finally started working again the next morning. The fuzziness left his brain and pain had stopped shooting through the back of his head. That was good, since dealing with Seth took almost all of his concentration, though he did save some for this.

  He stood at the conference room table with Owen and Seth on either side of him. Together they created a nice thick wall of anger as they stared at Tim. Owen wanted him shipped back to the United States, but if Tim was involved in whatever was happening out there with diverted weapons then Rick needed the guy here and causing trouble, or about to cause trouble. Somewhere in the act so they could catch him and grab everyone else in his group.

  To do that he needed Tim free, and that started now.

  “I’ve decided not to send you back home, but you are on probation.” The words actually scratched against Rick’s throat as he said them.

  Freeing Tim now, like this, went against everything Rick believed in. Personal responsibility mattered to him and Tim, with his connected parents and imbedded sense of entitlement, pissed all over that concept.

  Tim shoved his chair back hard enough for it to fly and bounce against the wall. “It’s about time you finalized your decision.”

  Rick wasn’t impressed with the show of drama. The consequences should have been so much worse, and this guy had to know that. “You’re welcome.”

  “Do you understand—”

  “If that sentence ends with ‘who I am’ I will punch you until you cry for your mommy.” Seth didn’t move as he issued the threat. Didn’t really have to. His voice carried enough menace to make his point. “You’ve been warned.”

  Not that Tim picked up on his peril here. No, he rapped his knuckles against the table as he stood up. “This is the kind of move that ends careers.”

  Threats. How adorable.

  “Are you talking about mine or yours?” Rick asked, hoping Tim would be dumb enough to answer.

  “You basically confined me to my desk.”

  Rick hated this guy’s attitude. He had no appreciation for authority. He played a good game but when pushed he spewed this shit. “You went to the art event.”

  Tim’s mouth dropped open. “I set up that event. You had to let me go.”

  That was new information. Rick had the impression Ben organized that event. He certainly talked as if he did. He also spent a lot of time talking with the people who worked behind the scenes to make it happen. Rick wasn’t sure what that meant.

  “And Lisa is pissed,” Tim added.

  The absolutely last thing Rick would take responsibility for was someone else’s screwed-up love life. No way. “That part is on you.”

  Seth moved then. Not much more than to shift his weight and open his stance, but it made Tim jump. “Listen up, skippy. You’re not getting how serious this is.”

  Tim shrugged. “Tell me.”

  That tone…Rick half-expected Seth to slam the guy against the wall.

  But Seth stayed calm. His voice didn’t even rise. “You violated consulate protocol. You broke the rules and did so in a way that casts doubt on your allegiance to your country.”

  Tim’s head shot back. “What are you talking about?”

  Seth kept right on talking. “So, the attitude? I’d fucking drop it.”

  After some stammering and a bunch of noise that sounded like snorting, Tim finally got another sentence out. “Who are you?”

  The stunned confusion in Tim’s voice made Rick smile. He’d already been a big fan of Seth’s acting here, but seeing the reaction made Rick admire the performance even more. “For the record, I thought you were very eloquent.”

  Seth nodded. “Thank you.”

  “You know everyone uses that door, right?” Tim asked.

  Owen shook his head. “You’re not helping your case.”

  The bluster got annoying fast. Rick had never really bought into the you-have-to-punish-everyone school of thought for these things. Sometimes you made an example of the ones you actually caught. Like now. “Do you think other
people breaking the rules forgives you breaking them?”

  Tim stilled. Some of the redness left his face and he no longer clenched his fists. He visibly pulled himself together even though his chest still rose and fell on harsh breaths. “I’m just stating the facts.”

  “And I’ll go over all of those details in my review.” That comment was more for Owen than Tim, but Rick said it anyway.

  Seemed like Owen jumped a bit too quickly to shut down the conversation about others using the door. He also failed to ask the inevitable follow-up questions. Rick had to think there was a reason for that.

  “While you’re still here,” Tim said as he shoved his chair back in and mumbled under his breath.

  As soon as the words were out the dynamic in the room changed. Tension clogged the air. Seth took a threatening step forward, but Rick called him back with a shake of his head.

  If Tim wanted a fight, Rick was primed to give him one. “Excuse me?”

  “That’s the word.” Tim visibly swallowed and his voice sounded less sure now. “This is temporary for you. You’re here because of the suicide, then shipping out.”

  Rick suddenly understood Seth’s overwhelming need to punch things. “You act like the length of time I hold the position matters in how I execute it.”

  “Just stating more facts.” Tim took a step back from the table as he talked.

  Smart move. The first one Tim had made as far as Rick could tell. But now it was his turn to talk. “Try this fact. You use that door or step one inch out of line and I send you back to the States with a request that you be kicked out of the fellows program.”

  Tim shook his head. “You don’t have the authority.”

  Wrong answer. “Try me.”

  Tim glanced at Seth and whatever he saw there had the color draining from his face. “I’m not the enemy here.”

  “Who is?” Seth asked.

  Tim shrugged. “You’re the smart one. You figure it out.”

  Rick could feel the restless anger churning inside Seth. They stood a few feet apart but it bounced off him and lit up the room. Realizing that was enough for Rick to cut this off. Last thing he needed was for Seth to burn out or ratchet up even more.

  Rick kept his attention on Tim. “You should shut up before you get arrested.”

  “Good advice.” Owen moved then. He looked at Tim and gestured toward the door. “I’ll take you to security to get your credentials fully restored.” Owen nodded to Rick right before he stepped into the hallway. “Sir.”

  Silence descended the second Owen escorted Tim out.

  Seth thought he deserved an award for not taking out the little weasel. He knew all about Tim and his wealthy parents, about the private schools and the pampering. In some ways his past mirrored Rick’s, at least their schooling, but the men could not be less alike.

  Tim had a reputation for taking the easy way out. He was the guy who never lived up to his potential but didn’t really have to because he had family coverage. After some digging, Seth found that he also had a trust fund but he had trouble living within a budget and couldn’t touch the principal for another four years. It was possible he found a way to make up the shortfall.

  “So that we’re clear, punching him is not okay?” Seth really hoped Rick hesitated with his answer.

  “I’m considering it.”

  Yeah, he liked everything about Rick, including this very practical side. And the way he handed out orders a second ago? So fucking hot.

  “I could throw him out the window. Bet that would quiet him down.”

  There was a noise at the doorway, a slight rustling, right before Nathan, Seth’s partner, slipped inside. “Now that’s the Seth Lang I know and love.”

  His voice rang out with amusement. Nathan took the job seriously but little else. Mention punching and he was usually up for it.

  They’d been sent on separate assignments after Pentasus and the entire team was ordered to decompress. Nathan ended up in Spain, the lucky bastard. But it was good to see him. A bit weird because of the Rick dynamic and the sex and all those sorts of things that Nathan would not let go of once he knew. Seth could almost hear the endless stream of jokes. Nathan enjoyed nothing more than making fun of his friends’ personal lives. The guy was a predictable idiot.

  “And on day six, Nathan March arrived.” Seth and Nathan shook hands. “Leave it to you to be so late to the party.”

  “Hey, I was working. Some of us do that.”

  A comeback sat on Seth’s tongue. It was almost too easy. He opted for an introduction instead. “This is Rick Fine.”

  “I recognize the name and face from your file.” Nathan made a tsk-tsking sound with his tongue as they shook hands. “Heard about the car accident. Sorry Seth here blew it.”

  With a big smile plastered on his face, Rick glanced at Seth. “I like him already.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “You miss me?” Nathan sat on the edge of the table and crossed his arms.

  Seth refused to admit to that. “Not really.”

  “That hurts, man.” He winced as he put a hand over his chest in mock pain. Then the fake expression disappeared and he grew serious. “Enough chitchat. Where are we on this shipment deal?”

  Of course he’d been briefed. Helena would see to that. Seth just hoped that file Nathan referenced contained more than Seth’s had.

  Rick checked the lock on the door before stepping closer to Nathan. “No shipments since we got here.”

  Nathan’s eyebrow lifted. “We?”

  “The timing might not mean anything.” Seth made the comment and did it fast. He needed Nathan’s mind on the game and not wandering to what was happening privately with Rick. At least not yet.

  “I went over the videos of this stray door and the access information on the way here,” Nathan said.

  Rick shook his head. “What a surprise.”

  Nathan missed the smile and the laughter in Rick’s voice. He was off and running on the case. “Four people in addition to Ed used this door. Tim Craine.”

  “We know that one.” Seth was all too aware of that guy.

  “Two marines who were rotated out as part of usual turnover, but Helena is sending someone to talk with them.” Nathan spoke from memory. Not a problem for him since he basically remembered everything almost verbatim. “And Ben Rogers.”

  Rick made a strangled sound. “Shit.”

  The news didn’t surprise Seth. Ben seemed fine. Hell, they all did. Dedicated and smart and ready to help. But that didn’t mean they didn’t have ulterior motives and money-making schemes on the side.

  “The really juicy part is the coding changes that allowed access and a work-around on the alarm came from Owen Rankin’s office. He’s the one with access and it originated from his computer.” Nathan nodded toward the door. “I just saw him out there, right?”

  “Yes.” And wasn’t that interesting. Seth hated people who bent the rules and endangered lives just to make some extra cash. But when the person was law enforcement or safety personnel—someone charged with protecting others—Seth’s fury broke loose. He wanted to intimidate and question and get the person babbling until they couldn’t see straight. “Just so we’re clear, I’m starting to dislike the people who work here.”

  “Except me,” Rick said.

  They’d clearly established that last night and then again this morning in the shower. “Of course.”

  Nathan stared at Rick and Seth for a beat too long before focusing solely on Rick. “Looks like your head of security was playing dumb when he said he didn’t know the door was usable.”

  “At least it’s a contained group.” Seth wasn’t a glass-half-full guy but he had to find something to hold on to. If it also got Nathan to stop staring at Rick with that odd expression then that was fine, too.

  “For that door, sure. What about the others?” Rick’s eyes widened as the other two glared at him. “What, it’s a legitimate question? The door could be unrelated to the w
eapon smuggling issue.”

  Seth knew that and had it covered. He’d been searching the comings and goings of staff over the last three months. If that didn’t turn up anything, he’d press back further.

  After a second of silence Nathan smiled. “You think it’s just a hidden rotating party door the men here use to sneak out and get laid?”

  Rick snorted. “I won’t pretend to understand straight people.”

  “Good call.” Nathan wore his fake serious look, complete with wrinkled forehead and dramatic frown. “But I guess that means you don’t plan on using it.”

  “That’s the point.” Rick sounded far too confident. “I don’t need it to get laid.”

  Seth almost groaned at that comment. It was like waving red meat in front of a wild animal. Nathan would snatch it in a second.

  But Seth did notice something else. He stood there, taking in the banter between Rick and Nathan. Rick moved with this easygoing style. Seth understood the kind of work Rick did, at least in general. He couldn’t maintain a lax attitude toward any of that, but he’d figured out how to power through. How not to lose himself or his relaxed demeanor. Seth envied that. He also enjoyed being a part of it, wading through it all, with Rick. Too much.

  “What do you need, Rick?” All seriousness had left Nathan’s voice. He’d turned some sort of corner and clearly enjoyed the verbal back and forth with Rick now.

  “Right now?” Rick glanced at his watch. “Unfortunately to get to a meeting. There’s a reception for U.S. graduate students studying in Munich next week. Apparently I need to be briefed.”

  “Those grad students can be rowdy,” Nathan said.

  Rick dropped his arm and moved toward the door. “Maybe they’ll want to use the sex door.”

  “I just like hearing you say that.” The words spilled out, but Seth didn’t regret them. He did enjoy listening to Rick.

  “I know.” Rick winked at Seth. “I’ll be in my office.”

  Chapter 17

  Rick slipped out of the room before Seth could warn him to be careful. He glanced down the hall and saw a guard walking right behind Rick. The anxious gnawing that shot through him died down as he saw them go.


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